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Is the Ape dead yet? Season 1 - Ape not dead yet

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You all surround 80, sniffing the air and looking at him hard, trying to suss out whether he is what he says he is. Simultaneously Jvill and Greenseed slap 80 and twist his nipples. He howls in pain with a rough, almost ape like cadence. Still confused Crusher uses his giant body to just push 80 over and then Arsis climbs on top of him and begins to punch and scratch him. 80 looks up at him with scared, tear filled eyes, almost pleading for that long lost connection between man and ape to be remembered. Then Arsis spots the gun which fell out of his backpack and scream and tears out his throat in primal rage.


80, Van Pelt, Mafia Hunter has been lynched!


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A few days later a villager foraging in the Jungle comes across the corpse of 80, covered in maggots and monkey excrement. He laughs and laughs and laughs to himself. Then he bends over and flicks the dead mans nose and says, "Is the ape dead yet?" and laughs again before wandering off back home. And from the branches above the great white Ape snorts watching him leave while eating a banana as the sun begins to set on the Jungle. He and the rest of the apes are safe, for now.


Town Wins!

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DT: https://www.quicktopic.com/53/H/F5h5S9weipkD

Mafia QT: https://www.quicktopic.com/53/H/unyugfX5gRv6


Long story short I pretty much ****ed the mafia team from the beginning.

80 put up a good fight, especially because Jif was confused by his role, but the writing was on the wall from the start.

100% my fault but he was a good sport about it. I hope you all still had fun anyways. Season 2 will be bigger and better!

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For fun and clarity here is every role PM sans pictures


You are Van Pelt a big game hunter who was damned to endlessly hunt in the magical realm of the cursed game Jumanji until Robin Williams freed you in 1995 and subsequently escaped your clutches. He went on to make millions and live a life of fame while you became a has been nobody. Since then you've hopped from bar to tavern to pub in a depressed stupor and without any purpose. One day in a hole in the wall in Laos while into your seventh cup of rum you heard rumors of a great white Ape that no one could kill. You immediately grabbed your gun and made your way to the Jungle he's said to live in. While in a village just outside the Jungle you met another hunter with a big gun similar to yours who was hunting the same Ape and decided to partner with him.

You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are eliminated or if nothing can prevent the same.

You and your partner may communicate and submit your factional kill here: https://www.quicktopic.com/53/H/unyugfX5gRv6



You are William Clayton a famous and ill mannered hunter. You first heard of the great white Ape when you travelled to Africa to study gorillas with Jane Porter. After the wretched Tarzan ruined everything you were left with a hatred not just for gorillas but for all apes. You've spent your time since tracking this great Ape to a remote Jungle. While in a village on the Jungles edge you met another devious hunter with the same drive and goal as you and decided to team up with him.

You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are eliminated or if nothing can prevent the same.

You and your partner can communicate and submit your factional kill here: https://www.quicktopic.com/53/H/unyugfX5gRv6



You are a mother****ing Tiger. Weighing in at nearly 600 pounds you are a magnificent killing machine. With teeth, claws, and cunning you kind of rule this Jungle. Some might even call you the Tiger King. Well, they wont call you anything because they'll be dead. You are on the hunt and you are hungry. Kill everything that crosses your path.


You have 1x kill you may use at Night.

You win when all other players are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same.



You are a Gorilla.
At Night you may hide behind another player, protecting you from anyone trying to kill you that Night. If the player you are hiding behind is killed you will be killed with them.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Gorillas hands have unique fingerprints like Humans and Koalas!



You are a Baboon.
You are Town and your vote is your weapon.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Baboons can grow up to 34 inches tall and their tails can add another 16 to 23 inches to their length!



You are a Chimpanzee.
You are Town and your vote is your weapon.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Washoe, a Chimpanzee in captivity, was able to learn American Sign Language with a vocabulary of 350 words!



You are a Mandrill. 
You are Town and your vote is your weapon.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Mandrills can mate throughout the year but their mating season peaks from July to September!



You are a Lemur.
You are Town and your vote is your weapon.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: The name Lemur is Latin for "spirit of the night"!



You are a Bonobo.
You are Town and your vote is your weapon.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Bonobos share 98.7% of their DNA with Humans making them closer to Humans genetically then they are to Gorillas!


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Last but not least is Jifs role PM and subsequent investigations. This is the sort of role that is very interpretive and I tried to make it clear enough while still leaving it a little ambiguous as well. I felt like I rode that line pretty well but Jif just was not getting it. However I may just be looking at it from the perspective of someone who knew everything from the start. So you guys be the judge. If it was too hard to figure out what I was saying then I apologize to Jif and all of you. It wasn't intentional not to be able to figure out the results entirely.



You are an Orangutan.

At Night you may Investigate another Player and will get a result determined by the flavor of their role (Flavor Cop).

You may Investigate the same Player more than once with different results.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

Did you know?: Orangutans are the only great ape to live naturally outside of Africa!



Taking a closer look at Spoot you notice most of his fur is black except for his large head which is covered in yellow fur and is dominated by a long snout which is strikingly white in color with a bright red stripe going down the center from the brow to the large nostriled snout.


As you are examining Spoot you see a blur of movement and hear a deep menacing growl and then you feel a flash of pain. Out of pure instinct you jump your fat ass straight up onto a low branch and then hurl yourself across the nearby river. As you you look up to see what attacked you all you notice is a pair of shiny yellow eyes slink back into the jungle.


You have been Maimed!

You take one less vote to lynch for the rest of the game.



If this was a bigger and/or more serious game I might suggest you investigate yourself to gain a better understanding of the role and leave it at that. But it's not so I'll give you an example as if you had. So you are an Orangutan right? Per the flavor of the story I've made up apes in this jungle are town and humans (and other animals) are scum and trying to kill them. So if you investigated yourself I might say something like "You follow Jif to get a better look at him. It's dark and the terrain is difficult but his bright orange fur and large body make tracking him easy in the bright green jungle. His face is fat and round while his eyes are comically small. As dawn approaches you fade away so he doesn't spot you looking at him." So in this case I have described an Orangutan which is an ape and apes are town therefore you can assume that Jif is probably town. I described whatever Spoot is and it's left to you to figure out what it is and whether it's town or not. This is a very weak form of a cop where you are left to make up conclusions based on what I tell you. As I mentioned in your role description you can investigate the same player more than once and get different descriptions which might give you a better idea of what you're looking at. To be clear your role is just a small step up from being vanilla town and that's intentional. 


Hope this help clears up some of the confusion.





After killing Spoot you all split up for the night but on a whim you follow 80 to get a better look at him. What you see is wrinkled skin and yellow hair on a thin body. He has a sour smell about him as he sits on a rock and builds a small fire to keep himself warm tonight. Worried he might spot you in the firelight you retreat into the jungle.


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8 minutes ago, jvill 51 said:

Thanks for the game @Nolder! I get how JiF got confused about Spoot, maybe should have kept the results PM different from the maimed PM? But I’m surprised he took the 80 results as 80 being town.

Comically bad.  I did everything I could to lose this game for the town.  

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11 hours ago, The Crusher said:

If Greenseed and/or Arsis are scum they have played very well. 


11 hours ago, Arsis said:

I'm town. Does that mean I played like sh*t?


11 hours ago, Arsis said:

Unvote vote 80


11 hours ago, The Crusher said:

LOL, yes, if we don’t win. 

Great game  Arsis. 

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18 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Say no more.  Let's get this game moving again.

Unvote vote Arsis


18 hours ago, Drums said:

Unofficial Votecount

Arsis - Crusher, Jif, 80 (3)

80 - Jvill, Greenseed (2)

Jif - Arsis (1)



With 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline: Friday 8AM NST/11AM EST


15 hours ago, The Crusher said:



14 hours ago, JiFapono said:




12 hours ago, The Crusher said:

As long as Arsis was hangin at L1, either he is scum or scum was already on his train, and I know I’m not scum. 


11 hours ago, The Crusher said:

vote 80 @Nynaeve

My favorite exchange haha 

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22 hours ago, jvill 51 said:

I almost think 80 (or me) has to be the move today. Just consider the 4 scenarios:

1. For JiF to be scum and 80 to be town, that would mean that JiF guessed a random fact about 80’s role correctly, and the role was assigned to two players in a game where no one else was assigned the same roles (I know this last part is only confirmed from my perspective but bear with me). 

2. For JiF to be town and 80 to be town, same thing about the double role assignment but that also means Nolder included in JiF’s PM riddle a fact about bonobos that was the key to deciphering the role but that wasn’t included in 80’s or mine original role PM. Maybe more plausible than the above considering Nolder but there’s still a bunch of leaps there.

3. For JiF to be town and 80 to be scum, not a whole lot of leaps there. The “fire” in the PM JiF got was nefarious and had nothing to do with bonobos, so 80 went looking for an explanation and found a cover story. Just so happens the role was already taken.

4. For both of them to be scum, more leaps than the above scenario but less than the first two. Spoot the sacrificial beaver and they only need one more lynch for the win. Come up with the story about the riddles and the fire and the bonobos together and hope just anyone else gets mislynched today.


The simplest explanation to me is scenario 3, but I obviously have the benefit of knowing my role and that I’m town. Either way I think the lynch has to be out of the two bonobos.


21 hours ago, JiFapono said:

I cant vote you or 80, sorry, I just cant.  80 because of the info I received and he could have lynched me with no repercussion.  You because, well damn! and the same applied, you let me live.

I want to kill Arsis or Gseed.


20 hours ago, jvill 51 said:


lmfao.  This had me dying laughing at the time and is so much more hilarious in retrospect. 

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