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Revis wants to retire as a New York Jet


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It's amazing to me how quickly fans want to side with the fan-friendly, generous, team-first billionaire owners putting a few of their dollars on the line, over the greedy, selfish, me-first millionaire players putting their bodies on the line.

Really f^cking boggles my mind.

It is fascinating BUT I think it's a byproduct of modern day sports.

In the past players played their whole career for 1 team. They lived in the community. There was a long time connection with them.

Now, only the billionaire owners are still there. They're the ones, more so than the players, that remain through bad and good times (mostly from their own doing :D).

The bottom line is that if players stood with a team longer I think fans would side with them more.

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The statement makes absolute sense. Your statement, however, makes none.

It's simply ONE YEAR without a cap. Any deal the Jets make with Revis will have salary cap reprecussions in the following years.

So ABSOLUTELY a deal with Revis could jeapordize the Jets future. What? You think the Jets should sign him to a 1 yr $16 million deal? How does that make any sense to the Jets???

they could front load it. there's alot of ways around this. Claiming "cap hell" when there is no current cap and the Jets are currently 10-20 mil under last year's cap is a stretch. the cap has always only ever gone up. It's never ever gone down. for the sake of argument, Revis can be paid Aso money and not put the Jets into Cap hell. he might take up 8-12% of a new cap but that's probably what the best Jets player since Joe Namath is worth.

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For the amount of money Revis is looking to get he could solve the hunger crisis in Ethiopia.

So I think his family should be okay.

Seriously though he could, Ethiopia's population is roughly 80 million, so if he gets his 100 million dollar contract he could give each resident a million and still have 20 mill for his family. ( I know there's taxes, just sayin)

Math fail?

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It's amazing to me how quickly fans want to side with the fan-friendly, generous, team-first billionaire owners putting a few of their dollars on the line, over the greedy, selfish, me-first millionaire players putting their bodies on the line.

Really f^cking boggles my mind.

I want the player to be satisfied in the manner that he feels is fair market, but still allows the team to operate under the ability to improve itself, without having to compromise.

Of course, none of us know where those lines are truly drawn.

The good of the entity always has to carry greater weight than the good of one player.

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It's amazing to me how quickly fans want to side with the fan-friendly, generous, team-first billionaire owners putting a few of their dollars on the line, over the greedy, selfish, me-first millionaire players putting their bodies on the line.

Really f^cking boggles my mind.

There's going to be a cap or there won't be football. We are going to spend to the cap. How is the owner less of a selfish prick if he gives Revis 5 million more a year and it means 5 or 6 other players are woking for the league minimum?

Seems to me Revis as a card carrying Union member is looking for more money at the expense of his fellow workers not the rich owner.

Boggles my mind how the Union concept has been so destorted by their own membership to operate in their own interest at the expense of their comrades.

In this ass backwards world Management is doing more to protect their workers by spreading the wealth around than individual Union members who are clearly totally out for themselves.

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The statement makes absolute sense. Your statement, however, makes none.

It's simply ONE YEAR without a cap. Any deal the Jets make with Revis will have salary cap reprecussions in the following years.

So ABSOLUTELY a deal with Revis could jeapordize the Jets future. What? You think the Jets should sign him to a 1 yr $16 million deal? How does that make any sense to the Jets???

Lost in all of this is the assumption that Woody also has an extra $40-50 million sitting around the house to front load a contract. I'm still waiting for someone to bust out the Johnson & Johnson-money argument. That one's always a blast.

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they could front load it. there's alot of ways around this. Claiming "cap hell" when there is no current cap and the Jets are currently 10-20 mil under last year's cap is a stretch. the cap has always only ever gone up. It's never ever gone down. for the sake of argument, Revis can be paid Aso money and not put the Jets into Cap hell. he might take up 8-12% of a new cap but that's probably what the best Jets player since Joe Namath is worth.

The cap is absolutely an important consideration because this year is only a 1 time deal.

And frontloading the contract does not eleviate the cap issues because the future cap will be affected by every deal signed this year. The notion that a player can just bulk money this year to avoid future cap consequences has been proven false.

The extensions handed out now are like the ones D'Brick and Willis signed (D'Bick agreed to guarantee for skill only while Willis agreed to guarantee for injury only), with creative bonuses here and there.

Revis is on record saying that he wants guarantee for BOTH injury and skill which the rules don't permit for this year.

Lastly, Revis DOES NOT want Aso money. He wants TWICE AS MUCH as Aso got.

Aso signed a 3 year $45 million deal. Revis wants that average, at least, for a 6+ year deal.

I don't begrudge Revis or any other player for wanting more money, but his salary demands are wholly unreasonable in light of the current situation.

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they could front load it. there's alot of ways around this. Claiming "cap hell" when there is no current cap and the Jets are currently 10-20 mil under last year's cap is a stretch. the cap has always only ever gone up. It's never ever gone down. for the sake of argument, Revis can be paid Aso money and not put the Jets into Cap hell. he might take up 8-12% of a new cap but that's probably what the best Jets player since Joe Namath is worth.

'Frontloading' got us into this mess.

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For the amount of money Revis is looking to get he could solve the hunger crisis in Ethiopia.

So I think his family should be okay.

Seriously though he could, Ethiopia's population is roughly 80 million, so if he gets his 100 million dollar contract he could give each resident a million and still have 20 mill for his family. ( I know there's taxes, just sayin)

The mods need to change your screen name to Madbacker Prime Number.

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they could front load it. there's alot of ways around this. Claiming "cap hell" when there is no current cap and the Jets are currently 10-20 mil under last year's cap is a stretch. the cap has always only ever gone up. It's never ever gone down. for the sake of argument, Revis can be paid Aso money and not put the Jets into Cap hell. he might take up 8-12% of a new cap but that's probably what the best Jets player since Joe Namath is worth.

problem with frontloading is in 4 years when he's only making $5 mill on paper he'll complain for a new contract even though we paid him a $20 mill signing bonus to front load.

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ok so aso made 16 mil. Samuel and robinson make 10 mil. Revis is closer to Aso than Dunta Robinson. I think if they offered him 13 or 14 he'd take it. they aren't even close to that. they are offering him non-guaranteed Dunta money.


Aso is making 16mil this year but then his idiotic contract is up. Next year, he'll be making 11-12mil somewhere else. That is going to be market value for a top-5 CB.

I'm fine with Revis getting 11-12mil based on that but why should he be raking in 16.1mil for the next 6 years when nobody else will be even close. The Aso deal is smoke and mirrors and can not be the bar for this negotiation.

Let me repeat....Revis can be the highest paid CB in the game at $12m/year with normal escalators. He does NOT need to be paid $16m/year because that number will be meaningless starting in 2011. There's a reason his reps are pushing this deal now and THAT is it.

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No, Revis wants to retire as rich as possible. It's funny though, Matt is so right when laughing at you guys. You'll celebrate like everyone else when he's picking off Chad Henne and Tom Brady and love him in the moment. He's the best player we have and probably the most dominant player we've EVER had. To curse him now because he wants to get paid what he would get paid on another team is stupid. He likes the Jets, that's probably true but loyalty barely ever comes out in sports. It's about money - For Revis, for Leon, for Mangold - Money talks.

He's a great player, one of my favorite Jets because regardless of the issues that surround him in this off-season, he brings it on the field. That's one thing you can't take away from him.

There's only one team in the NFL that would pay him what he's asking. And they were universally vilified and laughed at for making that deal, which by the way expires after this season and will not be seen again. I think I'm okay with the Jets not agreeing to follow Al Davis into stupidville.

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considering that there's no cap, that statement makes no sense. the future is now. the problem here is Wood man lost his checkbook. they could give him a massive bonus and the cap hit would be null.

today's front loaded contract is tomorrow's holdout - "i don't care what i made in 2010, it's 2013 now and on paper i'm only making $7 mill - i'm the best CB and i should be paid for it every year i risk my body on the field."

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today's front loaded contract is tomorrow's holdout - "i don't care what i made in 2010, it's 2013 now and on paper i'm only making $7 mill - i'm the best CB and i should be paid for it every year i risk my body on the field."

Just put language in there that states if he holds out over the term of the deal, he has to refund the entire bonus. Done.

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Just put language in there that states if he holds out over the term of the deal, he has to refund the entire bonus. Done.

don't think that would be an enforceable contract. it sounds like a liquidated damages clause which have to be reasonable under the law (i.e. must accurately reflect the 'damage' to the non-breaching party). no court would make revis give back any part of the bonus he has already earned. at most all he could be forced to give back is the pro-rata portion for the years he is holding out.

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NFL needs to pass a change amidst this CBA that limits the percentage of total compensation that a signing bonus can represent. Huge SB deals always cause trouble on the back-end. Limit the SB to no more than 30% of total compensation and the problem largely goes away.

Of course the NFLPA would go bat**** over that, but hey, it's a chip.

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Funny, the media and his head coach gasses him up all last season and he goes from being quiet hard hat type to a full blown Diva. Whatever.

Revis is not a Diva. The term "diva" implies he think he's better than he is. That he think he's worth more than he is. If you think that, you're wrong. Revis thinks he's the best because he is the best, Revis is worth Nnamdi money because if we wont, someone WILL pay him that money, even if it is a maniac like Al Davis. You can bet your ass Revis knows this.

Guy might be the best player in the league. He's entitled to get paid that way. He didn't grow up rooting for the Jets, he's not a die hard like we are. He plays for us for the money, like every NFL player does. He probably does want to retire a Jet, gets to stay in the same city, less hassle I guess but its not out of love for the fans or team and why should it be? Look at you turning on him the second he demands money he knows he's worth.

It's a joke really. The faking injury stuff was unforgivable but the overall contract situation? I can't discredit him at all. If he can get paid more money elsewhere then from his perspective he should go elsewhere. Most of you would do the same in your own careers.

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There's only one team in the NFL that would pay him what he's asking. And they were universally vilified and laughed at for making that deal, which by the way expires after this season and will not be seen again. I think I'm okay with the Jets not agreeing to follow Al Davis into stupidville.

Wrong. He'll get it. Stupid contracts are handed out all the ****ing time. Al Davis is always the example used but look at Clements in San Fran, an average CB who at the time really set a new standard for CB's.

He'll get paid whatever the **** he wants. It only takes one owner.

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Wrong. He'll get it. Stupid contracts are handed out all the ****ing time. Al Davis is always the example used but look at Clements in San Fran, an average CB who at the time really set a new standard for CB's.

He'll get paid whatever the **** he wants. It only takes one owner.

The Clements deal was very barely above previous CB deals. The fact that he wasn't a top CB at the time does indicate SF was stupid, but Champ got a 7-year, $63M deal 3 years before Clements got his 8-year, $80M deal ($9M/year vs. $10M/year 3 years later). I'm not even sure if Bailey was the highest-paid CB at that time, but that represents an 11% bump.

When Aso got his contract, he got roughly 50% more than any other CB was getting in the league at that time. Mind that one of the other highest deals at that time was Deangelo Hall to...yes, the Raiders for 7 years, $70M. He lasted 8 games before being cut.

Other teams make some questionable signings. The Raiders make epic-fail signings. I just don't see any other team lining up to spend $15M/year on ANY player at this time. But I could very well be wrong.

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Just put language in there that states if he holds out over the term of the deal, he has to refund the entire bonus. Done.

I'm not a contract expert, but I would think they could require the front loaded money to be put into escrow and only turned over to him upon completion of the contact without any holdouts. The problem is that Revis would never sign off on such a clause. If anything, Revis has shown that he will not be happy unless he's the highest paid CB AND that almost all of it is fully guaranteed.

I've read the debate on both sides on the issue, but I think that one poster said it best. Revis held out for his initial contract. If Revis turned out to be a bust, he wouldn't return the money would he? So why should the Jets break the bank on him with 3 years left on the contract he HELD OUT for? It's really that simple.

I'd have more sympathy for Revis if he didn't hold out for his 1st NFL contract. If he hadn't held out, I would be more in his camp right now as he's proven to be the best at his position. But now he looks like a player that will force the team to make him the highest paid player every 2 to 3 years.

Honestly if Revis really wanted to get this done, he could strike a deal that would be fair to both sides. Remember the Jets are the ones that would be giving up a contract with 3 years remaining that is favorable to them, and one that Revis held out for. It's hard to be against the Jets camp on this one.

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I'm not a contract expert, but I would think they could require the front loaded money to be put into escrow and only turned over to him upon completion of the contact without any holdouts. The problem is that Revis would never sign off on such a clause. If anything, Revis has shown that he will not be happy unless he's the highest paid CB AND that almost all of it is fully guaranteed.

I've read the debate on both sides on the issue, but I think that one poster said it best. Revis held out for his initial contract. If Revis turned out to be a bust, he wouldn't return the money would he? So why should the Jets break the bank on him with 3 years left on the contract he HELD OUT for? It's really that simple.

I'd have more sympathy for Revis if he didn't hold out for his 1st NFL contract. If he hadn't held out, I would be more in his camp right now as he's proven to be the best at his position. But now he looks like a player that will force the team to make him the highest paid player every 2 to 3 years.

Honestly if Revis really wanted to get this done, he could strike a deal that would be fair to both sides. Remember the Jets are the ones that would be giving up a contract with 3 years remaining that is favorable to them, and one that Revis held out for. It's hard to be against the Jets camp on this one.

i agree - the fact that he held out for this one and now wants it torn up halfway through is what is giving a lot of us a bad taste in our mouths. that said, the kid deserves more than $1 million. i hope both sides can reach a compromise soon.

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I've read the debate on both sides on the issue, but I think that one poster said it best. Revis held out for his initial contract. If Revis turned out to be a bust, he wouldn't return the money would he? So why should the Jets break the bank on him with 3 years left on the contract he HELD OUT for? It's really that simple.

He held out on his initial deal only because the Jets insisted on the unusual term of six years for the 14th pick in the draft. All the players selected around him signed for five years. That's what he wanted, too.

The idea that that Revis wouldn't give back money is absurd. Of course he wouldn't.

But if he failed to live up to the terms of his deal, he'd be cut already, or at the very least the Jets wouldn't even consider picking up the two year option coming up. The team always has the right to terminate any contract that they're not happy with, but when a player wants to do the exact same thing they're labeled as "greedy, selfish" - whatever.

I keep hearing about all the whining Revis is doing, etc., but I'd like to hear the examples. There's the OTA he sat out of -granted an immature move- but that's probably the worst thing he's done on or off the field in three years with the team.

What else is there? I mean, what else is there that the press didn't chase him down for? 'Cause I really don't see this "diva" complaining to the press everyday. I see a ton of rehashing by the press and whiny fans, but not much in terms of original complaints from Revis.

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