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Happy Birthday 2pac


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No offense, but he could've thrown off the bad element and given back to his community by setting a GOOD example. Slug-A-Thug, basically. You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

do you even know anything about his life?

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I have nothing nice to say about 2 pack so I'm gonna be quiet and not disrespect the dead and just say I hope he rests in peace.

You should try it some time. You don't feel nearly as dirty afterwards as you would think. :lol:

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Those thousands of inner city children he changed doesn't count right?

Yeah, 2Pac was an excellent role model.

A drug abusing, loud mouth with "THUG LIFE" tattooed across his stomach. And he got shot twice, because of his big mouth. What an excellent mentor for America's youth.

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Those thousands of inner city children he changed doesn't count right?

I was hoping this thread would just die and go away.

What did he teach anybody? The guy was nothing but a gang banging gangster IN REAL LIFE. that's a role model?

This is insane how this guy became a martyr.

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I just think it's a shame how neither of you know anything about this guy besides he wore bandannas and had thug life tattooed on his chest, but yet you bash him. I'm not saying 2pac Shakur is a great role model, I dont even like the guy. But i'm sure he's made more of a postive impact on this world then either of you 2 have.

And Bill where do you get martyr from?

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I just think it's a shame how neither of you know anything about this guy besides he wore bandannas and had thug life tattooed on his chest, but yet you bash him. I'm not saying 2pac Shakur is a great role model, I dont even like the guy. But i'm sure he's made more of a postive impact on this world then either of you 2 have.

Please explain IN DETAIL what kind of positive impacts he has made on anything.

This should be interesting.

And Bill where do you get martyr from?

Because he seems to be more popular now that he's dead, than when he was alive. and I think that's because of the way he died, in a gang like shootout.

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Please explain IN DETAIL what kind of positive impacts he has made on anything.

This should be interesting.

Because he seems to be more popular now that he's dead, than when he was alive. and I think that's because of the way he died, in a gang like shootout.

You just dont get it do you? Ask any hip hop fan on here, there is a whole group of people who love this guy like you wouldn't believe. Why? I don't know! But if theres one or two lives he has changed along the way, that's more than any of us have ever done. I have an idea? Why don't you just stay out of this kid's thread if you dont agree with it? Obviously you don't like 2pac and don't feel he's done anything postive.. So leave it alone, and for the people who feel he has done something postive. Let them wish the guy a happy damn birthday.

I'm not here to defend 2pac and to get in a fight with you over the internet about a rapper. For the most part I dont even like that genre of music. But the way your judging this guy is crazy.

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You just dont get it do you?

No, I don't get it. and I don't think I want to.

Ask any hip hop fan on here, there is a whole group of people who love this guy like you wouldn't believe. Why? I don't know! But if theres one or two lives he has changed along the way, that's more than any of us have ever done. I have an idea? Why don't you just stay out of this kid's thread if you dont agree with it? Obviously you don't like 2pac and don't feel he's done anything postive.. So leave it alone, and for the people who feel he has done something postive. Let them wish the guy a happy damn birthday.

Oh, I see. it's that common love/bond of hip hop that makes him so great to the young kids in the ghetto :rolleyes:

I was staying out of it until you started defending him as being a great role model, which made me physically ill. I said nothing about him that wasn't true.

I'm not here to defend 2pac and to get in a fight with you over the internet about a rapper. For the most part I dont even like that genre of music. But the way your judging this guy is crazy.

But you are defending him..I don't get rap, period. I thought it was a fad 20 years ago that would die. but since rock music sucks so much these days, I guess some kids don't have another choice.

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Please explain IN DETAIL what kind of positive impacts he has made on anything.

This should be interesting.

Because he seems to be more popular now that he's dead, than when he was alive. and I think that's because of the way he died, in a gang like shootout.

hahaha 2pac was shot while sitting in the passenger seat of a car after leaving a Mike Tyson boxing match

not in the streets of Compton :rolleyes:

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hahaha 2pac was shot while sitting in the passenger seat of a car after leaving a Mike Tyson boxing match

not in the streets of Compton :rolleyes:

Whatever :rolleyes:

His big mouth had something to do with that, I'm sure.

He was assassinated..gee..why would someone want to kill such a sweetheart like tupac?

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Havn't been on all weekend to really spam the board for more then a minute or so at a time but, R.I.P. to one of the best ever. At least he didn't die like a coward. Drugs arn't the way out of life.

Tupac had talent, so do artists in todays world, whether the old farts or the people who think head-banging is real music want to believe it or not. Keep playing those pianos and drums baby!

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Havn't been on all weekend to really spam the board for more then a minute or so at a time but, R.I.P. to one of the best ever. At least he didn't die like a coward. Drugs arn't the way out of life.

Tupac had talent, so do artists in todays world, whether the old farts or the people who think head-banging is real music want to believe it or not. Keep playing those pianos and drums baby!

Right on.

Talking real fast over pre-packaged drum beats is the thing that requires talent, not playing a guitar. Any idiot can pick one up and start playing Hendrix. It takes a rare ability to talk fast over music you didn't create, though.

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Hahaha, I got negative reputation (not that I care) for what I said in here. Remark with the rep: "Dude...shut up". Dude?! :P

In all seriousness, you can't deny he's dead because of the associations he chose to make and keep. He would have done far more good sending more positive messages to youth.

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Hahaha, I got negative reputation (not that I care) for what I said in here. Remark with the rep: "Dude...shut up". Dude?! :P

In all seriousness, you can't deny he's dead because of the associations he chose to make and keep. He would have done far more good sending more positive messages to youth.

I started to type this earlier but then decided against it. But I don't like the whole he died because of the associations he kept point of view.

I don't know much about his "real" life. If you want to tell me that he killed people and got his in an eye for an eye kind of way then okay. But to the best of my knowledge there is no proof to that.

Otherwise it sounds like we are saying he had it coming. Did he? He was a performer. With a persona most likely. Again I don't know a ton about him but I do have a family member that was shot and killed in his 20's. He was in a bar. If he had words with somebody does that mean he had it coming. It was a Sunday, he should have been in church.

Hindsight is always 20/20. Nobody deserves death until the Good Lord calls them home. That's my take. Now I am pretty sure I broke several of my own rules with this post. But so be it!

I believe that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven.

I guess my ultimate point here is, this is not for any of us to judge. His fans just want to wish him a Happy Birthday!

I will step down from my soap box now, lol!

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I started to type this earlier but then decided against it. But I don't like the whole he died because of the associations he kept point of view.

I don't know much about his "real" life. If you want to tell me that he killed people and got his in an eye for an eye kind of way then okay. But to the best of my knowledge there is no proof to that.

Otherwise it sounds like we are saying he had it coming. Did he? He was a performer. With a persona most likely. Again I don't know a ton about him but I do have a family member that was shot and killed in his 20's. He was in a bar. If he had words with somebody does that mean he had it coming. It was a Sunday, he should have been in church.

Hindsight is always 20/20. Nobody deserves death until the Good Lord calls them home. That's my take. Now I am pretty sure I broke several of my own rules with this post. But so be it!

I guess my ultimate point here is, this is not for any of us to judge. His fans just want to wish him a Happy Birthday!

I will step down from my soap box now, lol!

He was shot on two separate occasions. Both were assassination attempts, and the second one was successful. In no way did I say he had it coming or that he 'deserved it'. All I'm saying is, certain chosen environments invite bad mojo. And I'm sorry about your cousin.

EDIT: And I DID say it's a shame, because it is completely unnecessary that this guy lost his life. He could have changed his fate, no doubt in my mind.

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