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NY Jets players bash Mark Sanchez, say they want Peyton Manning


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A season torn by discord and dysfunction prompted several key Jets players and members of the organization to paint a sobering picture of

Mark Sanchez, a polarizing figure within the franchise’s walls.

They raised serious doubts about his ability to lead the Jets, questioning everything from his practice habits to the organization’s coddling of him to how much of a role he truly played in the team making two consecutive AFC Championship Game appearances.

They also invited the opportunity to replace Sanchez with

Peyton Manning.

The consensus among players who spoke to the Daily News was that, at the very least, the Jets must sign a legitimate veteran backup to push their young quarterback.

“We have to bring in another quarterback that will make him work at practice,” said one player. “He’s lazy and content because he knows he’s not going to be benched.”

On Dec. 28, Sanchez said that he was “light years ahead” in areas such as defensive recognition, clock management and understanding of the offensive system. Six days later, general manager

Mike Tannenbaum said that Sanchez’s “rate of growth isn’t where it needs to be.”

The doubts crept in long before Sanchez stood in front of his locker on a Wednesday two weeks ago.

The Jets already were in free-fall when he tried to brush aside the undercurrent of a season gone wrong. Four days before Gang Green’s meltdown was complete under the South Florida sun with a 19-17 loss to the Dolphins, a final dagger in a season that began with so much promise and hype, Sanchez insisted that he didn’t need to validate himself as the starting quarterback.

“I’m not out to prove anything like that to people,” Sanchez said four days before the Jets finished out of the playoffs at 8-8. “I just want to work hard for these guys on the team. These guys know I’m leading by example. These are the guys I’m playing for right here in this locker room and in this building.”

Sanchez’s season was a microcosm of his three-year career, a confounding blend of good, bad and ugly. He threw for a career-high 26 touchdowns and committed a career-high 26 turnovers (18 interceptions, 8 lost fumbles). He helped the Jets lead the league in red-zone touchdown efficiency (65.5%) with 21 touchdown passes inside the 20 (fifth best in the NFL). He also committed nine turnovers during the Jets' season-ending three-game slide.

Since entering the league in 2009, Sanchez has thrown for the second-most interceptions (51) and committed the second-most turnovers (63) in the NFL.

His inconsistent play has teammates wondering if the Jets can upgrade. Several players and members of the organization were asked if the Jets should make a play for Peyton Manning if the Colts, who are expected to select Stanford quarterback

Andrew Luck with the No. 1 pick in the draft, release him.

“Come on. That’s a no-brainer,” a Jets source said. “If you have a chance to get a healthy 36-year-old Peyton Manning and you don’t do it, then you’re stupid. If I could get a healthy 36-year-old Peyton Manning, then, hell yeah, I would trade Sanchez

Sanchez’s teammates didn’t hesitate when asked if the Jets should pursue Manning if he is medically cleared after his recent neck surgeries. They believed that the presence of consultant Tom Moore, who was Manning’s offensive coordinator and mentor during their decade-long run together in Indianapolis, would be a bonus to lure Manning to New York.

“We already have his coach — Tom Moore,” one well-respected player said. “Plus, he’s a field general and will get everyone lined up. He will get his playmakers the ball. We can win a Super Bowl with Peyton.”

But can the Jets hoist the Lombardi Trophy with Sanchez?

“How can we when he’s not improving at all?” one of Sanchez’s teammates said. “He thinks he is, but he’s not. He has shown us what he’s capable of.”

Sanchez, who has two years remaining on his rookie contract, wasn’t the lone culprit on the 25th-ranked offense. He was sacked 39 times. Edge pass rushers routinely beat left tackle D’Brickashaw Ferguson and right tackle Wayne Hunter, who allowed a combined 19 sacks — or 48% of the team total, according to Pro Football Focus. Sanchez lost confidence after getting hit so many times, according to several teammates. One Jets source admitted that Sanchez “worked his a$$ off” to correct his mistakes in meetings, but he was soon buried under an avalanche of offensive breakdowns on game days.

“At one point, he was looking at the (pass) rush and wasn’t seeing the receivers,” a team source said. “I think that’s a lack of confidence in what we’re doing. I think that's a lack of confidence in how we’re protecting him... When you get hit the way that he got hit, there were some quarterbacks that wouldn’t have made it through the season.”

Some of Sanchez’s teammates thought it was unfair to pin a lost season all on their young quarterback.

“Everybody got down on the quarterback,” a Jets source said. “But they weren’t looking at the situations we were putting him in. I don’t think he’s as bad as people are making him out to be. When the ---- started snowballing and he lost confidence, he never recovered. Then, you saw him making one stupid throw and one stupid mistake after another.”

The complex game plans didn't help matters, according to several people. Sanchez had difficulty absorbing the weekly wrinkles and changes, teammates said.

“So many games, he looked defeated before he ever took the field,” a team source said. “He didn’t have much confidence in what he was about to go do. You could tell throughout the week in practice. He never felt comfortable with some of the things we were doing. It was too much for him

Other teammates were less forgiving. They pointed to Sanchez’s career arc as reason for change.

Sanchez has finished 29th, 29th and 27th in completion percentage in his first three seasons. His passer-rating rankings: 28th, 27th and 23rd.

He has taken a step back in yards per attempt each season from 6.7 to 6.5 to 6.4. Rex Ryan admitted that the inability to stretch the field was one of his primary concerns all year. Sanchez completed a league-worst two passes of 40-plus yards this season. By comparison, Tim Tebow completed three passes of at least 40 yards in the second quarter of the Broncos’ wild-card overtime win against the Steelers Sunday.

Although Sanchez won four road playoff games in his first two seasons, some teammates remained critical, pointing to the successful rushing attack and defense as the key reasons for the Jets’ success in 2009 and 2010.

A couple weeks ago, Sanchez dismissed a report that he was being coddled. His teammates disagreed.

“They don’t want to be truthful with him,” one prominent player said of the way that the organization has handled Sanchez. “They treat him like a baby instead of a man. He goes in a hole when someone tells him the truth.”

A Jets spokesman declined to make Sanchez available for this story. A source close to the team pointed out that Sanchez’s inability to handle mounting criticism prompted him to unfollow every Jets beat writer on Twitter earlier this season.

“So that should tell you everything,” the source said. “He just doesn’t have the mental toughness to be great... especially in New York.”

Some in the organization told The News that many of Sanchez’s teammates have grown resentful for myriad reasons.

“They see the organization babying him,” said a Jets source. “They see him with a sense of entitlement. He’s been given all this and hasn’t done anything. They call him ‘San-chise.’ They make him the face of the organization. They gave him the captain tag. He’s not a captain. He should have never been a captain.”

None of the players who spoke to the Daily News for this story agreed with Ryan’s decision to anoint Sanchez as a captain.

On Dec. 28, Sanchez denied the notion that he was a victim of a high standard set by going to two AFC Championship Games in his first two seasons.

"We hold ourselves to a high standard,” Sanchez said. “I don’t want to feel like I’m a victim or anything like that. We expect to win... I don’t feel like we’ve set the bar too high. There is no way. I don’t feel like that.”

Six days later, Sanchez expressed a much different outlook.

“You go to back-to-back AFC Championship Games, and everybody thinks, ‘OK, we’ll just get a little bit better and you are winning the Super Bowl,’” Sanchez told ESPN Radio on Jan. 3. “I don’t want to make excuses at all. That’s not my style. But we’ve kind of been a victim of our own success.”

The hope for some players this offseason is that the Jets will pursue Manning if he is healthy and available. Of course, there is no guarantee that Manning would choose them even if owner Woody Johnson and Ryan put on an all-out blitz.

“I don’t think that he’ll come here,” a member of the Jets organization said. “We have to change the perception of our organization. We’re not the organization that players said they wanted to play for a year or two ago. We’re starting to come across a little flaky. We talk the talk. We don’t back it up. We’re out of control. There’s no discipline. It’s a mess right now.”


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Parts that bother the sh*t out me.

“We have to bring in another quarterback that will make him work at practice,” said one player. “He’s lazy and content because he knows he’s not going to be benched.”

Sanchez, who has two years remaining on his rookie contract, wasn’t the lone culprit on the 25th-ranked offense. He was sacked 39 times. Edge pass rushers routinely beat left tackle D’Brickashaw Ferguson and right tackle Wayne Hunter, who allowed a combined 19 sacks — or 48% of the team total, according to Pro Football Focus. Sanchez lost confidence after getting hit so many times, according to several teammates. One Jets source admitted that Sanchez “worked his a$$ off” to correct his mistakes in meetings, but he was soon buried under an avalanche of offensive breakdowns on game days.

“At one point, he was looking at the (pass) rush and wasn’t seeing the receivers,” a team source said. “I think that’s a lack of confidence in what we’re doing. I think that's a lack of confidence in how we’re protecting him... When you get hit the way that he got hit, there were some quarterbacks that wouldn’t have made it through the season.”

A couple weeks ago, Sanchez dismissed a report that he was being coddled. His teammates disagreed.

“They don’t want to be truthful with him,” one prominent player said of the way that the organization has handled Sanchez. “They treat him like a baby instead of a man. He goes in a hole when someone tells him the truth.”

A Jets spokesman declined to make Sanchez available for this story. A source close to the team pointed out that Sanchez’s inability to handle mounting criticism prompted him to unfollow every Jets beat writer on Twitter earlier this season.

Some in the organization told The News that many of Sanchez’s teammates have grown resentful for myriad reasons.

“They see the organization babying him,” said a Jets source. “They see him with a sense of entitlement. He’s been given all this and hasn’t done anything. They call him ‘San-chise.’ They make him the face of the organization. They gave him the captain tag. He’s not a captain. He should have never been a captain.”

None of the players who spoke to the Daily News for this story agreed with Ryan’s decision to anoint Sanchez as a captain.

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“I don’t think that he’ll come here,” a member of the Jets organization said. “We have to change the perception of our organization. We’re not the organization that players said they wanted to play for a year or two ago. We’re starting to come across a little flaky. We talk the talk. We don’t back it up. We’re out of control. There’s no discipline. It’s a mess right now.”

I love being right... even when I hate what I'm right about.

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Sanchez had a bad year but other culprits helped him in that. The piling on continues- this what happens here in New York media craze.

I said it a while ago Frank that the Jets were an 8-8 team and that EVERY offensive coach needed to be fired-What we saw out of Sanchez was the second coming of David Carr-a high draft pick that was ruined by a crappy system and horrible O-line supposedly protecting him. I'm surprised that players are speaking out like this-who could it be? I think Sione may be one of them

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I said it a while ago Frank that the Jets were an 8-8 team and that EVERY offensive coach needed to be fired-What we saw out of Sanchez was the second coming of David Carr-a high draft pick that was ruined by a crappy system and horrible O-line supposedly protecting him. I'm surprised that players are speaking out like this-who could it be? I think Sione may be one of them

There are some spots in that article that point to bad play by the offense in general which caused the decline of the QB. There are also some other parts that blame him directly. I think knowing who these players are would go a long way I mean if guys like Cromartie and Holmes are the ones speaking up aganist the QB whould anyone take what those morons say seriously ? That being said if the accusations are true and Sanchez is lazy and does not put in the work his a$$ should not be shown the door his a$$ should be kicked out of it. Nothing bothers me more than a gifted player not putting in the work to be a great player this is why guys like Brees, Manning, Rodgers and Brady are above the pack

No one can doubt Sanchez' year went downhill fast but no one can doubt the entire offense played bad either. With a new offensive coordinator all we can do is hope this franchise gets some real skill players in here for him to work with and does something to solidify the offensive line. Number 1 priority this offseason will be that Offensive line, It has to be if you want to run ground and pound and protect a QB

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I have always believed that the Jets went to two AFC Championship games DESPITE Mark Sanchez. A strong running game and stingy defense were the reasons for success. When these two aspects faltered this year, Sanchez was asked to do some "heavy lifting", and we all saw he is not capable of carrying this team.

The last line of the story says it all- this team has no discipline and this falls squarely on the shoulders of Rex. In my opinion, Rex has created this dysfunctional atmosphere and he should be fired.

Joe Namath said it months ago- Rex builds these guys up to believing they are the very bewst. A liitle tough love- a "you sucked today"- couldn't hurt.

Wow, what a mess.

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Smash-I think a LOT of this has to do with Santonio Holmes and the Jets' commitment to him, but I would bet my car that it wasn't him being anonymously quoted in that article-he isn't that type of personality, not the guy who would even answer a phone call that came up with Rich Cimini's name on it at this time of year especially after this kind of season.

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I have always believed that the Jets went to two AFC Championship games DESPITE Mark Sanchez. A strong running game and stingy defense were the reasons for success. When these two aspects faltered this year, Sanchez was asked to do some "heavy lifting", and we all saw he is not capable of carrying this team.

The last line of the story says it all- this team has no discipline and this falls squarely on the shoulders of Rex. In my opinion, Rex has created this dysfunctional atmosphere and he should be fired.

Joe Namath said it months ago- Rex builds these guys up to believing they are the very bewst. A liitle tough love- a "you sucked today"- couldn't hurt.

Wow, what a mess.

No Rex shouldn't be fired-yet anyway. He has the right to run a team with the coaches that HE wants, not be handed a young up-and-coming OC just because the team likes him. WTHBS, Rex's head is the next one on the chopping block and maybe Tannenbaum's after that-with these firings the guillotine line just got a little shorter,

I said it the weeks before this season even ended that this is a very pissed off Woody Johnson who will be making the next moves. I see the potential Peyton Manning concentration being Woody's idea. I said that this season has been a Jets fan's worst nightmare-the Pats on their way to another Super Bowl in a rematch of the 2007 game with either them or the Giants winning it all-Woody is not a happy man right now and he demands results and has told Tannenbaum to do whatever it takes to get us Manning-even if that means trading Revis and dumping Sanchez-this WILL happen and Rex can talk all he wants about how great Revis is and that he's the best football player alive it won't mean a damn thing to Johnson HE WANTS RESULTS.

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Maybe Rex deserves one more year, but i believe that is a waste of time. He will not change. I agree the OC was forced on him, but he showed absolutely no interest in the offense. He admitted he did not realize Holmes was out of the game (shame on him) and he did NOTHING when Shotty called pass play after pass play. This falls on Rex's shoulders. Fire him and Tannenbaum now, admit a mistake, and move on.

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I love being right... even when I hate what I'm right about.

How far we've come that an 8-8 season is a "complete mess" or a "free fall".. ohh the humanity.

If they get Sparano and Haley the offense - where most of the whining seems to be coming from - is instantly transformed.

This article reads like something out of the Globe. I'll reserve judgement till I see what the Jets look like in late April.

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This article reads like something out of the Globe. I'll reserve judgement till I see what the Jets look like in late April.

Too funny.

The one guy no one has ever had a bad word to say about as a Jets writer, Mehta, and now, because he wrote what honestly is a great piece because of the insight it gives you into the team, regardless of whether it makes you sad or not, is a hack.

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Too funny.

The one guy no one has ever had a bad word to say about as a Jets writer, Mehta, and now, because he wrote what honestly is a great piece because of the insight it gives you into the team, regardless of whether it makes you sad or not, is a hack.

Who said he was a hack? I like Mehta... this particular article is a little dramatic IMO. It was also written before the players knew Schotty was gone and Sparano and Haley (maybe) are in. I'd like to hear what there opinions would be today.

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Who said he was a hack? I like Mehta... this particular article is a little dramatic IMO. It was also written before the players knew Schotty was gone and Sparano and Haley (maybe) are in. I'd like to hear what there opinions would be today.

On the record positive, off the record, I doubt this changes much.. Anyone observing with half a brain knew Sanchez was the biggest problem with this offense. Now maybe getting two guys with a lot of experience can help better hide Sanchez, but I doubt people are going to convert in 24 hrs

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Good article. Puts us as the joke of a franchise we have been for along time/ Exactly where we belong. Let's see if Rex and Tanny can pull it together for next year. The last two years was a dream. Welcome baxk to the nightmare. LOL Jets are better when people knock them, not a front runner team.

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On the record positive, off the record, I doubt this changes much.. Anyone observing with half a brain knew Sanchez was the biggest problem with this offense. Now maybe getting two guys with a lot of experience can help better hide Sanchez, but I doubt people are going to convert in 24 hrs

5/6 of my brain is coagulated bacon grease and I noticed it quickly.

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Well, it was fun while it lasted.

One 8-8 season and the team falls apart. LOL

Hey SMC we were 2 boneheaded plays away from being tied for last place in the division. The Romo INT and Stevie Johnson dropping a game-winning TD...we probably SHOULD have been 6-10

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On the record positive, off the record, I doubt this changes much.. Anyone observing with half a brain knew Sanchez was the biggest problem with this offense. Now maybe getting two guys with a lot of experience can help better hide Sanchez, but I doubt people are going to convert in 24 hrs

Disagree. I think it's becoming clear the environment Schotty created on that side of the ball wasn't conducive to getting the most out of his players. If you read the complaints you can see what they're mad about.

There's a history of players not respecting Schotty whether it be Favre refusing to run his offense, Mason mouthing off, Santonio going Manny... Give the offense a stronger leader(s) and a lot of this whining goes away.

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Who said he was a hack? I like Mehta... this particular article is a little dramatic IMO. It was also written before the players knew Schotty was gone and Sparano and Haley (maybe) are in. I'd like to hear what there opinions would be today.

You did, when you said it read like "The Globe". The article isn't "dramatic", it's what the players think. They think he's lazy, entitled, babied, a poor leader, that he doesn't get his players lined up properly, that he doesn't get his playmakers the ball, that he's not improving at all, and that he's shown what he's capable of at this point... That's just the players, not the "source". Even the GM says "his growth isn't where it needs to be", which in GM speak is pretty scathing since you'd never hear him say, "he's a huge disappointment". I'm not sure why a new offensive coordinator would change any of those opinions. It sounds like wishful thinking.

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No Rex shouldn't be fired-yet anyway. He has the right to run a team with the coaches that HE wants, not be handed a young up-and-coming OC just because the team likes him. WTHBS, Rex's head is the next one on the chopping block and maybe Tannenbaum's after that-with these firings the guillotine line just got a little shorter,

I said it the weeks before this season even ended that this is a very pissed off Woody Johnson who will be making the next moves. I see the potential Peyton Manning concentration being Woody's idea. I said that this season has been a Jets fan's worst nightmare-the Pats on their way to another Super Bowl in a rematch of the 2007 game with either them or the Giants winning it all-Woody is not a happy man right now and he demands results and has told Tannenbaum to do whatever it takes to get us Manning-even if that means trading Revis and dumping Sanchez-this WILL happen and Rex can talk all he wants about how great Revis is and that he's the best football player alive it won't mean a damn thing to Johnson HE WANTS RESULTS.

I don't think Tanny gets to hire a third coach. Absolutely true about Sanchez looking at the pass rush instead of his progressions. You could see him doing it. If he is scared, he is useless. It is one thing to be scared of Mario Williams bearing down on you. It is way worse to be afraid of the game plans that are handed to you. I hope Woody does put his foot down. The Sparano hiring does not thrill me, but I would rather see a more vertical approach in the passing game. I think he will do a good job with the running game. Can Sanchez execute a vertical passing game? I am not so sure.

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Disagree. I think it's becoming clear the environment Schotty created on that side of the ball wasn't conducive to getting the most out of his players. If you read the complaints you can see what they're mad about.

There's a history of players not respecting Schotty whether it be Favre refusing to run his offense, Mason mouthing off, Santonio going Manny... Give the offense a stronger leader(s) and a lot of this whining goes away.

Hey, i don't doubt that having two guys with as much experiance as Haley and Sparano is going to be > the Schotty.. but the mere fact that we're filling our offense with 2 former HC's tells you all you need to know about who the problem is here

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