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..the jets and.. David Letterman ;-)


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Well, the New York Jets don't have to worry anymore about getting picked on by David Letterman.


The talk-show icon, who frequently jabs the Jets when they're down (and when they're not), is retiring Wednesday from late-nigh television. Letterman is leaving the stage after 33 years and 6,000-plus episodes on two networks, and that's too bad because he's an institution -- and how many true institutions do we have left ?


David Letterman's writers haven't missed too many opportunities to poke the Jets.Anyway, Letterman's writers haven't missed too many opportunities to poke the Jets in the legendary "Top Ten List." No official records are kept, but we've researched dozens of references to the Jets in Top Ten lists. Most recently, they popped up in the "Top Ten Pete Carroll excuses" for losing the Super Bowl. At No. 1: "Wanted to remember what if felt like to coach the Jets."As far as we can tell, Letterman stepped up the anti-Jets sentiment in 1996, when they finished a franchise-worst 1-15 and were a national punch line. They became a Top Ten staple -- at least 13 mentions that fall.


Let's face it, the Jets have provided plenty of fodder for comedy over the years. There was the time in 2000 when Bill Parcells retired and Bill Belichick quit on back-to-back days; that earned its own Top Ten list. So did the infamous Sal Alosi tripping incident in 2010. Even when the Jets were going well, such as the playoff run in 2009, Letterman found a way to fire off a few zingers at their expense. Makes you wonder if his staff includes a few New York Giants' fans.


In honor of Dave's retirement, we picked out the Top Ten Jets' references from his Top Ten lists. Don't take it too seriously, Jets' fans. Consider it an honor to have a place in our cultural history. This wasn't an easy exercise because there's so much from which to choose, but here goes :


10. "Top Ten things overheard in the Jets' locker room" (Oct. 14, 2014): 7. "J-T-E-S! Wow, we're bad at everything."


9. "Top Ten unnecessary 911 calls" (Nov. 1, 2012): 6. "First time, long time -- when are the Jets going to start Tebow?"


8. "Top Ten signs the Jets are getting cocky" (Jan., 18, 2010): 2. Instead of focusing on Colts' receivers, Darrelle Revis negotiating a deal to host "The Tonight Show" in 2015.


7. "Top Ten ways New York City is different when it snows" (Dec. 8, 2003): 6. Due to the wind-chill factor, Jets' 5-8 record feels like 5-23."


6. "Top Ten things Elvis would say if he came back today" (Aug. 18, 1997): 9. "What do you know? The Jets still suck."


5. "Sal Alosi's Top Ten excuses" (Dec. 14, 2010): 2. "Someone bet me five bucks to do it. Now who's the idiot ?"


4. "Top Ten least popular Christmas carols" (Dec. 23, 1996): 1. Joy to the world, their season's over, the Jets can lose no more.


3. "Top Ten questions on the Jets' head-coach application" (Jan. 6, 2000): 10. What kind of frosting do you want on your going-away cake ?


2. "Top Ten Jets' excuses" for losing in the playoffs to the Oakland Raiders (Jan. 13, 2003): 3. Wanted to save financially-strapped New York City the expense of a victory parade.


1. "Top Ten Ways President Clinton has fun in New York City" (Sept. 24, 1996): 4. Goes to Jets game, laughs his ass off.



Sorry, but it's impossible to stop at 10. Consider this the bonus round :


5. "Top Ten rumors that would start a panic on Wall Street" (Aug. 29, 1997): 7. Bill Gates just bet his entire fortune on the Jets.


4. "Top Ten ways President Clinton could still lose the election" (Oct. 23, 1996): 4. Replace entire National Guard with New York Jets' defensive line.


3. "Top Ten signs the Jets are getting cocky" (Jan. 18, 2010): 1. Rex Ryan calling his abs "The Situation Plus 40 Years of Cheese Fries"


2. "Top Ten questions on the Jets' head-coach application" (Jan. 6, 2000): 4. Are you bothered by 70,000 people chanting "you suck"?


1. "Top Ten messages left on Oprah's answering machine" (Dec. 1, 2005): 4. "It's Jets coach Herm Edwards. Since you're in New York, we could use some help at quarterback."


Godspeed, Dave.


Rest easy, Jets


> http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york-jets/post/_/id/51392/our-top-10-new-york-jets-mentions-in-david-lettermans-top-ten-lists






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Stop being oversensitive.

Not being over sensitive. Letterman is a HACK and a stupid unfunny twat.

The Jets bashing only shows that idiot's inability to be funny without using easy & obvious material; like a guy who only makes Fat people & Rêtard jokes, it's not hard to get a cheap laugh at the expense of others. Fuçk Letterman.

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Not being over sensitive. Letterman is a HACK and a stupid unfunny twat.

The Jets bashing only shows that idiot's inability to be funny without using easy & obvious material; like a guy who only makes Fat people & Rêtard jokes, it's not hard to get a cheap laugh at the expense of others. Fuçk Letterman.


Lighten up Francis. 

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Lighten up Francis.

Lighten up Francis.

Then lay off Petunia and don't comment on my posts regarding the matter if you simply disagree.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I LOATHE the type of person Letterman represents to me and if you disagree then keep it to yourself and don't quote my posts.


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Then lay off Petunia and don't comment on my posts regarding the matter if you simply disagree.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I LOATHE the type of person Letterman represents to me and if you disagree then keep it to yourself and don't quote my posts.



What type of person is Letterman? 

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What type of person is Letterman?

You have nothing better to do then want to dig this deeper? Grow up and accept the fact I have a different opinion than you on the matter and let it go. I have better things to do than quip with a geriatric Mr. T on the comedic qualities of a bum who's out the door.

Here's the answer to your question, via Savage69:

Scum bag come to mind.. :winking0001:

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Not being over sensitive. Letterman is a HACK and a stupid unfunny twat.

The Jets bashing only shows that idiot's inability to be funny without using easy & obvious material; like a guy who only makes Fat people & Rêtard jokes, it's not hard to get a cheap laugh at the expense of others. Fuçk Letterman.

I suppose you've been on the receiving end of a few of those, huh?

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You have nothing better to do then want to dig this deeper? Grow up and accept the fact I have a different opinion than you on the matter and let it go. I have better things to do than quip with a geriatric Mr. T on the comedic qualities of a bum who's out the door.

Here's the answer to your question, via Savage69:



Scum bag covers a lot of ground.... just sayin'...

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Have I ever made a joke about someone's 14 year old daughter getting knocked up at a Yankee game?? Big Dave fan Kleck??


Out of respect to Max and JN, I will not engage in a public political discussion. But I would happy to school you via PM as to my feelings on this non-issue. 

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I've always respected Colbert as a news analyst and commentator, it'll be interesting to see how he makes the transition to comedy.

well the Colbert Report was a comedy show done "in character" as a fake Bill O'Reilly type, he was never really an analyst/commentator.  I am looking forward to seeing him not in his old character though.

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Out of respect to Max and JN, I will not engage in a public political discussion. But I would happy to school you via PM as to my feelings on this non-issue. 

I didn't mention politic's you did plus you also called me a scumbag..LOL 

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Letterman always had the best rock bands on. Kimmel is pretty good too though.

As for his jokes, a little too many liberal layups for me, but hey, it's a late night talk show. I never hated Leno but always preferred Dave.

Craig Furguson was the best of the recent past anyway though.

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Not being over sensitive. Letterman is a HACK and a stupid unfunny twat.

The Jets bashing only shows that idiot's inability to be funny without using easy & obvious material; like a guy who only makes Fat people & Rêtard jokes, it's not hard to get a cheap laugh at the expense of others. Fuçk Letterman.

Yeah, who ever would have thought that the Jets of recent years were fallow ground for people who like to make fun of fat retards?

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I can't stand any of the current late night network talk shows. I remember in the 80's Carson and letterman and Conan had a good run in the late 90's with Louis CK writing for him. Now it's the unfunny Jimmy's and 100 yr old Letterman.

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I suppose you've been on the receiving end of a few of those, huh?

Not moreso than the next guy, but your comment (and posting history) indicates you most likely fall into that ilk of easily amused via poor-in-taste; not surprising from someone who identifies with a liquid equivalent of a colonoscopy bag.

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