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Pleasant Surprises this Year


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No particular order.

Matt Slauson - This guy has developed into a really solid guard in only his second year as a starter, third year in the NFL. He will never make the Pro Bowl, but he is consistent and dependable and a good value. He also has become quite the team spokesman in the locker room. I guess with the Jets, that goes with the LG position (Kendall, Fanaca).

Dustin Keller YAC - He has gotten over his feet in cement after catching the ball syndrome and is actually breaking tackles and making moves in the open field. Nice to see.

Sione Pouha - He has been solid since replacing Jenkins, but has really stepped it up this year. He is a beast versus the run. He is not among the elite NTs because he does not get the consistent double teams that they do and is not much of a factor in the pass rush, but is a admirable notch below them and he is another great value. Pouha is a great example of how certain players can thrive in different systems. He was made for Ryan's one gap pursuit versus Mangini's two gap read and react.

Shonn Greene's pass catching - Not only is he catching the ball, but he is reading blitzes and timing screens well to get into the right position. We know he knows what to do after catching the ball. Have to give credit to Schotty for not giving up on him as a receiver (or was it Moore's influence)?

Calvin Pace - He has been solid all year. Strong against the run, effective pass rushing (Jets are not blitzing as much this year - probably because the D-Line is getting a lot more pressure) and he has even done better in coverage than in the past. I was really expecting a decline from him being a year older and being spotty last year. I guess the foot injury was a factor all last year.

Marcus Dixon - This guy shows real potential against the run and especially rushing the passer. DeVito, great against the run but not much of a factor in pass rushing, might lose his starting job even when he is healthy again. It is great how the Jets d-line moved from a team weakness to a strength. Let's hope next year we can say the same thing about safety.

Aaron Maybin - No need to elaborate here except maybe he should be on the "shock" list versus pleasant surprises.

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Good list but like mentioned, a couple of those guys arent really a surprise in my book. Definitely agree with Dixon, Keller, Maybin.

My surprises would be, in no particular order.

Kyle Wilson - this kid is playing really really good Football. Very consistent, always in the right place, finally making a play on the ball and is a sure tackler. I dont think I've ever seen any YAC on this kid.

Mo Wilk - I had huge expectations as the Jets finally picked the guy I wanted in the draft, but to start every single game as a rookie and play at the level he's playing. Wow.

Plax - lets face it, he was an unknown. I was confident he'd be a player but I think in a lot of ways he's exceeded my expectations.

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Agreed, with all of this. Slauson has arguably been the Jets most consistent OL this year (although that can certainly at least be in part attributed to injuries to Mangold and Moore). I feel like he's pretty much this current team's equivalent of Moore circa 2003/2004. A solid player who will do his job well and, as long as you have good players around him (which shouldn't be changing any time soon with Mangold and Brick locked up), you don't really have to worry about him. The entire DL (Pouha, Dixon and beyond) has been sick this year, and is easily the strongest and deepest position on this entire team. And with the exception of Pouha, it's a very young group as well, so it's tough not to love what they've currently got there. Also have to love the play they've been getting out of Mayhem. Kid may be a bit one-dimensional, but that dimension is one that the Jets have been sorely lacking since they sent Abraham packing back in 2006.

For most Jets fans, you'd probably have to add Wilson and McKnight onto that list as well. Those guys were pretty much written off as complete busts after last season, and even throughout this preseason. Meanwhile, Wilson has been an integral part to the Jets D doing a fantastic job as a nickel, and McKnight has proven his worth not only on special teams, but shown himself to be a solid change of pace back when given the opportunity.

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Good list but like mentioned, a couple of those guys arent really a surprise in my book. Definitely agree with Dixon, Keller, Maybin.

My surprises would be, in no particular order.

Kyle Wilson - this kid is playing really really good Football. Very consistent, always in the right place, finally making a play on the ball and is a sure tackler. I dont think I've ever seen any YAC on this kid.

Mo Wilk - I had huge expectations as the Jets finally picked the guy I wanted in the draft, but to start every single game as a rookie and play at the level he's playing. Wow.

Plax - lets face it, he was an unknown. I was confident he'd be a player but I think in a lot of ways he's exceeded my expectations.

Plax is another good one that I didn't think of, but absolutely qualifies. I really did not like that signing at all, and had no faith in him being able to do anything after 2 years out of the league. That said, he's had some huge games and been a great target for Sanchez in the red zone.

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Agreed, with all of this. Slauson has arguably been the Jets most consistent OL this year (although that can certainly at least be in part attributed to injuries to Mangold and Moore). I feel like he's pretty much this current team's equivalent of Moore circa 2003/2004. A solid player who will do his job well and, as long as you have good players around him (which shouldn't be changing any time soon with Mangold and Brick locked up), you don't really have to worry about him. The entire DL (Pouha, Dixon and beyond) has been sick this year, and is easily the strongest and deepest position on this entire team. And with the exception of Pouha, it's a very young group as well, so it's tough not to love what they've currently got there. Also have to love the play they've been getting out of Mayhem. Kid may be a bit one-dimensional, but that dimension is one that the Jets have been sorely lacking since they sent Abraham packing back in 2006.

For most Jets fans, you'd probably have to add Wilson and McKnight onto that list as well. Those guys were pretty much written off as complete busts after last season, and even throughout this preseason. Meanwhile, Wilson has been an integral part to the Jets D doing a fantastic job as a nickel, and McKnight has proven his worth not only on special teams, but shown himself to be a solid change of pace back when given the opportunity.

i always knew wilson would be better this year.he was bad last year,but he was always right there to make a play.he just didnt

mcknight looks good on kick returns.to be honest,i really dont like him out of the backfield.not bad,i just dont like him

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Wilkerson is pretty good but Wilson's the biggest surprise by far. He was incredibly bad last year.

I agree. Wilson seems to have stepped up his play in a big way. He's a reliable tackler. There's no reason to think he won't make another big leap next season - he's very athletic and seems determined to excel.

Another guy who i think has been a find and has upside is Ropati Pitoitua. He's been limited by injuries but he seems very athletic, pretty strong, has a nose for the ball.

Also, Strickland has played pretty well. He's contributed much more than I'd expected. I liked him last he was a Jet but he kept getting hurt.

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Good list but like mentioned, a couple of those guys arent really a surprise in my book. Definitely agree with Dixon, Keller, Maybin.

My surprises would be, in no particular order.

Kyle Wilson - this kid is playing really really good Football. Very consistent, always in the right place, finally making a play on the ball and is a sure tackler. I dont think I've ever seen any YAC on this kid.

Mo Wilk - I had huge expectations as the Jets finally picked the guy I wanted in the draft, but to start every single game as a rookie and play at the level he's playing. Wow.

Plax - lets face it, he was an unknown. I was confident he'd be a player but I think in a lot of ways he's exceeded my expectations.

Agree with this list.

I'd also add that I predicted McKnight changing a lot of people's minds, and I think he has.

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McKnight has proven his worth not only on special teams, but shown himself to be a solid change of pace back when given the opportunity.

Agreed, good call.

I'd also add that I predicted McKnight changing a lot of people's minds, and I think he has.

Of course you do.

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My most pleasant surprise this year has been the extension for Schottenheimer. I'm super-glad that Woody recognized that all Brian needed was a little financial security to help him reach his potential.

All pleasant has just left this thread, no surprise though.

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Not really surpriswed by Wilkerson,. He was a first round pick. He's playing like a first round pick. I think we've lowered our expectations when it comes to high draft picks because of the lack of early developoment we've seen with guys like Ducasse and Wilson and...gulp...Gholston. think big Mo is good and will be getting better. Just needs to have that lightbulb moment.

Pace is playing like Pace. Can't really see the surprise there. Not great, but pretty good. A solid guy. Not the game-changer we originally paid him to be.

Surprised by Dixon and Pouha. Guys are making the most of their snaps. Real fire in their bellies. Love it.

Surprised by Strickland. Great ST contributor and hasn't been a liability in coverage. Under the radar production.

Oh, and Maybin. Thought he must've been a dud to get the ax so early in his career...and from a sub-par team no less. He's performed above expectations and has really provided a spark. Can't help but watch him when he's on the field.

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While I like Slauson and the way he has played, I have noticed one of he reasons the run game hasn't been as good is because Slauson fails to shed his initial blocker and get to the next level. Frankly though, the whole O-line has been a disappointment. I attribute this to the lockout.

Ferguson: apprently needed the offeason strength and conditioning

Mangold: Ankle injury

Moore: playing through pain all season

Hunter: Swinging gate

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McKnight isn't any good. He filled in the KR duties nicely(everyone here does) but he's still not as good or elusive as LT out of the backfield.

I think thats harsh. Other than his fumbles, he's been pretty damn effective in any fashion the Jets have used him in...which is many. KO/PR/RB/WR/DB. Thats a lot of use from someone who barely saw the field his rookie season. Therefore, I'd consider him quite a surprise. I also expected him to be out of the league in 3 years too...so maybe thats why I feel that way.

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I think thats harsh. Other than his fumbles, he's been pretty damn effective in any fashion the Jets have used him in...which is many. KO/PR/RB/WR/DB. Thats a lot of use from someone who barely saw the field his rookie season. Therefore, I'd consider him quite a surprise. I also expected him to be out of the league in 3 years too...so maybe thats why I feel that way.

Other than his fumbles, yeah, I agree with you. He's been pretty damn effective. In fact, he should totally be our punt returner. Amirite?

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I wouldn't say Wilson was a "surprise" as he always had the talent and is working with one of the best of all time. He's the most improved for sure, but just because some morons felt the need to declare him a bust after one season doesn't make it s surprise that a first round pick starts playing well in his second year.

Pouha has been a stud since starting, wasn't surprised by him at all.

The biggest surprise by a mile is Burress, I didn't expect much if anything from him this year. Keller too, but I still hate him.

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