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Enough with the act


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Mangini stop acting like you ever accomplished something in the NFL. You act so tough and controlling how about getting your god damn team to play to its talent level every week? You love to act like Bill Parcells, now if you could only coach like him

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Mangini stop acting like you ever accomplished something in the NFL. You act so tough and controlling how about getting your god damn team to play to its talent level every week? You love to act like Bill Parcells, now if you could only coach like him

Or become equally whale like. Another choke from the biggest chokers in the NFL: THE NEW YORK JETS. It's not even the playoffs, and I have felt like I was kicked in the gut since last night.

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You know the national media are going to call jets fans retarded for wanting to fire these idiots since our record is still ok...they won't notice that we are 0 for California and play like utter dog **** when the opponent is awful.

i can't stand these bums.

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You know the national media are going to call jets fans retarded for wanting to fire these idiots since our record is still ok...they won't notice that we are 0 for California and play like utter dog **** when the opponent is awful.

i can't stand these bums.

There are times when an organization must make a statement to salvage a season or turn it around for the future. This is such a time for us. The problem with us is we have always had wealthy, ineffectual owners who have consistently made the wrong decision when hiring head coaches. I am just in a complete state of shock that someone as inept as Bob Sutton is a defensive coordinator at the NFL level. How many more weeks can you not adapt your game plan to stop those easy third down pickups on crossing routes? Not stop mediocre tight ends or running backs?

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Remember his rookie year, Mangini used to yell all the time.

That pouty face wasn't doing it for me yesterday. When someone purposely tries to show you they are angry, it doesn't usually work.

Take Westhoff's cane and start beating people. Hey # 44 you want to hold and Leon's Touchdown gets called back, that is 10 lashes. CRACK.

Although I never played professional sports so I am just speculating that this would work, lol.

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Remember his rookie year, Mangini used to yell all the time.

That pouty face wasn't doing it for me yesterday. When someone purposely tries to show you they are angry, it doesn't usually work.

Take Westhoff's cane and start beating people. Hey # 44 you want to hold and Leon's Touchdown gets called back, that is 10 lashes. CRACK.

Although I never played professional sports so I am just speculating that this would work, lol.

Max, have you or anyone else ever called out Jet players or coaching staff to come on the site to explain themselves or take questions from the members? If yes, did anyone take the offer?

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Remember his rookie year, Mangini used to yell all the time.

That pouty face wasn't doing it for me yesterday. When someone purposely tries to show you they are angry, it doesn't usually work.

Take Westhoff's cane and start beating people. Hey # 44 you want to hold and Leon's Touchdown gets called back, that is 10 lashes. CRACK.

Although I never played professional sports so I am just speculating that this would work, lol.

Then STFU, you have NO RIGHT to comment because you have NO IDEA!!!

We need aec4 to put a peasant like you in your place!

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i wish this team would do what the brewers did...fire the coach before the playoffs are entirely out of reach. Put Callahan in charge, put Westhoff in charge, put 124 in charge...anyone could do a better job than these idiots.

Oh snap.. I forgot about Callahan... I don't actually hate him. Callahan and Westhoff can coach the team, everyone else is fired.

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The head coach has no emotion, therefore the players have no emotion, they have been playing like a direct resemblance of their head a coach: lazy, emotionless, and without an ounce of passion.

I was watching the Ravens game last night and Ray Lewis is screaming, cursing, yelling, and getting his defense fired up every time they touch the field.


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The head coach has no emotion, therefore the players have no emotion, they have been playing like a direct resemblance of their head a coach: lazy, emotionless, and without an ounce of passion.

I was watching the Ravens game last night and Ray Lewis is screaming, cursing, yelling, and getting his defense fired up every time they touch the field.


Dead on point

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The head coach has no emotion, therefore the players have no emotion, they have been playing like a direct resemblance of their head a coach: lazy, emotionless, and without an ounce of passion.

I was watching the Ravens game last night and Ray Lewis is screaming, cursing, yelling, and getting his defense fired up every time they touch the field.


Pleeassseeee......Hermie the clown had plenty of emotion, remember? The coaches are not putting their players in the best position to win and the veteran leadership on your team is not rising to the occasions This testicular fortitude - or lack thereof - that you speak of may come from the coaches - but they message is pounded in by your captains.

Still, you guys are in the drivers seat here and you all sound like you are conceeding the division. C'mon.

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Pleeassseeee......Hermie the clown had plenty of emotion, remember? The coaches are not putting their players in the best position to win and the veteran leadership on your team is not rising to the occasions This testicular fortitude - or lack thereof - that you speak of may come from the coaches - but they message is pounded in by your captains.

Still, you guys are in the drivers seat here and you all sound like you are conceeding the division. C'mon.

I'm not saying I want Mangini to start throwing chairs or punching holes in walls. I want him to show EMOTION, he just stands there, same look on his face throughout the entire game and that lack of passion trickles down the ladder to the players, therefore our captains pound the message pounded into them by their headcoach.

I'm not conceeding the division, I'm pissed off that our headcoach can't seem to get this team headed in the right direction. Two big wins followed by two big losses. We still have a chance but Mangini needs to get this team fired up, it all starts with him.

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Some people are "Born" leaders ...

Some can "Become" leaders ...

Some will never be able to lead ...

- Maybe its his "attitude", but in most "professional" sports working at a "high level" of perfomance, it just won't work if you get too "comfy" with your players / staff ... I have no doubt that Mangini may be an "excellent" coach in some ways, but when it comes down to "crunch" time, it seems he has "difficulties" in changing his strategy ... - that is a "trait" of a "poor" leader ...

A great leader is able to adapt to what ever situation he/she is facing, and also the qualities of a great leader is best shown in time of "crisis" ... however with an 8-5 record, calling this a "crisis" might be a little too premature ... But a "Great Leader" also brings out "The Best" in his people ...

Even though Mangini seems to take a lot of "heat" because of the "poor" play the Jets have shown recently, one must not forget, that the players are equally (to some extent) to blame ... Afterall they are the one "supposed" to execute "out there" ...

Just a few thoughts from Denmark ...

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Some people are "Born" leaders ...

Some can "Become" leaders ...

Some will never be able to lead ...

- Maybe its his "attitude", but in most "professional" sports working at a "high level" of perfomance, it just won't work if you get too "comfy" with your players / staff ... I have no doubt that Mangini may be an "excellent" coach in some ways, but when it comes down to "crunch" time, it seems he has "difficulties" in changing his strategy ... - that is a "trait" of a "poor" leader ...

A great leader is able to adapt to what ever situation he/she is facing, and also the qualities of a great leader is best shown in time of "crisis" ... however with an 8-5 record, calling this a "crisis" might be a little too premature ... But a "Great Leader" also brings out "The Best" in his people ...

Even though Mangini seems to take a lot of "heat" because of the "poor" play the Jets have shown recently, one must not forget, that the players are equally (to some extent) to blame ... Afterall they are the one "supposed" to execute "out there" ...

Just a few thoughts from Denmark ...

way to many quotes in there for me to read.

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Some people are "Born" leaders ...

Some can "Become" leaders ...

Some will never be able to lead ...

- Maybe its his "attitude", but in most "professional" sports working at a "high level" of perfomance, it just won't work if you get too "comfy" with your players / staff ... I have no doubt that Mangini may be an "excellent" coach in some ways, but when it comes down to "crunch" time, it seems he has "difficulties" in changing his strategy ... - that is a "trait" of a "poor" leader ...

A great leader is able to adapt to what ever situation he/she is facing, and also the qualities of a great leader is best shown in time of "crisis" ... however with an 8-5 record, calling this a "crisis" might be a little too premature ... But a "Great Leader" also brings out "The Best" in his people ...

Even though Mangini seems to take a lot of "heat" because of the "poor" play the Jets have shown recently, one must not forget, that the players are equally (to some extent) to blame ... Afterall they are the one "supposed" to execute "out there" ...

Just a few thoughts from Denmark ...

Where were you in Copehagen??

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For Mangini's career, he is currently 1 game BELOW .500. Thus, he's a career losing HC.

As Garb mentioned, he has failed to put his players in the best position to succeed although he said he would do so when he got the job.

Mangini has to prove he's a competent HC which he has, thus far, failed to it.

Lucky for him, he still has time.

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People saw problems with Herm after 3 years. Some even before that, but the 3 year mark is where you really get an idea with what you have on your hands. We wasted another 2 years before we did something about it.

Now we have the same situation on our hands, and I'd rather not run the team into the ground AGAIN before a change is made. Get Cowher in here for next year, and we are in good shape for the next decade. This team has loads of talent, and the proper regime in place ensures that it will remain competitive for a long time. Fortunately, for the most part, our FO knows what it is doing. But without the right CS in place all that talent is wasted. I'm not sold that Mangini isn't to blame for Gholston and Lowery.

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You know the national media are going to call jets fans retarded for wanting to fire these idiots since our record is still ok...they won't notice that we are 0 for California and play like utter dog **** when the opponent is awful.

i can't stand these bums.

I don't usually agree with the media, but if they think you are idiots for wanting to fire everybody right now I'm with them 100%

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When we were on a 5 game winning streak there wasn't much support for getting rid of the coaching staff. We're 8-5, tied for the division lead with three winnable games left. If we go 11-5 we win the division. Why don't we wait till after those 3 games to fire everybody?

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There are only a few on here who have wanted to fire mangini and co. even during the winning streak and for that I'll commend them for being resolute in their opinion. It's the rest of everyone who is on and off the bandwagon that drives me nuts. I would opt for keeping Schotty next year just to not force everyone to learn another offense, but I would definitely love to bring in a different DC. That said, I believe everyone who is calling for Cowher only remembers the superbowl victory. He won the AFC championship in his 4th year, but won the Superbowl in his 14th year. I am sorry, but i highly highly highly doubt 99% of you would be willing to stick with him for 11 more years after he brought us to the AFC championship. After the steelers won the AFC championship he followed that up with two winning seasons and than came 3 losing seasons in a row. I love cowher and his fire just as much as the rest of you, but I just think everyone would be calling for his head the first year he didn't win a SB.

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