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stop with the patience narrative


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the jets always dupe their fans into thinking a rebuild should take years and that it is okay to reduce the level of talent on the roster (due to the rebuild) and it is okay to accept losing as part of the process. The only thing the recent jets have accomplished is establishing a losing culture and that it is okay to suck and reduce the level of talent. Some how our rebuilds are based on getting rid of young players with talent and bringing in players that haven none. 

Teams have shown you can rebuild quickly to have some level of success quickly and to be at least competitive. I would love a superbowl but you know what I have attended over 300 jet games and the main thing for me as a fan is that they can compete, are entertaining and have a chance to go to the playoffs and maybe go on  a run. 

It starts with ownership-we have terrible  owners -there is no way around this-business 101 you hire proven winners to run your organization-you pay them top dollar to come here(why else would they come here) A losing culture should never be tolerated or defended. Saying your coach is brilliant when EVERYBODY can see he is not is not creating a winning culture. 

It takes a good gm-not sure we have one-book is still open on him but he made our roster worse not better.

It takes a good coach-this is our biggest weakness-we hired a guy that was fired for poor results and a poor offense and a losing culture of alienating players and surprise surprise that is what we have here.  Some will say hey BB was not good his first run well he was part of two championship teams and was known to be a great defensive mind. and a great coach.  Gase's claim to fame is he bumped into Peyton.

It takes a good qb-is Sam that guy? I will say we don't know at this point but he could be like Titans current QB just was held back by a terrible coach ironically the same coach and a poor roster.

Can a "rebuild" be done without waiting years yes-

Two current examples are the bills and the cardinals who at the very least are competitive and it looks like they have a shot to make the playoffs-notice what their gm did for them this year to aide their young qbs in their growth and development-both teams brought in stud wrs that are already showing big results. The cards brought in Hopkins and the Bills Diggs. We brought in a total Jaq in Perriman (he sucked and was cut more then once but some how he was going to be the answer"




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I live in AZ and follow the Cardinals.  They are in year 4 of their rebuild.  After they made the playoffs in 2015 they went all in on trading and signing Chandler Jones.  The team didn't make the playoffs and they purged the roster after the 2016 season.  The Bills also started their rebuild after 2016 and are in year 4. 

Douglas has had 1 draft.  Your two examples are incorrect.  

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Mike Francesa was on the money when he said that things can be turned around fairly quickly in the NFL with the right management.  We saw that when Rex took over and in the first two seasons we made the AFL Championship game with a QB that couldn't even make it as a backup on another team (of course, that was after the Jets ruined him by trading for Tebow).  Even the Great Pyramids took much less than 50 years to build.

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6 minutes ago, Biggs said:

I live in AZ and follow the Cardinals.  They are in year 4 of their rebuild.  After they made the playoffs in 2015 they went all in on trading and signing Chandler Jones.  The team didn't make the playoffs and they purged the roster after the 2016 season.  The Bills also started their rebuild after 2016 and are in year 4. 

Douglas has had 1 draft.  Your two examples are incorrect.  

when did they draft their qb hire their  coach ? that is when rebuilds usually start


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2 minutes ago, TMAC said:

Mike Francesa was on the money when he said that things can be turned around fairly quickly in the NFL with the right management.  We saw that when Rex took over and in the first two seasons we made the AFL Championship game with a QB that couldn't even make it as a backup on another team (of course, that was after the Jets ruined him by trading for Tebow).  Even the Great Pyramids took much less than 50 years to build.

even the jets showed that-

Keyshawn today said the 1-15Kotite team went 9-7 once a real  coach came in-he said basically players thought Kotite was a joke and thinks the jets probably think Gase is

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4 minutes ago, TMAC said:

Mike Francesa was on the money when he said that things can be turned around fairly quickly in the NFL with the right management.  We saw that when Rex took over and in the first two seasons we made the AFL Championship game with a QB that couldn't even make it as a backup on another team (of course, that was after the Jets ruined him by trading for Tebow).  Even the Great Pyramids took much less than 50 years to build.

People don't like to hear it, but Rex actually received a solid roster from Mangini. I don't think that was a true turn around and he also had trader Mike going for broke rather than the careful process that is much more in vogue these days. 

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1 minute ago, kmnj said:

even the jets showed that-

Keyshawn today said the 1-15Kotite team went 9-7 once a real  coach came in-he said basically players thought Kotite was a joke and thinks the jets probably think Gase is

deja vu

even our below average talent can do better than this. 

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1 minute ago, ryu79 said:

People don't like to hear it, but Rex actually received a solid roster from Mangini. I don't think that was a true turn around and he also had trader Mike going for broke rather than the careful process that is much more in vogue these days. 


Had Maccagnan drafted well and had Douglas spent every dime of cap space the Jets could be very competitive-  for exactly 2 years.

What we're trying to do here is create a consistent winning team that has a chance to make the playoffs every year for a decade or more.  That's what Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Denver, and Green Bay have done.  Set it up for 10-15 years of consistency and then do everything right in a single season to break through and win a single championship, maybe two if you're lucky.

The 2010 Jets were the get-rich-quick approach which got us two memorable seasons and in exchange set us up in cap hell and draft hell for a decade, one we're still trying to dig out of.

Buy-in to the way Christopher Johnson is trying to do it.  The get-rich-quick schemes don't work.  Look at Super Bowl history and find the winner that did it the way the Jets tried to in 2010.  You won't find any.


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27 minutes ago, kmnj said:

when did they draft their qb hire their  coach ? that is when rebuilds usually start


Wrong.  They were loaded with dead cap space after 2016.  They purged their roster after 2016.  They hired a new coach and drafted a QB prior to the 2018 season.  They fired the coach and hired a new coach last year, traded their first round QB prior to the season and drafted their 2nd 1st round pick.  Their GM was never replaced.  Their GM purged the roster and ran the drafts.  Their GM drafted both first round QB's and interviewed and hired both HC.  

The situation isn't remotely like the NY Jets.  Douglas has purged the roster and had his first draft this year.  

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9 minutes ago, SAR I said:


The 2010 Jets were the get-rich-quick approach which got us two memorable seasons and in exchange set us up in cap hell and draft hell for a decade, one we're still trying to dig out of.

It put us in cap hell for two seasons, which resulted in Idzik gutting the roster.  We were in a really good spot, coming into 2015, bc we had no bad contracts, a ton of space, had some young promising talent, and lots of picks.  Basically the equivalent of the 2020 Dolphins.

This unfortunately led to what can only be described as rank stupidity.  Where our new glorious GM, decided we had a playoff core with barely any foundational pieces and went out and spent 100 million dollars on old vets instead of finding young up and comers.  The franchise has never really recovered from those moves, bc while it did make us ok for a season, it choked out our rebuild.

So yes patience is everything, and will be for a few more years given the extent of the roster stink.  Next year better not be a repeat of 2015, and you can already see the fans clamoring for big money shinies due to how uncompetitive we are.

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