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Same Old Jets

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Sorry boys......say whatever you want.

That was the Same Old Jets out there today.

I can't help but think that everyone needs to take a step back and get back to a game to game mentality.

I'm not prepared to say that yet. If we win out, then we should have a #3 seed, maybe a #2 if we get lucky with some Steelers losses. If we drop another game though, then I agree.

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guns - it's the nfl and you can't win them all. the jets don't match up well with the broncos and god knows sutton is no f'ing help.

as much as it pains me to say it i think the jets need to stick with the dink and dunk, and the run. today was an anomaly, next week is a 'w' and maintain 1st place in the afcE.

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I'm not prepared to say that yet. If we win out, then we should have a #3 seed, maybe a #2 if we get lucky with some Steelers losses. If we drop another game though, then I agree.

Im not either. It was an ugly game. A very strange, odd and weird game.

Honestly, they got a defensive TD on a fluke play. Elam basically handed them 2 TD's.

I feel like we beat ourselves today.

We could get a TD and we failed 3 times to convert on 4th down.

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Yeah. We certainly had chances to get back in to the game but just didn't do it.

This team needs a loss like this though near the end of the regular season..knowing

that they can still lose to anybody if they have a bad day. I expect to win out from here

and I certainly expect our defense to be better and playcalling smarter from now on or

we just won't make it.

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You could see this coming 10 miles away.

All the love from the media.

Coming off two huge wins and a very inconsistent Denver team coming in off an awful performance against the Raiders.

This had letdown city written all over it.

The Jets run D was awful. Some very shaky tackling. They just didn't look like they had the intensity on either side of the football.

I think the good thing is they have it out of their system now. The media will kill them and now if Mangini is smart remind them that no matter who they are playing, good or bad you have to bring it EVERY week.

I wouldn't want to be the 49'ers next week.

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Calm down. The Steelers have a MUCH tougher schedule than us down the stretch. IMO we're still capable of getting the #2 seed.

I agree I think a lot of people here need to grow a pair and stop crying. It's one loss the NFL is a crazy league and anything can happen from week to week. We were probably due for one more loss and it's better that we get it out of our system now then opposed to playoff time. This game was a good wakeup call for us.

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i was afraid of this game

and CS made it easy for denver

oh well

That's bull****

The players made it easy for Denver. At week 13 in the NFL you can't teach them how to tackle, how to catch the Ball, and how not to throw the ball up for anyone.

This was not a coaching loss. The game plan was fine. These guys spent to much time with the NY and national media talking about a NY, NY Super Bowl, and didn't come to play today

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We got beat, plain and simple. The ZBS totally handled Jenkins, meaning we couldn't get much pressure, meaning our crappy DBs were left on an island all day. Throw some truly inexplicable offensive playcalling and a lot of mixed tackles and you have the perfect recipe for an ass-beating.

I'm not too worked up about this one (other than the offensive playcalling, which has to change)--Denver has a great passing game, we're vulnerable against the pass. They have a crappy defense, we handed them the ball twice. They're speedy and athletic, we couldn't tackle. They were pissed off after a bad division loss, we were exhausted after winning 5 straight, including two huge road games. We got beat. It happens. It doesn't mean our coaches are horrible (though Mangini better have a few choice words with Schottenheimer) or that our scheme sucks. It means that we're vulnerable to good QBs who use spread formations and that we lose when we turn the ball over and don't tackle. Yippee, sounds like every other team in the NFL.

It also means that the "Subway Super Bowl" prognosticators were a little premature. The Jets are still a good team with a favorable schedule. We the fans, like the players, need to calm down, take this one game at a time, and enjoy the ride.

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That's bull****

The players made it easy for Denver. At week 13 in the NFL you can't teach them how to tackle, how to catch the Ball, and how not to throw the ball up for anyone.

This was not a coaching loss. The game plan was fine. These guys spent to much time with the NY and national media talking about a NY, NY Super Bowl, and didn't come to play today

The gameplan was NOT fine. Letting that QB stand back there for 30 mins on every play and not putting ANY pressure in his face all game is INEPT coaching.

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Don't think so. The Jets just came out flat today and didn't have it on either side of the ball. The refs didn't help with those unbelievably awful calls. But I think Mangini will kick the players asses in practice this week and they won't have any more crap games like this for the rest of the season.

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Sorry boys......say whatever you want.

That was the Same Old Jets out there today.

I can't help but think that everyone needs to take a step back and get back to a game to game mentality.

If we end up not making the playoffs, I'll be next in line saying "same old Jets"...four games to go and we still control our own destiny in the AFC East.

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That's bull****

The players made it easy for Denver. At week 13 in the NFL you can't teach them how to tackle, how to catch the Ball, and how not to throw the ball up for anyone.

This was not a coaching loss. The game plan was fine. These guys spent to much time with the NY and national media talking about a NY, NY Super Bowl, and didn't come to play today

Uh, yes you can, and should. If the coach isn't teaching them how to tackle, catch or where to throw, that's a ****ty coach.

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Uh, yes you can, and should. If the coach isn't teaching them how to tackle, catch or where to throw, that's a ****ty coach.


Mangini doesn't "teach" the players to tackle, catch, or throw. If they can't do those things, they don't belong in the NFL. Missed tackles are not a coaching issue; they're an execution issue. Besides, if Mangini were so bad at "teaching" players the fundamentals of the game, don't you think we'd see missed tackles and dropped passes every week? Since this is the first game I can remember this season with a ton of missed tackles, I don't think it's a coaching problem. The players just need to get their asses in gear and get the job done.

Of course, that doesn't absolve Mangini of responsibility for this game--it was clear that our secondary was getting burned, and yet he still didn't bring more pressure to try and compensate for it. And the offensive playcalling, which looked so good against Buffalo, St. Louis, and Tennessee, was inexplicable today.

But to blame the coaches for dropped passes and bad tackling makes no sense.

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Mangini doesn't "teach" the players to tackle, catch, or throw. If they can't do those things, they don't belong in the NFL. Missed tackles are not a coaching issue; they're an execution issue. Besides, if Mangini were so bad at "teaching" players the fundamentals of the game, don't you think we'd see missed tackles and dropped passes every week? Since this is the first game I can remember this season with a ton of missed tackles, I don't think it's a coaching problem. The players just need to get their asses in gear and get the job done.

Of course, that doesn't absolve Mangini of responsibility for this game--it was clear that our secondary was getting burned, and yet he still didn't bring more pressure to try and compensate for it. And the offensive playcalling, which looked so good against Buffalo, St. Louis, and Tennessee, was inexplicable today.

But to blame the coaches for dropped passes and bad tackling makes no sense.

It's all about technique. Of course these guys know the fundamentals of the game, but most times they need to perfect their style of play.

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That's bull****

The players made it easy for Denver. At week 13 in the NFL you can't teach them how to tackle, how to catch the Ball, and how not to throw the ball up for anyone.

This was not a coaching loss. The game plan was fine. These guys spent to much time with the NY and national media talking about a NY, NY Super Bowl, and didn't come to play today

The gameplan was not fine. Our offense is still far too predicable. There's no excuse for not only getting away from the run but not even showing run with the passing plays. We go empty set far too often on passing plays and Denver KNEW that passing plays were coming most of the time. You should never let a ****ty D like the Denvers Broncos make you one dimensional, especially when the running game's actually working.

Schotty's ignorance of play action never ceases to amaze me.

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Sorry boys......say whatever you want.

That was the Same Old Jets out there today.

I can't help but think that everyone needs to take a step back and get back to a game to game mentality.

When you get here in two weeks, there will be a smack across the mouth waiting for you for starting this thread.


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I said it all week wedo not match up well with DEN. With the weather we also just played an awful game. That being said we're in good shape and can still control our destiny.

Yup, I've been saying that too and said it from the start of the season. We just don't match up with pass happy teams.

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I said it all week wedo not match up well with DEN. With the weather we also just played an awful game. That being said we're in good shape and can still control our destiny.

pats have a worse secondary and they lit them up.

that said i had a feeling we would lose this game

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Sorry boys......say whatever you want.

That was the Same Old Jets out there today.

I can't help but think that everyone needs to take a step back and get back to a game to game mentality.

You knew the other shoe had to drop eventually. It's the Jets we're talking about here. :roll:

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