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Andrew Luck staying in school.


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Exactly...Harbaugh is fairly well established as a HC prospect and has done his share of interviews in the NFL...I hope he's just playing the game right now.

JiF, Fairley is not going to hit Williams status if he stayed. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a guy who falls for character reasons...

Hopefully he falls all the way to 32 were we will pick.

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sh*t does happen. But in the event that it does happen, kid has a design degree from friggin Stanford dude. I still remember in the 90's when Tim Duncan was the projected #1 overall for 3 years running, and people said he was insane the 2 times he went back. Turned out years later that everyone learned that his mother made Duncan and all his siblings promise her on her deathbed that they'd all get degrees. For some kids, it's just that important. Can't hate on the kid at all.

I don't hate on him, but it is still a financially foolish decision. Sure he'll have that Stanford degree, but how many years will it take him to recoup that money? There is nothing keeping him from entering the draft AND completing his degree. Sure it might take a little longer, but with the season in question it might not matter. As far as the press reporting, the problem is that they rarely mention guys going back to get their degrees during the summer or after their sports career is over.


the big issue no one is talking about is rookie cap. I can't believe the owners will let this CBA go without trying to do something about the top 10 picks deals

this kid lost a lot of money today

and no guarantee he winds up in a better situation

The way I understand it, there will be a draft, without a CBA. That will mean that the picks are offered minimum deals and then deals in accordance with the new CBA or locked out. He is not going to have the chance to be the last high paid draft pick.

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Listen, I used Leinart as the obvious example. But anything can happen in a year. He's all but guaranteed the #1 spot and being the highest paid NFL rookie ever if he comes out now. He waits a year, and maybe not only is there a new CBA, but he's no longer the consensus #1 pick. Maybe Harbaugh leaves and he's not nearly as productive. Maybe he gets hurt. sh*t happens. It's a huge risk if you ask me.

Nevermind Leinart. He still got 8 figures on his rookie deal going #10. The one Luck should be thinking of is Brohm. He was a potential #1 overall pick over Russell (ok maybe not with Al Davis in the war room; but projected at least top-3). Stayed his senior season, scouts and the country got another year's worth of games to look at him, and he fell to the bottom of round 2.

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I don't hate on him, but it is still a financially foolish decision. Sure he'll have that Stanford degree, but how many years will it take him to recoup that money? There is nothing keeping him from entering the draft AND completing his degree. Sure it might take a little longer, but with the season in question it might not matter. As far as the press reporting, the problem is that they rarely mention guys going back to get their degrees during the summer or after their sports career is over.

The way I understand it, there will be a draft, without a CBA. That will mean that the picks are offered minimum deals and then deals in accordance with the new CBA or locked out. He is not going to have the chance to be the last high paid draft pick.

2011 draft is covered by CBA, it does not mean that owners will offer any contracts or a rookie scale is in place, players would be nuts to give up 2011 $$

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Nevermind Leinart. He still got 8 figures on his rookie deal going #10. The one Luck should be thinking of is Brohm. He was a potential #1 overall pick over Russell (ok maybe not with Al Davis in the war room; but projected at least top-3). Stayed his senior season, scouts and the country got another year's worth of games to look at him, and he fell to the bottom of round 2.

Even Brohm had his issues...for one, he was QB'ing for Louisville in the Big East...not exactly an NFL QB hotbed...that and he also had a decent list of injuries that significantly affected his play.

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Even Brohm had his issues...for one, he was QB'ing for Louisville in the Big East...not exactly an NFL QB hotbed...that and he also had a decent list of injuries that significantly affected his play.

I still think the closest parallel is what Manning did at Tennessee.

I'm sure that is what Luck is thinking too. It's a pretty big risk to think you are Peyton Manning.

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I'm sure that is what Luck is thinking too. It's a pretty big risk to think you are Peyton Manning.

Meh...some people are just confident. Luck has no injury history, he'll have 3-4 years in a pro offense before he hits the pros, he's getting his degree from Stanford, he's playing for a top coach with NFL bloodlines, he's got NFL bloodlines himself, he's got the physical tools...Guy's got life going for him. Brohm's star was falling either way...IIRC he lost to Rutgers on the road in his junior year (I was at the game but I'm not sure if he was a junior or a senior)...sure that was when Rutgers was decent, but Stanford could take a decent Rutgers team right now...

It's not thinking you're Peyton Manning...it's having a solid head on your shoulders (education > most of the other things we're bs'd into getting) and keeping life in perspective. He COULD get injured, but besides that innate fear because he plays football there's no actual reason to see one coming...He COULD drop his stock because a couple of other guys bombed out...but he's also a better prospect than those guys in at least a couple ways...Meanwhile he WILL be getting his degree from Stanford, he WILL have his freedom for one more year, he WILL have a shot at a national title, and so on...

Possible injury is the ONLY reason this decision might seem questionable, and personally that risk doesn't outweigh the benefits of staying to complete his education at Stanford...Now if he was pulling a Leinart and he was spending a 5th year in school to take dance classes, bang college girls, and not work then sure I'd be worried, but this is easily the most respectable decision a 21 kid could make in this situation.

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Meanwhile he WILL be getting his degree from Stanford, he WILL have his freedom for one more year, he WILL have a shot at a national title, and so on...

this is easily the most respectable decision a 21 kid could make in this situation.


I don't have a problem with him making this decision, it's his life, but financially there is nowhere to go but down.

There is also nothing inherently respectable about the decision. It is honorable that he puts certain things ahead of money in his life, but there is nothing more respectable about this decision than leaving early and still finishing your degree.

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but financially there is nowhere to go but down.


1. We don't know what the new CBA will look like. Rookie contracts will probably reduced, but not as much as fans seem to think. Guys going to the NFL have a small window to get paid, and a rookie contract is the first of maybe 2 big contract opportunities he'll have in his NFL career...how many guys make it to 3 big contracts? This is a much more complicated issue than is being painted by fans...this isn't the MLB where the players are stashed away for 3-4 years to develop...Luck will go into the draft, get draft, be expected to fight for and earn a starting job in his first 2 years, and be good when he does start...at QB...I doubt that's not going to cost w/e team a pretty penny or two...and just a tangent on that I'll never understand why fans seem to side with the owners when it comes to paying players...ever....not you just it seems people tend to hate players once said player gets paid.

2. He hasn't even started making money yet, how's the window already closing on a 21 year old kid getting his degree from Stanford?

3. Kids staying in school while they're still kids is a good thing. To us it's easy...I doubt any of us is rich (his dad is a former NFL player who went big time corporate after he retired) and few of us are in such a strong school...so duh he should take his hype this year and his money and run with it...but career decisions in an almost no doubt career for him don't revolve around money...the guy will have a sh*tload of earning potential in his lifetime...once he's in the NFL there's possible endorsements...franchises...general investments...why chop up his schooling and possibly never finish his degree to go get yelled at by a bunch of drunk a-holes on Sunday from age 21-40+ when he could just wait a year for that to happen and finish up the degree now?

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Even Brohm had his issues...for one, he was QB'ing for Louisville in the Big East...not exactly an NFL QB hotbed...that and he also had a decent list of injuries that significantly affected his play.

And Luck has issues as well. But had Brohm come out when he was considered by some - even many - so-called experts to be an elite QB prospect, he would have cashed in. It was a childish decision in a grownup world.

The Peyton Manning comparison is way off. Peyton knew what he was, his father knew what he was, and in no way did the father want the Saints trading up to take the son with Parcells sure to pass up on drafting him. Totally different situation IMO, and the reality is Manning got lucky. If his team around him collapsed due to injuries, or if he'd gotten injured himself, he was giving up a lifetime of financial security to play for his college team instead for one more year.

You strike while the iron's hot. WIth Luck, like with Manning or Leinart or a host of others, the best-case scenario is they stay pat. There is no movement possible other than to go down.

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Jason had a great post on JI about this, so I'll leave the explanation to him.

His point is that Luck is not losing money going back to school because without a new CBA draft picks in the 2011 draft won't be getting the big contracts. The best chance at big money is the 2012 draft when a new CBA (presumably) is in place and agents will be able to find loopholes.

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And Luck has issues as well. But had Brohm come out when he was considered by some - even many - so-called experts to be an elite QB prospect, he would have cashed in. It was a childish decision in a grownup world.

The Peyton Manning comparison is way off. Peyton knew what he was, his father knew what he was, and in no way did the father want the Saints trading up to take the son with Parcells sure to pass up on drafting him. Totally different situation IMO, and the reality is Manning got lucky. If his team around him collapsed due to injuries, or if he'd gotten injured himself, he was giving up a lifetime of financial security to play for his college team instead for one more year.

You strike while the iron's hot. WIth Luck, like with Manning or Leinart or a host of others, the best-case scenario is they stay pat. There is no movement possible other than to go down.

This is only easy to say because he's now a HOF/GOAT-type QB in the NFL. Like you said...Manning got lucky, but then again...great men create their own luck much of the time, no?

Also, perhaps Luck and his QB/rich dad know what he is?

As far as Brohm goes...quick...last Big East QB worth two shytes in the NFL?

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1. We don't know what the new CBA will look like. Rookie contracts will probably reduced, but not as much as fans seem to think. Guys going to the NFL have a small window to get paid, and a rookie contract is the first of maybe 2 big contract opportunities he'll have in his NFL career...how many guys make it to 3 big contracts? This is a much more complicated issue than is being painted by fans...this isn't the MLB where the players are stashed away for 3-4 years to develop...Luck will go into the draft, get draft, be expected to fight for and earn a starting job in his first 2 years, and be good when he does start...at QB...I doubt that's not going to cost w/e team a pretty penny or two...and just a tangent on that I'll never understand why fans seem to side with the owners when it comes to paying players...ever....not you just it seems people tend to hate players once said player gets paid.

2. He hasn't even started making money yet, how's the window already closing on a 21 year old kid getting his degree from Stanford?

3. Kids staying in school while they're still kids is a good thing. To us it's easy...I doubt any of us is rich (his dad is a former NFL player who went big time corporate after he retired) and few of us are in such a strong school...so duh he should take his hype this year and his money and run with it...but career decisions in an almost no doubt career for him don't revolve around money...the guy will have a sh*tload of earning potential in his lifetime...once he's in the NFL there's possible endorsements...franchises...general investments...why chop up his schooling and possibly never finish his degree to go get yelled at by a bunch of drunk a-holes on Sunday from age 21-40+ when he could just wait a year for that to happen and finish up the degree now?

It's strange, we barely disagree, but I have no idea what the **** you are talking about.

1. Trying to slot himself with the best team MIGHT help his overall financial well being, but it's not likely. He'll be going to some other sh*tty team. The Panthers are probably pretty strong for a 2-14 team. The new CBA is irrelevant. It will be in place before he gets any deal anyway.

Not just me, people seem to hate players once they get paid? NOT JUST ME? Are you kidding? Slats and I are probably the only two guys fighting the man on this one.

2. The window is closing on making an NFL salary. It's been closing. You play until your too old. Unless your Brett Favre.

3. As I said, I don't have a problem with his decision. He has the resources to use more heavily weigh factors besides money. More power to him. OTOH much of what you say in the paragraph is BS. Get screamed at by drunken a-holes? What's happening on Saturdays? I have more of a problem with the Universitys getting rich off of kids than the NFL, but that's a whole nother debate. It's nice that he can afford to not "chop up his schooling" but the "possibly never finish" his degree is all on him.

I just feel this is no more, and quite possibly less, noble than some poor kid coming out early to feed his family and completing his degree during or after his NFL career. He can do it, good for him.

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Not just me, people seem to hate players once they get paid? NOT JUST ME? Are you kidding? Slats and I are probably the only two guys fighting the man on this one.

NOT you...I just threw that in because the thought hit me at the time.

Get screamed at by drunken a-holes? What's happening on Saturdays?

Sunday - Grown men.

Saturday - Guys his age and then hot college girls and their grenade friends.

2. The window is closing on making an NFL salary. It's been closing. You play until your too old. Unless your Brett Favre.

No it's not...and if it is it'll be open next year anyway...and then for the next 20+ years after that.

Agreed that universities cake off of these kids, but that's a universal thing that Andrew Luck going to the NFL would not solve. The fact that he WILL finish his degree next year is a big thing and one of those life events he has out of the way...why spend 3 years working on it to hold it off for a few years?

Also, there's the possibility he respects the game...what he if came out as a junior, got a big contract, and was an epic bust? Would coming out as a junior be a good idea then?

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NOT you...I just threw that in because the thought hit me at the time.

Sunday - Grown men.

Saturday - Guys his age and then hot college girls and their grenade friends.

No it's not...and if it is it'll be open next year anyway...and then for the next 20+ years after that.

Agreed that universities cake off of these kids, but that's a universal thing that Andrew Luck going to the NFL would not solve.

Can't say I disagree with anything here except the "window closing" thing. The window isn't closed, but it is closing. He has a limited number of years to earn that kind of money. This will mean there will be one less year to earn that NFL money. You think that is irrelevant, and for Luck it might be, but it's still a fact. Also 20+ years is a monumentally generous estimate. 3 years is probably closer to reality.

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i love this decision. people think money is everything, do you think Jamarcus Russell is "happy" cause he went #1 overall? What about alex Smith? props to R44 for predicting this outcome for months. When I look back on my life, my senior year of college you couldn't put a price on it. No one was offering me 20 mil to leave early but it's just a number on an ATM receipt it's not the same as happiness.

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i love this decision. people think money is everything, do you think Jamarcus Russell is "happy" cause he went #1 overall? What about alex Smith? props to R44 for predicting this outcome for months. When I look back on my life, my senior year of college you couldn't put a price on it. No one was offering me 20 mil to leave early but it's just a number on an ATM receipt it's not the same as happiness.

It depends on your background....Luck can obviously afford to stay in school forever if he wanted to.

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It depends on your background....Luck can obviously afford to stay in school forever if he wanted to.

I agree that others don't have the luxury of Andrew Luck going back to school but also others don't go to Stanford, they go to Auburn or some other joke of an academic program where there's very little actual learning going on. They let tutors do all their work and joke around for several years.

I also stand by the statement money doesn't make people happy. It definitely helps... it can make you comfortable and it can decrease your worries and stresses, but it can't buy happiness. I know some very rich people who are also very numb and miserable people.

Andrew Luck can take that money, the first time an NFL Defender blasts him into next week the game of football won't be as much fun as it was in Palo Alto. You can always delay that decision a year but you can't go back once you leave. It's a game in college, it's a job in the pros and it's never as much fun in the pros, no matter what they pay you. Its a grind and if you get hurt they give you needles to go back out there and get more hurt. It's a glorious position but it's also a very tough way to make a living.

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Jason had a great post on JI about this, so I'll leave the explanation to him.

His point is that Luck is not losing money going back to school because without a new CBA draft picks in the 2011 draft won't be getting the big contracts. The best chance at big money is the 2012 draft when a new CBA (presumably) is in place and agents will be able to find loopholes.

what if the new CBA has a rookie cap or restriction ?

I think the last 15 years will be looked at as the golden years for top 5 picks

and there's always the chance of injury or suckage

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what if the new CBA has a rookie cap or restriction ?

maybe im wrong but it's my understanding he's not going to get signed under the old CBA cause that expires in March. So it was always going to be under the new CBA.

it also should be noted if there's a lockout and no football in 2011, (a bigger chance than people realize) at least football at stanford is guarunteed to happen. Like a AAA pitcher going every 5 days it will help his development to play at a lower level, rather than be locked out with everyone in the NFL.

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Gotta love the people who say "you can always get an education later..."

You get it TODAY so you can making a living tomorrow.

Some people are living vicariously through this kid, as if they are the ones getting the millions. lol

What are you talking about?

I can applaud the kid doing this because he can, but what is wrong with getting his education later? Your quote is silly in the context. He needs to get it TODAY so he can make a living tomorrow? His education isn't going to make his living tomorrow, his football skills will. His education will make him a living after football and most likely won't sniff his football money even if he only gets one contract.

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Luck should recall FetusHead went back, spurning the Jets(of course!), fully expecting to lead Tennessee to a national title and pick up a Heisman on the way out. And it didn't work out. So may be Manning makes it up in endorsements or plays one more year. But he can never get that 1 year of earnings back.

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Luck should recall FetusHead went back, spurning the Jets(of course!), fully expecting to lead Tennessee to a national title and pick up a Heisman on the way out. And it didn't work out. So may be Manning makes it up in endorsements or plays one more year. But he can never get that 1 year of earnings back.

I think things have worked out fine for Manning. If Luck doesn't get it, then he doesn't get it and the rest of what projects to be an awesome life will push those sad memories away.

I wish there was a way to post without bumping a thread.

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I think things have worked out fine for Manning. If Luck doesn't get it, then he doesn't get it and the rest of what projects to be an awesome life will push those sad memories away.

I wish there was a way to post without bumping a thread.

What also is in play; a possible lockout. Luck probably has considered this, because if he comes out and there is a lockout, he's totally screwed-no earnings and he couldn't play NCAA football.

No matter though. At a loss why people fetishize football and basketball players staying in college.If someone is going to pay you a huge sum to play sports, you should take it. There's plenty of time in life later on to get a degree and a real job. Baseball, hockey and tennis players turn pro all the time, and no one much cares if they fail. If they don't make it , they go back to being a regular guy-oh, horrors. Football and basketball players are no more special. The NCAA wants to get the most earnings they can and has managed to sell the amateur ideal to the public. Though they so far are to stupid to scrub the waste product bowl system(is it even a system at this point?) and get a real championship in football.

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What also is in play; a possible lockout. Luck probably has considered this, because if he comes out and there is a lockout, he's totally screwed-no earnings and he couldn't play NCAA football.

No matter though. At a loss why people fetishize football and basketball players staying in college.If someone is going to pay you a huge sum to play sports, you should take it. There's plenty of time in life later on to get a degree and a real job. Baseball, hockey and tennis players turn pro all the time, and no one much cares if they fail. If they don't make it , they go back to being a regular guy-oh, horrors. Football and basketball players are no more special. The NCAA wants to get the most earnings they can and has managed to sell the amateur ideal to the public. Though they so far are to stupid to scrub the waste product bowl system(is it even a system at this point?) and get a real championship in football.

Great post and can't said I disagree. Completely agreed on the NCAA...it's f*ckin scummy...it's stupid too because the exploitation is completely obvious and out in the open.

On Luck:

I think it's being ignored of highly Luck is thought of as a prospect. He's big, he's mobile, he's got an arm, he's smart, he's well coached, he's played in a pro style offense, and he's mostly polished with his own mechanics. He's a guy who would have gone in the first last year if he came out as a redshirt freshman (which he couldn't do if he wanted), and a year later elevated his status to clear #1 pick. I'd even say it's possible he can raise his star. See how many people are going "what if he turns into Leinart or Brohm?" He's still got all those people to convince that he's an epic QB prospect. He's got to make them consider that he is not Leinart, a guy who stuck around to party for a 5th year and is not Andrew Luck, or Brohm, a Big East QB from Louisville that lost to Rutgers in the biggest game of his career and is also not Andrew Luck. The money off the table sucks, but if he's as good as some believe him to be then it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

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