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I am starting a grassroots movement to get the Jaguars to hire Brian Schottenheimer as his replacement, who's with me?

So I'm at the Jacksonville IT Council Meeting, and the President makes this announcement while he's raffling off tickets to the Monday night game. Was surprised, so I tuned into to some local radio on the way back to the office. Schitty's name is being thrown around and I almost spit my coffee out when a local radio personality was like..."Schottenheimer? the Jets offense if horrible, they have twice as talent as the Jags and cant score and he's done nothing with Sanchez. Could you imagine him with this offense and Gabbert? No thanks. We barely score 20pts now. Cant imagine how bad it would be with him".

Too funny.

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So I'm at the Jacksonville IT Council Meeting, and the President makes this announcement while he's raffling off tickets to the Monday night game. Was surprised, so I tuned into to some local radio on the way back to the office. Schitty's name is being thrown around and I almost spit my coffee out when a local radio personality was like..."Schottenheimer? the Jets offense if horrible, they have twice as talent as the Jags and cant score and he's done nothing with Sanchez. Could you imagine him with this offense and Gabbert? No thanks. We barely score 20pts now. Cant imagine how bad it would be with him".

Too funny.


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How about The Chargers bringing Schitty in and hell, I'd even take Norv off their hands as our new OC-whaddayathinks?

Schitty is not going to work for the GM that fired his father. I don't know why people keep mentioning the Chargers. AJ-Schotty (Jr. & Sr.) is a mutual hate society.

As for the Jags, go Schitty, go! He'll do wonders for Blaine Gabbert. Look at all the great work he's done for Brees, Rivers & Sanchez!

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I am starting a grassroots movement to get the Jaguars to hire Brian Schottenheimer as his replacement, who's with me?

While I admire the thought... I just don't see how anyone that drafted the Gabbert, saying to themselves... hmm... we wasted a first-rounder on a terrible rookie QB, lets bring in the OC who got the worst season's out of Brees, Favre, Pennington and who never helped Sanchez look like anything more than... Gabbert.

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wow they were so bad, Weaver sold the team too

-Jaguars signed GM Gene Smith to a three-year extension, and owner Wayne Weaver sold the team to Pakistani-born entrepreneur Shahid Kahn.


This is a sad day for Jacksonville. It will only be a matter of time before this team is gone. Really sucks for the community and this city. The teams sucks, but those games are actually a really good time. Wayne was loyal to the city. The guy claims he's going to keep the team here, but I highly doubt it.

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While I admire the thought... I just don't see how anyone that drafted the Gabbert, saying to themselves... hmm... we wasted a first-rounder on a terrible rookie QB, lets bring in the OC who got the worst season's out of Brees, Favre, Pennington and who never helped Sanchez look like anything more than... Gabbert.

Don't be silly, everyone knows absolutely none of those things had anything to do with Schotty. Well you know, except for when any of them had a good game, that was all him. They'll hire Schotty and Gabbert will be beating out Rodgers for the MVP by next season.

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This is a sad day for Jacksonville. It will only be a matter of time before this team is gone. Really sucks for the community and this city. The teams sucks, but those games are actually a really good time. Wayne was loyal to the city. The guy claims he's going to keep the team here, but I highly doubt it.

They probably have a better chance at selling out a game in Islamabad than they do in Jacksonville.

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Von Miller is the real Jesus.

Guys a beast right? Definitely the defensive rookie of the year...probably ROTY if it werent for all these QB's.

That said, he was doing the same thing while Orton was the QB and the team was losing. There just something about that Tim Tebow.

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I will be at the Jags-Chargers game next Monday night and I plan on starting a SCHOTTENHEIMER! chant.

How would a Schottenheimer chant sound? Schott-en-heimer.....just doesnt roll well. lol.

However, if you can convince the Jags to do it, I'll convince Max to add your face on top of the Jetnation because that would be certified awesomeness!

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How would a Schottenheimer chant sound? Schott-en-heimer.....just doesnt roll well. lol.

However, if you can convince the Jags to do it, I'll convince Max to add your face on top of the Jetnation because that would be certified awesomeness!

"We are Schitty! *clap clap clap clap clap*" should do the trick.

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