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un-called offensive holding is at epidemic highs this week


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Yeah okay we would have led by 7 in the 4th if Decker turns around, or Marshall catches a ball in both hands.

You sound just a little whiney, and bitter.

I'll ask you this....At any point in this game did you feel like the Jets were going to win?  Or did you think the Pats were in trouble.

I've been watching Brady for too long, that's what he does.  I wish it wasn't the case but it is.

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I saw I saw our defensive lineman pulled down by the neck all day.  Obviously Pats online was told to hold every play dating the refs to call it.  The no Fallon the pi in the end zone was pathetic.  Grabbing the arm of the receiver should always be called.

I think the officials work the game under a constant threat of death in NE

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I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the topic police.  

It's about a whiny fan base that looks for excuses every time we lose.  It's not a matter of holding, it's a matter of losing to a better team.  

Every team holds and every teams gets away with it now, the league wants scoring and protects the QB's.  Yes, it's frustrating as hell watching Brady march down the field, but it's not because of lack of holding calls...



but every team gets called for holding more than the Pats do. I thnk that is the point.  And it never happens to them on a big drive.

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but every team gets called for holding more than the Pats do. I thnk that is the point.  And it never happens to them on a big drive.

I really don't see that...do the number back that up?

and even if they do -Brady gets rid of the ball so quickly that there isn't a chance to hold.   

I'm a guy that always looked for excuses too - I'm really trying to watch these games from a realistic view point and not with green colored glasses -  

The fact is, the league isn't fixed...the refs aren't on the Pats side, Kraft isn't paying anyone off...Tom Brady is simply that good - it's frustrating, makes me not even want to watch football...

But I'm done making lame excuses and blaming everyone else but the Jets themselves.  The Jets have a good team and are playing well, just not on the level of the Pats.

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but every team gets called for holding more than the Pats do. I thnk that is the point.  And it never happens to them on a big drive.

Here's a chart....offensive holding...Pats are 20th...6 OH calls, while the Jets only have 4 OH calls against them.


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Here's a chart....offensive holding...Pats are 20th...6 OH calls, while the Jets only have 4 OH calls against them.


Jet O Line is better than the Pats O Line.  And the matchup yesterday was pretty one sided.  But no holdings

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luckily I was at a bar and the skins game sound was on.  I may have had to pay for a tv if not.  

51st State in DC has the sound.  It's on Pennsylvania up in NW, between Foggy Bottom and Georgetown.  Hopefully, next week I will have my new place set up, but I've watched a couple of games there.  Big NY crowd for all sports.  I assume it will be pumping for the Mets.

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Then you doh't watch the Pats very often.

This is what they do.  They had this game entirely under control...

at the start of the 4th quarter, the Jets had 20 first downs to the patsies* 10, held them to like 10 yds rushing. Yea, game was totally under control, NOT. Step away from the keyboard Giselle.


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51st State in DC has the sound.  It's on Pennsylvania up in NW, between Foggy Bottom and Georgetown.  Hopefully, next week I will have my new place set up, but I've watched a couple of games there.  Big NY crowd for all sports.  I assume it will be pumping for the Mets.

Nice.  This place is in the shopping center adjacent to the high school.  5 minutes from my front door.  Easy to get to. 

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Nice.  This place is in the shopping center adjacent to the high school.  5 minutes from my front door.  Easy to get to. 

It drives me nuts not having the sound.  Not for the idiot announcers, but I couldn't imagine watching Skrine level Edelman without sound.  Last week was nice because it was the Skins everybody had the sound up.

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at the start of the 4th quarter, the Jets had 20 first downs to the patsies* 10, held them to like 10 yds rushing. Yea, game was totally under control, NOT. Step away from the keyboard Giselle.


I've seen the Pats do this all the time.  You better be up 2 TD's with 10 minutes left if you want to beat the Pats.  Yes, they had this game under control...quote all the stats you want. 

I asked this question before and I'll ask you now.  While watching the game did you ever feel like the Pats were in trouble?  Unfortunately I didn't.

I'm typically a positive fan - just against the Pats I've seen them do it too many times.  

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I've seen the Pats do this all the time.  You better be up 2 TD's with 10 minutes left if you want to beat the Pats.  Yes, they had this game under control...quote all the stats you want. 

I asked this question before and I'll ask you now.  While watching the game did you ever feel like the Pats were in trouble?  Unfortunately I didn't.

I'm typically a positive fan - just against the Pats I've seen them do it too many times.  

I thought we would win from before the kick-off till the final whistle. And we should have.

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When you watch these games, its not incompetence, its starting to be pretty clear what the NFL is doing. They are clearly controlling these games via the flag or lack there of. 

People think it's fair because it should be fair. 

It's not fair, it never was.

Besides all the uncalled holding, the Pats are still cheating and will continue to do so until Tom Brady retires. 

No team wins at home that much without cheating. 

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I hate whining about non-calls. There is holding on EVERY play in every game. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You either win or lose and only losers look for excuses. The game was on the road and those are always tough. Edelman was shut down but Gronk and Amendola made up for that. Adjust next time and move on. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaa is the attitude of Rex Ryan smack talking losers. This is not that type of team anymore. The Jets were penalized 4x for 29 yards and NE 4x for 38 yards. Enough of this BS!!!


Why wasn't Gronk covered on the last freaking TD?!?!?!? Coaches are also lucky LaFell could not catch a cold that day. They shut down the run game and Edelman but everyone else beat us. Frustrating!

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I hate whining about non-calls. There is holding on EVERY play in every game. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You either win or lose and only losers look for excuses. The game was on the road and those are always tough. Edelman was shut down but Gronk and Amendola made up for that. Adjust next time and move on. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaa is the attitude of Rex Ryan smack talking losers. This is not that type of team anymore. The Jets were penalized 4x for 29 yards and NE 4x for 38 yards. Enough of this BS!!!


Why wasn't Gronk covered on the last freaking TD?!?!?!? Coaches are also lucky LaFell could not catch a cold that day. They shut down the run game and Edelman but everyone else beat us. Frustrating!

Why complain?  Because the game and reffing is totally skewed to certain parts of the game.  Blatant holding calls all game get ignored thus making an oline of scrubs out perform a dline of 1st rounders who are constantly beating them.  Meanwhile in the secondary holds and pi are called all the time.


If you are not going to call a penalty then change the rules, allow holding on every single play of the game, take the penalty out of the league,

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Why complain?  Because the game and reffing is totally skewed to certain parts of the game.  Blatant holding calls all game get ignored thus making an oline of scrubs out perform a dline of 1st rounders who are constantly beating them.  Meanwhile in the secondary holds and pi are called all the time.


If you are not going to call a penalty then change the rules, allow holding on every single play of the game, take the penalty out of the league,

Maybe you saw more than me but I didn't see anything blatant on either side really. By blatant I mean anything unusual from any other play. In slow motion you do see more. I had no idea Decker set a pick until Fouts illustrated it in slow mo. But in game speed it must be tough to see? IDK. I just think in every game you can blame officials. Maybe at home we get more of the calls? I did not see the coaching staff really complain? Did you guys?

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The announcers said it was incredible coverage lol.

Dan Fouts tried as hard as he could to make this game about him and his hokey completely humorless attempts at comedy.  Do I really need my color commentator commenting on Hillary's emails in the first quarter of a huge game?  He literally offered nothing in terms of analysis and more times than not was completely off in terms of what he was saying.  I especially appreciated when he told us that Fitz knows the Jets well from his years in the AFC east so this game should not intimidate him.... brilliant. 

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Dan Fouts tried as hard as he could to make this game about him and his hokey completely humorless attempts at comedy.  Do I really need my color commentator commenting on Hillary's emails in the first quarter of a huge game?  He literally offered nothing in terms of analysis and more times than not was completely off in terms of what he was saying.  I especially appreciated when he told us that Fitz knows the Jets well from his years in the AFC east so this game should not intimidate him.... brilliant. 

I can't believe he was once a great player. LOL

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It drives me nuts not having the sound.  Not for the idiot announcers, but I couldn't imagine watching Skrine level Edelman without sound.  Last week was nice because it was the Skins everybody had the sound up.

It's a little annoying.  Especially when they blow the whistle in the other game and I wonder why nobody is stopping in the game Im watching.  Same thing happen to me in the house league basketball games my kids played in when they run couple game at a time.  Confusing as hell.

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I saw I saw our defensive lineman pulled down by the neck all day.  Obviously Pats online was told to hold every play dating the refs to call it.  The no Fallon the pi in the end zone was pathetic.  Grabbing the arm of the receiver should always be called.

I hear that it's all in your head. That those things happened both ways all game long and you're only sensitive to it happening to the Jets.

As though Fouts and Eagle wouldn't have poo-poo'd on the lack of flags on blatant penalties if the Jets were repeatedly doing that to NE in the same fashion. 

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Why complain?  Because the game and reffing is totally skewed to certain parts of the game.  Blatant holding calls all game get ignored thus making an oline of scrubs out perform a dline of 1st rounders who are constantly beating them.  Meanwhile in the secondary holds and pi are called all the time.


If you are not going to call a penalty then change the rules, allow holding on every single play of the game, take the penalty out of the league,

Completely agree.  They should certainly change the rule so that it can be called properly.   When a holding happens it should be called every time (unless it's missed) and in the case it's missed, the rule should be strong enough that it can be challenged...Even if that means, holding is almost entirely legal...

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I hear that it's all in your head. That those things happened both ways all game long and you're only sensitive to it happening to the Jets.

As though Fouts and Eagle wouldn't have poo-poo'd on the lack of flags on blatant penalties if the Jets were repeatedly doing that to NE in the same fashion. 

I have a big head that you fit a lot of stuff.  So that is entirely possible. 

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