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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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“As my grand jury testimony stated, I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators.”

This quote right here, you really need read no further. I mean come on Joe. What a disgrace.

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Bottom line is that Paterno (admittedly) failed to report a known instance of sexual abuse against a minor to the authorities (his AD doesn't count), which is a 1st degree misdemeanor in Ohio, given the circumstances (physical/mental wounds and Sandusky being in a supervisory position over the victim).

Pennsylvania State

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As a fellow PSU alum and a staunch fan of JoPa, I have some serious questions here. McQueary may not have seen a "rape", but what is on record is he heard sounds coming from the shower that he felt sounded like people having sexual relations. It did not, however, state what he actually saw other than Sandusky and a little boy naked in the shower. McQueary called his father who promptly told him to report it to Paterno. Paterno immediately called the AD and had him over his house with McQueary to report the findings. That is all that is on record.

Queery saw them both in the shower.

OK, so basically from the point JoPa reported the incident to the AD he essentially did nothing since. That's where I take issue. Did he not continually inquire to the AD's findings and action? Did the AD tell him that it was all a misunderstanding and they handled it internally? To me, whenever there is an allegation of child molestation, the authorities need to be brought in. Period. If any part you played in the situation led to or agreed to not bring in the authorities then you are morally complicit in my opinion.

Thats what I find most troubling.

Also, did Paterno see Sandusky at the PSU facility after the fact.

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I think the question is how much did he know. Scott brings up a rather interesting point. McQueary was not on the coaching staff at the time, but was hired fairly shortly after this incident. So, who's to say he talks to Paterno, Paterno calls AD, AD tells Joe that he will get to the bottom of it, then meets with McQueary and offers him a job for his silence or change in his story. McQueary changes his story and says that he must have misinterpreted what he saw. Is it far fetched...sure...but it is a possibility. We need to hear what JoPa has to say for himself. He's earned that much at least before we roll out with pitchforks.

I get defending him and all that and I know this is probably really sensitive to you. But come'on. I dont give a damn how much he knew...he knew enough to make a difference. And made the conscious decision to do nothing.

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I get defending him and all that and I know this is probably really sensitive to you. But come'on. I dont give a damn how much he knew...he knew enough to make a difference. And made the conscious decision to do nothing.

Believe me, I am a huge advocate of children's rights and I am very much ready with my pitchfork depending on what we find. I'm first in line to want to strangle that Judge Adams guy for smacking the crap out of his daughter with a belt. I have no tolerance for child molesters or people that sit by idly and do nothing when they are aware of it. With that being said, Sandusky was not a coach for PSU at the time. When the issue came up the AD said he would take care of it and posed it as Sandusky was "horsing around" with the kid but not molesting him. The child never came forward, nor did his parents still to this day. So at the time there was no victim to speak to, and only second hand accounts where even McQueary accepted the horsing around theory. Again I do think JoPa has an awful lot of explaining to do and it does not look good at all, but he has a right to at least tell his side before we hang him from a tree.

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You are jumping to a very big conclusion. I agree that things look bad right now, don't get me wrong. But let's not hang anyone until we at least have an inkling of the facts at hand and a formal statement from Paterno.

Unless the phone in Paterno's office has been on hold with the police for the better part of a decade, Joe needs to hang.

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Believe me, I am a huge advocate of children's rights and I am very much ready with my pitchfork depending on what we find. I'm first in line to want to strangle that Judge Adams guy for smacking the crap out of his daughter with a belt. I have no tolerance for child molesters or people that sit by idly and do nothing when they are aware of it. With that being said, Sandusky was not a coach for PSU at the time. When the issue came up the AD said he would take care of it and posed it as Sandusky was "horsing around" with the kid but not molesting him. The child never came forward, nor did his parents still to this day. So at the time there was no victim to speak to, and only second hand accounts where even McQueary accepted the horsing around theory. Again I do think JoPa has an awful lot of explaining to do and it does not look good at all, but he has a right to at least tell his side before we hang him from a tree.

Gotcha. Fair enough. Just dont think he's going to say anything to make me believe that he couldnt have done more...but I respect your take.

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Exactly. Paterno was the last dude. The last semblance of anything resembling integrity in the NCAA. And he's the one who's gonna fall the hardest. Now, everybody is Lane Kiffin.

The scary thing is Joe Paterno could at the end of this be seen as the worst of the bunch. And If anyone told you that as late as last week yoiu never would have believed it.

Apparently failure to notify authorities for a mandated reporter as Paterno is is also a crime in Penn. But the DA probably was scared that it would cloud the Sandusky case, and charging and trying an 84-year old doddering legend was not going to be an easy sale.

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Francesca was talking about this and it does sound like it is going to end very bad for Paterno. Very bad.

With all due respect, that fat bloated bastard doesn't know any more about this than you or I. Hell, I seriously doubt he's even sat through more than 1/2 a college football game this year. The guy would be lost without the newspaper and ESPN telling him what happened.

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With all due respect, that fat bloated bastard doesn't know any more about this than you or I. Hell, I seriously doubt he's even sat through more than 1/2 a college football game this year. The guy would be lost without the newspaper and ESPN telling him what happened.

I haven't listened to Francessa in years but someone on another site posted the interview. It's with Kim Jones, an alum of Penn State. She also covered the team.It's about 36 minutes but worth listening to. What happened there is disgusting. She makes it clear that Joe Pa had to know what was going on.

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With all due respect, that fat bloated bastard doesn't know any more about this than you or I. Hell, I seriously doubt he's even sat through more than 1/2 a college football game this year. The guy would be lost without the newspaper and ESPN telling him what happened.

It was already posted below but that interview is definitely worth listening to.

I have no idea what Paterno knew but there are definitely others that are going to pay for this. Such a terrible story. A true monster.

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Not PA. He didn't break any laws with the current evidence. In PA, evidence of abuse or sexual misconduct must be reported to management. In this case JoPa satisfied the legal requirements. As I said, doesn't seem likehe satisfied a moral requirement, but he did follow the law.

absolutely wrong. abuse or sexual misconduct in the context of the workplace, ie: sexual harassment, must be reported to management. Child rape does not get reported to mangement. It gets reported to the police department. I get your bias for Joe Pa, I've always been a huge fan of his as well. But that's over now. This is horrible and disgusting and obviously extremely illegal. The "graduate Student" is a scumbag for not stopping it on-scene them and there. He is a scumbag for not reporting it to the police. He reported it to Paterno. Joe Pa knew it was true. Why else would Dandusky suddenly be barred from bringing young boys to the campus? Who the **** travels with young boys to begin with? Joe Pa didn't call the police. He passed it along. And it kept getting passed along as more and more children were forced into sex acts with a disgusting old man. **** them all. Even the great old man himself.

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The scary thing is Joe Paterno could at the end of this be seen as the worst of the bunch. And If anyone told you that as late as last week yoiu never would have believed it.

Apparently failure to notify authorities for a mandated reporter as Paterno is is also a crime in Penn. But the DA probably was scared that it would cloud the Sandusky case, and charging and trying an 84-year old doddering legend was not going to be an easy sale.

Bugg you are conjecturing quite a bit there.

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absolutely wrong. abuse or sexual misconduct in the context of the workplace, ie: sexual harassment, must be reported to management. Child rape does not get reported to mangement. It gets reported to the police department. I get your bias for Joe Pa, I've always been a huge fan of his as well. But that's over now. This is horrible and disgusting and obviously extremely illegal. The "graduate Student" is a scumbag for not stopping it on-scene them and there. He is a scumbag for not reporting it to the police. He reported it to Paterno. Joe Pa knew it was true. Why else would Dandusky suddenly be barred from bringing young boys to the campus? Who the **** travels with young boys to begin with? Joe Pa didn't call the police. He passed it along. And it kept getting passed along as more and more children were forced into sex acts with a disgusting old man. **** them all. Even the great old man himself.

There are more I will guarantee it.

Sandusky wont last a year in prison before somebody shanks him.

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PSU just released a statement saying that Paterno will only be answering "football related questions" tomorrow. F*cking coward. It's going to be a train wreck with all that national media in there and Paterno trying to talk about stopping Taylor Martinez. I hope he has an aneurysm.

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absolutely wrong. abuse or sexual misconduct in the context of the workplace, ie: sexual harassment, must be reported to management. Child rape does not get reported to mangement. It gets reported to the police department. I get your bias for Joe Pa, I've always been a huge fan of his as well. But that's over now. This is horrible and disgusting and obviously extremely illegal. The "graduate Student" is a scumbag for not stopping it on-scene them and there. He is a scumbag for not reporting it to the police. He reported it to Paterno. Joe Pa knew it was true. Why else would Dandusky suddenly be barred from bringing young boys to the campus? Who the **** travels with young boys to begin with? Joe Pa didn't call the police. He passed it along. And it kept getting passed along as more and more children were forced into sex acts with a disgusting old man. **** them all. Even the great old man himself.

Have to agree...

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PSU just released a statement saying that Paterno will only be answering "football related questions" tomorrow. F*cking coward. It's going to be a train wreck with all that national media in there and Paterno trying to talk about stopping Taylor Martinez. I hope he has an aneurysm.

Honestly, I can't say I disagree with you. I also just heard that interview on francessa. I really did not want to have to grab the pitchfork, but it's hard to defend the indefensible. If he refuses to answer questions tomorrow then it tells me all I need to know.

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Just read the Grand Jury report http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/documents/sandusky-grand-jury-report11052011.html and listened to Kim Jones interview.

a.) Sandusky has to drag the trial out as long as possible as he's got about 45 days to live once he hits the sh!tcan

b.) Regrets to Booze, Dierk, and any other Nit Lion alum - but there's no way out of this for J P. His was the head that wore the crown. The pawns that withheld will be drawn and quartered but whatever they do to them won't be 1/1000000000 of what they deserve.

As much as I don't want to believe it and it proofs out as this program goes down that "nothing is sacred" - there's just no way that Joe didn't make a choice. An unconscionable choice.

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Honestly, I can't say I disagree with you. I also just heard that interview on francessa. I really did not want to have to grab the pitchfork, but it's hard to defend the indefensible. If he refuses to answer questions tomorrow then it tells me all I need to know.

You have my sympathies, bro. In a way, this is tough for sports fans everywhere. I can only imagine how hard it must be for PSU folks to watch an icon like Paterno get dragged down like this.

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Where the he'll is Spanier? Rome is burning, and this idiot is nowhere to be found. Other than to say that Curley and Schultz have unconditional support(really? Really), this loser is hidden. That wreaks of guilt or hiding behind something.

At least Paterno is doing his conference today. I am not versed in law, so I can not say what he is allowed to say or not to say, as this remains a criminal investigation. If he is barred from speaking about the case due to legal reasons, tell us so.

At a time when openness and candor would serve the innocent best, there is some strange quiet. From the position of Spanier, it is inexcusable. Let the world know that this is not what Penn State stands for. Let the world know that the guilty and culpable will suffer consequences, not only atu a legal level, but at a university level. Stand up for what is right. Don't sit down and let the situation go around without official Penn State commentary. Be a faking man. Otherwise,you are the most guilty. And I would not be surprised.

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On Francessa, he has had an axe to grind with PSU for years. Why? I don't know.

When Kim first comes on, she begins to apologize. ( he says that is not necessary-by Francessas standards, it is ok for Kim to be a PSU alumni-he will allow it). After he interrupted her, she is apologizing for having a cold- oh, Francessa could not fathom that. His piety gets in the way.

Francessa lives for this type of stuff. He loves to see the mighty fall, because it moves him up one notch in the grand scheme of life. He will place thoughts in peoples heads based on his own determination. Truth be damned.

Funny, when it is his friends that are involved in scandal, he becomes mum.

He is an oaf with an opinion I do not give much thought to.

Have fun in State College, Kim.

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On Francessa, he has had an axe to grind with PSU for years. Why? I don't know. When Kim first comes on, she begins to apologize. ( he says that is not necessary-by Francessas standards, it is ok for Kim to be a PSU alumni-he will allow it). After he interrupted her, she is apologizing for having a cold- oh, Francessa could not fathom that. His piety gets in the way. Francessa lives for this type of stuff. He loves to see the mighty fall, because it moves him up one notch in the grand scheme of life. He will place thoughts in peoples heads based on his own determination. Truth be damned. Funny, when it is his friends that are involved in scandal, he becomes mum. He is an oaf with an opinion I do not give much thought to. Have fun in State College, Kim.

I went at it as not caring what Francessa says, but I did take interest in what Kim had to say about it. Most damning to me is that Kim is stating that McQueary clearly witnessed the boy being anally raped, however Joe did deny in his grand jury statement that the details of the event were told to him. If it was in fact a full on rape rather than just Sandusky in the shower naked with the boy, I find it impossible to believe Joe was not told that at the time. It's possible the reporters are just jumping to that conclusion, but this is seeming like a case of "where there's smoke....".

I also agree that the lack of concern for the boy, even what the hell his name was, just goes against everything JoePa is supposed to stand for and preaches. If a guy like Jim Tressel did this in his hayday we would be screaming for his arrest. Joe Pa is a legend. You and I both know that he ran the roost back then and could have easily went over the head of his AD with this information. Could have, and should have. The Joe Paterno that we were sold certainly would have. I'm dusgusted with this. He had a chance to be a hero. To be exactly what we thought he was. Seriously just imagine Joe Paterno standing at the podium in 2002 giving a statement on why he turned Sandusky in. It would have absolutely immortalized him above and beyond the coach he was, but also for following through in being the example of the human being that he demanded others to be. And it could have saved countless other children.

Rather than doing that, he's going to come out now and give a press conference where he refuses to even discuss anything other than the upcoming game against Nebraska? Well Joe, for the first time maybe ever in your career the football game does not matter. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY even cares if Penn State suits up to play Nebraska. Everybody is on the edge of their seats wondering why, in your moment to truly shine as a human being, did you fail to execute the gameplan of life that you so staunchly preached to us all these years. That's how I feel today as a formerly proud PSU alumni.

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The bottom line is that these degenerates were more concerned with the reputation of the University and the Penn State "brand" than the vile defiling of young boys who will be scarred for life. This is inexcuseable and everyone that is not prosecuted needs to go, from the graduate assistant who should have punched Sandusky in the face and rescued the kid before going straight to the cops, Paterno for doing the bare minimum and no more and that idiot Spanier for defending the indefensible. How these people can sleep at night is beyond me.

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JoePa aside for a sec, what kind of POS sees a kid getting abused like that and just runs away?

If you look back I posted where I actually saw McQueary at this retro diner on campus called Baby's. He was sitting in the corner crying, it was the night of a gameday where he pretty much crapped the bed in the game at QB. I remember thinking at the time that it was such a pu$$y thing to do. Honestly, I'm not surprised by his reaction. He had a reputation for being a wuss even outside of what I saw.

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