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The truth hurts


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"not very well liked ?"  okay. so take my ID off the board, "Max," as I requested.  Kindly, please.


no?  k. no more posts till after the Denver massacre! -- unless banned and removed.


remember, I was right all along, before the season began, but who cares anyway except dumb trolls about that sort of thing.


what matters is not if my own ego is satisfied about being right -- what matters is changes as per previous posts (even tho hands down I shoudda won the Limerick contest)


if you wish Woody gone, say it here, without reservations....


just let your inner Jet scream out the pain!!!!

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Who brags about believing their team has no chance before the season even starts. And who keeps starting threads while begging to be deactivated?? And who thinks they can get an NFL owner "fired"???

That being said I can't wait for your next thread! LOL

the truth is, I shoudda won the Limerick contest.  After all, I did marry an Irishwoman.

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"not very well liked ?"  okay. so take my ID off the board, "Max," as I requested.  Kindly, please.


no?  k. no more posts till after the Denver massacre! -- unless banned and removed.


remember, I was right all along, before the season began, but who cares anyway except dumb trolls about that sort of thing.


what matters is not if my own ego is satisfied about being right -- what matters is changes as per previous posts (even tho hands down I shoudda won the Limerick contest)


if you wish Woody gone, say it here, without reservations....


just let your inner Jet scream out the pain!!!!


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