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I swear, Paps is a cokehead


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Francona is a classy guy. I would be shocked if he doesn't put Mo out there for the 9th. Besides he has to think the Sox have a shot at the World Series. So he should give himself the best chance at home field advantage. And the best chance is by letting Mo close out the game if they have a lead.

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Francona is a classy guy. I would be shocked if he doesn't put Mo out there for the 9th. Besides he has to think the Sox have a shot at the World Series. So he should give himself the best chance at home field advantage. And the best chance is by letting Mo close out the game if they have a lead.

A Papelbon blown save would be classic.

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Francona is a classy guy. I would be shocked if he doesn't put Mo out there for the 9th. Besides he has to think the Sox have a shot at the World Series. So he should give himself the best chance at home field advantage. And the best chance is by letting Mo close out the game if they have a lead.

Yeah, but he's going to let Papelbon close because he's on the Red Sox.

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Jonathan Palpabon has the brain capacity of Brittney Spears on Valium....but he can throw a baseball really, really fast. That said, I actually heard the entire interview on Comcast New England last night and man, when I tell you that his words were diced and sliced to fit this writers agenda - I'm being kind.

Jonathan Papabon stated that of course he would want to close out the game, he would not be the competitor that he is if he did not want that opportunity....but that the Godfather of Closers (that's his nickname for Rivera) rightly and justly wants and deserves that opportunity and he understand that.

See! Always question what you read folks. The media abuses it's power and it has WAY too much influence. It's dangerous.

BTW - Rivera WILL close out the game. Francona is a good guy. Francona has great respect for the game and it's history. Francona understands what the right/classy thing to do is.

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I do. Especially when it's written by Patsies* fans.

It's true Bob. Those were Palpabon's sentiments. I have a deep distrust of anything a Sports Journalist writes. All too often their own thoughts and beliefs distort the actual story to fit their agenda/desire. I wish these scribes would just write out the facts, the entire story, etc.

I'm not a Sox fan, Bob. You know my deep hatred for Larry Lucchino and Tom Werner. I'm just being fair here. If you want a Sox player to hate - Pap's shouldn't be the target. He's too dumb. You ought to hate on Youkilis. There is something ultimately annoying about him.

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It's true Bob. Those were Palpabon's sentiments. I have a deep distrust of anything a Sports Journalist writes. All too often their own thoughts and beliefs distort the actual story to fit their agenda/desire. I wish these scribes would just write out the facts, the entire story, etc.

I'm not a Sox fan, Bob. You know my deep hatred for Larry Lucchino and Tom Werner. I'm just being fair here. If you want a Sox player to hate - Pap's shouldn't be the target. He's too dumb. You ought to hate on Youkilis. There is something ultimately annoying about him.

i met Paps in ft myers and he has zilch for a personality and the

phrase dumb as a bag of rocks is insulting to the bag of rocks.

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It's true Bob. Those were Palpabon's sentiments. I have a deep distrust of anything a Sports Journalist writes. All too often their own thoughts and beliefs distort the actual story to fit their agenda/desire. I wish these scribes would just write out the facts, the entire story, etc.

I'm not a Sox fan, Bob. You know my deep hatred for Larry Lucchino and Tom Werner. I'm just being fair here. If you want a Sox player to hate - Pap's shouldn't be the target. He's too dumb. You ought to hate on Youkilis. There is something ultimately annoying about him.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I hate Youkilis. Not with white-hot Vaginatek hate, but I hate him.

And, for this "GangGreen" guy, two things:

1 - You are not qualified to "fix" any of my posts. Ever.

2 - Whatever criticism Garb deserves, "bandwagon" is not part of it. I can personally vouch for the fact that she was a Patsies fan when they sucked. You know, before they started cheating.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I hate Youkilis. Not with white-hot Vaginatek hate, but I hate him.

And, for this "GangGreen" guy, two things:

1 - You are not qualified to "fix" any of my posts. Ever.

2 - Whatever criticism Garb deserves, "bandwagon" is not part of it. I can personally vouch for the fact that she was a Patsies fan when they sucked. You know, before they started cheating.

PMS is a bitch, aint it?

I believe Garb, journalists nowadays are too subjective.

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If Paps said he didn't want anything to do with closing then I would be concerned. Come on people. This is a historic game and everyone wants to be a part of it. Rivera will probably close it out and that is the way it should be. Exactly as Papelbon said it, depending on what city's newspaper you care to read.

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Papelbon said he should be the one to close. THEN he retracted those statements--probably when one of his "helpers" told him it was probably the wrong thing to say--and gave Mariano respect. But don't pretend like he never said that he should be the one to close. He did. No matter what newspaper or website you read.

You would be worried if he said he didn't want to close? Seriously? This is a freakin' EXHIBITION game, no matter what Bud Selig wants everyone to believe. This is a celebration of Yankee Stadium and its history that should be closed out by the greatest closer of all time. It's not like this is the 7th game of the World Series and Papelbon said he wanted to be the one to close.

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Papelbon said he should be the one to close. THEN he retracted those statements--probably when one of his "helpers" told him it was probably the wrong thing to say--and gave Mariano respect. But don't pretend like he never said that he should be the one to close. He did. No matter what newspaper or website you read.

You would be worried if he said he didn't want to close? Seriously? This is a freakin' EXHIBITION game, no matter what Bud Selig wants everyone to believe. This is a celebration of Yankee Stadium and its history that should be closed out by the greatest closer of all time. It's not like this is the 7th game of the World Series and Papelbon said he wanted to be the one to close.

Here is what he said.

NEW YORK - The question kept getting thrown the way of Jonathan Papelbon: Who was going to close out a potential American League win in tonight
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You believe your Boston paper, I'll believe a non-biased, usually pro-Boston ESPN site, and every other major news source that's reporting this.

I just saw the clip on SportsCenter. I hope you did as well.

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It's called PR

The douchebag made his statement, and is trying like hell to retract

Typical puzzie Sawx move

They had his interview on PTI.

He made his statement and immediately said he understands you have to pay your dues and defer.

This is NY getting their panties in a bunch. I would not expect anything less from one of MLB's best closers or any All Star for that matter. I would expect each pitcher to want to start and hitter to hit clean-up. You do not reach the top level of play without have some sort of chip on your shoulder and attitude.

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I guess you missed the spygate coverage on ESPN.

I guess you missed most of them saying it was "no big deal" and the continous ball licking of all thing Patriots from 2001 until Spygate, and then shortly there after until they lost to the Giants and still now.

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I guess you missed most of them saying it was "no big deal" and the continous ball licking of all thing Patriots from 2001 until Spygate, and then shortly there after until they lost to the Giants and still now.


Like the live three hour diatribe Schlereth and another analyst went on waiting for the results of evidence that was turned over to the Commish?

Schlereth and that guy ripped apart, tried, convicted and sentenced the Patriots for two hours on ESPN. Belichick was the anti-christ and the Patriots were about to be dissolved if they had their ways.

When the announcement came out that there was no new evidence, they did not say anything. No, "opps my bad." No apologies from ESPN.

Or Greg Easterbrook calling for Belichick to resign? Like with Schlerth, there was no full disclosure of what was turned in, but he took it upon himself to be the moral high ground.

Or the countless other interviewees, usually former Steelers coincidentially enough that they interviewed.

ESPN is far from pro-Patriots. Ever since Belichick told them in not so many words to go F themselves by giving the network access to the team on a day off at TC. There coverage is anything put flattering and usually irresponsible.

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I guess you missed the spygate coverage on ESPN.

No I saw that coverage. I believe they reported that the Patriots cheated to gain an unfair advantage and that it dates back years. Seems like what happened to me.

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"I don't know if he's trying to stir things up or not," Papelbon said. "I sure as hell don't care, because he sure as hell hasn't stepped on a baseball field. He needs to just stick to pencil-pushing, I guess."

Yesterday Hank respondedt.gif: "Being insulted by Papelbon is like being attacked by a mouse. John Henry and I traded a couple of jabs good-naturedly, so now, all of a sudden, this player, this 20-something kid who really doesn't know his way in the world, comes out with a personal insult. There's no excuse for that."

06/12/08 - about the Rays: "In my opinion, it is a bunch of bull what they did. All I got to say is what comes around goes around, man. Payback's a b----, I'll tell you what. In my opinion, and the way I feel right now, this thing isn’t all settled and done. We still got to play them a few more times. And I know when we go into Tropicana things will be a little different than when went in there last time."
"I don't really give a --- anymore," he said. "If I don't even --- pitch, I don't care."

Please don't tell me this guy doesn't deserve what is being sent his way. He is classless. That is fine. ARod is classless. It happens. But I don't want to hear Red Sox Nation defend him and portray him as some kind of victim here.

Didn't Magadan have to get in his ear in the locker room to tell him to zip it? Doesn't that happen regularly? People telling him to settle down. Being emotional is a good thing. I blasted Joba for excessive celebrating several times.

The point? There is a way to conduct yourself. If you want to see that way -- just watch Mo. Or Jeter. I am not saying they are the only ones with class. There are plenty of Sox that carry themselves the right way. There are plenty of Yankees that don't.

That being said, Papelbon is a fool if he didn't see how this one was going to play out.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I heard Jonathan Papelbon saying that Mo should close the game. Papelbon said he obviously would like to, but he believe Mo should.

Yes John Rocker eventually clarified his racist remarks back in the day as well. PR 101 is an amazing course.

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Yes John Rocker eventually clarified his racist remarks back in the day as well. PR 101 is an amazing course.

I watched and heard the interview as it was happening. The writer completed edited Paps words - not an easy feat since Paps is a dimwit.

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