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Tony Sparano - 1 time play calling champ


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He was magic today. For the first (of many) time(s) this year he is the play calling champion.

Congratulations Tony.

This was the first time in 3+ years that I saw Sanchez actually moving through his progressions quickly and finding the open wr. We also saw the increased pace of the offense where they always seemed to be attacking.

The best part was that I don't think I saw a single man in motion all game.

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I watched the game. How did Shonne Greene get 94 yards? 27 carries? It was a very subtle performance. That is actually good balance for an offense. But I am sitting here shaking my head. I thought he had about 60 yards. I wonder how many games he will last at 27 per?

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I watched the game. How did Shonne Greene get 94 yards? 27 carries? It was a very subtle performance. That is actually good balance for an offense. But I am sitting here shaking my head. I thought he had about 60 yards. I wonder how many games he will last at 27 per?

I think Greene put his numbers up so quietly because at no point was he the focal point of the offense. He'd get a carry every few plays (until the final scoring drive) but I liked the way he ran on a few carries. He did bowl some guys over and get some yards after contact. He's not great, but you could do a lot worse.

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He was magic today. For the first (of many) time(s) this year he is the play calling champion.

Congratulations Tony.

Correct you are Sir..

Refreshing to see a Off Coord KEEP calling plays if they are working as opposed to 'switching up' cause the D probably expects it now. LOL

You keep smackin in mouth till they fight back..

Schitty over thought everything and slowed down Offense with all the 'thinking and motion' schit IMHO. He tried to hard to break away form his Dad's MartyBall reputation when in reality he might still be here if he played MartyBall with our personell.

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Players play. Coaches don't matter.

Notice how players "play" - a word usually describing unorganized and uncoordinated activities with no stated or set goal or rule in mind. They're puppets - mindless drones -, at best, in this chess match. They know not what they do. Hell, most couldnt tell you what this foozball is.

Coaches design, plan, and call the plays - the Masters.

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Coaches design, plan, and call the plays. Notice how players "play" - a word usually describing unorganized and uncoordinated activities with no stated or set goal or rule in mind. They're puppets, at best, in this chess match.

Thank you for this clarification. I didn't know any of this.

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If we could start one of these every single week, complete with photos of Sparano looking emotional and dismissive conjecture towards any thing reasonable or comparative, that would be fantastic.

Um, isn't there about 10-15 playcalling threads created here per day during the season? Not like this is a tall order.

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I watched the game. How did Shonne Greene get 94 yards? 27 carries? It was a very subtle performance. That is actually good balance for an offense. But I am sitting here shaking my head. I thought he had about 60 yards. I wonder how many games he will last at 27 per?

by running up the back of his blockers every ****ing run ! he ran for like 3,4,3,4,2,5,3,4,3,2,4

one of those days

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Didn't you see those 16 big points they put up though? Impressive stuff.

Whoever that offensive coordinator is, we need to sign him if the Rams are stupid enough to release him!

I heard he puts WR's in motion into the FB position and his prior team he rolled out FB's into the slot and/or WR position. This guy's a genius if I ever seen one.

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