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Sperm Edwards

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For those last couple still bickering over nothing, try trash-talking the Steelers instead, with their turnstile OL, their scumbag LB who launches himself helmet-first and then laughably declares that's how everyone's trained to tackle from day one, their sedated mannequin HC, their double-rapist (just the ones we know of) QB, and their douchebag veteran WR and his nyah nyah nyah smirk everyone in the country wants to smack off his smug face. Whether he's a good guy or not, I can't wait until Polamalu starts showing the signs of male-pattern baldness and has to do a comb-over with that enormous, dandruffy birds-nest of his.

Screw the Steelers, screw their ugly inbred fanbase, and screw their owner who turned the HC hiring process into a sham joke everyone's in on.

Worst franchise in professional sports after the Patriots.

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For those last couple still bickering over nothing, try trash-talking the Steelers instead, with their turnstile OL, their scumbag LB who launches himself helmet-first and then laughably declares that's how everyone's trained to tackle from day one, their sedated mannequin HC, their double-rapist (just the ones we know of) QB, and their douchebag veteran WR and his nyah nyah nyah smirk everyone in the country wants to smack off his smug face. Whether he's a good guy or not, I can't wait until Polamalu starts showing the signs of male-pattern baldness and has to do a comb-over with that enormous, dandruffy birds-nest of his.

Screw the Steelers, screw their ugly inbred fanbase, and screw their owner who turned the HC hiring process into a sham joke everyone's in on.

Worst franchise in professional sports after the Patriots.

Hate!!! The great motivator!!!

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After the Dolphags and Patriots, there is no team I hate more than the Steelers. sh*tty trendy franchise. Want to start rooting for Football? Become a Steelers fan. They get to wave a towel over their heads and it makes them feel cool.

This is going to be the run of poetic justice, like Scott said. We just took down the scumbag organization NEP, now its the Steelers and their rapist QB's turn.

The laws of morality should push the Jets to the SB.

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I like this. Dolphag fans bring teh bad luck to teams. Root hard, very hard for the Steelers. They could use your sh*tty cheering and hopefully they will end up like the Dolphags...watching the Jets in the Super Bowl.

I really don't root, I just sit back and watch and when you lose I'll crack a smile, thats about it. I have friends that are fin fans that will be rocking Rothlieberger jerseys and going nuts just to piss off our jet fan buddies. I can't do that.

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I really don't root, I just sit back and watch and when you lose I'll crack a smile, thats about it. I have friends that are fin fans that will be rocking Rothlieberger jerseys and going nuts just to piss off our jet fan buddies. I can't do that.

Good. You guys are the ultimate voodoo hex on a team. Its your sh*tty cheering that makes the Dolphags suck so bad.

Cheer, root and scream for the Steelers. And you root, dont lie.

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i'm telling the truth Jiffy Pop. I go to my Old man's jet parties and don't cheer when the opposing team scores, i say nothing. Actually had a few of the jet fans thanking me for being cool about the whole thing and not hating. But even though i'm being quiet about it, everytime the Jets do something good my pops and a few of his friends always jump out of their chairs and look at me and tell me "**** you!" lol

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i'm telling the truth Jiffy Pop. I go to my Old man's jet parties and don't cheer when the opposing team scores, i say nothing. Actually had a few of the jet fans thanking me for being cool about the whole thing and not hating. But even though i'm being quiet about it, everytime the Jets do something good my pops and a few of his friends always jump out of their chairs and look at me and tell me "**** you!" lol

You're Pops and his friends are cool, where did he go wrong with you?

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You're Pops and his friends are cool, where did he go wrong with you?

Pops moved down to Florida while my mother was pregnant, My mother was scheduled to be flown back up to NY just so i could be "born in NY" but my mother talked him out of it and now i'm his worst nightmare becuase i root for my hometeam.

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Throw in Seth Meyers, who is a Red Sox AND Steelers fan. He also has ruined SNL.

First of all, how can one root for two teams? Second of all, if you are going to break the cardinal rule of being a fan (only one favorite team per sport,) why would you choose such awful teams to root for? Do you want everyone mocking you for being a spineless bandwagon jumper?

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Pops moved down to Florida while my mother was pregnant, My mother was scheduled to be flown back up to NY just so i could be "born in NY" but my mother talked him out of it and now i'm his worst nightmare becuase i root for my hometeam.

Reminds me of something my pops told me when I was just a young lad. He said; "son, don't ever trust a man over the Internet whose mom wouldn't let him be flown out of Florida while she was in labor."

And lo and behold, we finally meet.

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and if so still tons better than the failure of a season the dolphins have managed yet again.

dude we established the Miami Dolphins suck. They are horrible. An embarrasment.Ok? Now....if the Jets do not win this Jet team will have went through a another season with no hardware. No division title, No conference title and the one that really really matter, no Superbowl.

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