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He's earning back the cheers.....


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He has been doing well over the past month, and maybe he's finally getting his power bat back after jacking 2 dingers this afternoon.

He is also no longer swinging at garbage sliders in the dirt anymore. I like what I'm seing from G.

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I am patient. I gave up on this guy. If he can became even a .300 - 25 home run guy I will give him AND YOU credit.

Because you are the only person I know that didn't give up on him!

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Somebody should check Giambi's locker for a Whizzinator. And I think it would be poetic justice if Giambi has a MONSTER second half so George and Cashman have to eat sh*t and take back their mock disgust that <gasp> he would shame the grand Yankee name by doing steroids, and had defrauded the Pinstripes! And how George and Cashman basically tried to steal his contract money and throw him out on the street. Now that Giambi is starting to creep back to respectability as far as stats are concerned, NOW he's an A-OK guy...just like Sheff. I guess the Yankee rule is this: Play poorly, and you're a crackhead/alcoholic/roido waste; play OK and you're a reclamation project made good, and the grace of George, God and Joe Torre saved from imminent death. What a pathetic organization.

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Somebody should check Giambi's locker for a Whizzinator. And I think it would be poetic justice if Giambi has a MONSTER second half so George and Cashman have to eat sh*t and take back their mock disgust that <gasp> he would shame the grand Yankee name by doing steroids, and had defrauded the Pinstripes! And how George and Cashman basically tried to steal his contract money and throw him out on the street. Now that Giambi is starting to creep back to respectability as far as stats are concerned, NOW he's an A-OK guy...just like Sheff. I guess the Yankee rule is this: Play poorly, and you're a crackhead/alcoholic/roido waste; play OK and you're a reclamation project made good, and the grace of George, God and Joe Torre saved from imminent death. What a pathetic organization.

Your jealousy is flattering, thank you =D>

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Somebody should check Giambi's locker for a Whizzinator. And I think it would be poetic justice if Giambi has a MONSTER second half so George and Cashman have to eat sh*t and take back their mock disgust that <gasp> he would shame the grand Yankee name by doing steroids, and had defrauded the Pinstripes! And how George and Cashman basically tried to steal his contract money and throw him out on the street. Now that Giambi is starting to creep back to respectability as far as stats are concerned, NOW he's an A-OK guy...just like Sheff. I guess the Yankee rule is this: Play poorly, and you're a crackhead/alcoholic/roido waste; play OK and you're a reclamation project made good, and the grace of George, God and Joe Torre saved from imminent death. What a pathetic organization.

Play poorly?

This guy couldn't make contact on 85mph fastballs. It was pathetic, and it got to a point where he had to have been aired out.

Giambi's playing much better, but I haven't heard anyone refer to his improvement as some part of some reclamation project like you're calling it. You're going over the top with the drama Tom and you know it with this whole George and Joe can save you.

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Answer this: Are Cashman and George still taking a moral stand in trying to get Giambi's money back because of using roids? You know, how he "violated his contract" and how they were going to make a big statement by cutting him? Not a chance. Now they're going to rub his balls and try to spin it that "he made a mistake" and that "we always knew Jason had the heart of a champion" IF he continues to hit. Face it. The Yankees will have egg all over their faces if Giambi rocks 35 bombs this season.

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Oh, great! He's now the 14th best 1st baseman/DH in the AL. The OBP sure is great with his speed. And those 3 ABs where he does zip certainly add so much to the Yanks' offense. His trade value must be off the charts. And his memorable contribtions in the 2004 ALCS won't soon be forgotten.

This guy was paid huge money assuming he would hit .300/35 HRs/120 RBI for the length of his contract. That isn't happening. And just because inferior pitchers somehow throw 4 balls past him often doesn't mean he still doesn't suck. His contract is the reason a productive player like Guerrero or Beltran wasn't signed to replace Bernie, and why the Yanks cannot deal some young talents to the Rockies for Helton or swipe Mike Sweeney from KC in a contract dump.


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i had heard that giambi was having a lot of problems with his eyes and the pituitary gland problem he had last year but didn't want to say anything about it the yankees for fear of what their reaction would be.

i also heard that he is still juiced to the gill - anyone who saw that interview with him yesterday had to notice that he was still absolutely huge.

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hasnt Giamboo already sucked enough to ensure that he will have a bad year? I guess with an absolute MONSTER SECOND HALF (has to be roid free though so its highly unlikely) he could stand a chance at having a "so-so" year...but a good year is outta the question.

Only in Yankeeland, home of the blind, deaf, and dumb yahoos, can there be so much ballwashing over a .250 supposed "slugger" who has hit 7 bombs and makes $20 million per year.

One question, if Giamboo has a big 2nd half and the Yankees dont make the playoffs 'cuz they've continued their .500 play, are we going to endure an offseason you guys giving verbal fellatio to Giamboo like youre all doing right now with the Yankees in 3rd place? Ya know what...never mind, I already know the answer!

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I've been rooting hard for Giambi all year, and the signs have been there all year that Giambi would return to being a good hitter, and he has. I've loved the OBP all year, I've said all year that all he needs is to drive the ball, get some power to the gaps or over the fence, and he'd be the answer at first base. And it's looking like that's becoming the case. He's not only getting hits, he's getting clutch hits.

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  • 2 weeks later...


That homerun was a frickin moonshot

JonE, you really stood behind Jason like nobody else I know, so kudos to you.


Giambi listened to you. It was his stance. I mean his arm angle. Either way he fixed it!


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Obviously you guys didn't know me in the beginning of the year :mrgreen:

I've always rooted for Giambi. It was primarily a confidence issue early on this year I thought, because he swung at NOTHING. If he got his confidence back, he could be productive. That's why I cheered him big at the 2 games I've went to this season.

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Giambi listened to you. It was his stance. I mean his arm angle. Either way he fixed it!


I knew it had to do with his stance, it was frickin obvious he was pulling off everything. But it also was a mental game with Giambi, he had no confidence in himself 2 months ago. Now he does..

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Be careful, JFMack, you might break an ankle jumping on and off the Giamboo bandwagon. As soon as MLB actually begins their more "random" drug testing...these HRs will disappear.

:lol: we both laughed at Jone when he stood up for Giambi, but I can admit Giambi has proven me wrong so far

your still banking on steroids? come on man :roll:

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:lol: we both laughed at Jone when he stood up for Giambi, but I can admit Giambi has proven me wrong so far

your still banking on steroids? come on man :roll:

Wow...I like your standards for judging players. Jason Giamboo has sucked so hard, for so long this year he has already assured himself of a bad season. He has stunk since coming to NY and his contract was a HUGE mistake. And you think Juicin' Jason has proven his critics wrong because he hit a few homeruns in a a few weeks.

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