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NY media is disgusting


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They are so full of sh*t! They make up stories. Period. Cromartie didn't come out and declare he was the second best reciever on the team! They asked him to f---in rank himself. Rex didn't come out and yell, "I am the best defensive coach in football!" He was explaining why he did something by stating that in HIS MIND he was the best defensive guy out there." That's called confidence. Eli didn't come out and say he was elite. They asked him. Revis didn't come out and declare that Moss is a slouch....they asked him to play word association. Michael Kay has been trying desperately to get Tebow to say something. The scumbag asks--" Come on, I know when you're alone at night you don't think of yourself as a back up. You think of yourself as a starter, don't you?" What a d---! If there's one thing I can say for Tebow, he dodges questions like a champ. lol

Then these guys, like Serby writes a column on how devisive Cro is for saying that! And my God, you HAVE to question Rex's intelligence when he was so badly beaten up by the media last year that he was in tears, and he sends Santonio Holmes to plead with them to take it easy this year....but at the same time, for a backup QB, a fourth round value, he is willing to invite every single reporter on espn's staff to come and dig up a story. lmao Seriously?

As much confidence as I have in #6, I just dont see how he overcomes this. If the Saints are putting "bounties' on players for a couple grand, I wonder what the price is for taking Sanchez out. lmao And why would this jackass even put him out there? smh He pretty much screwed "his guy" over, no matter what he says....and he has to know it by now.

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they can all hate but if you ever watch the NFL channel . .what team is it that gets the most coverage. . thats right the J ✈ E ✈ T ✈ S ✈ JETS✈ ✈JETS✈ ✈ #JETS

Have you considered this may not be a good thing? It's difficult enough to live in the fish bowl called New York. Magnify that by 100 by staying in the national media eye and it becomes, how shall I say - stressful?

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They are so full of sh*t! They make up stories. Period. Cromartie didn't come out and declare he was the second best reciever on the team! They asked him to f---in rank himself. Rex didn't come out and yell, "I am the best defensive coach in football!" He was explaining why he did something by stating that in HIS MIND he was the best defensive guy out there." That's called confidence. Eli didn't come out and say he was elite. They asked him. Revis didn't come out and declare that Moss is a slouch....they asked him to play word association. Michael Kay has been trying desperately to get Tebow to say something. The scumbag asks--" Come on, I know when you're alone at night you don't think of yourself as a back up. You think of yourself as a starter, don't you?" What a d---! If there's one thing I can say for Tebow, he dodges questions like a champ. lol

Then these guys, like Serby writes a column on how devisive Cro is for saying that! And my God, you HAVE to question Rex's intelligence when he was so badly beaten up by the media last year that he was in tears, and he sends Santonio Holmes to plead with them to take it easy this year....but at the same time, for a backup QB, a fourth round value, he is willing to invite every single reporter on espn's staff to come and dig up a story. lmao Seriously?

As much confidence as I have in #6, I just dont see how he overcomes this. If the Saints are putting "bounties' on players for a couple grand, I wonder what the price is for taking Sanchez out. lmao And why would this jackass even put him out there? smh He pretty much screwed "his guy" over, no matter what he says....and he has to know it by now.

Your title says NY Media is a joke. Then you mention the Cromartie thing. That interview wasn't the NY media, it was a national TV show.

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Sports interviews are really bad. Really, really bad.

Have you ever thought about just HOW bad they are? The whole enterprise is so pointless, questions are asked with the expectation that nothing is to actually be answered. So on the 1% of occasions where there actually is an answer, it's a freaking feeding frenzy.

To compare, consider the White House press conferences where no answers are ever actually given. Just think of how dumb those are, then realize that sports interviews are even worse than that.

And with regards to a moron like Michael Kay, let's review in chronological order: 1) He baits Eli Manning into admitting he's elite, 2) trashes him for 3 months because of said admission, 3) Eli wins his second superbowl a few months later, 4) No apology is ever issued.

Now about Rex Ryan. Here's a guy who inherited a team without a QB, coaching a team notorious for losing, and went 28-20 over 3 years plus 4-2 in the playoffs with 2 AFC Championship appearances, has never had a losing season, is a hell of a lot of fun, reinvigorated the franchise and the fanbase and yet despite ALL OF THIS, is allegedly on the "hot seat" and at risk of losing his job. LOL what the hell?

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Did "the media" make Rex Ryan say he thought he was the best defensive coach around?

Did "the media" make Antonio Cromartie say he would be the 2nd WR on the Jets?

Reporters' jobs are to write/report stories that interest the public, so they ask questions. That's no reason for the Jets coaches or players to provide them with ammunition.

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Did "the media" make Rex Ryan say he thought he was the best defensive coach around?

Did "the media" make Antonio Cromartie say he would be the 2nd WR on the Jets?

Reporters' jobs are to write/report stories that interest the public, so they ask questions. That's no reason for the Jets coaches or players to provide them with ammunition.

Are you still trying to make an issue out of that? I swear, this site has the most feeble trolls...

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