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E-Mail The Commisioner


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But if this incident turns out to be true, it could have had a direct impact on the game. I mean the Patriots did appear to anticipate all of the defensive plays.

According to 1050 ESPN radio, the Pats stand to lose 1st day draft picks. That is all fine and dandy if the recipient of those picks turns out to be the team that they wronged. Also, shouldn't the game be awarded to the team that was on the receiving end of this wrongful act?

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But if this incident turns out to be true, it could have had a direct impact on the game. I mean the Patriots did appear to anticipate all of the defensive plays.

According to 1050 ESPN radio, the Pats stand to lose 1st day draft picks. That is all fine and dandy if the recipient of those picks turns out to be the team that they wronged. Also, shouldn't the game be awarded to the team that was on the receiving end of this wrongful act?

The NFL has to come down on hard on any type of cheating, if not it opens up a huge bag of worms.

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The NFL has to come down on hard on any type of cheating, if not it opens up a huge bag of worms.

I completely agree, and I am not saying that the Pats have not been a great team, but maybe, just maybe, cheating may have played its part in that since the Packers busted this same guy last year for the very same thing.

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As of last night there were 5 or 6 teams that came out and said they suspected the same thing.

I have already sent my e-mail.

I am sure however that nothing will be done since the NFL is so good at sweeping things under the carpet and make problems disappear. The Pats will get away with as much as they can get away with and they will continue to do so until someone gets serious about stopping the crap.

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I have already sent my e-mail.

I am sure however that nothing will be done since the NFL is so good at sweeping things under the carpet and make problems disappear. The Pats will get away with as much as they can get away with and they will continue to do so until someone gets serious about stopping the crap.

Yeah, its pretty sad that asking for no cheaters in a sport is too much to ask.

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Dear Commissioner Goodell,

You need to severely punish the Patriots for their despicable "spying" routine versus the NY Jets on Sunday, September 9th. Their stealing of the Jets defensive signals changed the entire outcome of the game. I strongly suggest that you take away the Patriots first two draft picks and consider having them forfeit the game. With the major sports scandal in the NBA with cheating, you should have a no tolerance rule with this incident and impose the harshest punishment possible. The NFL needs to take on stand that cheating will never be tolerated!

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Good idea, don't let him review the evidence on his own, just let a bunch of bitter Jets fans whose a$$es are still beat red tell him what to do.

It is amazing how you've never been banned.....I guess that your most telling post was when you posted that Tom Brady was out for the year with a shoulder injury simply because you wanted the attention.

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some of us don't want the NFL to turn into the WWE that's all

So you would prefer that he just rules as you want him to or would you rather he actually looks at the evidence and makes a decision on his own without you guys hounding him?

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It is amazing how you've never been banned.....I guess that your most telling post was when you posted that Tom Brady was out for the year with a shoulder injury simply because you wanted the attention.

I'm unbannable bitch!! And the sooner you realize that, the sooner we can get along. ;)

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So you would prefer that he just rules as you want him to or would you rather he actually looks at the evidence and makes a decision on his own without you guys hounding him?

No one on here stated that.

Conversely this is at least the second time that the Patriots and this camera person in particular have been accused of such an act. If it turns out to be true, the Pats should pay dearly. Let me guess, you also favor the use of steroids in professional sports, as long as it is the Patriots using...

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No sir, I would rather they not cheat..Question for you Alk.If the evidence shows their was filming and info that helped the Pat's offense know what was coming what should the punishment be..Would you not be disappointed or think who cares sorry we got caught..honestly

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No one on here stated that.

Conversely this is at least the second time that the Patriots and this camera person in particular have been accused of such an act. If it turns out to be true, the Pats should pay dearly. Let me guess, you also favor the use of steroids in professional sports, as long as it is the Patriots using...

Oh BS. If you guys had your way, the evidence would have been thrown in the nearest river and the Patriots would immediately be banned from the NFL for life. It is curious that the Packers are just now coming out and saying something. If they were so sure, why didn't they say anything last season.

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No sir, I would rather they not cheat..Question for you Alk.If the evidence shows their was filming and info that helped the Pat's offense know what was coming what should the punishment be..Would you not be disappointed or think who cares sorry we got caught..honestly

I believe if it is proven that this is in fact what they were doing they should have their first round pick stripped. If they want to give the Jets the win too that's just fine with me too.

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Oh BS. If you guys had your way, the evidence would have been thrown in the nearest river and the Patriots would immediately be banned from the NFL for life. It is curious that the Packers are just now coming out and saying something. If they were so sure, why didn't they say anything last season.

Actually they did. That is why the NFL warned teams at the owner's meeting about this sort of thing. It was NFL security that spotted him.

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"Not very classy" is the understatement of the millenium in your case.

Jesus dude pull the stick out of your a$$. The ;) = kidding. Your first problem with me is that you assume I am being serious 100% of the time. Cut that percentage down to about 25% we'll be just fine.

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my motivation for putting up these E-Mail the Commissioner Threads Alk is I don't WANT it to be swept under the rug and thought of as business as usual-a LOT of Jets fans have now written since last night on 3 different boards...we've already lost baseball and now basketball I sort of liked the way the NFL was going

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my motivation for putting up these E-Mail the Commissioner Threads Alk is I don't WANT it to be swept under the rug and thought of as business as usual-a LOT of Jets fans have now written since last night on 3 different boards...we've already lost baseball and now basketball I sort of liked the way the NFL was going

Hey SFJ...there's always hockey!

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