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Rex says he expects Schotty to be back unless...


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Our head coach is a pussy. sh*tty is the worst OC in the entire ******* league, he's not going to get a head coaching job. This is so ******* stupid, I almost home we lose to the Dolphins 42-0 just so sh*tty can leave. I can't take another year with this piece of sh*t, I really can't.

Rex is too delusional. He needs to put his sexual relationship with sh*tty to the side and fire his a$$. The Jets won't get a penny from me if he's back.

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schotty won't be back unless we make the playoffs.. even then it's unlikely unless we go on a deep run...

they have to take heat of sanchez and scapegoating schotty is the best way

See I think this is the expected move...it's the natural move that everyone makes...surface level I hope the Jets have more balls than that. As much as I would LOVE a true winner like Norv Turner coming over here to coordinate us to victory, I think keeping Schotty would be showing a focused franchise...iunno I'm weird. It's such a cliche move to fire the OC.

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See I think this is the expected move...it's the natural move that everyone makes...surface level I hope the Jets have more balls than that. As much as I would LOVE a true winner like Norv Turner coming over here to coordinate us to victory, I think keeping Schotty would be showing a focused franchise...iunno I'm weird. It's such a cliche move to fire the OC.

But think of all the new material you'll have when he's coaching Stony Brook's QBs to a 90 rating next season.

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Schotty will be gone next year.

Ryan must remain loyal publicly and he'll handle this in a way that won't damage Schottenheimer or subsequent opportunities going forward.

If there is nobody that hires him as a head coach, he could land a job as an OC with an Asst HC title from another team, which would in essence be a promotion for Schotty and would help save face.

In any case, I would be shocked if he's still here next year.

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Norv Turner is an idiot. I hope this isn't who the organization brings in.

Go watch some Bolts games and tell me you think he calls plays any better than Schottenheimer.

The guy is no offensive guru. Not by a long shot.

Scoring offense rankings:

2007: 5th

2008: 2nd

2009: 4th

2010: 2nd

2011: 6th

Obviously, there are extenuating factors, but I'll take my chances with Norv plus Rex.

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Norv Turner is an idiot. I hope this isn't who the organization brings in.

Go watch some Bolts games and tell me you think he calls plays any better than Schottenheimer.

The guy is no offensive guru. Not by a long shot.

Norv is a bad HC but a very good OC.

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They were #1 when he took over.

Since he took over.

- He lost LT. I mean the real LT

- gates became injury prone missing large chunks of the last 2 seasons

- his number 1 receiver, Jackson, sat out most of a year and was injured most of this year

- their replacement for lt is injury prone and fumble prone.

Not many offenses survive that. We lost a center for 2 games and looked like a D3 team.

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Norv is a bad HC but a very good OC.

He had an offense full of superstars in Dallas. Since that gig ended I haven't heard any ex-players glow about him. Only criticism, from Lorenzo Neal to Jerry Rice. His play-calling is nothing to write home about if you sit and watch Chargers games. He has now and has had a lot of talent in SD. On top of that he's played in a division that, for most of his tenure, has sported 6 cake-walk games for his offense.

When he had less talented rosters, like in Miami or San Fran, the offense either stayed awful or actually regressed under him (like hit has in SD). And that was as a pure OC not as a HC with other duties distracting him. His offense, like his whole team, plays totally undisciplined, and the players walk all over him. It seems to me that's the last thing the Jets need heading into 2012.

He is seriously one of the most overrated coaches of the last 20 years.

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He had an offense full of superstars in Dallas. Since that gig ended I haven't heard any ex-players glow about him. Only criticism, from Lorenzo Neal to Jerry Rice. His play-calling is nothing to write home about if you sit and watch Chargers games. He has now and has had a lot of talent in SD. On top of that he's played in a division that, for most of his tenure, has sported 6 cake-walk games for his offense.

When he had less talented rosters, like in Miami or San Fran, the offense either stayed awful or actually regressed under him (like hit has in SD). And that was as a pure OC not as a HC with other duties distracting him. His offense, like his whole team, plays totally undisciplined, and the players walk all over him. It seems to me that's the last thing the Jets need heading into 2012.

He is seriously one of the most overrated coaches of the last 20 years.

My mistake a coach that has won SBs coaching offense and coached a top 6 offense the last 5 years or so is definitely a downgrade from what we have now. No question.

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Since he took over.

- He lost LT. I mean the real LT

- gates became injury prone missing large chunks of the last 2 seasons

- his number 1 receiver, Jackson, sat out most of a year and was injured most of this year

- their replacement for lt is injury prone and fumble prone.

Not many offenses survive that. We lost a center for 2 games and looked like a D3 team.

LT's strength was his shiftiness, which he was able to do with outside runs. Turner changed that to LT up the gut, LT up the gut, LT up the gut. He killed LT. He also found a way to make Darren Sproles look ordinary. Next year we'll see how awful these backs are without Turner.

And Rivers, for all his faults and choking, is 10x the QB Sanchez is. I know you don't think SD would have been as resilient with a QB like ours.

You'll see if he comes here. He ain't all you think he is, or even a fraction of it.

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My mistake a coach that has won SBs coaching offense and coached a top 6 offense the last 5 years or so is definitely a downgrade from what we have now. No question.

Norv Turner won the SB for Dallas? C'mon. I know you know better.

Troy Aikman - HOF Pro-Bowler

Emmit Smith - HOF Pro Bowler

Daryl Johnston - Pro Bowler

Michael Irvin - HOF Pro Bowler

Jay Novacek - Pro Bower

Mark Tuinei - Pro Bowler

Nate Newton - Pro Bowler

Mark Stepnoski - Pro Bowler

Kevin Gogan - Pro Bowler

Erik Williams - Pro Bowler

Norv Turner is not the reason their offense was good. By the way, under Turner they didn't even have the #1 offense with this crew.

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Norv Turner won the SB for Dallas? C'mon. I know you know better.

Troy Aikman - HOF Pro-Bowler

Emmit Smith - HOF Pro Bowler

Daryl Johnston - Pro Bowler

Michael Irvin - HOF Pro Bowler

Jay Novacek - Pro Bower

Mark Tuinei - Pro Bowler

Nate Newton - Pro Bowler

Mark Stepnoski - Pro Bowler

Kevin Gogan - Pro Bowler

Erik Williams - Pro Bowler

Norv Turner is not the reason their offense was good. By the way, under Turner they didn't even have the #1 offense with this crew.

Where did I say Turner WON the super bowl for the Cowboys?

Players win the games. Coaches put them in the position to do so.

Who cares if you have the #1 offense? I don't care how many yards we gain. I care how many points we score, and frankly, I just care that we score 1 more than the opponent that week.

I think there are better options than Turner too. However, I KNOW Turner is 10X better than schottenheimer.

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Where did I say Turner WON the super bowl for the Cowboys?

Players win the games. Coaches put them in the position to do so.

Who cares if you have the #1 offense? I don't care how many yards we gain. I care how many points we score, and frankly, I just care that we score 1 more than the opponent that week.

I think there are better options than Turner too. However, I KNOW Turner is 10X better than schottenheimer.

I was talking about points, not yards. And in Dallas they had the #1 defense to counter his impossibly-assembled offense. So I'd say points matter unless the team piles on the points against doormats and craps the bed against everyone decent.

And an old fart who pulls plays randomly out of a bingo ball machine is 10X better than Schottenheimer so I don't see how that distinguishes Turner.

Last, touting him as winning a SB coaching offense is a bit like touting Alvin Harper as being SB-winning, starting wide receiver. Sure it's true, but who gives a crap really?

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