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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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So she votes JC "without a reason" and that's scummy. But everyone else has voted without reason and that's ok. IT was ok for Song or Dan or whoever to "skim" the thread and not have anything to comment on the 35 plus pages of spam but when Lily does it that is a scumtell. Granted I almost always find Lily suspicious in ever game but this is stretching bullsh*t so thin it's see thru.

the point is she's standing out from the crowd

whatever anyone else has done is not currently my concern as they didn't draw my attention

I'm sure scummy behavior will catch up with everyone later in the game but on this day 1 it's Lily that's standing out as most scummy to me

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Listen, if I put a vote on someone for a flimsy reason, that will be seen as scummy. I need something at least semi-solid. I literally can't do anything right with this crowd, so I do what feels right to me. Rule 14.

This. The fact you are afraid of doing things that "seem scummy" is my reason for voting you. You have voted JC and made sure to point out that its what you normally doing on D1, and there were a couple other posts that seemed like safe-guards more than anything to keep up the impression that you are doing what you always do... your posting like that, in the midst of sh*t storm of stupidity.

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Owch. You broke my heart.

I don't see it on Lily. *shrugs* I undersstand that there has been lots of spam, and the game has to start somewhere, but I don't see Lily as that, yet.

So your saying "don't lynch Lily". Got it.

Nolder -- I follow you on the logic of not letting someone slip by on scummy behavior just because it's how they are. My point has just been that I can understand Lily not having much to add to all that earlier. I had just read through what seemed like several hundred posts of nothing but asian hotties and pokemon pics...along with people complaining about it lol.

I don't find anything she's done to be townie or scummy, yet.

So your saying "don't lynch Lily". Got it.

So she votes JC "without a reason" and that's scummy. But everyone else has voted without reason and that's ok. IT was ok for Song or Dan or whoever to "skim" the thread and not have anything to comment on the 35 plus pages of spam but when Lily does it that is a scumtell. Granted I almost always find Lily suspicious in ever game but this is stretching bullsh*t so thin it's see thru.

Perhaps you should read my explanation for why she's being voted, not Nolderps...

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No matter what you type... this is all I see:

"Like, oh emmm geee ... hi-yeee boys!! I just wanna like tell you guys that APE is TOWN I swear to gawd, I like totally guarantee it 100% or I'll forfeit my totally way rad super cute nickname I gave myself: The Greatest Scum MVP Evah"


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JC is my usual day one vote, and I'm not seeing anything vote-worthy at this time.

Vote Count:

Nolder (1) - Smash

Wombat (3) - Dan, JVOR, Song

Klecko (1) - 80

Ape (1) - CTM

80 (8) - Sakaea, JiF, Pac, Leelou, Nae, Hess, JC, Migisi

Pac (1) - DPR

Dan (1) - Verb

Verb (2) - Crusher, SMC

StraightCash(2) - Sharrow, AVM

Lily (5) - Ape, Vic, Nolder, Wombat, StraightCash

With 27 alive, it takes 14 to lynch.

Lily, only you and Klecko are not voting as of now. You mean after your whole catch up nothing stuck out as vote worthy?

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I like the vote on Lily - for reasons explained. Playing "not to look scummy".

I like the vote on Klacko because he didn't flip out when he got here and saw a train on him.

I'm going to be pre-occupied at work today, so carry on like a bunch of chimps raping frogs... as per the usual...

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we want to get this to 100 pages before a lynching?

lol @ the people passively defending the day 1 lynch candidates... as if there's a read to be had in this massive crowd with pages of nonsense.


we need a death that makes sense

do the right thing, vote Lily

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Nolder -- I follow you on the logic of not letting someone slip by on scummy behavior just because it's how they are. My point has just been that I can understand Lily not having much to add to all that earlier. I had just read through what seemed like several hundred posts of nothing but asian hotties and pokemon pics...along with people complaining about it lol.

I don't find anything she's done to be townie or scummy, yet.

really? I've seen tons of people voting without a reason and I don't think anyone has said anything about it

granted that sort of attitude shifts from game to game and even day to day but I don't think anyone would have found it odd in this game in this day 1

but yeah I guess it's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation

sorry Lily but I see what I'm seeing I guess and what I see is scummy

Nolder what I see is a hyper-active child that forgot to take his rit-lin. Either your a little frustrated with day 1 and trying to get something going by pushing this or you sold of your meds to buy some classic u-gee-oh cards. Im ok with you dying.


vote nolder

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Just banged some chick named Jif.

Let me guess: cute face, nice buns, tan toned body (Sun's Out, Gun's Out)...got frisky, took control, flipped your around, finished up, kicked you out, but showed you the bus schedule on the bedroom door once she was finished so you could get home safe?

You should probably get yourself tested. For like everything.

Truth. She's like a Merry-go-round

I'm going to go ahead a Vote: Wombat simply because he's a no-good Chowd.

Best case I've seen so far besides killing 80 or Nolder because they are the 2 most annoying people in the game.

80, Nolder or Wbat - I'm down with all 3.

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we want to get this to 100 pages before a lynching?

lol @ the people passively defending the day 1 lynch candidates... as if there's a read to be had in this massive crowd with pages of nonsense.


I agree. There's 27 players this game, death will come eventually, but we don't have to let it drag. Noone stands out to me so I'm cool shooting darts on a board.

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Just that your a hyperactive twit and agree with AVM that not too much game content to get really into anyone as scum right now. So if you died I would be ok with it.

if you were just trying to agree with AVM what was the point of quoting me?

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Nolder what I see is a hyper-active child that forgot to take his rit-lin. Either your a little frustrated with day 1 and trying to get something going by pushing this or you sold of your meds to buy some classic u-gee-oh cards. Im ok with you dying.


vote nolder

Nolder believes that when you are town, and you think you have a case, you are supposed to sell it to everyone and try to convince them to follow your vote. Which is why I think he's pushing Lily the way he is. I still have a town read on him, but would kill him just to reduce the thread static.

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