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What has NASA found?

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NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years. This finding was made by combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory with ground-based observations.

Wonder what it is. They've been looking for over 50 years, so that rules out Kobe's brain cell.

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I'm going to guess that it's probably

"A planet with significant liquid water at it's surface"

An x-ray observatory won't pick up a communication signal or anything. It would seem to be a discovery of "planet composition" since spectrographic analysis is what x-ray telescopes are good at.

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Exactly. They think there may be geysers on one of Saturn's moons.

the link states "NASA has scheduled a media teleconference to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years."

I don't think they were talking about geysers on a moon.

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ok, so.....? Anyone click the realaudio link? I'm at work and can't.

I'm a little suspicious that this isn't on Nasa's front page though.

i can't either, im at work, but my girlfriend is listening at home and txting me the details.

this is what she has written so far, word for word...

- Just started. talking about supernovas

- They found a Supernova remnant

- High electron energy and very bright

- the remnants have expanded rapidly over the past 23 years

- Now they are talking technical details about explosions

- It is getting brighter - very rare

- Exact Distance Unknown

- Remnants are over 100 years old

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i can't either, im at work, but my girlfriend is listening at home and txting me the details.

this is what she has written so far, word for word...

- Just started. talking about supernovas

- They found a Supernova remnant

- High electron energy and very bright

- the remnants have expanded rapidly over the past 23 years

- Now they are talking technical details about explosions

- It is getting brighter - very rare

- Exact Distance Unknown

- Remnants are over 100 years old


We're all going to die!!

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If it's so damn bright and full of energy how the hell did it take 50 years to find it? These scientists must also be in charge of the hunt for Bin Laden.

they say its like searching for a needle in a haystack. it still occured very far away, as well as in an area clouded in dust.

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Hmm, the Ministry of Defence in the UK have just released tons of documents regarding UFOs.

The Vatican have announced that God may have created life on other planets.

Trying to set the stage for something?

I read the story about the Vatican this morning. And found that to be very interesting. Was kind of thinking the same thing. If they are coming out with talk saying life on other planets isn't a contradiction it just makes me think -- why are they saying that???

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I read the story about the Vatican this morning. And found that to be very interesting. Was kind of thinking the same thing. If they are coming out with talk saying life on other planets isn't a contradiction it just makes me think -- why are they saying that???

2012 Planet X returns on its 3600 year trip. It's gonna get ugly.

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2012 Planet X returns on its 3600 year trip. It's gonna get ugly.

2012 goes much much deeper than that. the universe has many cycles, but one that is only 3600 years long most likely won't do much harm, as we would have obviously lived through the last one. it does get scary when you start researching some of the longer, much longer cycles.

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2012 Planet X returns on its 3600 year trip. It's gonna get ugly.

2012 goes much much deeper than that. the universe has many cycles, but one that is only 3600 years long most likely won't do much harm, as we would have obviously lived through the last one. it does get scary when you start researching some of the longer, much longer cycles.

I love reading about **** like this, do any of you guys have any links about this kind of stuff?

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I love reading about **** like this, do any of you guys have any links about this kind of stuff?

im at work now, but i know i do at home, and my girlfriend has a ****load. I don't think i will be home until late tonight, but i will try to get you some links tomorrow, if not tonight.

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