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The Official Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread


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Did you watch the game? If it was a Devils player who pulled that stunt Ranger fans would be trying to riot.

Not really. It was funny and actually, smart. If an opposing player did it to Henrik, I'd give him kudos for it because I've never seen it done and the refs did not rule it a penalty.

But hey, its okay for Marty to trip Avery into him with his stick when Marty himself isn't even in the crease - which led to the refs calling interference on Avery.

But you know, the NHL wants to see the Rangers win.

Give it a rest.

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Stranger fans having to root for a peace of human waste like Avery is just like patsy fans making excuses for Belichick's cheating.

Wow somebody's vagina a little sore today? Avery's a piece of human waste? HAHAHAHAHAHA. If you think Avery's that bad I gotta wonder what you think of Scott Stevens, Chris Simon, Chris Pronger, Steve Downie etc.

It's hilarious how angry people get about Avery for the stupidest sh!t. Why don't you grow a pair madmike, this is hockey.

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Somone should pull a zednick on avery. THAT would be funny.

Why weren't you permanently banned again?

This is especially funny because you were just calling Avery a piece of human waste and then you post something like this. I guess you're too *****ing stupid to realize the irony

Disclaimer: I don't care if I get reprimanded for this. MadMike is just showing once again why nobody can stand him and we might as well just ban him.

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Let me say one thing. I'd rather lose this series than root for a little piece of crap like Sean Avery for one second. That guy is the lowest form of humanity.

Haha why? Because he's not afraid of Brodeur? Because he owns the Devils in general? Sean Avery is a pest. Just like Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuelsson and Esa Tikkanen and everybody else like that.

It makes me wonder if you've ever actually watched hockey because real hockey fans cannot possibly be that offended by what Avery did.

And if you really think he is the "lowest form of humanity" you should do some research on things like Germany in the 1940's and Darfur.

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Did you watch the game? If it was a Devils player who pulled that stunt Ranger fans would be trying to riot.

Uh that wasn't cheating. He was just mocking and then shortly thereafter owning the sh!t out of Brodeur.

Jeez you would think hockey fans were better than this. It's like people have never heard of the term pest before. Every good team has one.

It's nice how this bs "controversy" has distracted everyone from the horrendous officiating that took place in last night's game, especially on the GW "goal."

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I don't think anyone is sleeping on the Pens, Carl. I still believe that they are the best team in the East, despite everyone's love for Montreal. Pittsburgh is the one team I do not want to see.

There are some here who thought Ottawa would win the series and that Montreal is the class of the East. We'll see.

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Oh and by the way PeterNorth, you were WRONG as usual. This was not a rule on Sunday night, as the NHL put this rule in the rule books on Monday to prevent it from happening again so your comparisons of Avery to Bonds and Belichick look even more ridiculous right now. Nice job.

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Avery is a joke, he should get knocked on his ass every possible chance. His bs isn't as bad as guys trying to intentionally hurt guys, but that **** he pulled the other night is still completely ridiculous; and if you don't think so you're a delusional homer. That it took the NHL less than 24 hours to put a stop to it should make it clear how lame it was. Wtf, am I watching a hockey game or a clown show?

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Haha why? Because he's not afraid of Brodeur? Because he owns the Devils in general? Sean Avery is a pest. Just like Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuelsson and Esa Tikkanen and everybody else like that.

It makes me wonder if you've ever actually watched hockey because real hockey fans cannot possibly be that offended by what Avery did.

And if you really think he is the "lowest form of humanity" you should do some research on things like Germany in the 1940's and Darfur.

That's a winner folks....

Avery is a pest plain and simple. If he plays for your team you love him. If he doesn't then you hate him with the upmost of passion. He is a guy who gets under your skin just like a Claude Lemieux, a Tikkanen or if you want to go back some Ken "The Rat" Linesman.

Heck The Devils coach Sutter was a pest when he was with the Islanders.

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Haha why? Because he's not afraid of Brodeur? Because he owns the Devils in general? Sean Avery is a pest. Just like Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuelsson and Esa Tikkanen and everybody else like that.

It makes me wonder if you've ever actually watched hockey because real hockey fans cannot possibly be that offended by what Avery did.

And if you really think he is the "lowest form of humanity" you should do some research on things like Germany in the 1940's and Darfur.

How does a loser like that own a first ballot hall of game goalie again? What the hell has that POS won in his life? Nothing.

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That's a winner folks....

Avery is a pest plain and simple. If he plays for your team you love him. If he doesn't then you hate him with the upmost of passion. He is a guy who gets under your skin just like a Claude Lemieux, a Tikkanen or if you want to go back some Ken "The Rat" Linesman.

Heck The Devils coach Sutter was a pest when he was with the Islanders.

Being a pest is starting fights with players on the other team. That has always been accepted.

Purposely trying to block the view of the Goalie has NEVER been considered part of that. That's just plain bush league bs and has no place in the game.

Nice spin job Rangers fans. Have fun rooting for a cheater.

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Being a pest is starting fights with players on the other team. That has always been accepted.

Purposely trying to block the view of the Goalie has NEVER been considered part of that. That's just plain bush league bs and has no place in the game.

Nice spin job Rangers fans. Have fun rooting for a cheater.

Your pats/belicheat analogy is perfect...

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Oh and by the way PeterNorth, you were WRONG as usual. This was not a rule on Sunday night, as the NHL put this rule in the rule books on Monday to prevent it from happening again so your comparisons of Avery to Bonds and Belichick look even more ridiculous right now. Nice job.

Actually the analysts on Hockey Night in Canada on Sunday night pulled up the rule. I trust them over you any day of the week. Even if that wasn't the case the refs should have called an unsportsmanlike penalty on Avery right there.

The only difference between Avery and Belichick is that in Avery's case the NHL and Colin Campball actually did their jobs and put an end to the garbage right away. In Belly's case Roger Goodell and the NFL hierarchy pretended to have their heads in their ass and let the Pats do whatever they want until it became too embarassing to ignore it.

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Purposely trying to block the view of the Goalie has NEVER been considered part of that. That's just plain bush league bs and has no place in the game.

Nice spin job Rangers fans. Have fun rooting for a cheater.

Screening the goalie has been part of hockey since they invented the game. Avery never touched Broduer and never violated the crease, excepting for Broduer pushing or punching Avery. . You could only act the way he did on a 5 on 3. Colin Campbell made his career as a defenseman pushing forwards away from his goalie's view doing exactly

what Avery was doing the other night. Campbell hates the Rangers for firing him, and invented a new rule on the fly, which is a joke.

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Did you watch the game? If it was a Devils player who pulled that stunt Ranger fans would be trying to riot.

I thought it was very creative.

And yes, if a Devil's player did that I would be pissed as well. This series is going at least 6 so we should all enjoy the ride.

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Being a pest is starting fights with players on the other team. That has always been accepted.

Purposely trying to block the view of the Goalie has NEVER been considered part of that. That's just plain bush league bs and has no place in the game.

Nice spin job Rangers fans. Have fun rooting for a cheater.

I hope that was a hint of sarcasm, because if you believe screening the goalie has never been a part of the game and is cheating, then your are sadly mistaken.

What do you think teams do during power plays or during even strength? They take the biggest guy they have and shove his fat ass in front of the net. It's called screening. The goalie has no right to a clear pathway in a game, especially in a powerplay. If he can't see, tough sh**. It's his players jobs to give him a view of the puck.

Watch any Red Wings game. Tomas Holmstrom is 6'6 and will sit in front of the net outside the crease and his sole job is to block the goalie's view of the puck. Every team in the NHL does it. And it's perfectly legal.

What Avery did was be an annoyance to Brodeur, which is exactly what he was. Avery's only stupid mistake is that most guys who park themselves in front of net have their backs facing the goalie so they can actually see the puck, not face the goalie and hope you don't take a slapshot to the back of the head.

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Being a pest is starting fights with players on the other team. That has always been accepted.

Purposely trying to block the view of the Goalie has NEVER been considered part of that. That's just plain bush league bs and has no place in the game.

Nice spin job Rangers fans. Have fun rooting for a cheater.

LMAO so now screening the goalie is bush league? This is a serious question, have you ever watched a hockey game?

All Avery did was screen the goalie in an unusual way and all of the middle school girls who root for the Devils now have their panties in a twist.

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I hope that was a hint of sarcasm, because if you believe screening the goalie has never been a part of the game and is cheating, then your are sadly mistaken.

What do you think teams do during power plays or during even strength? They take the biggest guy they have and shove his fat ass in front of the net. It's called screening. The goalie has no right to a clear pathway in a game, especially in a powerplay. If he can't see, tough sh**. It's his players jobs to give him a view of the puck.

Watch any Red Wings game. Tomas Holmstrom is 6'6 and will sit in front of the net outside the crease and his sole job is to block the goalie's view of the puck. Every team in the NHL does it. And it's perfectly legal.

What Avery did was be an annoyance to Brodeur, which is exactly what he was. Avery's only stupid mistake is that most guys who park themselves in front of net have their backs facing the goalie so they can actually see the puck, not face the goalie and hope you don't take a slapshot to the back of the head.

Thank you Mavrik. If people think screening the goalie is "cheating" they obviously don't know a thing about hockey.

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Avery reminded me of a 1st grade kid who is in the face of another 1st grade kid, trying to piss him off, and saying, "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!"

It was childish, and beneath even him...I think. Drury even came over and told him to get his stick down. Word from the Rangers beat writers is Shanahan, Drury & Jagr ripped Avery in the locker room after the game for this stunt.

Bottom line to me is it was just dopey. Made Avery look like a fool. If Ranger fans want to say it's a smart play, so be it. Most biased fans will back up a player on their team no matter what. My feeling is, Avery is the prototypical player that you love to have on your team, and think he is a doosh when he is on the other team. However, in this case he resorted to ridiculous behavior, that even he shouldn't have to do...especially when his team is on a 5-3 PP.

My main problem with the situation was, the refs told Sutter & Langenbrunner, "if he does it again, we will call a penalty" WHY WILL IT BE A PENALTY THE 2ND TIME HE DOES IT, BUT NOT THE 1ST??? :wtf: Just another example of why NHL refs suck and have too much leeway on penalty calls...and have no idea what icing is! :winking0001:

I still think the Rangers win the series in 6, because they are the better team.

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I don't remember which rule they said exactly but it took the NHL all of 5 minutes to issue this in response to Avery's cheating:

"The league noted that unsportsmanlike is "when an offensive player positions himself facing the opposition goaltender and engages in actions such as waving his arms or stick in front of the goaltender's face, for the purpose of improperly interfering with and/or distracting the goaltender as opposed to positioning himself to try to make a play."

The statement issued by NHL senior executive vice-president Colin Campbell makes it clear the performance by Avery won't be tolerated in the future. "


And this is despite the fact that the NHL wants so badly to see the Rangers win this series and get mega-market New York tv ratings in the playoffs.

...They said this after the game. And so how is that cheating? There was no rule in place during the game banning that type of behavior, and it was done right in front of the refs, so if they thought it was unsportsmanlike they could've called that. I'm sure the NHL wants us to win.

By the way, I posted in this thread, or at least I was pretty sure I did, right after the game ended, I have no idea where that post went.

I think that rule is BS too. Avery is allowed to do whatever he wants outside of the crease. The new NHL is totally taking out the excitement garnered from watching a defenseman and the guy on offense battle it out for position in front of the net. No one on the Devils was near Avery and no one made an effort to stop him, so he should be able to do that. If you want a guy outta there, you should force him out, not make up BS rules against it. I would've said the same thing if a player on the Devils or any other team was doing this to the Rangers, too.

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You guys who are comparing this to common screening are acting really stupid. If it was simple screening, they wouldn't have made a rule about it in the middle of a playoff series. Goalies get screened in every game, that bull**** that Avery was pulling is a completely different situation.

Whats next, a guy pulling off his own jersey and holding it up in front of the opposing goalie? By your logic, that would be fine too.

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You guys who are comparing this to common screening are acting really stupid. If it was simple screening, they wouldn't have made a rule about it in the middle of a playoff series. Goalies get screened in every game, that bull**** that Avery was pulling is a completely different situation.

Whats next, a guy pulling off his own jersey and holding it up in front of the opposing goalie? By your logic, that would be fine too.

The fact that they changed the rule was BS. They changed it because the Devils are a bunch of whiners and Brodeur has to have his way or he might whine even more. Changing rules in the middle of a playoff series because a certain player is disliked is ridiculous and meritless.

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You guys who are comparing this to common screening are acting really stupid. If it was simple screening, they wouldn't have made a rule about it in the middle of a playoff series. Goalies get screened in every game, that bull**** that Avery was pulling is a completely different situation.

Whats next, a guy pulling off his own jersey and holding it up in front of the opposing goalie? By your logic, that would be fine too.

Nice rational argument there, chief. "You guys are really stupid". ok.

Bottom line is what Avery did during the game was legal at the time, so there's no use arguing on it anymore. Now that there's a rule in place, you all can stop b*tching about it

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Nice rational argument there, chief. "You guys are really stupid". ok.

Bottom line is what Avery did during the game was legal at the time, so there's no use arguing on it anymore. Now that there's a rule in place, you all can stop b*tching about it

Agreed, although people who were crying that it was "cheating" or "illegeal" or "unsportsmanlike" are just crybaby bastards. It was funny and it didn't even work. Avery when he finally turned around and paid attention to the puck, scored the goal about 20, 25 seconds later.

Give it a rest.

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The Bruins have owned the game tonight but find themselves down 1-0 after 2 periods. Price (Montreal goalie) has been on fire.

Win or lose; nothing beats playoff hockey.

Habs-B's is always a great matchup no matter what. Especially the playoffs.

Not really pulling for either side over the other, but would be some dramatic hockey if it went 7 games. Most people didn't think B's would hold a candle to the Habs in this series.

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Habs-B's is always a great matchup no matter what. Especially the playoffs.

Not really pulling for either side over the other, but would be some dramatic hockey if it went 7 games. Most people didn't think B's would hold a candle to the Habs in this series.

I grew up on Habs-B's in High School. The Bruins were the team in Boston from 1988-1992.

Either way, the B's lost and they are not a very good. But at least they are putting up a fight.

Apart from Game 1, this series has been very close so far.

Game 1: 4-1 Habs

Game 2: 3-2 Habs (OT)

Game 3: 2-1 Bruins (OT)

Game 4: 1-0 Habs

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I grew up on Habs-B's in High School. The Bruins were the team in Boston from 1988-1992.

Either way, the B's lost and they are not a very good. But at least they are putting up a fight.

Apart from Game 1, this series has been very close so far.

Game 1: 4-1 Habs

Game 2: 3-2 Habs (OT)

Game 3: 2-1 Bruins (OT)

Game 4: 1-0 Habs

I've been amused watched Zdeno Chara getting booed everytime he touches the puck in Montreal.

B's major problem is a lack of a playmaker. Not a whole lot of genuine goalscorers on that squad, so they are going to have to claw their way back into this series if they want to get to the 2nd round.

I've always enjoyed watching the B's. Got to have respect for any Original Six team. Would love to see an O-6 Stanley Cup.

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Habs are hands down the better team, Boston has surprised me though, I am surprised that in games 2, 3, and 4 that they were able to hang with them, even though the result hasn't gone in their favor, they have done their best.

Flyers took a 2-1 series lead on Washington, my prediction still stands in that series, with the Flyers in 6.

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Habs are hands down the better team, Boston has surprised me though, I am surprised that in games 2, 3, and 4 that they were able to hang with them, even though the result hasn't gone in their favor, they have done their best.

Flyers took a 2-1 series lead on Washington, my prediction still stands in that series, with the Flyers in 6.

What about your prediction of the Sens over the Pens? :Nuts:

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I thought it was very creative.

And yes, if a Devil's player did that I would be pissed as well. This series is going at least 6 so we should all enjoy the ride.

I don't know if the series will go 6 games. The Rangers are going to win tonight and if that happens I don't see it getting to game 6.

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