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Darrelle Revis


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Where are all the people who called out Rhodes?

Just because he doesn't have the stats does not mean he's not playing well. Saved a huge TD today.

Definitely. Deflection in the end zone. Man, i'm really happy with the way we played today. Our defense started off with miscommunication but we were flatout dominant on defense today. We contained Lynch and Evans. Forced turnovers, had sacks and pressures.

This is the first game where we didn't play sloppy all season. This is the first time in a very long time where our play call improved on the road in Buffalo. Watch a CPF game in buffalo made me want to scratch my eyes out.

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Where are all the people who called out Rhodes?

Just because he doesn't have the stats does not mean he's not playing well. Saved a huge TD today.

I'm here.

If you think that making some plays today automatically means we were wrong you have sample size issues :yes:

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Definitely. Deflection in the end zone. Man, i'm really happy with the way we played today. Our defense started off with miscommunication but we were flatout dominant on defense today. We contained Lynch and Evans. Forced turnovers, had sacks and pressures.

This is the first game where we didn't play sloppy all season. This is the first time in a very long time where our play call improved on the road in Buffalo. Watch a CPF game in buffalo made me want to scratch my eyes out.

Still room for improvement... I'm thrilled we beat Buffalo, put ourselves in great position to move towards the playoffs. Still took too many bad penalties early, and got beat up on the screens a bit.

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I'm here.

If you think that making some plays today automatically means we were wrong you have sample size issues :yes:

Name a few plays where he's screwed up...

The point was, Rhodes has been good, he doesn't have the numbers to back it up, but no one has pointed to his miscues, no one has pointed to times he's gotten beat... Everyone just expects/wants bigger measurable numbers, and in reality, that's not really that fair.

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Name a few plays where he's screwed up...

The point was, Rhodes has been good, he doesn't have the numbers to back it up, but no one has pointed to his miscues, no one has pointed to times he's gotten beat... Everyone just expects/wants bigger measurable numbers, and in reality, that's not really that fair.

I don't need to point to clear miscues, I can point to the fact that every QB looks like Montana against us unless they are attempting to hit someone Revis is defending. We have a legit shutdown CB on one side of the field and a good pass rush, it's simply inexplicable that our pass defense has been this bad, which I think most would agree that is has been horrid.

So if our overall pass defense stinks outside of Revis and he's not making any notable plays outside of the past 2 weeks, I have a hard time understanding how anyone can argue he's playing "good". Where's the evidence? Shouldn't it show up somewhere????

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I don't need to point to clear miscues, I can point to the fact that every QB looks like Montana against us unless they are attempting to hit someone Revis is defending. We have a legit shutdown CB on one side of the field and a good pass rush, it's simply inexplicable that our pass defense has been this bad, which I think most would agree that is has been horrid.

So if our overall pass defense stinks outside of Revis and he's not making any notable plays outside of the past 2 weeks, I have a hard time understanding how anyone can argue he's playing "good". Where's the evidence? Shouldn't it show up somewhere????

For one, much of the passing against us is coming vs. the linebackers. We have big run-stuffing, pass-rushing LBs who are a liability in coverage.

Second, next to Rhodes stands Eric Smith/Abram Elam, both a liability. Elam played ok today, and saw the most action we've seen of him yet, so perhaps we'll get more. But we can all agree that Smith has been an absolute negative.

Third, we have Darrelle Revis, and then a laundry list of useless CBs. Drew Coleman made a big play today by getting hit in the back by the ball. We all know David Barrett plays so far off the ball he gives up an automatic 6-7 anytime the offense wants it. Lowery is young, inexperienced, and seems to be decent, but that's about the best you can say on him.

The point, as I'm sure you know, is our secondary has two good players, and then a HUGE gap between the next best player.

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For one, much of the passing against us is coming vs. the linebackers. We have big run-stuffing, pass-rushing LBs who are a liability in coverage.

Second, next to Rhodes stands Eric Smith/Abram Elam, both a liability. Elam played ok today, and saw the most action we've seen of him yet, so perhaps we'll get more. But we can all agree that Smith has been an absolute negative.

Third, we have Darrelle Revis, and then a laundry list of useless CBs. Drew Coleman made a big play today by getting hit in the back by the ball. We all know David Barrett plays so far off the ball he gives up an automatic 6-7 anytime the offense wants it. Lowery is young, inexperienced, and seems to be decent, but that's about the best you can say on him.

The point, as I'm sure you know, is our secondary has two good players, and then a HUGE gap between the next best player.

Punting eh? There's been plenty of plays made in front of and around Rhodes, what I don't see often if him making plays (the last 2 weeks he's coming on) If he's not having an impact because he's busy covering for the crap around him as you say, that doesn't mean he's playing well.

Besides, you have chad fans agreeing with you now.

I win. :D

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Punting eh? There's been plenty of plays made in front of and around Rhodes, what I don't see often if him making plays (the last 2 weeks he's coming on) If he's not having an impact because he's busy covering for the crap around him as you say, that doesn't mean he's playing well.

Besides, you have chad fans agreeing with you now.

I win. :D

Judge me not by the company that keeps me.

And this is by no means punting. I'm telling you that you can't say a guy is not playing well without demonstrating why. Simply saying the secondary is giving up yards is too general to talk about a specific player.

It ignores the fact that many teams abandon the run because we've been very good against it. It ignores the fact that much of the passing has come underneath him (also known as not throwing the ball near Rhodes). It ignores the fact that there are some great targets to throw the ball at for opposing teams.

At the end of the day, Rhodes needs opportunities to make plays. If the other team throws away from him 9/10 times, what can he do besides continue to lock down his side of the field?

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Funny how one of my managers gave me cr@p for having Revis' number and name on my uniform, and I said that Revis is the best CB in the AFC East. He clearly is the best in the East and is climbing up the top of the NFL hands down. By FAR the best pick of the Tangini era, a pick I wasn't crazy about (I'll admit I thought we were going with Brady Quinn) but Mangini has proven me wrong. \:D/

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Judge me not by the company that keeps me.

And this is by no means punting. I'm telling you that you can't say a guy is not playing well without demonstrating why. Simply saying the secondary is giving up yards is too general to talk about a specific player.

It ignores the fact that many teams abandon the run because we've been very good against it. It ignores the fact that much of the passing has come underneath him (also known as not throwing the ball near Rhodes). It ignores the fact that there are some great targets to throw the ball at for opposing teams.

At the end of the day, Rhodes needs opportunities to make plays. If the other team throws away from him 9/10 times, what can he do besides continue to lock down his side of the field?

I don't see them throwing away from him 9/10 times though. I see passes being completed around him all the time. I see him blitzing from 20 yards out at the snap

The whole thing started by you calling out Rhodes doubters who we supposed to offer penance because he made a nice play on the ball in the end zone. If you're requesting penance, the burden of proof falls on you to tell me why. The play today is not enough to do so, because as I alluded to with the sample size remark, one play does not a season make.

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I don't see them throwing away from him 9/10 times though. I see passes being completed around him all the time. I see him blitzing from 20 yards out at the snap

The whole thing started by you calling out Rhodes doubters who we supposed to offer penance because he made a nice play on the ball in the end zone. If you're requesting penance, the burden of proof falls on you to tell me why. The play today is not enough to do so, because as I alluded to with the sample size remark, one play does not a season make.

I'm saying there was never any reason to call him out. So, there's not much more I can offer you as proof. The guy's not getting picked on, not getting beat up, and stats are not the best measure of a DB's performance. I'd point to Ty Law's 10 INT season to back that up.

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I'm saying there was never any reason to call him out. So, there's not much more I can offer you as proof. The guy's not getting picked on, not getting beat up, and stats are not the best measure of a DB's performance. I'd point to Ty Law's 10 INT season to back that up.

there's a middle ground though between playing good and playing bad. I'm sitting there.

The whole point of the callout was the KR is supposed to be on of our best players and the leader in the secondary, not that he was play poorly, but that he needed to step it up a bit...

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