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Get Your Negative Rep Ready: Why Losing to the Dolphins is Exactly What this Team Needs...


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Turner is not a good player. He is versatile but isn't actually good at anything except getting flagged.

Turner was a backup that can play everywhere. For what he was, that's pretty good.

He's one of the few backups on the Jets that was actually worth a damn. You see the other tenant just throw guys in and produce on offense....that never happens with the Jets.

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Self-hate among Jets fans is so remarkable, that even Rex Ryan can't erase it. That's gotta scare you when you think about it, because it goes to show ya that nothing short of a miracle will ever change this pathetic sob story fan base. For many, a single loss against Oakland was all it took to jump ship. Hell, some were going overboard because the victory over the Jags wasn't convincing enough. LOL.


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At this point in the season we're sitting at 2-3, and are a Tony Romo meltdown away from 1-4. This team, as it is currently comprised, isn't very good.

The Jets don't throw the ball well, they don't run the ball well, they don't play particularly great defense either. Kick Returns is pretty much the only thing we have going for us. Winning every game is the best case scenario, but based on the product on the field, I think many fans do not see anything resembling a playoff team, especially considering in our division, we have two teams ahead of us by two games. Nothing is "over", but realistically speaking, it's over unless play drastically increases.

We've lost 3 straight games, and have one more going into a bye. Our offensive coordinator, whether he's a failure or a scapegoat, needs to go, and this bye would be the perfect time for that to happen. It's much more likely to happen off of a loss. A win here, regardless of how the game goes, likely buys Schotty more time on the same grounds that the media is finding a positive in the "return of the Jets run game" last week, without consideration of the fact that it was against one of the worst defenses in the league. We saw the same thing with "the return of the Jets defense" after Jacksonville.

This team needs changes. Going into the bye without the overblown 'momentum changer' that beating Miami would provide in the media and around the team is likely to delay those changes. (Obviously SD will dictate some of that too, however) Many fans think it starts with the QB, but Sanchez will be the starter opening day next year, so the best we can hope for (if he really is no good), is as much time playing with a new OC, and some new pieces in place so that there can be no more excuses if he fails. A win here, while helping us this season, likely just delays what needs to happen sooner or later.

If you still believe this is a good football team, than none of that matters, but that belief must be based on last year's team, because we've yet to see anything particularly impressive from this year's team. There are too many AFC teams better than us, and we don't do anything particularly well. This is not a Super Bowl contender, and in reality, not looking like a wildcard team based on how things are shaping up.

Further, and this is far in advance, but on the other side of the field is a team in position to draft the best QB prospect since Manning. Regardless of the fact that he MAY bust, we simply don't want that to happen. TomShane was right, too soon or not, if Luck goes to the Dolphins, we have the worst QB in the division. The Dolphins will grow around him, regardless of who's on that team now. It'll take a year or two, but they'll be good with him, Marshall, and Bess.

Having said all that, obviously no one is rooting for a loss, but the truth is, where we are right now, in the long term, it'd probably be better for this team.

Here you go: rep_down.png


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Turner was a backup that can play everywhere. For what he was, that's pretty good.

He's one of the few backups on the Jets that was actually worth a damn. You see the other tenant just throw guys in and produce on offense....that never happens with the Jets.

Actually, it happened with Hunter last year. And on defense Pouha the year before. And DeVito. And Eric Smith - don't forget Eric Smith.

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Turner was a backup that can play everywhere. For what he was, that's pretty good.

He's one of the few backups on the Jets that was actually worth a damn. You see the other tenant just throw guys in and produce on offense....that never happens with the Jets.

Turner was an important piece as a backup, but the starters aren't producing. And, Ducasse not being able to play this year wasn't a surprise. While we were spending mid-round picks on trades, other teams stockpile offensive line prospects, eventually, some of them can play. We lost out there.

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Interesting post and excellent shout-out to Tom Shane, who is a visionary.

In regards to the premise itself, I just don't think Rex would cut Schotty's throat like that. They're both coach's sons and that means something to him. If there's a change in play-caller made, Rex will do it relatively quietly while emphasizing how amazing Schottenheimer has been, blah blah, blah. I don't think he'd need losing to the Dolphins as an excuse to pull the trigger.

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Also, let me get this off my chest:

As you may recall, I have a bloodlust hatred of Mike Tannenbaum. My major complaint has been that he's built the roster like an accountant would build a roster--by spending huge dollars on premium signings at the expense of depth and developmental talent. As it's playing out, this is exactly what's been hurting this team. Starters have gotten older and injured, and the only thing left to replace them are UDFA-quality players that are not ready for prime time, or older cast-off vets they signed on the cheap. There was going to be a time to pay the piper, and we may be seeing it now. You can't win games forever by having 10 good (expensive) players and 43 stiffs. You can't keep trading multiple picks to draft one player. You can't keep drafting projects with no role on offense or defense because your special teams coach thinks he deserves a say in personnel matters. You can't overpay for other team's free agents to compensate for drafting poorly. That's how you end up with Eric Smith as your starting safety and Matt Mulligan as your #2 tight end. In the NFL, the cupboard gets bare quickly. Good players stop being good in the blink of an eye. Has Calvin Pace played this year? What happened to Brick? Remember when Shonn Greene was quick? Did Dustin Keller die? Bart Scott? Mike DeVito? etc etc. The Jets, and Tannenbaum, might be finding this out right now.

and Schottenheimer sucks,

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Also, let me get this off my chest:

As you may recall, I have a bloodlust hatred of Mike Tannenbaum. My major complaint has been that he's built the roster like an accountant would build a roster--by spending huge dollars on premium signings at the expense of depth and developmental talent. As it's playing out, this is exactly what's been hurting this team. Starters have gotten older and injured, and the only thing left to replace them are UDFA-quality players that are not ready for prime time, or older cast-off vets they signed on the cheap. There was going to be a time to pay the piper, and we may be seeing it now. You can't win games forever by having 10 good (expensive) players and 43 stiffs. You can't keep trading multiple picks to draft one player. You can't keep drafting projects with no role on offense or defense because your special teams coach thinks he deserves a say in personnel matters. You can't overpay for other team's free agents to compensate for drafting poorly. That's how you end up with Eric Smith as your starting safety and Matt Mulligan as your #2 tight end. In the NFL, the cupboard gets bare quickly. Good players stop being good in the blink of an eye. Has Calvin Pace played this year? What happened to Brick? Remember when Shonn Greene was quick? Did Dustin Keller die? Bart Scott? Mike DeVito? etc etc. The Jets, and Tannenbaum, might be finding this out right now.

Always have to love those "I'm going to take this opportunity of the Jets current sucktitude to tell you all why I was right all along" posts. Best part about the Jets is they always make sure that people only ever have to wait every other season or so (at most) to make one of these posts regardless of what their opinion is.

I actually wouldn't be judging, but you forgot to mention how much Schotty sucks.

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Always have to love those "I'm going to take this opportunity of the Jets current sucktitude to tell you all why I was right all along" posts. Best part about the Jets is they always make sure that people only ever have to wait every other season or so (at most) to make one of these posts regardless of what their opinion is.

I actually wouldn't be judging, but you forgot to mention how much Schotty sucks.

Nonsense. I always start a new thread when I'm looking to make an "I was RIGHT" post. I scream when I masturbate.

Also, I fixed it.

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I just don't see this happening. Who's going to be the new OC that Sanchez gets to work with?

. Tom Moore

All the good offensive coordinators probably already have jobs. There's no one on the outside to bring in, and you can't change your entire offense mid-season, anyway.

Tommy Moore

I really believe that Schottenheimer's all but gone already. (I said it in another thread but) I think Rex's next move should be to strip Brian of his playcalling duties. He can hand them over to Callahan or Cavanaugh or (better yet, IMHO) take them over himself and thus, in a symbolic way, finally take over the entire team. It would suck to be Schottie, but I really think it would build team unity. And Rex can't be any worse.

Thomas Moore

I can't in any way, shape, or form root against the Jets when they play the filthy fish. Just can't do it. But I could take as a silver lining the beginning of the end for Schottie, as well as helping them miss out on Luck. I get the logic.

The new OC should be the #1 priority after the season when teams around the league fire good people all over the place, and there are a few to pick from.


Just sayin

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Sanchez's brain would liquefy if he tried to run a Tom Moore offense.

Well, for one, Sanchez is playing scared and cautious right now because hes afraid to make a mistake. Thats no way to play QB. Not throwing against the Pats played right into Belichicks hands. When Brian Billick won the Super Bowl with the Ravens he told Dilfer not worry if he made a mistake and threw an INT, because the defense was good enough to hold them.

I think Sanchez would better suited using his mobility in the passing game. Maybe the bootleg offense like John ELway ran. Have him roll out to buy time and look at his options.

To me the, Jets are trying to make Sanchez stand back there and be a pocket passer when hes clearly not comfortable doing that. Tom Moore could work with Sanchez, but the key is not to try making him Peyton Manning. But, I keep thinking that Sanchez should have learned behind a Vet as a rookie since he had so little playing time at USC.

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Well, for one, Sanchez is playing scared and cautious right now because hes afraid to make a mistake. Thats no way to play QB. Not throwing against the Pats played right into Belichicks hands. When Brian Billick won the Super Bowl with the Ravens he told Dilfer not worry if he made a mistake and threw an INT, because the defense was good enough to hold them.

I think Sanchez would better suited using his mobility in the passing game. Maybe the bootleg offense like John ELway ran. Have him roll out to buy time and look at his options.

To me the, Jets are trying to make Sanchez stand back there and be a pocket passer when hes clearly not comfortable doing that. Tom Moore could work with Sanchez, but the key is not to try making him Peyton Manning. But, I keep thinking that Sanchez should have learned behind a Vet as a rookie since he had so little playing time at USC.

that's all well and good, but I remember reading that moore wanted to talk to shotty before taking the consulting gig. I 100% guarantee you he was asking shotty if he would be comfortable with it, and told him at his age he has no desire to do the 80 hour week thing so that shotty didn't have to fear him taking his job. at his age I don't see him going back on that and stabbing shotty in the back for a 1 year gig with the NYJ

if shotty gets canned, it will be for callahan or cavanaugh

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Well, for one, Sanchez is playing scared and cautious right now because hes afraid to make a mistake. Thats no way to play QB. Not throwing against the Pats played right into Belichicks hands. When Brian Billick won the Super Bowl with the Ravens he told Dilfer not worry if he made a mistake and threw an INT, because the defense was good enough to hold them.

I think Sanchez would better suited using his mobility in the passing game. Maybe the bootleg offense like John ELway ran. Have him roll out to buy time and look at his options.

To me the, Jets are trying to make Sanchez stand back there and be a pocket passer when hes clearly not comfortable doing that. Tom Moore could work with Sanchez, but the key is not to try making him Peyton Manning. But, I keep thinking that Sanchez should have learned behind a Vet as a rookie since he had so little playing time at USC.

Agreed, but you're describing Bill Callahan's offense where the QB runs play-action and rolls out all day. Tom Moore wants Peyton Manning. Callahan, Rich Gannon.

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since you can predict the future, how will the occupy wall street thing work out ?

I spent a couple of hours down there on Saturday. There are twenty people voicing real and coherent concerns over the troubled commingling of private industry and our government, and another 5,000 who are lying around waiting for a Phish concert to break out while whining about the high cost of tuition at their various NYU programs. All in all, Tyler Durden would not be impressed.

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Root against the Jets, just to harp all over Shotty Jr? No thanks.

I'd rather see a Jets victory over the Dolphins on Monday night football, getting back to .500 on the season, and focusing on the Chargers matchup for a chance to improve to 4-3 heading into our bye week, before heading into Buffalo to face the Bills.

This weekend not only will I pull for a Jets victory over the Dolphins (as will any true fan) but I'll also pull for the Cowboys to beat the Patriots, as well as rooting for the Giants to take down the Bills.

We've been to the AFC Championship game during consecutive seasons. You think an offensive coordinator being forced to work with a raw rookie QB is an easy job? It's not. That's the reason why we ranked #1 in rushing attempts back in 09, and broke a franchise record for most rushing yards during a single season; that's because Shotty Jr knew Sanchez wasn't ready as a rookie, and had to feature our offense around our offensive line and rushing attack. Same goes for last year, we started to see Sanchez drop back to pass more often, but we still ranked top 5 in rushing for a reason. I love Sanchez, but he's still a young QB, which makes Shotty's job difficult.

Say what you say about our OC, but the Jets as a team must improve. Blaming Shotty, and even worse, using him as the scapegoat becomes the easy way out for simple minded fans. Sanchez has to improve, no matter the OC. Our offensive line has to improve as a unit. Last week I enjoyed watching our offensive line put in work against the Patriots, but that still doesn't change the fact that Slauson, Moore and especially Hunter have all been pretty bad thus far. Thank god we have Mangold back, and hopefully Moore is able to return to form after offseason surgery. Our ground and pound has to take off, but once again, it all starts with our offensive line. Fix it Callahan. Our defense as a whole must improve. Get to work Rex and Pettine. Our run defense has been beyond pathetic this season. Cromartie has gotten called for one too many defensive holding, illegal contact and pass interference calls. Even when Shotty has called solid plays, and Sanchez has executed the play call to a 'T', we're still seeing players such as Holmes, Plaxico and Conner drop potential game changing plays. Focus players.

Root for the Jets to lose? Some fan. Go root for the Bills or Giants; come back when Shotty Jr is no longer here.

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Root against the Jets, just to harp all over Shotty Jr? No thanks.

I'd rather see a Jets victory over the Dolphins on Monday night football, getting back to .500 on the season, and focusing on the Chargers matchup for a chance to improve to 4-3 heading into our bye week, before heading into Buffalo to face the Bills.

This weekend not only will I pull for a Jets victory over the Dolphins (as will any true fan) but I'll also pull for the Cowboys to beat the Patriots, as well as rooting for the Giants to take down the Bills.

We've been to the AFC Championship game during consecutive seasons. You think an offensive coordinator being forced to work with a raw rookie QB is an easy job? It's not. That's the reason why we ranked #1 in rushing attempts back in 09, and broke a franchise record for most rushing yards during a single season; that's because Shotty Jr knew Sanchez wasn't ready as a rookie, and had to feature our offense around our offensive line and rushing attack. Same goes for last year, we started to see Sanchez drop back to pass more often, but we still ranked top 5 in rushing for a reason. I love Sanchez, but he's still a young QB, which makes Shotty's job difficult.

Say what you say about our OC, but the Jets as a team must improve. Blaming Shotty, and even worse, using him as the scapegoat becomes the easy way out for simple minded fans. Sanchez has to improve, no matter the OC. Our offensive line has to improve as a unit. Last week I enjoyed watching our offensive line put in work against the Patriots, but that still doesn't change the fact that Slauson, Moore and especially Hunter have all been pretty bad thus far. Thank god we have Mangold back, and hopefully Moore is able to return to form after offseason surgery. Our ground and pound has to take off, but once again, it all starts with our offensive line. Fix it Callahan. Our defense as a whole must improve. Get to work Rex and Pettine. Our run defense has been beyond pathetic this season. Cromartie has gotten called for one too many defensive holding, illegal contact and pass interference calls. Even when Shotty has called solid plays, and Sanchez has executed the play call to a 'T', we're still seeing players such as Holmes, Plaxico and Conner drop potential game changing plays. Focus players.

Root for the Jets to lose? Some fan. Go root for the Bills or Giants; come back when Shotty Jr is no longer here.

I just want you to know that I have no plans of reading this.

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I agree with JiF, I said last week we wont beat NE, but well beat Miami&SanDiego at home 4-3 at the bye. Losing to Miami would make me sick, how could this be a good thing? And whats all this Andrew Luck crap? Jets are going 2-14 this year then draft Luck? What do we do with Sanchez? Trade him? Anybody think this organization would take that PR disaster after making Sanchez the saviour of this franchise then dump him after 3 yrs? Were stuck with him, losing more games would just make it a sh*tty year, does nothing for the draft next year. I believe in rebuilding and being competitive at the same time, I think this team has the talent to do that. Get young at wide receiver, fortify the o-line through the draft& free agency.You dont have to throw away the entire year to do that. Sanchez is here for the next 3-4 yrs min. So this organization has to figure out how to get a Super Bowl title with a middle of the road overated QB.

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No, no and no.

While I may agree the Jets are probably going nowhere this year, I will never root for a loss, especially to the Dolphins. That's blasphemy.

Andrew Luck ain't guaranteed to be anything. There have been plenty of "can't miss" guys who busted out - Jeff George springs immediately to mind.

Not to mention that rooting for your team to tank the season starting in week 6 is pathetic and just plain stupid.

This team was 2-3 in 2009 and got to within 30 minutes of the Super Bowl. Anything is possible. Giving up now is weak and lame.


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