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The Story of Mark Sanchez and the Deflected Football


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Does anyone else notice this?..Mark Sanchez has more footballs batted down and deflected at the line of scrimmage than any QB in the HISTORY of the NFL..Sanchez's height should not be a problem either, considering he's a supposed 6'2..Which leads us to the following question..Why does Mark Sanchez keep throwing that pesky Football into the 'paws' of the opposing D-Line?..Well, In my opinion there are 2 major problems that cause Sanchez to continue this bad QB habit, that i found..Sanchez's fault could be in his over the top delivery..What you say?..That's right, his classical over-the-top delivery when released too late aims where?...You guessed it..The GROUND,,LOW-RELEASE,,Think(Donovan McNabb delivery,,similar over-the-top release)..This fault in Mark's throwing motion, combined with his apparent jitterness and anxiousness in the pocket,combined with his fragile mind-set and yellow stripe running down his spine all contribute to this never ending problem for Mark Sanchez..He senses pressure he'd rather throw a int than take a hit...God Bless

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Does anyone else notice this?..Mark Sanchez has more footballs batted down and deflected at the line of scrimmage than any QB in the HISTORY of the NFL..Sanchez's height should not be a problem either, considering he's a supposed 6'2..Which leads us to the following question..Why does Mark Sanchez keep throwing that pesky Football into the 'paws' of the opposing D-Line?..Well, In my opinion there are 2 major problems that cause Sanchez to continue this bad QB habit, that i found..Sanchez's fault could be in his over the top delivery..What you say?..That's right, his classical over-the-top delivery when released too late aims where?...You guessed it..The GROUND,,LOW-RELEASE,,Think(Donovan McNabb delivery,,similar over-the-top release)..This fault in Mark's throwing motion, combined with his apparent jitterness and anxiousness in the pocket,combined with his fragile mind-set and yellow stripe running down his spine all contribute to this never ending problem for Mark Sanchez..He senses pressure he'd rather throw a int than take a hit...God Bless

Let's start a poll

What kind of troll is this

Patriots troll?

Giants troll?

Bills troll?

Tebow troll?

Normally my 1st guess would be a Patriots troll, but now a days it seems there are more Tebow trolls than anything so I say Tebow troll.

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This is a two-fold problem: 1) Sanchez is 6'2" which is just borderline Average Starting QB height. 2) Sanchez does not always throw with a traditional over-the-top release. He often releases the ball around his ear, which allows the longer armed defenders to knock the ball down. There have been shorter QBs than Sanchez who have had success in the NFL, Drew Brees for instance, but in most of those cases the player in question has a much higher point of release than what is normally produced by Sanchez.

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Does anyone else notice this?..Mark Sanchez has more footballs batted down and deflected at the line of scrimmage than any QB in the HISTORY of the NFL..Sanchez's height should not be a problem either, considering he's a supposed 6'2..Which leads us to the following question..Why does Mark Sanchez keep throwing that pesky Football into the 'paws' of the opposing D-Line?..Well, In my opinion there are 2 major problems that cause Sanchez to continue this bad QB habit, that i found..Sanchez's fault could be in his over the top delivery..What you say?..That's right, his classical over-the-top delivery when released too late aims where?...You guessed it..The GROUND,,LOW-RELEASE,,Think(Donovan McNabb delivery,,similar over-the-top release)..This fault in Mark's throwing motion, combined with his apparent jitterness and anxiousness in the pocket,combined with his fragile mind-set and yellow stripe running down his spine all contribute to this never ending problem for Mark Sanchez..He senses pressure he'd rather throw a int than take a hit...God Bless


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LOL, look at this:

ANALYST PREDICTION walker_james_35.jpgJames


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The Jets are a hard team to read. But I don't have a lot of confidence in their quarterback situation. clayton_john_35.jpgJohn


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 Rex Ryan's group has gotten better on defense, but the Jets will struggle on offense no matter who is playing behind center.



ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 Forget about holding off Tim Tebow; Mark Sanchez needs to prove he can stay with the teams in his division. chadiha_jeffri_35.jpgJeffri


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The Jets can ground and pound all they want. At some point, this team's fate will come back to Mark Sanchez's maturation. fox_ashley_35.jpgAshley


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The pressure will be on Mark Sanchez. How he handles it will determine which way the Jets go.

5/5 "experts" saying a team that hasn't beaten us in 3 years will surely finish ahead of us in the division this year.

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I mentioned this before and I'll do it again. There should be a default post amount attained before being able to create threads. Mods, please consider.

I respectfully disagree. Quality is not determined by quantity. Some of highest count posters have the least to say yet say the thing over and over and over again

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I have said it before and I will say it again, Tebow fans are ruining this board.

So if this team "sucked for Luck" last year, or picked up Peyton *demigod* Manning instead of T~bow , you would be dealing with hundreds of Luck fans or Peyton fans..

You must be a T~bow hater.

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So if this team "sucked for Luck" last year, or picked up Peyton *demigod* Manning instead of T~bow , you would be dealing with hundreds of Luck fans or Peyton fans..

You must be a T~bow hater.

It would not even be close to the same thing. They are or will be great QB's who would have been brought in to play QB.

There fans would have football knowlage. All you tebow fans blindly think he can play and think he should start.

And yes, I am a hater of Tebow playing QB, not that it has not been beaten to death but, HE CAN NOT THROW THE BALL!!!!

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It would not even be close to the same thing. They are or will be great QB's who would have been brought in to play QB.

There fans would have football knowlage. All you tebow fans blindly think he can play and think he should start.

And yes, I am a hater of Tebow playing QB, not that it has not been beaten to death but, HE CAN NOT THROW THE BALL!!!!

Yes it would, it already is that way, every year teams pick up fans based on players, and then there are die hard never leave no matter what fans, who actually have more *say so* about it than most.. or at least that is probably how it should be.


I have to say he sure looks like sh*t these days .. as compared to 2010 running a spread option of sorts

against say, the Texans..

Tebow should fit nicely on the JETS long term, if given the chance/opportunity, he will become a cornerstone of this team in one way or another, and that alone was worth the trade.

The other reason he should fit nicely on this team, is the JETS by the media's creation have become *this weeks whippin boy* and TT has been that for a long time. You do realize Tebow is the most hated player in the NFL or anywhere for that matter, don't you ?

The difference is Tebow has garnered most of his, at least 80% by beating other teams. THAT is how he became hated, not by throwing ints. Not too many players got death threats in college just because they were going to play that team.. LOL..

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Does anyone else notice this?..Mark Sanchez has more footballs batted down and deflected at the line of scrimmage than any QB in the HISTORY of the NFL..Sanchez's height should not be a problem either, considering he's a supposed 6'2..Which leads us to the following question..Why does Mark Sanchez keep throwing that pesky Football into the 'paws' of the opposing D-Line?..Well, In my opinion there are 2 major problems that cause Sanchez to continue this bad QB habit, that i found..Sanchez's fault could be in his over the top delivery..What you say?..That's right, his classical over-the-top delivery when released too late aims where?...You guessed it..The GROUND,,LOW-RELEASE,,Think(Donovan McNabb delivery,,similar over-the-top release)..This fault in Mark's throwing motion, combined with his apparent jitterness and anxiousness in the pocket,combined with his fragile mind-set and yellow stripe running down his spine all contribute to this never ending problem for Mark Sanchez..He senses pressure he'd rather throw a int than take a hit...God Bless

Mods please run the IP check and please let us know who this troll is ?

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I respectfully disagree. Quality is not determined by quantity. Some of highest count posters have the least to say yet say the thing over and over and over again

Thanks for the respect. Some of the highest count posters here have seen many of these 1 post guys who put up a troll thread and then are never heard from again. I'd rather have a high count poster be consistent with what they say (saying the same thing "over and over") than a 1 post troller who wont add value to the forum.

a 100 post count you can complete in less than 2 weeks if you're in fact really interested in the site and the community. As you said, quality isnt determined by quantity, yet we keep getting people who jump in and out depeneding if they simply want to troll or if the Jets are playing their team and they simply want to come to the forum to spam thread and then after the game never be heard of again.

There's a reason imo why a post count works.

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Yes it would, it already is that way, every year teams pick up fans based on players, and then there are die hard never leave no matter what fans, who actually have more *say so* about it than most.. or at least that is probably how it should be.


I have to say he sure looks like sh*t these days .. as compared to 2010 running a spread option of sorts

against say, the Texans..

Tebow should fit nicely on the JETS long term, if given the chance/opportunity, he will become a cornerstone of this team in one way or another, and that alone was worth the trade.

The other reason he should fit nicely on this team, is the JETS by the media's creation have become *this weeks whippin boy* and TT has been that for a long time. You do realize Tebow is the most hated player in the NFL or anywhere for that matter, don't you ?

The difference is Tebow has garnered most of his, at least 80% by beating other teams. THAT is how he became hated, not by throwing ints. Not too many players got death threats in college just because they were going to play that team.. LOL..

Ugh. This year is going to be a ****ing pain in the ass with these Tebow fans swarming.

Please let Sanchez just come out and play well this year so this guy does not come in at QB and these Tebow fans slowly vanish! Please!

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