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Official D'Brick discussion thread


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LT is probably the 2nd hardest position to play besides QB, it will take time.

Tell that to McNeil. Our boy is too small, that is the problem. The Ravens are pretty big too so it won't get much better next week...but I guess after that he might be okay.

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LT is probably the 2nd hardest position to play besides QB, it will take time.

I bought that last year. This is his second year.

I'm not throwing the towel in and calling the kid a bust........Yet

That was a very weak game. I'm very concerned.. He might have only given up one official sack, but pressure was coming from his slot all game.

This kid has to step it up soon, or the Jets have some real long term problems.

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I bought that last year. This is his second year.

I'm not throwing the towel in and calling the kid a bust........Yet

That was a very weak game. I'm very concerned.. He might have only given up one official sack, but pressure was coming from his slot all game.

This kid has to step it up soon, or the Jets have some real long term problems.

Yeah he was getting beat outside and bull rushed quite often.

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I thought this guy was an expert pass protecter? A big dancing bear??? His pass protection was so good that it didn't even matter that his run blocking was so/so...

Time to face the facts people.. The guy is a bust as of now.. Hes no pro bowler

He's started every single game at LT since he's been in the league. I agree that he's no pro bowler, but he's also far from a bust.

He hgave up consecutive penalties before the half... holding and false start...

That holding call was bull****. It may have been a legit hold, but it only happened because the entire middle of the line imploded and Penny rolled out around D'Brick. At that point, like most o-lineman, his hands get caught outside his elbows and he's called for a hold. It happens all the time on unplanned roll-outs.

I bought that last year. This is his second year.

I'm not throwing the towel in and calling the kid a bust........Yet

That was a very weak game. I'm very concerned.. He might have only given up one official sack, but pressure was coming from his slot all game.

This kid has to step it up soon, or the Jets have some real long term problems.

Pressure was coming from his slot? Who the **** is next to him? $1M for Kendall seems like a ****ing bargain to me. Those pieces of **** that we are using in his place will probably get Pennington or Jones killed before the year is over and they sure aren't doing anything to help Ferguson and Mangold.

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Tell that to McNeil. Our boy is too small, that is the problem. The Ravens are pretty big too so it won't get much better next week...but I guess after that he might be okay.

Hey man, it doesn't always work out the way you wanted. I was a big fan of Jay Cutler, but it didn't work out the way I want. Hopefully Ferguson could be a future HOF LT.

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Ferguson is closer to bust than pro-bowl. I dont see how he will ever deal with the league's bigger DEs and now I dont see him stacking up with the speed guys either, and if anything thats what he was brought here to do. Its disappointing so far.

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If Peyton was his QB, he'd be viewed as a great pick. Guaranteed.

That being said, he has been alittle dissapointing thus far in his career. But having a QB who plants himself back there like a statue, and doesnt ever step up in the pocket to avoid a sack like its 2nd nature, really doesnt make Dbrick look any better. just sayin'

I'm gonna let him play out the season before I crucify him.

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If Peyton was his QB, he'd be viewed as a great pick. Guaranteed.

That being said, he has been alittle dissapointing thus far in his career. But having a QB who plants himself back there like a statue, and doesnt ever step up in the pocket to avoid a sack like its 2nd nature, really doesnt make Dbrick look any better. just sayin'

I'm gonna let him play out the season before I crucify him.

Dude, my friend has a thyroid problem, is that Pennington's fault? Give me a ****ing break. Pennington has nothing to do with the fact that Ferguson is a substandard run blocker. He also has very little to do with any problems D'Brick's had pass blocking. Pennington has a weak arm, but he's not exactly Ken O'Brien in the pocket. I know it's useless to say it, but stop acting like Pennington is the cause of all the ills of the world.

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Dude, my friend has a thyroid problem, is that Pennington's fault? Give me a ****ing break. Pennington has nothing to do with the fact that Ferguson is a substandard run blocker. He also has very little to do with any problems D'Brick's had pass blocking. Pennington has a weak arm, but he's not exactly Ken O'Brien in the pocket. I know it's useless to say it, but stop acting like Pennington is the cause of all the ills of the world.

I didnt say he was, but he doesnt make Dbricks job any easier thats for sure.

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I didnt say he was, but he doesnt make Dbricks job any easier thats for sure.

I dont see any way to defend Ferguson's play to date. Or to mitigate the lack of results. He gets beat too often. He is not creating creases or seams for the RBs. Hopefully, he will improve but I dont see him ever becoming a dominant or pro bowl calibre LT.

Interesting that someone brought up Manning because Ugoh reminded me alot of Ferguson. At a fraction of the investment.

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Let's just easily say that none of us here are experts on the schemes of the offensive line. We all assume that when a guy gets beat on that side that it is due to the player there, and not due to the defense taking advantage of a hole in the offensive line. Brick is playing next to Clarke, who we can all agree is a pos. So with Belicheck, the defensive genious, lets not forget how many times he threw 3 and 4 guys into that slot.

None of us can say from our couches or our seats in the stadium that we know the schemes that both lines are running. So just because a guy breaks through on one side, doesn't mean it is that o liners fault. He could have been overloaded, someone could missed an assignment, or the quarterback could have held it too long or rolled into a defensive rush.

Seperate from that whole statement I will say that Brick is undersized at his position, and it will take more than technique and schemed blocking for him to be successful. However when you're undersized and getting 3 on 2 rushing from the defense its even a tougher situation to be put into.

Let's not crucify singular guys, we just got owned on the lines.

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If Peyton was his QB, he'd be viewed as a great pick. Guaranteed.

That being said, he has been alittle dissapointing thus far in his career. But having a QB who plants himself back there like a statue, and doesnt ever step up in the pocket to avoid a sack like its 2nd nature, really doesnt make Dbrick look any better. just sayin'

I'm gonna let him play out the season before I crucify him.

So it's Pennington's fault that D'Brick is average? When are you going to start blaming Chad Pennington for Global Warming?

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He's started every single game at LT since he's been in the league. I agree that he's no pro bowler, but he's also far from a bust.

That holding call was bull****. It may have been a legit hold, but it only happened because the entire middle of the line imploded and Penny rolled out around D'Brick. At that point, like most o-lineman, his hands get caught outside his elbows and he's called for a hold. It happens all the time on unplanned roll-outs.

Pressure was coming from his slot? Who the **** is next to him? $1M for Kendall seems like a ****ing bargain to me. Those pieces of **** that we are using in his place will probably get Pennington or Jones killed before the year is over and they sure aren't doing anything to help Ferguson and Mangold.

Pennywise pound foolish. I still believe in the Mangini/Tannebaum program. But there's plenty of cap room, and the vaunted Eagles Salary Cap Management Trophy isn't the same as a playoff berth. We probably needed Kendall for 1 more year. May be as the season goes on these guys will come to the fore. Today was a debacle.
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F that D'Busto is officially a bum as far as Im concerned...if this guy was a third round pick you would be all over him and be begging to get him replaced...the only reason he gets as much slack as he does was b/c of the fact hes a top 5 pick (even though the opposite should be true). Mangold gets a break b/c he is playing against a player that I consider one of the finest interior linemen in the NFL...Wilfork is an absolute beast and one of the best in the league IMO. Mangold is the only linemen on this team that is above average...1 million looks pretty good for Kendall right now.

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Let's just easily say that none of us here are experts on the schemes of the offensive line. We all assume that when a guy gets beat on that side that it is due to the player there, and not due to the defense taking advantage of a hole in the offensive line. Brick is playing next to Clarke, who we can all agree is a pos. So with Belicheck, the defensive genious, lets not forget how many times he threw 3 and 4 guys into that slot.

None of us can say from our couches or our seats in the stadium that we know the schemes that both lines are running. So just because a guy breaks through on one side, doesn't mean it is that o liners fault. He could have been overloaded, someone could missed an assignment, or the quarterback could have held it too long or rolled into a defensive rush.

Seperate from that whole statement I will say that Brick is undersized at his position, and it will take more than technique and schemed blocking for him to be successful. However when you're undersized and getting 3 on 2 rushing from the defense its even a tougher situation to be put into.

Let's not crucify singular guys, we just got owned on the lines.

He needs a big stud guard next to him. Brick was a bad #4 pick. With an O-line pick that high you need them to be good at everything and carry the guy next to them, like say Pace for example.

I'm annoyed at how bad our running game was though. I thought we got rid of Kendell to upgrade the run game? Wtf? Ugh...we were cheap in FA and we didn't draft the players we needed. What is Tangini doing out there?

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Is Brick Walter Jones? No. Is he a solid starter at LT this league? Yes. The rest of that line isn't helping him any.

I wouldn't even call D'Brick solid yet. He is a below average run blocker. Also, "solid" linemen don't let rookie back-ups like Jarvis Green almost kill their QB.

Green wasn't even a big-time pass rusher in college. Last year he had 7.5 sacks playing against college kids. Brick is getting exposed against the better defenses plus he lost Kendall.

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I wouldn't even call D'Brick solid yet. He is a below average run blocker. Also, "solid" linemen don't let rookie back-ups like Jarvis Green almost kill their QB.

Green wasn't even a big-time pass rusher in college. Last year he had 7.5 sacks playing against college kids. Brick is getting exposed against the better defenses plus he lost Kendall.

Having no confidence in the guy playing next to you can't help a LT...

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I'm not going to call him a bust yet, but it's getting close. Everyone said, including myself it was the safest pick. Yeah, there was some questions about his run blocking, but he was a stud in college. Now, to be honest I really wanted Cutler. Ecurb I don't want to here your crap either about Cutler not doing well behind this line either. lol. I just think that Chad is never going to get us where we want to go. Not that it matters who is qb behind the line we have right now.

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Besides that one sack he played a good game. It's not his fault there's noone else on the Oline to compliment him and Mangold.

Were you watching the same game I was? Don't mean to seem so harsh but a holding penalty, a false start, two sacks, and avg at best runblocking is NOT a good game...

And I'm not even getting into all the hurries he caused...

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