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Do you think Belichick wouldve benched Geno by now? And what would it take to bench Tom Brady?


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He's a rookie the year is meaningless as far as playoffs and SB. Let him play the season see if he shows improvement or not then decide if we take a QB with or first pick or pick up one.



this is fine....but i think we need to get a look at simms for at least a few games. geno smith is not the answer....he's sh*t

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Belichick would have taught Geno how to be successful and that's the big difference between Belichick - a man who can teach - and Rex - a man who cannot.


Belichick is a superb coach.  But let's not pretend he didn't get a VERY lucky break to have Tom Brady, who will go down as a Top 5 QB of all-time when all is said and done.  We've pounded that argument into the ground already, but it's foolish to think Belichick knew what he had from the start when Brady was selected in the 6th round. 


Where would Belichick be if all he had was Drew Bledsoe?  Would Belichick have ever "taught" Drew Bledsoe to not be an egomaniac turnover machine?  Would he have taught the next QB to be a Tom Brady?


Belichick certainly helped Brady become what he is, but the QB also has to have the ability and personality to be a great QB too.  It was a symbiotic relationship; they both needed each other to have the success they've had. 


Mark Sanchez was a bust and Geno Smith is a 2nd round pick who fell for a reason.  If you're going to fire Rex, it's due to his complete confidence in Mark Sanchez following that 2011 season that helped lead to a contract extension, NOT because he can't develop bad QB's.  If he really had the kind of pull with Tannenbaum many around here think, he should have been screaming for a new QB in 2012.  That was his biggest mistake.

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Belichick is a superb coach.  But let's not pretend he didn't get a VERY lucky break to have Tom Brady, who will go down as a Top 5 QB of all-time when all is said and done.  We've pounded that argument into the ground already, but it's foolish to think Belichick knew what he had from the start when Brady was selected in the 6th round.  Where would Belichick be if all he had was Drew Bledsoe?


At a bare minimum Belicheck has shown the ability to adapt to the change of the NFL. He has adapted his teams to be successful as a defensive first team, and then as an offensive first team. He has shown the ability to change the offense from a screen based offense, to a dynamic vertical game, now to a fast paced quick moving offense.


Belicheck is waaaay overrated as a GM, but the guy puts his players in position to succeed better than any coach in the history of the NFL. I am of the opinion that if any other team drafted Brady, none of us have ever heard of him. Although he does have a good ability to throw a straight pass which is rare in the NFL.

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Belichick would have taught Geno how to be successful and that's the big difference between Belichick - a man who can teach - and Rex - a man who cannot.

Belichick did a great job with the browns , it is easy to coach a great QB ,it him a bottom row QB and lets see what he does , Great QB makes a great coach
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At a bare minimum Belicheck has shown the ability to adapt to the change of the NFL. He has adapted his teams to be successful as a defensive first team, and then as an offensive first team. He has shown the ability to change the offense from a screen based offense, to a dynamic vertical game, now to a fast paced quick moving offense.


Belicheck is waaaay overrated as a GM, but the guy puts his players in position to succeed better than any coach in the history of the NFL. I am of the opinion that if any other team drafted Brady, none of us have ever heard of him. Although he does have a good ability to throw a straight pass which is rare in the NFL.


Fair argument but I disagree that Belichick was the only HC that could help Brady be relevant.  He might not be a top 5 QB of all-time with Belichick but he'd have risen to the top of the depth chart with someone else.  For as much as I hate Brady, he had that "it" factor from the start. 

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Belichick should send Mo Lewis a brand new car every year.

I agree with you , I said the same thing to friend ,it hard to find a top 5 QB every team is in a search looking for the same thing ,Geno may not be the man but the Jets have to give him a chance ,2 more games and give Sims a chance
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Fair argument but I disagree that Belichick was the only HC that could help Brady be relevant.  He might not be a top 5 QB of all-time with Belichick but he'd have risen to the top of the depth chart with someone else.  For as much as I hate Brady, he had that "it" factor from the start. 


Most 6th round draft pick QBs are never given a chance in the league. Bellicheck is the best there is at knowing what players are capable of, not capable of and preparing his team and putting his team in the best position to win possible. In the early years Brady's offense revolved around the screen game, and it evolved impressively. Brady is an all time great, and arguably the best of all time. But ignoring Bellichecks role in his development and what he is today is foolish. Brady was beaten out at Michigan by a guy who never did anything in the NFL, saying he had this magic all along is a bit fictitious.

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Most 6th round draft pick QBs are never given a chance in the league. Bellicheck is the best there is at knowing what players are capable of, not capable of and preparing his team and putting his team in the best position to win possible. In the early years Brady's offense revolved around the screen game, and it evolved impressively. Brady is an all time great, and arguably the best of all time. But ignoring Bellichecks role in his development and what he is today is foolish. Brady was beaten out at Michigan by a guy who never did anything in the NFL, saying he had this magic all along is a bit fictitious.


Like I said, both were dependent on the other.  Belichick didn't make Brady and Brady didn't make Belichick.  It was a marriage of sorts.  Acting like Belichick didn't help Brady along is foolish, but acting like Belichick isn't a lucky SOB and that he knew exactly what Brady was when he was drafted is equally foolish.

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Like I said, both were dependent on the other.  Belichick didn't make Brady and Brady didn't make Belichick.  It was a marriage of sorts.  Acting like Belichick didn't help Brady along is foolish, but acting like Belichick isn't a lucky SOB and that he knew exactly what Brady was when he was drafted is equally foolish.


I completely agree with you, that is twice in the same day, I am starting to get nervous.

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Would Belichick bench Geno?  Yes.  He made a very difficult decision back in 2001 to continue to start the inexperienced Brady over the veteran Bledsoe when Bledsoe returned from his injury.  I have no doubt that he would bench Geno IF he had a qb on the roster who could perform better.  And being in meetings, practices and camp, coaches should have a very good idea what type of players they have.  Brady wasnt some wallflower in year 1 in NE.  He was the 4th qb who had talent but needed to refine himself physically.  He improved from week to week in practice that by the end of the season his throwing was much better, he was very involved in meetings and even talking with other players about how to read defenses, and exploit their weaknesses.  Brady wasnt a JAG like most backups in the NFL.  


What would it take to bench Brady?  a blowout.  or a better qb on the roster when he's hurt.  Hell, many pats fans were calling for Cassel to keep the job when brady was healthy.  But belly stuck with the better qb.

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Fair argument but I disagree that Belichick was the only HC that could help Brady be relevant.  He might not be a top 5 QB of all-time with Belichick but he'd have risen to the top of the depth chart with someone else.  For as much as I hate Brady, he had that "it" factor from the start. 


  He benefited from a good defensive team and cheating.     Would the Pats be the Pats if they weren't cheating?      And would anybody really say this tandem were Geniuses if The Tuck was actually a fumble?   The truth is Brady wasn't all that great his first few seasons.   The Pats won because they got favorable calls and the defense shut down opponents.   Remember the super bowl against one of the most prolific offenses of all time?   They held the Rams to 17 points.    And they scored 20 on a last second 48 yard field goal.    The Defense deserved the MVP that game, not Brady.     And remember the next season the Pats didn't even make the playoffs.    


  Who knows how it would all have turned out, but would Brady and BB really be who they are now if the Tuck was a fumble and Brady wasn't just a game manager back then?    I mean in that super bowl he had 145 yards and 1 TD.    That's not HOF numbers.    Was he better than Geno?   Yes, but he was also in year #2 of his career after sitting for a season.    And he had an ok 18 TD 12 INT season with 2800 yards.


 Geno has been awful.   Look at the Ravens game.    The Ravens didn't play well,  couldn't score, couldn't run, couldn't really pass except for a few plays here and there.  It was one of those long boring defensive struggles.   Except Geno and the Jets offense never did a damn thing and then the turnovers started to happen.   That's the difference between some other QBs and Geno.       The Jets could have won 10-6 if Geno doesn't turn the ball over.   But he does and he always seem to.    He has what, 22 turnovers this year in 11 games.    And he doesn't throw TDs and the Jets don't score often.     


  We will never know, but the truth is, as soon as Brady and the Pats turned into Manning and the Colts,  they started to become a one and done team, they started to become that team who gets smacked in the mouth and can't get back up.   As great as Brady has been over the past 8 or 9 years,  the Pats haven't exactly been playoff killers.   They've turned into the Colts and Manning.    They won when Brady was more game manager and the defense had guys like Teddy Bruschi. 

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Whether it's Belichick, Parcells, Lombardi, Walsh, or whomever ... great coaches don't piss away games.


They don't coach for the "future" at the expense of the "now" because coaching to win "now" means changing the culture of your team sooner, which by default, makes you better in the future.


And you certainly don't piss away games when you have an opportunity to get into the Super Bowl tournament, where lower seeded teams win all the time.


The NFL changes too much on a year to year basis. Coaches and GM's have opportunities to make their teams better every year that they didn't figure would be there the year before. On the flip side, teams lose players every year as well.


The state of your division changes every year.


The schedule changes every year.


Injuries happen every year.


There are too many moving pieces each season.


Sacrificing the "now" in hopes of the future is a losing proposition in the NFL.


Not only my opinion, but the opinion of a lot of coaches that are in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, who are there because they "pulled out all the stops" to win in every game they were on the sidelines for.

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