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The Second Annual Jetnation Tourney


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If you cut me, do I not bleed?

Plus, who you kidding? A "chick" with d*ck is your idea of Nirvana. Explains Max's wig collection anyway....

A chick with a dick is not a tranny. It's a shemale. It's sad that you're not self aware enough to know the right terminology.

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Looks like Bergen beat JFBM. It's a sad day in JetNation.

Or something.

Unless I counted wrong, which is entirely possible, I have Bergen ahead 4-3. You Yankee fans know that she can still come back and win this.

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Unless I counted wrong, which is entirely possible, I have Bergen ahead 4-3. You Yankee fans know that she can still come back and win this.

Well if it's still alive, I vote for JFBM.

This tourney's just flying. Every time I have my fight storylines typed out, that round has already been decided, usually along with the next one...or two even.

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Well if it's still alive, I vote for JFBM.

This tourney's just flying. Every time I have my fight storylines typed out, that round has already been decided, usually along with the next one...or two even.

Don't do it this way. Go stream of consciousness at the point of attack.

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Tictac vs. Arsis: Seeing that he has already brutally dispatched Drago with a Garden Weasel, an overjoyed TicTac runs into the arms of a diabolical Arsis, who forces her to eat fromage which has not passed the rigorous standards of a recognized affineur. Realizing her transgression, TicTac concedes the match to a smattering of applause, and a few "cat calls" from the assembled onlookers. Winner: Arsis.

Borgo vs. Bob: Falling on a rusted dagger once belonging to a Filipina barrista who once served Kenneth Branagh a tepid cafe au lait, I concede to Bob, who must now support my son's college education. Winner: Bob.

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor: Using the wizardry gleaned from her husband's well worn--some would argue wholly, crushingly dull--Tech Forum, and incantations found in the Dianic Wiccan texts given her by founding sorceress Zsuzsanna Budapest, Mrs. Tabor turns Marko into a giggling school girl in hot pursuit by several enamoured Japanese businessmen. Winner: Mrs. Tabor.

Bren vs. LBS: LBS' podiatrist said it best: "These are the soles of an immortal. I am certain that they will, one day, lead mankind into the next era of spiritual enlightenment." Little did Dr. Glassman know that at this very moment--from the last remaining pay telephone in any "hand release" emporium in North America--this potential visionary leader was bribing Bren to concede the match with the promise of a cache of images of a thong-clad Kevin Mawae. Winner: LBS.

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Bergen is still dancing and I was wrong as usual.

Up next-

Tictac vs. Arsis

Borgo vs. Bob

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor

Bren vs. LBS

TicTock Ticktock Ticktock TickTock....time has run out for the Orange Mint

Winner Arsis

Marko cannot fight Mrstabor with Limoo drooped on his back, she is far too crafty and 1 kick in the nuts is all it takes

LBS combats BrensBoobs with the Motorboat technique. LBS wins and Bren goes home happy

Borgo can cook up a mean Creme Brulee followed by a romp in the hay

with melissa theriuox.. sadly Bob cannot

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Tictac vs. Arsis: Arsis kicks her in the baby-maker as if she was a drunk Russian.

Borgo vs. Bob: Bob can't get around Borgo's crafty writing and is down for the count.

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor: Marko crush.

Bren vs. LBS: LBS comes prepared with noise-canceling headphones, so Bren's singing does nothing to bother him.

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Tictac vs. Arsis: Arsis again wins by default. WTF?

Borgo vs. Bob: Bob wins as Boroguy has Bob as his avatar.

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor: Mrs Tabor wins.

Bren vs. LBS: Bren wins because even though I probably owe LBS for last round, I hate UMASS. Sorry.

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Tictac vs. Arsis -- Arsis eats the missing for a long time now, Tictac.

Borgo vs. Bob -- Bob had him, but once Borgo busts out his Asian porn, Bob cannot stand a chance. Him and his curling.

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor -- Where have both of these two gone? I go with the Mrs.

Bren vs. LBS -- Bren's got the boobs, but so does Jay. I've seen him upclose at COLLEGE hockey games when his team isn't even playing, him in a fight for the death would be ugly!

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Tictac vs. Arsis: Tictac starts off by telling Arsis she is not impressed by his four-digit IQ. While Arsis is sputtering about his mental and physical superiority, Drago sneaks up behind, kills and eats him. It takes a week.

Borgo vs. Bob: I'm not as gentlemanly as Borgo, so I'm not voting for him. I'm also not shallow enough to vote for myself, despite the fact that I seem to be losing. Draw.

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor: Mrs. T is grossed out by Marko. "I know where those hands (and other parts) have been," she says. She sprays him with Lysol and he disappears.

Bren vs. LBS: Bren brings booze and boobs. LBS drools until he is counted out.

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Tictac vs. Arsis

Borgo vs. Bob

Marko vs. Mrs.Tabor

Bren vs. LBS

as much as i want to vote for both borgo and bob.. i cant .. and since borgo himself voted for bob.. and i am on a diet.. so i cant take the rich food borgo makes,, well bob gets my vote.. and of course he is the one true bob! :D

and of course i will pick the gals.. ticky, mrsT and bren.. maybe they will all come back and post more!

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