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The problem is personnel


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Cromartie is to blame for yesterday's loss. Dont get too philosiphical....Without his Muffed KR I honestly believe we win that game by atleast 3. That was the dagger...and cant leave out his 4 holding plays that kept giving their offense a second chance.

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Very good post. I agree with you on most issues. but wanted to touch on a few.

Sanchez is not a top 5 QB and I don't think we need him to. for the most part I think he's been soild

Ellis and Ihedigbo, not signing them, plain stupid and being cocky

Greene doesn't have that "it" factor. Bilal Powell looks like a young strong hungry back. I say feed him.

LT: just one last note. this is the guy they wanted to cut. Jets said take a pay cut and a lesser role or see you later. LT was cool with the pay cut and the lesser role. Guess what he has out preformed every player on the offense, the man is a soldier and has been rock soild for us. And when the season is over the Jets are gonna say **** you very much and thanks for comming. mark my words, it will come back and bite us in the a$$ just like the Woody thing and the Ellis thing is. it's always gonna be personal because we don't show loyalty

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*The initial post lists about 30 offensive losses and Shaun Ellis on D.

How does losing Braylon and any number of offensive players give the Raiders 150 yards on the ground?

Our offense is a much bigger issue in general. The Raiders game was a fluke. We have a decent defense which is mainly intact from last year. Our offense can't run at all. We lose to the Cowboys if not for a blocked punt, remember.

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Confused, Is this a joke thread. The "bad drafts" were like half jokes.

The Jets are returning 10-11 starters on D and numerous back up contributors as well. The offensive line lost 1 players who was replaced by a player that was lights out last year when Woody missed due to injury. The WR's are a definite upgrade, especially considering Edwards and Cotchery arent even playing...and mostly because, Plaxico is better and Mason will be much better.

Brad Smith? James Ihedigbo? Ben Harstock? Please.

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Our offense is a much bigger issue in general. The Raiders game was a fluke. We have a decent defense which is mainly intact from last year. Our offense can't run at all. We lose to the Cowboys if not for a blocked punt, remember.

We won a bunch of games we shouldn't have last year, Cleveland definitely comes to mind, but no one remembers how we got to 11-5, just that we won 11 games and lost in the AFCCG. Come the end of the year no one will care how we made the playoffs, so long as we made the playoffs.

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the jets philosophy in building a team is to go after high impact, high cost stars and hope you can patch up the bottom of the roster with journeymen

if turner doesn't get hurt, we're not having this discussion, but he did so it exposes the weakness to the philosophy

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It took 3 seasons for Jets fans to stop complaining about Brad Smith wasting a roster spot.

No way the Bills beat the Pats without Brad Smith's 6 yards on two carries. You can't replace that kind of impact with just anyone.

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Plaxico is a better downfield blocker than Edwards.

I'll sacrifice that for an actual target for the QB. Not saying that I have a problem with Plax, but it seems like Braylon grew some chemistry with Sanchez. The last thing you need for a QB with a suspect O'line, no running game and a sh*tty O.C. in Schotty is a WR that is better than your former target at blocking downfield. I doubt that would be considered an upgrade.

It may be too early to call, but this has all the ingredients of one of those SOJ seasons.

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Of course the problem is personnel. Just like the problem is personnel for the Patriots, who are still trying to put a pass defense together after keeping the original band together for far too long and having to start from scratch. Just like the problem is personnel for the Colts, whose entire roster is built around a player whose career might be over. Just like the problem is personnel for Pittsburgh, which basically did a little of both in letting the defense get old and relying on Ben to be his own pass protection to the point where they wound up with a bunch of guys on the line who can't play. We ignored depth and banked on good fortune with injuries in putting together this talented but thin team and it damn near worked. Favre's injury and the decision to draft Sanchez blew our window.

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Of course the problem is personnel. Just like the problem is personnel for the Patriots, who are still trying to put a pass defense together after keeping the original band together for far too long and having to start from scratch. Just like the problem is personnel for the Colts, whose entire roster is built around a player whose career might be over. Just like the problem is personnel for Pittsburgh, which basically did a little of both in letting the defense get old and relying on Ben to be his own pass protection to the point where they wound up with a bunch of guys on the line who can't play. We ignored depth and banked on good fortune with injuries in putting together this talented but thin team and it damn near worked. Favre's injury and the decision to draft Sanchez blew our window.

And this was the point. We did not sure-up the roster. Just swapped names for names and forgot that we actually need to play this game on the field. Very solid post, Aten.

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Of course the problem is personnel. Just like the problem is personnel for the Patriots, who are still trying to put a pass defense together after keeping the original band together for far too long and having to start from scratch. Just like the problem is personnel for the Colts, whose entire roster is built around a player whose career might be over. Just like the problem is personnel for Pittsburgh, which basically did a little of both in letting the defense get old and relying on Ben to be his own pass protection to the point where they wound up with a bunch of guys on the line who can't play. We ignored depth and banked on good fortune with injuries in putting together this talented but thin team and it damn near worked. Favre's injury and the decision to draft Sanchez blew our window.

All of this is true except for one thing: Our window if far from closed.

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