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Big Thanks to Woody Johnson


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I love the moves so far, I always liked woody, he gets a lot of sh*t from people on here that don't know what they hell they are talking about. He isn't the best owner in all of football, but he definitely isnt the worst.  I can't remember the last time I was this excited as a fan. I love it.


Plus I really didn't even want Revis back, but when I saw he signed I was ******* yelling and calling my Patriot fan friends and talking a lot of sh*t. I dont care that we spent so much, whatever.


Thank you Woody for making that happen. 

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What would Izdick have done? That determines if we're better off with Mac on the buttons. My guess is that he would still be in a bidding match with NE, patiently upping the ante one nickel at a time while nothing else got done and possibly even blowing that negotiation.



HOF WR? Who dat? Becuase there certainly isn't one on our roster.

All he did was outbid everyone else? What else was he supposed to do, promise to blow him every other Tuesday?

The Fitz thing was a solid move. I am a proponent of trading 7th rounders for guys you'd like on your roster, even if they are not projected to be starters, just to insure they don't land somewhere else.

If Fitz ends up being a stop gap for a young QB, or just a solid back up, it's important to have a veteran in those spots. If we didn't have Gailey I wouldn't be interested, but it's a no brainer with our offensive staff


I'm not anointing Maccagnan as a genius or great or good or bad or anything. I'm not comparing the job he's done with anyone in the past or saying what he should or shouldn't have done.


I'm saying the reception so far is very good and he's never going to get another situation like this, where all he has to do is come in and spend and outside of the DL the team needs help everywhere. So anyone he picks up is an improvement over what was there before he did so, and the more expensive the player he picks up, the better the (general) reception is. 


It's not a critique of his performance. It's an observation of what a great week he's having and how he walked into a unique situation that he'll likely never see again. Therefore, good for him and I hope he's soaking it up and enjoying the moment a little.


I fail to see the controversy.

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I'm not anointing Maccagnan as a genius or great or good or bad or anything. I'm not comparing the job he's done with anyone in the past or saying what he should or shouldn't have done.


I'm saying the reception so far is very good and he's never going to get another situation like this, where all he has to do is come in and spend and outside of the DL the team needs help everywhere. So anyone he picks up is an improvement over what was there before he did so, and the more expensive the player he picks up, the better the (general) reception is. 


It's not a critique of his performance. It's an observation of what a great week he's having and how he walked into a unique situation that he'll likely never see again. Therefore, good for him and I hope he's soaking it up and enjoying the moment a little.


I fail to see the controversy.


No controversy. I was just stating the difference between Mac and Izdick. We'll get a better feel for Mac's ability in about 50 days. I agree with you, this was the easy part, unless John Izdick is the decision maker.

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Woody is the ultimate spoiled brat dork.  He was a C student at a party school.  His dad made him follow real businessmen around before letting do anything with the family money.  

His family story is full of weird sh*t like one of his brothers driving a new BMW onto a beach at low tide so he could watch the incoming tide come in and take it away....while tripping on acid.  The kind of stuff only people born into the billionaires club would think to do


He has no instincts or ability.  Everything he does is with consultants and advisors and a "team" telling him how to think


I will give him credit for 1 thing.  Realizing he had totally ****ed it up, and starting over, but more importantly, learning from his mistakes and instead of hiring a search firm, he hired wolf and casserly.  Sure, he had to lean on experts again, but they were actual and real experts this time

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What would Izdick have done? That determines if we're better off with Mac on the buttons. My guess is that he would still be in a bidding match with NE, patiently upping the ante one nickel at a time while nothing else got done and possibly even blowing that negotiation.


Hearing how he was shut off from the rest of the org this is exactly what would have happened.  He apparently wasn't well liked inside the walls of Florham Park and he wasn't a team player.  He literally locked himself in his tower thinking he knew better then everybody.  


Everything happens for a reason though and hopefully those reasons will come to fruition in the next season or 2.

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I'm not anointing Maccagnan as a genius or great or good or bad or anything. I'm not comparing the job he's done with anyone in the past or saying what he should or shouldn't have done.


I'm saying the reception so far is very good and he's never going to get another situation like this, where all he has to do is come in and spend and outside of the DL the team needs help everywhere. So anyone he picks up is an improvement over what was there before he did so, and the more expensive the player he picks up, the better the (general) reception is. 


It's not a critique of his performance. It's an observation of what a great week he's having and how he walked into a unique situation that he'll likely never see again. Therefore, good for him and I hope he's soaking it up and enjoying the moment a little.


I fail to see the controversy.

And the hall of fame reciever is..... ?

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No controversy. I was just stating the difference between Mac and Izdick. We'll get a better feel for Mac's ability in about 50 days. I agree with you, this was the easy part, unless John Izdick is the decision maker.


Of course it was the easy part. That doesn't mean he couldn't have still screwed it up, and it doesn't mean he couldn't have done better.


It was just a comment, not a thread starter I intended to have hotly debated, that this has to be a great week of his life and hope he realizes free agency weeks like this don't just come along often, and good for him. 

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And the hall of fame reciever is..... ?


He's got 10,000 yards already through age 30. Few more 1100-1200 yard seasons, then 2-3 of slowed-down ones at 600-800 apiece, and he'll get in as likely as not. You think he'd get snubbed if he finished a career pushing 15000 yards and is on TV when his eligibility comes up? 


Plus he's an overcoming adversity / type feel good story.


Clearly I'm talking about Jeremy Kerley.

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And also, let's get one thing straight right now, the only reason we're drafting at 6 and not at 2 is because Woody is too ******* idiotic to realize he needed to pull the cord on Rex at the bye. And so far as we know he's still injecting himself into the scouting and free agency processes, despite being directly responsible for several catastrophes over the years in both those departments. But hey, let's fellate the rich guy for opening up his checkbook.

I wont put Johnson on a pedestal but you know none of what you say has any merit at all its speculation at best. Who exactly made the call on Revis 2 years ago when we could have locked him up long term for 12 mil per ? Was it Johnson or Did Idick convince him otherwise ?

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Its funny how quickly fans forgive and forget Revis for all the sh*t he pulled.  Look i dislike Woody Johnson as a owner BUT he made the right move trading Revis a couple years ago.  Lets not act like Revis is here because he "missed" being a Jets, thats bullsh*t.  Basically Woody bent over and gave Revis what he wants most which is money.  Revis is a great talent i have never denied that but the guy is a greedy ass as well


guy is better than the GMs at the business of football. good for him. 

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He's got 10,000 yards already through age 30. Few more 1100-1200 yard seasons, then 2-3 of slowed-down ones at 600-800 apiece, and he'll get in as likely as not. You think he'd get snubbed if he finished a career pushing 15000 yards and is on TV when his eligibility comes up? 


Plus he's an overcoming adversity / type feel good story.


Clearly I'm talking about Jeremy Kerley.

Ha ha

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Dont get me wrong as a great CB im glad he is back here.  I agree our secodnary sucked ass last year and was a main reason we were so bad other than Geno.  Thats the not the point.  My point is that our fans act like Revis did some humble thing by coming back.  Fans need to realize that he is back ONLY because of the contract.  If New England had more cap space he probably would have gone back(if he really wanted to win)

who cares why

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The title of this thread makes my nipples itch. The guy has been one of the dumbest and most conceited weenies in sports since he took over, I'm not willing to throw 15 years' worth of incompetence based on 2 days worth of offseason work. Let's not start sucking each other's cocks quite yet.


Nipples, weenies, and cocks in a thread about a Woody Johnson. 



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I wont thank him-he did what he is supposed to do-allow his gm to sign guys to improve the team-if we lost out on Revis it might have been the end for me after going to games since I was 3 years old in shea


Woody should thank me as a fan for supporting his team with numerous season tickets and watching bad football for 4 decades minus about 5 years where we showed some promise

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It's amazing that simply doing one's job is now reason enough to have praise heaped upon you. 


This is the first offseason where Woody's done a good job.  Good job, well done, but this is what he should have been doing all along.  If anything, the fans are the ones that deserve to be thanked for filling his pockets with even more millions upon millions of dollars, and doing so while watching what is consistently one of the lousiest products in professional sports.

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