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Is this rock bottom for NY Baseball?


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Mets get swept by Atlanta in a dismal double-header, while manager Willie Randolph makes an ass of himself in the press, and Ryan Church gets hurt.

Yanks get pummelled by Baltimore after getting pummelled by aforementioned Mets.

Can it get any worse?

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Mets get swept by Atlanta in a dismal double-header, while manager Willie Randolph makes an ass of himself in the press, and Ryan Church gets hurt.

Yanks get pummelled by Baltimore after getting pummelled by aforementioned Mets.

Can it get any worse?

Worse thing about the Mets loss in game one was being held to 1 run by Glavine. :puke:

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Worse thing about the Mets loss in game one was being held to 1 run by Glavine. :puke:

Especially when they loaded the bases with 1 out, and failed to score more than the 1 despite two rocket shots by Alou and Delgado.

Naturally, Glavine calmed down and dominated the rest of his outting.

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It's going to get a lot worse for the yanks. Missing the playoffs with this payroll will be riddiculous. Thank god there's a lot of dead wood/money coming off the books after this season.

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When the Yankees were having a tough time last year at this point in time I wasn't worried. I knew they would bounce back.

But this team this year is showing no signs of bouncing back therefore I am worried, and FURIOUS with this team.

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Mets get swept by Atlanta in a dismal double-header, while manager Willie Randolph makes an ass of himself in the press, and Ryan Church gets hurt.

Yanks get pummelled by Baltimore after getting pummelled by aforementioned Mets.

Can it get any worse?

There is always today. :P

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Mets get swept by Atlanta in a dismal double-header, while manager Willie Randolph makes an ass of himself in the press, and Ryan Church gets hurt.

Yanks get pummelled by Baltimore after getting pummelled by aforementioned Mets.

Can it get any worse?

This might be the first time I've ever agreed with you. It's awful.

I'm just waiting for Clueless Joe Girardi to have a meltdown like Willie did.

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I get a bad feeling about this year for both teams. I watch the Mets more but I don't hate on the Yankees, I will say that neither team acts like they give a f@ck these days.

That one line right there I think is what alot of us are thinking right now.

You know it is funny. Last year Reyes gets pummeled for his little dances you see Joba and Melky get some heat this year for the fistpump and curtain call but you know what at least they are showing a excitement and showing that they at least care a little.

Sometimes you can take this "Acting like a Professional" to a point where it actually starts to hurt you more than help.

I think that is why Yankee fans loved guys like O'Neill so much. He played like a professional, but there were times where he would let his temper get to him and fans like that. It showed that "hey I'm not perfect and I can get angry just like you and I care"

When you are struggling and you just sit there it looks like you don't care and that p!sses me off to no end.

Now I know that not everyone is like that but I think you have to let guys be who they are. Some are very emotional out there and playing with a bit of anger helps them. For some it it a detrement.

Giambi used to be one of those guys who played with emotion

Damon used to be one of those guys

Now they seem like the "Yankee Way" is suffocating them.

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LOL. Yes cut ARod and Jeter if you don't make the playoffs. :rl:

Not all players, just some. Jeter stays, ARod? Blah, you know my stance on him but of course they'd have to keep him. But players like Damon? Abreu? Matsui? Giambi? Mussina? Farnsworthless? Hawkins? Get the F outta here!

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Not all players, just some. Jeter stays, ARod? Blah, you know my stance on him but of course they'd have to keep him. But players like Damon? Abreu? Matsui? Giambi? Mussina? Farnsworthless? Hawkins? Get the F outta here!

That's about 80 mil in salary right there you wanna get rid of, that would be pretty tough. You can thank Cashman for doling out the big bucks to those geezers.

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Abreu will be an interesting decision come year end.

Giambi will be gone, obviously... Damon still has a year left unfortunately but I think theyll look to deal him this year.

The team sucks essentially.

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Whatever happens, the Yankees are much better set up for the future than the Mets. The Mets are built for this year. The Yankees have $81 million coming off the books this year and hopefully they can unload another $13 million in Damon before the trade deadline this season. I don't really want Sabathia (never have been a huge fan) but if they go with a rotation of Wang-Hughes-Joba-Kennedy and someone cheap off the FA/trade market, or even Rasner or signing Mussina back for one year, they'll be fine, especially with the young guys getting a year under their belts. Plus they will sign Teixiera and Montero, Jackson, and Tabata should all be ready by 2010.

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This might be the first time I've ever agreed with you. It's awful.

I'm just waiting for Clueless Joe Girardi to have a meltdown like Willie did.

everyone thinks its joes fault... get off of joes case hes not telling guys to go up to the plate and go O-fer.. or tell moose to give up 10runs to the orioles the guys on the team are playing like crap and he is not the reason...

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everyone thinks its joes fault... get off of joes case hes not telling guys to go up to the plate and go O-fer.. or tell moose to give up 10runs to the orioles the guys on the team are playing like crap and he is not the reason...

Wasn't this the same type of excuse made for Herm Edwards? "It's not Herm's fault, he can't make the tackles for them or make the catches". The manager has to take some sort of blame for being in last.

The same can be said for Willie Randolph.

Unfortunately, neither manager are willing to take their share of the blame, and continually make excuses. Girardi has pulled the injury card, and Willie the race card.

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Wasn't this the same type of excuse made for Herm Edwards? "It's not Herm's fault, he can't make the tackles for them or make the catches". The manager has to take some sort of blame for being in last.

The same can be said for Willie Randolph.

Unfortunately, neither manager are willing to take their share of the blame, and continually make excuses. Girardi has pulled the injury card, and Willie the race card.

well joes has stepped up and took a lil of the blame but there are factors here that he just cant control we would be a different team if we were injury free the entire season.. we havent had the same line up 3 games in a row yet so its hard to play as a team when you have new players to try and get used to every other game.. IMO

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Wasn't this the same type of excuse made for Herm Edwards? "It's not Herm's fault, he can't make the tackles for them or make the catches". The manager has to take some sort of blame for being in last.

The same can be said for Willie Randolph.

Unfortunately, neither manager are willing to take their share of the blame, and continually make excuses. Girardi has pulled the injury card, and Willie the race card.

Completely false. Girardi has pointed the finger at himself throughout this entire season.

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Completely false. Girardi has pointed the finger at himself throughout this entire season.

Yet he always does it with the qualifier "we just need to get A-Rod and Posada back, its been tough without them", or some variant of that statement.

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Losing A-Rod and Posada though should not cripple an offense when you still have Damon, Jeter, Abreu, Giambi, Matsui, Cano.

That has been the problem with this team for the past 3 years. One guy goes into a funk or gets hurt and it effects the entire team. It shouldn't be that way with that much hitting in the lineup.

They have gone from "Murders Row and Cano" to some aborted version of the Dodgers of the 1960's who couldn't hit their way of a paper bag.

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Wasn't this the same type of excuse made for Herm Edwards? "It's not Herm's fault, he can't make the tackles for them or make the catches". The manager has to take some sort of blame for being in last.

The same can be said for Willie Randolph.

Unfortunately, neither manager are willing to take their share of the blame, and continually make excuses. Girardi has pulled the injury card, and Willie the race card.

True about Herm but I believe that baseball managers have less to do with their team's success than football coaches do.

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True about Herm but I believe that baseball managers have less to do with their team's success than football coaches do.

Not really. Managers are called "managers" because they literally are "managing" every aspect of the game. They provide the gameplan AND make constant decisions on how to pitch to a certain batter, using the bullpen, moving fielders around, how to use the bench, etc. Football may be more GRUELING, and you have more players to coach, but managers have just as much to do with a team's success as a football coach.

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Yet he always does it with the qualifier "we just need to get A-Rod and Posada back, its been tough without them", or some variant of that statement.

Well no sh!t, when you lose 2 of your best hitters your lineup is going to be adversely affected.

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