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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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Paterno was going to be gone after this year anyway. You could see it coming, without this.

They wanted him out 5 years ago....remarkably, they couldn't get it done??????

Spanier cancelled today's teleconference, not Paterno. Paterno wanted to speak about this supposedly. I would still like to see him have the chance to explain. It will absolve nothing, but he deserves the chance to tell his side and what he was thinking.

If Spanier survives this, there will be revolt

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Because he did the same in order to get a job in the PSU athletic department. He is the only eyewitness to a crime and does nothing.

McCreary can't say he "turned a blind eye" to the predator's crime. He saw it first hand and did nothing.

6'4", 210-220 lbs, 28 years old, and does nothing to stop a 60 year-old anally raping a 10 year-old. What a f***ing scumbag.

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Yup. Like I said, I'd rather give my life trying to save a child than live with myself knowing I did nothing.

Agreed, but you also don't have a university's legacy and images riding on your shoulders either. Not saying I condone his act, but I'm sure he had a lot riding on this situation as well. Still, he shouldn't played noble and done what was right, now it's gonna bite him in the butt.

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Agreed, but you also don't have a university's legacy and images riding on your shoulders either. Not saying I condone his act, but I'm sure he had a lot riding on this situation as well. Still, he shouldn't played noble and done what was right, now it's gonna bite him in the butt.

In truth, I think I'm a good enough person to not let my thoughts go to what legacies and corporate/university images I should be concerned about before acting upon the sight of a grown man with his penis in a child's rear end. If that really makes me that much better of a man, then I guess I just am.

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In truth, I think I'm a good enough person to not let my thoughts go to what legacies and corporate/university images I should be concerned about before acting upon the sight of a grown man with his penis in a child's rear end. If that really makes me that much better of a man, then I guess I just am.

I completely agree. I think what you just described shows everyone else exactly the kind of person Paterno is.

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The powers that be, wanted Paterno gone about five years ago.

This was brand protection, they couldn't give a rat's a$$ about Paterno.

And sadly it seems that neither the powers that be or Paterno gave a rat's a$$ about preventing the continued rape of children.

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Agreed, but you also don't have a university's legacy and images riding on your shoulders either. Not saying I condone his act, but I'm sure he had a lot riding on this situation as well. Still, he shouldn't played noble and done what was right, now it's gonna bite him in the butt.

Even if we was completely freaked out, he did no follow up to see if Paterno or anyone had called the cops. I'm not defending his actions,but may be he was so freaked out he couldn't process what he saw. Receall some people who saw the planes crash on 9/11 were briefly frozen by what they had seen. Yet what he failed to do, to see that SOMEONE called 911 and the cops to see this child was protected is simply disgraceful beyond words.

Sandusky was the Devil. Apparently records indicate one of the victims was roommates with Sandusky's son at PSU. Don't know if it is the same son, but one of his sons, Jon Sandusky, has taken a leave of absence from his job with the Cleveland Browns.

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Even if we was completely freaked out, he did no follow up to see if Paterno or anyone had called the cops. I'm not defending his actions,but may be he was so freaked out he couldn't process what he saw. Receall some people who saw the planes crash on 9/11 were briefly frozen by what they had seen. Yet what he failed to do, to see that SOMEONE called 911 and the cops to see this child was protected is simply disgraceful beyond words.

I can understand being shocked and leaving the scene. I have no idea how I would react to seeing something like that. You're right though, the fact that he didn't contact the police about witnessing a child being raped.. mind boggling.

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Apparently records indicate one of the victims was roommates with Sandusky's son at PSU. Don't know if it is the same son, but one of his sons, Jon Sandusky, has taken a leave of absence from his job with the Cleveland Browns.

I honestly dont know what I'd do if I found out my Pops was doing sh*t like this...

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What's everyone's gut feeling on the Gricar disappearance having any relation?

I've thought about this, but the timing makes no sense for it to me. The only way I could see the PSU issue having anything to do with Gricar is if part of the reason Gricar disappeared on his own (if he really did) was guilt over not doing anything about Sandusky. But man that's one hell of a reach.

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The powers that be, wanted Paterno gone about five years ago.

This was brand protection, they couldn't give a rat's a$$ about Paterno.

In 2002 they didnt want him gone and JoPa saved his own hide by ignoring it all.

Sandusky was accused in 1998, 2002 and he took little boys to JoPas practices in 2007.

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I've thought about this, but the timing makes no sense for it to me. The only way I could see the PSU issue having anything to do with Gricar is if part of the reason Gricar disappeared on his own (if he really did) was guilt over not doing anything about Sandusky. But man that's one hell of a reach.

I mean the story itself is so bizarre about Sandusky nothing would surprise me....but right now the connection would make little sense I agree.

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What's everyone's gut feeling on the Gricar disappearance having any relation?

I doubt it. Judges and DA's do tend to get God complexes and some take it too far-

This guy killed his girlfriend and dumped her in the ocean-


Closer to home, we have had Rockland DA Ken Gribetz, who was an odd fellow, and the Chief JUdge of NY's Court of Appeals, Sol Wachtler, who was basically a sick a$$ stalker.

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Gotta love big time College sports. Even though Sandusky left Penn State in 1999 he still had an office at the University. What a frickin' joke.

There is no way Paterno didn't know what was going on. I'm disgusted.

Its seriously disgusting. It makes me sick knowing that every single one who knew wont pay enough for this disgrace...and they all should. And I know I'm opening a whole new can of worms, but our punishment against disgusting creeps like this is so lenient its embarrassing. You google those ****ers that are in your neighborhoods, and they are every where.

Cut off their dicks. And I'm not even joking. Cut em off and let them all bleed to death.

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I know ESPN's lack of integrity is low-hanging fruit, but seriously: the "expert" they tabbed to opine on this whole thing is Matt Millen, who is a) a former Penn State player; B) a close personal friend of Joe Paterno; c) a member of the board of directors of Jerry Sandusky's charity; and d) a ******* dunce.

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Its seriously disgusting. It makes me sick knowing that every single one who knew wont pay enough for this disgrace...and they all should. And I know I'm opening a whole new can of worms, but our punishment against disgusting creeps like this is so lenient its embarrassing. You google those ****ers that are in your neighborhoods, and they are every where.

Cut off their dicks. And I'm not even joking. Cut em off and let them all bleed to death.

Paterno needs to man up and face these charges. He and the pedophile have been friends for 50 years. No way Paterno didn't know what was going on.

BTW: Someone in this thread said something about Penn State being relevant in College Football. They haven't been relevant in a decade.

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It's not just that "football is life." In that part of rural Pennsylvania, football sustains life.

It is "the economic and spiritual heartbeat of an entire section of a state. The Nittany Lions football regularly draws 100,000 fans to Happy Valley. They also produce $50 million in pure profit for the University every year and has been listed as the most valuable team in the Big 10 conference. Another economic report held that every Penn State game pumps $59 million into the local economy: from hotels to kids selling homemade cookies by the side of the road. It’s no wonder that Paterno is revered. He took a football team and turned it into an economic life raft for a university and a region. When something becomes that valuable, a certain mindset kicks in. Protect the team above all over concerns. Protect Joe Pa. Protect Nittany Lions football. Protect the brand. In a company town, your first responsibility is to protect the company."

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