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Tebow's Comments on Boomer


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So Boomer said Tebow should be cut. Tebow was asked about why he went on the show and I thought this was interesting:

On why he went on Boomer Esiason’s show…

I went on it because Bruce (Speight) and the PR department told me to.

On Esiason’s show…

I don’t have any problem with Mr. Esiason or them. That’s his opinion, everyone has their opinion and that doesn’t change my perspective of the show or him as a person. I wouldn’t be afraid of going on.

On what he thinks about Esiason’s comment that he should be cut…

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and that’s his opinion. I guess you could say it’s a little fuel to the fire but not really. I’ve heard a lot of negativity my whole life and I don’t really let that get me too high or too low. I just want to be the same person and have a smile on my face. I never change based on one person’s analysis of me or how I play. I think the better thing you could say was when he said he wouldn’t mind having me as a son-in-law. I’d rather have that compliment than him thinking that I’m a quarterback.

On whether he takes Esiason’s comment about being a bad quarterback but a good guy as a compliment…

I would rather be known as someone with good character than a good football player but I do want to be known as a good football player as well.

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You almost have to feel bad for Tebow at this point*. ESPN, as is their M.O., glorifies a player for weeks on end (Bonds, Lebron, Kobe, Dwight), then fetishizes the act of ridiculing the same player when it becomes expedient. Boomer is a godforsaken moron who should get crushed by a bus, but he's only playing the same card as ESPN. It's not like that drooling simp could engineer an original thought even if he wanted to.

*Yesssss, I know Tebow's made a lot of money for being a bad QB and, thus, deserves no pity. GFY

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I hate ESPN.

they even f*** up football broadcasts by having this ASSHAT Jon Gruden color commentating on games

every other play "Boy I tell ya what, I sure would love to have this guy on my team"

if Gruden comes back to coaching he's going to be very upset to find out rosters haven't been expanded to 500 players yet and that you can only put 11 on the field at once.

they have sub-par NBA coverage to TNT and Terry Francona is worthless as a 3rd wheel for baseball. I miss Jon Miller calling games.

as for programming? Sports Center is a joke compared to what it used to be, PTI is still okay but Tony is on vacation 30 weeks a year and Skip Bayless is their most famous personality now because they encourage him to make the most ridiculous statements for ratings. Funny thing is, who actually WATCHES his show? I don't know anyone who does...

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Stephen A is a little awesome. He gets a little too into himself sometimes, but I like the guy. I actually like Michael Kay & Don LaGreca too on the radio...except when Kay is talking about the Yankees. Then it's terrible. But the rest of the time, he's okay.

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I'd like just once for tebow to say "he can go **** himself" or something. You could say his mother sucks cock for crack money and he'd still respond with his normal answer. Come on tebow let one go. Next time someone interviews him tell him religion is a bunch of made bs and Jesus was nothing more then a normal human.

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You almost have to feel bad for Tebow at this point*. ESPN, as is their M.O., glorifies a player for weeks on end (Bonds, Lebron, Kobe, Dwight), then fetishizes the act of ridiculing the same player when it becomes expedient.

Which makes it all the more impressive. The guy never wavers, ever. Nothing phases him. Nobody ever goads him into slipping up. Not one press conference or interview or random statement. The guy's ice. Lebron? Wavered. Kobe? Wavered. Bonds? Dwight? Yup. Yup. World leaders, crime bosses, scholars, movie stars, they all waver. But Tebow? Never.

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Stephen A is a little awesome. He gets a little too into himself sometimes, but I like the guy. I actually like Michael Kay & Don LaGreca too on the radio...except when Kay is talking about the Yankees. Then it's terrible. But the rest of the time, he's okay.

Stephen A can be entertaining, especially when he's just taking calls. He needs to avoid talking about football, though, because he's really, really bad at it. He's improved a lot since his first ESPN stint, IMO, which was horrific.

Since we're talking radio, they may as well pull the plug over at WFAN. The whole product has become one self-satisfied, boring ****fest of talk that really needs an infusion of new talent ASAP. Boomer and Carton are horrible, Joe and Evan are dead air, and Mike Francesa retired ten years ago and didn't tell anybody. Add to that the fact that they stick Mark Malusis--who's gifted at being both condescending and insipid--on for every fill-in shift, and there's literally no reason to keep that station on your pre-selects.

The only thing keeping them alive in the ratings is that ESPN keeps screwing up their midday slot. Lupica is nails-on-chalkboard grating and Stephen A with Ryan Ruocco hasn't worked at all. Kay can be ok when he's not blowing the Yankees, and Mike and Mike are improved, but still get hamstrung by having to serve the ESPN corporate master in all of their content.

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Which makes it all the more impressive. The guy never wavers, ever. Nothing phases him. Nobody ever goads him into slipping up. Not one press conference or interview or random statement. The guy's ice. Lebron? Wavered. Kobe? Wavered. Bonds? Dwight? Yup. Yup. World leaders, crime bosses, scholars, movie stars, they all waver. But Tebow? Never.

It's impressive from a restraint standpoint, but you'd like to see him--just once--have an Everett v Rome table-flipping moment with one of these hacks. The radio hosts in NY are taking turns patting themselves on the back for insulting Tebow to his face, which is just cowardly because they know Tebow won't challenge them. Boomer Esiason and Stephen A both have promos for their shows with the soundbytes of their "going after" Tebow in interviews. It's sad almost.

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what has Esaiason said that wasn't true or his honest opinion? He didn't like the acquisition, Tebow is not an nfl qb and is a distraction and was undercutting Sanchez and that Tebow was good guy and that he would be proud to have him as a son in law.

It's everyone's right to voice an opinion and Boomer's comes from a 4 time pro bowl qb

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I'd like just once for tebow to say "he can go fuck himself" or something. You could say his mother sucks cock for crack money and he'd still respond with his normal answer. Come on tebow let one go. Next time someone interviews him tell him religion is a bunch of made bs and Jesus was nothing more then a normal human.

Oh man, that would be awesome. If he just snapped. He wouldn't even have to curse. Just get mad...that would go VIRAL in seconds.

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what has Esaiason said that wasn't true or his honest opinion? He didn't like the acquisition, Tebow is not an nfl qb and is a distraction and was undercutting Sanchez and that Tebow was good guy and that he would be proud to have him as a son in law.

It's everyone's right to voice an opinion and Boomer's comes from a 4 time pro bowl qb

I think suggesting that the Jets should cut Tebow was a bit much.

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Stephen A can be entertaining, especially when he's just taking calls. He needs to avoid talking about football, though, because he's really, really bad at it. He's improved a lot since his first ESPN stint, IMO, which was horrific.

Since we're talking radio, they may as well pull the plug over at WFAN. The whole product has become one self-satisfied, boring ****fest of talk that really needs an infusion of new talent ASAP. Boomer and Carton are horrible, Joe and Evan are dead air, and Mike Francesa retired ten years ago and didn't tell anybody. Add to that the fact that they stick Mark Malusis--who's gifted at being both condescending and insipid--on for every fill-in shift, and there's literally no reason to keep that station on your pre-selects.

The only thing keeping them alive in the ratings is that ESPN keeps screwing up their midday slot. Lupica is nails-on-chalkboard grating and Stephen A with Ryan Ruocco hasn't worked at all. Kay can be ok when he's not blowing the Yankees, and Mike and Mike are improved, but still get hamstrung by having to serve the ESPN corporate master in all of their content.

WFAN has really taking a big move into the tank in the last few years. I probably listen to more ESPN now, though often I just find myself going back to FM. I probably should just go get Sirius in my car. When we got it for my wifes car I figured I would never use it because I usually spend so much time on WFAN but WFAN is less and less now. WFAN needs younger guys or something like that. Half of Francesa's show is waxing poetic about the Yankees from the 1960s, 25% of it is dead air or him searching for a word to talk about something that has nothing to do with anything, and maybe the final 25% is topical. I still think he does the best interviews on the radio, but the guests are few and far in between. Hes also not confrontational like he used to be because they are clearly afraid of losing property to ESPN which is what happened with the Jets.

I think part of the reason why I like ESPN better is because they do offer more coverage aspects. They have become a football all year station which works for me. Francesa is going to be football fridays and mondays until the Yankees are done. WFAN barely touches the NBA which is crazy. They had a solid Knicks team this season, playoffs that drew interest all around because of Lebron and Durant, and an offseason with a bunch of stories involving a local team and you would think its about as popular as the WNBA the way WFAN covers it. Of course ESPN totally drives me away when they spend a day on soccer, Lance Armstrong, and certain college teams. The ESPN propaganda can be nauseating and its most apparent on Mike & Mike. If they had ever locked down UFC like they tried it would be all over their airwaves, but because they did not its never mentioned but they will discuss some more obscure sport that does a tenth of the business in the US.

Steven A is what he is. I think if you take him for comedy he is great. Outside of the NBA he has about as much knowledge of the other sports as my 3 year old daughter, but I think thats part of the comedy gold. When he gets to fill in on his own and do the spots with guys like Jayson Stark its hilarious. See all the other ESPN guys are basically given scripts to read from when their sports outside their area come on (poor Mercelius Wiley sounds like hes reading from a telepromter when he is on during the baseball talk as he recites the memorized generic question of the day) but Smith is great because he just says whats on his mind no matter how nuts it is. They certainly have more faith in him now as they dont pair him up with anyone now which they had to do after a few weeks the last time because he was so awful. They do need to get him an update guy though. His updates are rough. Its clear he never reads them over before he updates and I dont think he ever did updates before.

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It's impressive from a restraint standpoint, but you'd like to see him--just once--have an Everett v Rome table-flipping moment with one of these hacks. The radio hosts in NY are taking turns patting themselves on the back for insulting Tebow to his face, which is just cowardly because they know Tebow won't challenge them. Boomer Esiason and Stephen A both have promos for their shows with the soundbytes of their "going after" Tebow in interviews. It's sad almost.

Tebow really has the advantage, he hasn't insulted anyone, or lied about anything, and no string of

babies to worry about, no messed up anything... no dysfunctional upbringing etc..

Tebow's Psyche > Boomer, Stephen A, et al Insults

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If they had ever locked down UFC like they tried it would be all over their airwaves, but because they did not its never mentioned but they will discuss some more obscure sport that does a tenth of the business in the US.

Their fight coverage in general is a joke. The small efforts they've made with mini-UFC shows with guys like Florian are really good and they don't even bother showing them, which isn't remotely justifiable considering the ratings that it draws on Spike. The Henderson injury wasn't even on their front page today. I mean come on.

Even with boxing, their effort was lackluster. Friday Night Fights isn't going to draw good interest unless it's someone local, and even when that's actually the case, ESPN does dick to promote the fight. I get the attempt at going back to the old tradition of Friday night boxing, (it's low cost and low risk, those shows are already organized so all ESPN has to do is set up cameras), but you can't approach the fight game that way anymore with the heavyweight division in the toilet. It might help if they actually did some coverage of it on SportsCenter, but there's no way to know because they don't even try. Arum and Golden Boy only compound the problem by refusing to let them use any clips of any fights the night of. For ****'s sake, Chavez Jr and Sergio are fighting in 2 weeks and they haven't said dick about it, and it's the biggest middleweight fight to come along since Hopkins/DLH.

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Oh man, that would be awesome. If he just snapped. He wouldn't even have to curse. Just get mad...that would go VIRAL in seconds.

He got an unsportsmanlike for doing a Gator Chomp in someones face, the teams they were facing

he was getting death threats from in college, but the only other time one might say he was pissed off, was after a loss

to Mississippi and he made "The Promise" , which ended with a *very nasty * "God Bless"..

The local radio hosts were playing it up big time, adding sound effects to the "God Bless" making it sound like

a creature .. The team had 22 wins in a row after that. Twenty Two..

I think Tebow will do that somewhere in the NFL too..without a doubt.

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You almost have to feel bad for Tebow at this point*. ESPN, as is their M.O., glorifies a player for weeks on end (Bonds, Lebron, Kobe, Dwight), then fetishizes the act of ridiculing the same player when it becomes expedient. Boomer is a godforsaken moron who should get crushed by a bus, but he's only playing the same card as ESPN. It's not like that drooling simp could engineer an original thought even if he wanted to.

*Yesssss, I know Tebow's made a lot of money for being a bad QB and, thus, deserves no pity. GFY

Well said. Really well said.

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It's impressive from a restraint standpoint, but you'd like to see him--just once--have an Everett v Rome table-flipping moment with one of these hacks. The radio hosts in NY are taking turns patting themselves on the back for insulting Tebow to his face, which is just cowardly because they know Tebow won't challenge them. Boomer Esiason and Stephen A both have promos for their shows with the soundbytes of their "going after" Tebow in interviews. It's sad almost.

If I just knew you from this thread alone, you'd be, like my favorite poster.

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Their fight coverage in general is a joke. The small efforts they've made with mini-UFC shows with guys like Florian are really good and they don't even bother showing them, which isn't remotely justifiable considering the ratings that it draws on Spike. The Henderson injury wasn't even on their front page today. I mean come on.

Even with boxing, their effort was lackluster. Friday Night Fights isn't going to draw good interest unless it's someone local, and even when that's actually the case, ESPN does dick to promote the fight. I get the attempt at going back to the old tradition of Friday night boxing, (it's low cost and low risk, those shows are already organized so all ESPN has to do is set up cameras), but you can't approach the fight game that way anymore with the heavyweight division in the toilet. It might help if they actually did some coverage of it on SportsCenter, but there's no way to know because they don't even try. Arum and Golden Boy only compound the problem by refusing to let them use any clips of any fights the night of. For ****'s sake, Chavez Jr and Sergio are fighting in 2 weeks and they haven't said dick about it, and it's the biggest middleweight fight to come along since Hopkins/DLH.

Its why ESPN sucks most of the time. They dont run the station like an independent news outlet. Its basically a vehicle to promote the sports with which they have agreements. Even their radio stations are run that way. Obviously Im glad they cover the Jets, but its almost exclusive Jets this time of year. They have made them and the Knicks the focal point of everything they do. There is a time and place for that but it shouldnt be at the expense of everything else simply because you dont have a contract with them.

The fight coverage is a joke. Its the old Vince McMahon strategy of if I dont own it then it really doesnt exist promoting. When ESPN was vying for UFC years ago they were putting it all over Sportscenter. You had Mike & Mike discussing a fight coming up and saying things like how the sport was growing exponentially and going to be overtaking boxing and maybe being a major sport. They lost out to Spike and you never heard them bring up jack about UFC anymore. Meanwhile if they are broadcasting the Nathans hot dog eating contest they will spend all morning talking about eating technique and the incredible talent of the competitive eater with of course lots of jokes about Mike Golics waist. You can have a major UFC fight that draws huge on PPV and ESPN will devote a sentence to it. Its just bad because with the exception of the NFL they are more or less the company that helps determine what sports the casual fan is really going to be interested in.

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Its why ESPN sucks most of the time. They dont run the station like an independent news outlet. Its basically a vehicle to promote the sports with which they have agreements. Even their radio stations are run that way. Obviously Im glad they cover the Jets, but its almost exclusive Jets this time of year. They have made them and the Knicks the focal point of everything they do. There is a time and place for that but it shouldnt be at the expense of everything else simply because you dont have a contract with them.

The fight coverage is a joke. Its the old Vince McMahon strategy of if I dont own it then it really doesnt exist promoting. When ESPN was vying for UFC years ago they were putting it all over Sportscenter. You had Mike & Mike discussing a fight coming up and saying things like how the sport was growing exponentially and going to be overtaking boxing and maybe being a major sport. They lost out to Spike and you never heard them bring up jack about UFC anymore. Meanwhile if they are broadcasting the Nathans hot dog eating contest they will spend all morning talking about eating technique and the incredible talent of the competitive eater with of course lots of jokes about Mike Golics waist. You can have a major UFC fight that draws huge on PPV and ESPN will devote a sentence to it. Its just bad because with the exception of the NFL they are more or less the company that helps determine what sports the casual fan is really going to be interested in.

In any other era of sports, Ward/Dawson is talked about non-stop. 2 unquestionably top 10 fighters are lining up to fight each other and not so much as a smidgen of a mention when it's 2 weeks out. Both American to boot. It's just sad. And HBO being subscription based really has nothing to gain from giving them access to their reels either. As a fight fan who just wants some regular news to watch on TV sometimes it blows.

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In any other era of sports, Ward/Dawson is talked about non-stop. 2 unquestionably top 10 fighters are lining up to fight each other and not so much as a smidgen of a mention when it's 2 weeks out. Both American to boot. It's just sad. And HBO being subscription based really has nothing to gain from giving them access to their reels either. As a fight fan who just wants some regular news to watch on TV sometimes it blows.

Is it wrong I hate Chavez Jr. My dad loved his old man. I still remember when he drawed against Sweet Pea and my Dad was crushed. I remember how Chavez Sr sounded like a loser saying Whitaker threw low blows. Made me dislike him from that moment on and Jr just reminds me of him.

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Is it wrong I hate Chavez Jr. My dad loved his old man. I still remember when he drawed against Sweet Pea and my Dad was crushed. I remember how Chavez Sr sounded like a loser saying Whitaker threw low blows. Made me dislike him from that moment on and Jr just reminds me of him.

That was hands down the biggest robbery in the history of boxing up until this past summer. It really speaks to how shocking of a decision the Bradley card was when it got mentioned immediately with Chavez/Whitaker, though I'd probably still give Sweet Pea's the nod. It was that ridiculous. Whitaker clearly won at least 10 rounds very convincingly and they scored it a draw. That was the first time he'd ever been clearly been beaten and he really didn't know how to take it.

I know I felt the same way about Jr up until the Lee fight. He wasn't fooling anyone with that padded record and he drew such a gate from Mexicans that they just kept up with it. But boxing fans aren't stupid and neither are ranking orgs. Once Roach took him on you knew something was up, because at this stage of his life he's not going to take any guy on simply for money. I kind of had a feeling he might pan out after the Zbik fight, because Zbik isn't a star but he was also never a pushover. Then I thought he'd really have a tough time with Andy Lee, who's very legit and was most certainly a contender and Jr just destroyed him. Kid has a chin just like his dad's and Roach helped him realize that he really loves to bang. The way he goes to the body is brutal to watch and comes from his dad's influence, particularly that liver punch.

I was really, really shocked he took the Martinez fight so quickly. I don't know what his plan could possibly be considering body punching is hands down his strength and nobody ever gets inside on Martinez because of how shifty he is. He also better not try and goad Martinez into a brawl like he did with Lee because Martinez has an incredible chin, not to mention that he's seriously hurt anyone who's pulled that act. The only thing that may have been a factor is that Martinez has been on cruise control since he ended Punisher's career because the middleweight division really hasn't provided much competition. There's also the rumor that he ducked Pirog, so it's quite possible Roach thinks his age finally caught up with him. I personally don't see it. I think Jr has a really entertaining career ahead of him because of his willingness to brawl and the fact that he's actually good at it, but Martinez has plenty left in the tank considering his late start in the sport and the incredible shape he keeps himself in.

But yeah, him being a Mexican icon is 100% from his pops. Which is kind of annoying considering the traditional Mexican heroes come from nothing, like his dad did.

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WFAN has really taking a big move into the tank in the last few years. I probably listen to more ESPN now, though often I just find myself going back to FM. I probably should just go get Sirius in my car. When we got it for my wifes car I figured I would never use it because I usually spend so much time on WFAN but WFAN is less and less now. WFAN needs younger guys or something like that. Half of Francesa's show is waxing poetic about the Yankees from the 1960s, 25% of it is dead air or him searching for a word to talk about something that has nothing to do with anything, and maybe the final 25% is topical.

I'm definitely in the same boat. It's pretty much all 1050 for me now, and for the same reasons. Even as meticulously contrived as ESPN's radio and TV content is, they wisely seem to let their payrolled field journalists do their jobs, so you're always getting credible info from Kirkjian, Jayston Stark, John Clayton, Mort, Olney, etc. It's what their studio "personalities" do with that info that makes you sick.

Also agree on Francesa. Not replacing Russo was a bad move for him and that show. As annoying as Russo was, he at least moved the needle along. Now, like you said, you get mind-numbing three-hour blocks of Francesa explaining to himself why Jeter is a supah-stah and David Wright is just a stah.

I still think he does the best interviews on the radio, but the guests are few and far in between. Hes also not confrontational like he used to be because they are clearly afraid of losing property to ESPN which is what happened with the Jets.

Also true, although John Mara pulled Eli Manning's weekly slot away from 1050 and gave it to Francesa. The interviews are good, but it's another area that having a partner would help Francesa, so he can avoid turning every tough interview into a beatdown, like the Revis thing last year.

WFAN barely touches the NBA which is crazy. They had a solid Knicks team this season, playoffs that drew interest all around because of Lebron and Durant, and an offseason with a bunch of stories involving a local team and you would think its about as popular as the WNBA the way WFAN covers it.

This is true, and it goes back to the on-air talent, most of whom started when the Knicks weren't drawing ratings, so the NBA isn't a strength for any of them. Francesa will get into it every now and then, but he's in Jim Dolan's pocket.

Of course ESPN totally drives me away when they spend a day on soccer, Lance Armstrong, and certain college teams. The ESPN propaganda can be nauseating and its most apparent on Mike & Mike. If they had ever locked down UFC like they tried it would be all over their airwaves, but because they did not its never mentioned but they will discuss some more obscure sport that does a tenth of the business in the US.

This is the downside to 1050. I'm pretty sure they use it for beta-testing topics for their TV product. Every time somebody gets caught with PED's, the entire day is devoted to morbidly discussing what a great tragedy it all is, as if we've all forgotten the genuflecting ESPN did to Bonds, McGwire and Sosa. Now they do entire hours on Melky Cabrera and Lance Armstrong to see if anybody gives a crap.

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someone needs to tell Evan Roberts no one cares about Jonathan Niece failing on a sacrifice bunt in August

This is Evan Roberts, in a nutshell: "At the end of the day, is it a big deal? No. But it is what it is."

Always great radiozzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzz

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This is Evan Roberts, in a nutshell: "At the end of the day, is it a big deal? No. But it is what it is."

Always great radiozzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzz

all he wants to talk about is the Mets and Beningo just seems to be clock watching at this point.

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all he wants to talk about is the Mets and Beningo just seems to be clock watching at this point.

Here's how I'd fix WFAN:

6-10: Dan Patrick

10-1: Kim Jones and Frank Isola

1-6: Francesa and Boomer

Use Somers and Roberts to fill out the rest. Send Carton back to South Jersey where he belongs. Let Benigno do weekends.

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I don't commute nor travel as much as I used to. But I have Sirius in the car, and truth be told Russo, despite the grating voice, is a really good listen.He knows his stuff, and when he doesn't(like hockey) he's not afraid of brinigng someone on who does and picking their brain. And unlike Francesa he has as sense of humor about how he makes his living. Even when he goes off there's a wink and a nod to him that tells you this is all about having a good time. Were I running FAN or ESPN priority 1 would be getting him back on NY radio, without the Manhasset retiree.

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He got an unsportsmanlike for doing a Gator Chomp in someones face, the teams they were facing

he was getting death threats from in college, but the only other time one might say he was pissed off, was after a loss

to Mississippi and he made "The Promise" , which ended with a *very nasty * "God Bless"..

The local radio hosts were playing it up big time, adding sound effects to the "God Bless" making it sound like

a creature .. The team had 22 wins in a row after that. Twenty Two..

I think Tebow will do that somewhere in the NFL too..without a doubt.

did you see his college interview on June Jones and Colt Brennen...that is the closest to snapping I have ever seen him. Not mad, just smart ass answers to the questions

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did you see his college interview on June Jones and Colt Brennen...that is the closest to snapping I have ever seen him. Not mad, just smart ass answers to the questions

I doubt with what he has had people say about him, threaten him with, etc..he would snap, but who knows with the way

these replacement refs are behaving..

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Maybe with Boomer it’s a case of sour grapes!

Cincy struggled the last few years when Boomer was the QB. And when his performance plummeted, he blamed it on the players around him, not his weak arm. Nice guy!

By the time Boomer came to us, he wasn’t much good:

1993: 16 TDs / 11 INTs

1994: 17 TDs / 13 INTs

1995: 16 TDs / 15 INTs

We cut his non-performing-interception-throwing-arse and now he wants us to cut Tebow, who hasn’t even played a reg season game for the Jets???

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