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How did Nirvana kill rock and roll? The biggest thing on the scene before Nirvana was freaking hair metal, the 80's version of emo. Stoner rock/metal and doom metal are 2 genres that started around the same time as Nirvana just much less popular. I'm talking about Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, Sleep.

And Coldplay blows.

Hair metal was the only thing that was maybe being played on the radio back then. But a lot of great music was coming out in the 80's. Stuff like punk rock, metal, and all other kinds of rock and roll around back the that didn't suck. Also; Hair metal was better than emo. Nirvana and their whiny watered down piece of **** music killed all of that. If you don't see that, you're blind. None of that **** is coming out anymore. What happened to punk rock? where is it? What about metal? lol. Even the underground metal coming out nowadays is crap. In the 80's at least there was half decent **** like pantera and slayer, metallica, megadeath, motorhead around back then. What are the rock and roll equivivant bands around now for people who don't like a bunch of dudes crying about girls they lost and crap. Kyuss? doom metal? lmao... stoner rock isn't doom metal.

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Hair metal was the only thing that was maybe being played on the radio back then. But a lot of great music was coming out in the 80's. Stuff like punk rock, metal, and all other kinds of rock and roll around back the that didn't suck. Also; Hair metal was better than emo. Nirvana and their whiny watered down piece of **** music killed all of that. If you don't see that, you're blind. None of that **** is coming out anymore. What happened to punk rock? where is it? What about metal? lol. Even the underground metal coming out nowadays is crap. In the 80's at least there was half decent **** like pantera and slayer, metallica, megadeath, motorhead around back then. What are the rock and roll equivivant bands around now for people who don't like a bunch of dudes crying about girls they lost and crap. Kyuss? doom metal? lmao... stoner rock isn't doom metal.

The way you think Nirvana killed music is how i look at the 80s killing music.

First, tapping on guitar solos is super lame. Started with Van Halen in the 70s trying to play a guitar solo in Lemon Song, im pretty sure, and he couldn't so he developed his own way of doing it. That was fine. What's not fine is every god damn guitar player doing that in every god damn solo now a days, especially in metal/death metal/ emo/ punk whatever. IMO that doesnt even sound good.

Second, recording wise the 80s really sucked bad. I'd rather listen to a recording from the 50s than the 80s and the synths are just not my style.

Since maybe 2000ish rock and roll is making a slow comeback and one day I think it will be back, but all in all the real downfall in music is probably Rap, no offense.

And you want to know where punk rock is, well unfortunately its there but the way music is heading its going to be one giant genre called mush because there so many genres being created like every day and people are in way over their heads trying to "do something new cause its all been done before" but that just their point of view.

Not the best put together argument but thats just my 2 cents.

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Anyone who puts down Nirvana doesn't remember how bad music was before they hit the scenes. They changed music.

The only thing Nirvana changed was the type ofg music they played once the big wig corporations decided they wanted a piece of the new grunge movement and needed a band they could pimp sonce the real innovators like Alice In Chains and Soundgarden wanted no part of changing thei music. Nirvana was crappy talentless punk wannabe's before they became "poppified" with chorus pedals and "angst". :baby:

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The only thing Nirvana changed was the type ofg music they played once the big wig corporations decided they wanted a piece of the new grunge movement and needed a band they could pimp sonce the real innovators like Alice In Chains and Soundgarden wanted no part of changing thei music. Nirvana was crappy talentless punk wannabe's before they became "poppified" with chorus pedals and "angst". :baby:

Wasn't Alice In Chains a hair band originally?

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Wasn't Alice In Chains a hair band originally?

I have heard that, and even if it's true, it's not like they did it for the money. Maybe they started as a hair band for the money, but at least they came to their senses and started playing what they wanted. That move was certainly not for the money, given that no one ever heard of grunge until Man In The Box started getting airplay.

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The only thing Nirvana changed was the type ofg music they played once the big wig corporations decided they wanted a piece of the new grunge movement and needed a band they could pimp sonce the real innovators like Alice In Chains and Soundgarden wanted no part of changing thei music. Nirvana was crappy talentless punk wannabe's before they became "poppified" with chorus pedals and "angst". :baby:

Look when Nevermind came out it changed the landscape of music whether you like it or not. They made the hairbands look rediculously stupid. They never played a corney ballot like the idiotic bands of the 80's did. Furthermore, I could remember going to parties as a freshman in high school and if it was a certain group of kids it was all hairband music, while other parties there would be punk rock - but after Nirvana's Nevermind came out all that EVERYONE listened to was grunge. Of course Pearl Jam deserves credit too with Ten. Even Metallica changed their style to try and fit in with this type of music. I agree that if you want to see Nirvana's roots you should listen to Bleach or their other earlier hard stuff. But from a cultural standpoint Nirvana brought all of those crappy bands to an end at once, and no matter what type of crew you hung with most of the people loved them. That was very different than before they hit the scenes with nevermind. Booz you are a big music fan and I respect your knowledge - but to an average listener like me who just listens to a lot of stuff Nirvana was the **** that changed everything.

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Look when Nevermind came out it changed the landscape of music whether you like it or not. They made the hairbands look rediculously stupid. They never played a corney ballot like the idiotic bands of the 80's did. Furthermore, I could remember going to parties as a freshman in high school and if it was a certain group of kids it was all hairband music, while other parties there would be punk rock - but after Nirvana's Nevermind came out all that EVERYONE listened to was grunge. Of course Pearl Jam deserves credit too with Ten. Even Metallica changed their style to try and fit in with this type of music. I agree that if you want to see Nirvana's roots you should listen to Bleach or their other earlier hard stuff. But from a cultural standpoint Nirvana brought all of those crappy bands to an end at once, and no matter what type of crew you hung with most of the people loved them. That was very different than before they hit the scenes with nevermind. Booz you are a big music fan and I respect your knowledge - but to an average listener like me who just listens to a lot of stuff Nirvana was the **** that changed everything.

for the worse.

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How did Nirvana kill rock and roll? The biggest thing on the scene before Nirvana was freaking hair metal, the 80's version of emo. Stoner rock/metal and doom metal are 2 genres that started around the same time as Nirvana just much less popular. I'm talking about Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, Sleep.

And Coldplay blows.

actually, emo was actually an 80s thing.

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so hairmetal is better than grunge. uhh, no. nothing is worth than 80s hair metal. nothing.

I think it was, but even if you say no. The other dozens different genres of rock that grunge killed certainly were better than grunge. Most of the rock/metal from the 80's was better. Hair metal was the grunge of the 80's.

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I think it was, but even if you say no. The other dozens different genres of rock that grunge killed certainly were better than grunge. Most of the rock/metal from the 80's was better. Hair metal was the grunge of the 80's.

You see that's just it. Hairmetal was not the grunge of the 80's You would never catch these guys in spandex singing soft love tunes. That's why they chaged the scene, they made them look like such fags. Brett Michaels, Axl Rose and all of them just looked gay. Hair metal was among my wife's favorite type of music growing up and we will now watch it together and talk about how gay those guys were.

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You see that's just it. Hairmetal was not the grunge of the 80's You would never catch these guys in spandex singing soft love tunes. That's why they chaged the scene, they made them look like such fags. Brett Michaels, Axl Rose and all of them just looked gay. Hair metal was among my wife's favorite type of music growing up and we will now watch it together and talk about how gay those guys were.

So, you're complaining about a look, I'm complaining about the music. Nice use of the word gay too, really shows where your maturity level is at. I'm done in this thread before my IQ drops further. We're talking about music and these guys are bitching about clothes. Like cut jeans shorts with combat boots is a fashion statement. lol. Christ.

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So, you're complaining about a look, I'm complaining about the music. Nice use of the word gay too, really shows where your maturity level is at. I'm done in this thread before my IQ drops further. We're talking about music and these guys are bitching about clothes. Like cut jeans shorts with combat boots is a fashion statement. lol. Christ.

The music of the 80's sucked. Throw out the corny outfits and hair and the music was still pathetic. Hey it's not Nirvana's fault that Metallica cut their hair and tried to sound like them. Write a letter to them and complain about it.

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Poison has sold tons of records and is still selling out arenas today.

Some people can't look beyond popular opinion. They don't understand that as a group, people are very stupid and can be led to do anything. Even the breakfast is an example of this.

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Some people can't look beyond popular opinion. They don't understand that as a group, people are very stupid and can be led to do anything. Even the breakfast is an example of this.

You might be a sheep, but I'm not.:sheepf:

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Nirvana (I like some of their songs, but they aren't as good as people think)

The Who (People have overrated this band forever, personally, I think they blow dog ****)

U2 (never got into them)

Those are the 3 bands that got too famous for their own good, and were highly overrated, and for the people that say Aerosmith, you guys are nuts.

Metallica also sucked post 80's. I still love listening to their music in the 80's and earlier, but in the 90's and on, they sucked as well.

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I can understand younger people hating U2. Everything since The Joshua Tree has been absolute dogcrap. Though I do love All I Want Is You from Rattle and Hum.

However, there aren't too many bands that can claim a better group of records than Boy, October, War and The Unforgettable Fire. If you've never listened to these, do yourself a favor and check them out.

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How did Nirvana kill rock and roll? The biggest thing on the scene before Nirvana was freaking hair metal, the 80's version of emo. Stoner rock/metal and doom metal are 2 genres that started around the same time as Nirvana just much less popular. I'm talking about Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, Sleep.

And Coldplay blows.

Bull****. "Hair metal" musicians actually had talent. And there were great bands like Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, and Skid Row that were lumped in with that genre. Sure, any band with the word "White" in the title sucked a big bag of dicks, but every single emo or pop-punk band today sucks a gigantic bag of dicks so hard that it would make David Coverdale blush.

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I can understand younger people hating U2. Everything since The Joshua Tree has been absolute dogcrap. Though I do love All I Want Is You from Rattle and Hum.

However, there aren't too many bands that can claim a better group of records than Boy, October, War and The Unforgettable Fire. If you've never listened to these, do yourself a favor and check them out.

My advice is to see them live, I've seen them live twice and I can safely say they were two of the best nights of my life. They were unbelievable.

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Look when Nevermind came out it changed the landscape of music whether you like it or not. They made the hairbands look rediculously stupid. They never played a corney ballot like the idiotic bands of the 80's did. Furthermore, I could remember going to parties as a freshman in high school and if it was a certain group of kids it was all hairband music, while other parties there would be punk rock - but after Nirvana's Nevermind came out all that EVERYONE listened to was grunge. Of course Pearl Jam deserves credit too with Ten. Even Metallica changed their style to try and fit in with this type of music. I agree that if you want to see Nirvana's roots you should listen to Bleach or their other earlier hard stuff. But from a cultural standpoint Nirvana brought all of those crappy bands to an end at once, and no matter what type of crew you hung with most of the people loved them. That was very different than before they hit the scenes with nevermind. Booz you are a big music fan and I respect your knowledge - but to an average listener like me who just listens to a lot of stuff Nirvana was the **** that changed everything.

I guess you didn't read a word of what I said. Nirvana did not change the landscape of anything. That landscape was already changing, but the music execs had no idea where to "categorize" it. Man In The Box, Jesus Christ Pose, Outshined, as well as even Mother Love Bone songs were being played on headbangers ball because the execs at MTV had no idea what to do with it. It was there in place already, growing a huge popularity without a "genre" attached to it. MTV started using the phrase "grunge" and basically threw any band that played guitars and didn't wear makeup or play rambling fast solos with alot of tapping and arpeggios into that grunge category. Meanwhile, in the background, Geffen records grabbed a hold of a very unpolished punk band called Nirvana (who had the perfect idea of the grunge look) and threw them in the studio. They took Nirvana's original unpolished style and dressed it up with alor of chorus pedals, pop friendly rhythms, and alot of cleaned up all the dissonance that made up Nirvana's original sound. They changed Nirvana throroughly. Songs like Love Buzz and Negative Creep were just very basic and sometimes cheesy in terms of the music.

Fast forward to Nevermind and all of the sudden you have this giant wall of sound, entirely different song arrangements, allowing for clear verses and a chorus and even throwing a bridge into the mix (your basic standard ear pleasing formula for the masses), and even Kurt's voice was different. While it was still edgy, it had alot more polish to it. So while the movement of "grunge" was already growing a huge head of steam and busting into the market pace thanks to bands like AIC, Soundgarden, and Mother Love Bone, Geffen and MTV had to get their filthy hands in the mix and forced the new and improved Nirvana right down our throats and label them and the pioneers of grunge every time they were mentioned until the general public finally just believed it to be true.

Without the hype alone, Nirvana was no better than any of the typical "grunge" bands. Without the massive backing of Geffen and MTV to get their hands on a band they could then claim is the pioneer of this new music wave, Nirvana is just amongst the discussion of all the grunge bands and nothing more. Without the studio execs completely changing Nirvana's sound and song structure then Nirvana might not have even been a discussion, other than amongst punk enthusiasts.

Nirvana is the biggest example of what we have seen done before them, and even more so after them no matter what the music genre or style is. Britney Spears, N'Sync, 98 degrees, Limp Bizkit, and so on....... It's just music they continually throw down our throats until the general public aquires a taste for the crap to the point they actually enjoy it.

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Albumn nad concert sales talk.

So then in your opinion britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Miley Cyrus, Destiny's Child, etc.. have all helped to change music for the better today, considering they have sold millions of albums and arenas?

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Bull****. "Hair metal" musicians actually had talent. And there were great bands like Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, and Skid Row that were lumped in with that genre. Sure, any band with the word "White" in the title sucked a big bag of dicks, but every single emo or pop-punk band today sucks a gigantic bag of dicks so hard that it would make David Coverdale blush.

Nikki Sixx is the ****iest mother ****er alive. The way he talks about his accomplishments you would think he is john lennon or something. He was mediocre. Look wise, hair bands were pretty damn lame. You dont look back and say wow that was cool style like you could of other decades past. Talent-wise imo you give them too much credit because they were nothing special.

Last but not least, even though Poison kinda sucks for some odd reason so many hot girls are into them its kinda funny. I would open for poison for that reason and that reason only.

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How are they selling tickets? I tried to watch a Poison concert on VH1 recently and just couldn't get past the first 10 minutes. The drummer keeps doing the same--lame--stick theatrics; I wanted to choke C.C. DeVille, who is a pretty good guitar player, because the guy can't play a straight fill without going into an insane whammy bar odyssey; and don't get me started on Brett Michaels. Brett, find a way to bring the song keys down so you can be in tune...please.

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How are they selling tickets?

They actually put on a pretty good show live. You know as well as I do that you can't watch a concert on TV.

Another band who was mentioned in this thread is Bon Jovi. They're like a juggernaut. Just played two sold out arena shows here in Tampa. Despite the fact that his guitarist is a better singer.

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How are they selling tickets? I tried to watch a Poison concert on VH1 recently and just couldn't get past the first 10 minutes. The drummer keeps doing the same--lame--stick theatrics; I wanted to choke C.C. DeVille, who is a pretty good guitar player, because the guy can't play a straight fill without going into an insane whammy bar odyssey; and don't get me started on Brett Michaels. Brett, find a way to bring the song keys down so you can be in tune...please.

Nobody ever said they were godd, did they?

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