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Jets Bring In Tom Moore, Offensive Guru, To Iron Out The Kinks

Lizard King

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Tom Moore arrived in New Jersey late Wednesday night. The Jets’ offensive consultant had been doing a lot of consulting from afar — his home in South Carolina, to be exact — and this week, he’s doing it face to face.

“I’d like to get him around here more,” coach Rex Ryan said. “I’m going to try to keep him here, but we’ll see if his wife will let him.”

This is one of Moore’s pre-arranged visits to the Jets’ facility since being hired in the offseason, a team spokesman said. He was here during training camp, and returned again for the San Diego Chargers game leading into the bye week. But it certainly is good timing.

Moore, who spent 12 seasons as the Indianapolis Colts’ offensive coordinator, joined the team on the practice field for the first time since camp. He sat at the back of the offensive meeting room with the assistant coaches, standing up and offering observations at times, and spent the rest of the day in the quarterbacks’ room.

Because of Moore’s experience coaching Indianapolis’ Peyton Manning-led offense, the Jets draw on his experience especially for the passing game — precisely the area targeted for improvement and fine-tuning as the Jets aim to make a playoffs push.

“He’s been a lot of help to us thus far, and even now coming back around, he’s just going to influence a lot more in our passing game,” receiver Santonio Holmes said. “It’s up to our offensive coordinator if he’s going to take in the words. But I’m pretty sure they brought him in for a little bit of words of encouragement.”

Moore has indeed been a source of positivity. Offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer said Moore “might be the most positive person I have ever been around.” They have been in touch regularly, as Moore reviews each game and does advance work on opponents. Ryan also talks or e-mails with Moore every week.

After one of the Jets’ recent losses, Moore faxed Schottenheimer his summary of the game, and Schottenheimer was surprised to see how many positive points Moore had identified. Ryan joked that like his dad, Moore, 73, has with age begun seeing things through rose-colored glasses.


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But tight end Dustin Keller said Moore will also speak up about areas that need to be fixed, and has provided a balanced and fresh perspective.

“He thinks that so far in the season, things have been pretty positive,” Keller said. “If you look at 60 plays, 50 of them will be amazing, will just be beautiful plays. But the other 10 will really set you back, and that’s a really good outlook.

“Although you’re doing really well in the larger percentage of the plays, it’s not really that beneficial if you’re being killed by 10 others.”

Keller put in time with Moore during training camp, learning how the offensive guru used Dallas Clark in Indianapolis. Thursday, they started to review some of the basics they covered in training camp, including route discipline and how to react to different defensive looks.

Moore may accompany the team to this weekend’s game in Washington, Ryan said. But Moore’s role will not change from consultant, though Ryan has been prodding him to come around more.

“He’s a consultant,” Ryan said. “He’s retired, but we were fortunate enough to get him as a consultant.”

Among the areas the offense is working to improve, Ryan said he has not asked Moore during this visit about how to start faster — though he said he might. Whatever the source, the Jets are searching for ways to jell into a playoffs-caliber offense.

“We have to be willing to pick his brain and take advantage of it,” Keller said. “Anything to help get things in the right direction and get things a little better.”

For more Jets coverage, follow Jenny Vrentas on Twitter at twitter.com/Jennyvrentas

Jenny Vrentas: jvrentas@starledger.com

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“He’s been a lot of help to us thus far, and even now coming back around, he’s just going to influence a lot more in our passing game,” receiver Santonio Holmes said. “It’s up to our offensive coordinator if he’s going to take in the words. But I’m pretty sure they brought him in for a little bit of words of encouragement.”

Even the players are calling out this turd.

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1st off, Its no coincidnece the best OC's always a very good QB and o-line, sorry, its not the other way around.

Tom Moore? Really?? Who wouldnt excel as an OC if they have possibly the best QB ever?

Schotts system is designed as a high completion % low risk passing game.

Does anyone here consider he is kinda handcuffed because Mark isnt a very accrate downfield passer either.

This scheme is not new and versions of it have been used very successfully by many teams since Walsh designed it in the 1980's

You would expect to have a completion pct in the upper 60 range but look what MS does with it.

Is it Schotts fault he overthrows, underthrows, fumbles, stares down recievers and forces passes into double triple covered recievers????

Please. MS better improve or this team will be mediocre at best.

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If this isn't writing on the wall then nothing is. I don't know about anyone else but i have a bad feeling about this game Sunday. This is the typical SOJ's type game that we always seem to lose. Just like the Denver game-i KNEW we would lose that frigging game and make Tim Tebow into something he's not.

Southern Jet has said that JP Pelzman has the inside scoop on Woody Johnson's thinking that when the Jets fail to make the playoffs this year that it will be Scottenheimer who Johnson is pissed off at the most and will fire. I said it before and I'll say it again, if this is the price we have to pay to get rid of this guy then, as a Jets fan I'm willing to pay it. We went through the same kind of crap with Chad Pennington and if it took even our most hated rival to take him off our hands and hand us one of the most humiliating losses in a generation then that's what it took-as long as we got rid of him.

Look, this is an average Jets team and I don't see anybody except the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl anyway. Maybe the Pats could knock them out but I doubt it so with that fact in mind (no championship either way) we might as well bite the bullet and lose as long as it gets the Schottenheimer era (error?) over with-finally

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If this isn't writing on the wall then nothing is. I don't know about anyone else but i have a bad feeling about this game Sunday. This is the typical SOJ's type game that we always seem to lose. Just like the Denver game-i KNEW we would lose that frigging game and make Tim Tebow into something he's not.

Southern Jet has said that JP Pelzman has the inside scoop on Woody Johnson's thinking that when the Jets fail to make the playoffs this year that it will be Scottenheimer who Johnson is pissed off at the most and will fire. I said it before and I'll say it again, if this is the price we have to pay to get rid of this guy then, as a Jets fan I'm willing to pay it. We went through the same kind of crap with Chad Pennington and if it took even our most hated rival to take him off our hands and hand us one of the most humiliating losses in a generation then that's what it took-as long as we got rid of him.

Look, this is an average Jets team and I don't see anybody except the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl anyway. Maybe the Pats could knock them out but I doubt it so with that fact in mind (no championship either way) we might as well bite the bullet and lose as long as it gets the Schottenheimer era (error?) over with-finally

I agree. I'd rather tank the season and get rid of Schottendisaster now, then make the playoffs and have to endure another year of his sh!tty playcalling.

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I agree. I'd rather tank the season and get rid of Schottendisaster now, then make the playoffs and have to endure another year of his sh!tty playcalling.

yea I mean let's face it source-this isn't a championship caliber team anyway and we all know it. Say the Jets get hot and win out and DO make the playoffs-we're heading up to NE only to get killed by the TE's again anyway since we have nobody on the roster who can stop them. As much as I hate to say this and hate THEM, the Patriots are probably going to another Super Bowl-I don't see them winning it because Green Bay is going to finally stop that silly tradition of ex-Dolphins players cracking open champagne bottles in Nick Buonoconti's driveway in celebration of the last undefeated team losing

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If this isn't writing on the wall then nothing is. I don't know about anyone else but i have a bad feeling about this game Sunday. This is the typical SOJ's type game that we always seem to lose. Just like the Denver game-i KNEW we would lose that frigging game and make Tim Tebow into something he's not.

Southern Jet has said that JP Pelzman has the inside scoop on Woody Johnson's thinking that when the Jets fail to make the playoffs this year that it will be Scottenheimer who Johnson is pissed off at the most and will fire. I said it before and I'll say it again, if this is the price we have to pay to get rid of this guy then, as a Jets fan I'm willing to pay it. We went through the same kind of crap with Chad Pennington and if it took even our most hated rival to take him off our hands and hand us one of the most humiliating losses in a generation then that's what it took-as long as we got rid of him.

Look, this is an average Jets team and I don't see anybody except the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl anyway. Maybe the Pats could knock them out but I doubt it so with that fact in mind (no championship either way) we might as well bite the bullet and lose as long as it gets the Schottenheimer era (error?) over with-finally

Thats all fine and good but they just extended Schotty through 2013. He aint going anywhere.

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yea I mean let's face it source-this isn't a championship caliber team anyway and we all know it. Say the Jets get hot and win out and DO make the playoffs-we're heading up to NE only to get killed by the TE's again anyway since we have nobody on the roster who can stop them. As much as I hate to say this and hate THEM, the Patriots are probably going to another Super Bowl-I don't see them winning it because Green Bay is going to finally stop that silly tradition of ex-Dolphins players cracking open champagne bottles in Nick Buonoconti's driveway in celebration of the last undefeated team losing

You know the Jets recent history, Jimmy. They confuse getting into the playoffs with being championship-caliber. Ten wins? The back pages? Hey, we must be good enough! Then, instead of looking to improve, they go out and draft kickers and projects and extend their coaches' contracts out another two years. Somebody needs to tell them that ten wins in this league is all but equal to having six wins in terms of being a predictor for how competitive you might be moving forward. Not the Jets, though. They want parades.

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Thats all fine and good but they just extended Schotty through 2013. He aint going anywhere.

that contract extension means nothing JiF-there is no clause written in there that says he can't still be fired...There is talk right now about 8 head coaching jobs coming open after the season ends and maybe the Jets wait a little bit to save him the humiliation of being fired with hopes that SOMEBODY takes him off our hands first. Either way, I see him as good as gone by mid February at the latest

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Thats all fine and good but they just extended Schotty through 2013. He aint going anywhere.

I don't know if Schottenheimer's gonna be here or not next year, but I do know that his contract will have absolutely no impact on the decision.

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You know the Jets recent history, Jimmy. They confuse getting into the playoffs with being championship-caliber. Ten wins? The back pages? Hey, we must be good enough! Then, instead of looking to improve, they go out and draft kickers and projects and extend their coaches' contracts out another two years. Somebody needs to tell them that ten wins in this league is all but equal to having six wins in terms of being a predictor for how competitive you might be moving forward. Not the Jets, though. They want parades.

No, I think things have changed up there with Woody Johnson finally seeming to grow a set. As I said, supposedly Woody is pissed and wants to fire Schitty as soon as it makes sense to do it-like us not making the playoffs or if we do going 1 and out. 10 wins? I don't see it happening TS

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that contract extension means nothing JiF-there is no clause written in there that says he can't still be fired...There is talk right now about 8 head coaching jobs coming open after the season ends and maybe the Jets wait a little bit to save him the humiliation of being fired with hopes that SOMEBODY takes him off our hands first. Either way, I see him as good as gone by mid February at the latest

I don't know if Schottenheimer's gonna be here or not next year, but I do know that his contract will have absolutely no impact on the decision.

I think you're both delusional...the resigned him in the middle of the season, with the offense flailing...he aint going any where.

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yea I mean let's face it source-this isn't a championship caliber team anyway and we all know it. Say the Jets get hot and win out and DO make the playoffs-we're heading up to NE only to get killed by the TE's again anyway since we have nobody on the roster who can stop them. As much as I hate to say this and hate THEM, the Patriots are probably going to another Super Bowl-I don't see them winning it because Green Bay is going to finally stop that silly tradition of ex-Dolphins players cracking open champagne bottles in Nick Buonoconti's driveway in celebration of the last undefeated team losing

Other than the Pats going to another Super Bowl (I don't see them beating Pittsburgh or Baltimore), I agree with everything you said.

We're not good enough to go deep into the playoffs this year. So let's just tank the season and get Schotty out of here.

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I think you're both delusional...the resigned him in the middle of the season, with the offense flailing...he aint going any where.

another gem by the fountain of misinformation... he was extended before the season.

Schotty will NOT be here next year. believe it.

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I think you're both delusional...the resigned him in the middle of the season, with the offense flailing...he aint going any where.

Actually they signed him after last season. They released that info in the middle of the season as a sign of support for him.

I wouldn't put to much stock in it.

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No, I think things have changed up there with Woody Johnson finally seeming to grow a set. As I said, supposedly Woody is pissed and wants to fire Schitty as soon as it makes sense to do it-like us not making the playoffs or if we do going 1 and out. 10 wins? I don't see it happening TS

When has Woody ever shown "a set," other than trying to be a hardliner on PSL gouging? He "fired" Mangini because Mangini's personality wasn't selling any tickets in the NMS.

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There's no way

another gem by the fountain of misinformation... he was extended before the season.

Schotty will NOT be here next year. believe it.

There's no way they keep him, considering the way this offense is performing this season.

The only thing that can save his job is a deep playoff run.

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When has Woody ever shown "a set," other than trying to be a hardliner on PSL gouging? He "fired" Mangini because Mangini's personality wasn't selling any tickets in the NMS.

Which coincided with getting Ecurb to pay him for a job.
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When has Woody ever shown "a set," other than trying to be a hardliner on PSL gouging? He "fired" Mangini because Mangini's personality wasn't selling any tickets in the NMS.

He fired Mangini because they were big spenders in the '08 offseason and didn't make the playoffs.

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When has Woody ever shown "a set," other than trying to be a hardliner on PSL gouging? He "fired" Mangini because Mangini's personality wasn't selling any tickets in the NMS.

It's like you're the Jekyll and Hyde of Internet posters. Only your Hyde is this really zany sports version of Pat Robertson.

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There's no way

There's no way they keep him, considering the way this offense is performing this season.

The only thing that can save his job is a deep playoff run.

I always thought he took too much heat but enough is enough. Whether or not it's really his fault this offense has played some abysmal games. Sanchez is a mess, lazy route running, Holmes and Mason mouthing off, the running game sputtering... how much evidence does the team need? Keeping him next year is crazy talk.

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