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this week a repeat of last week?


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all i heard last week is how bad the jets are and how buffalo was gonna tear them up.well, that didnt happen

all i am hearing this week so far is not so much that the jets had a good game as much as how bad the bills played. then i am hearing that there is no way the steelers go 0-2 in their home opener.nobody has the jets beating pitt. we all knew the jets were going to beat the bills{maybe not to the extent that they did} and i am not comparing the bills to pitt, but i dont feel bad going to play pitt. i think its 50/50 the jets win. is everybody underestimating the jets or am i looking to much into what the jets did on sunday? expecting a win,preparring for a loss

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all i heard last week is how bad the jets are and how buffalo was gonna tear them up.well, that didnt happen

all i am hearing this week so far is not so much that the jets had a good game as much as how bad the bills played. then i am hearing that there is no way the steelers go 0-2 in their home opener.nobody has the jets beating pitt. we all knew the jets were going to beat the bills{maybe not to the extent that they did} and i am not comparing the bills to pitt, but i dont feel bad going to play pitt. i think its 50/50 the jets win. is everybody underestimating the jets or am i looking to much into what the jets did on sunday? expecting a win,preparring for a loss

Ya dont say?

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As far as the 50/50 goes I agree with the OP.

Depends on the respective OL's. Is Howard going to stand up against a tough Pitt DL? Kids shown he might be able to.

Will the Jets DL take over, what appeared last week to be a weak Steeler OL? Expecting a big game from the Jets DL. Hammer Big Ben again this week.

Jets 24- 21

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What does repeat mean?

A win? Very possible.

A blow-out? Don't see it.

I think he's referring to the media's reaction.

The new look Bills defense was going to tear us apart, destroy Sanchez and have the crowd chanting for Tebow after 3 series'. It's quite hilarious how they're now being called the worst defense and the league. It wasn't "just the Bills" last week. I do find it pretty hilarious.

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all i heard last week is how bad the jets are and how buffalo was gonna tear them up.well, that didnt happen

all i am hearing this week so far is not so much that the jets had a good game as much as how bad the bills played. then i am hearing that there is no way the steelers go 0-2 in their home opener.nobody has the jets beating pitt. we all knew the jets were going to beat the bills{maybe not to the extent that they did} and i am not comparing the bills to pitt, but i dont feel bad going to play pitt. i think its 50/50 the jets win. is everybody underestimating the jets or am i looking to much into what the jets did on sunday? expecting a win,preparring for a loss

Ya dont say?

He absolutely guarantees the Jets are gonna win... maybe.

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This game has the chance to be a 'redemption' game for the defense and really set the tone for the rest of the season.

The Jets D has not been the same since they went to Pitt and the AFC Championship game and completely forgot how to tackle. The tackling hangover carried over into last season and really this defense hasn't been dominant since.

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First, the Steelers are better than the Bills. Even this version of the Steelers, especially at home, is better than the Bills.

However, it's almost as if there's a case of collective amnesia. Before week 1, many, MANY experts are saying: the Bills are a wildcard team, the Jets will finish 8-8 at best. The Jets utterly pulverize the Bills, to the point where 48-28 is not truly representative of the whooping they handed down, and what is said? All of the sudden it's, "the Bills suck, the Jets are better than the Bills but they still suck, too."

I just heard Colin Cowherd's take which was, to paraphrase, the Bills have lost 8 of their past 9, so how can you be surprised? Others have pointed out that the Bills had lost 5 straight against the Jets coming into this game. Is this the Twilight Zone? No, seriously, is it? Because that's the kind of stuff I've been saying for the past 2 weeks and I kept getting the same thing back, "The Bills will be much better this year."

I don't understand how you can say: team A is above average, team B is below average and then, after team B beats the living snot out of team A, change it to team A is the worst team in the league and team B is somewhat mediocre. How does that work? When one team beats another soundly, the team that gets beaten goes way down in the rankings and the team that beat them soundly rises to mediocrity? Right...

And then we have to hear - let go of the hype, the Jets aren't going to the Superbowl. No one said that. Let go of the hype, the Jets offense isn't nearly as good as it looked vs. the Bills. No one said it was.

No, what I (and others) have been saying over and over is that the defense is dominant (little disagreement there) and that the offense, while mediocre, isn't nearly as bad as people have been leading you to believe. For example, to repeat my questions from before week 1: how did the Jets get worse this season? Because we keep being told that they're worse. WHY? They lost an old and nearly washed up Burress and an old and nearly washed up Ladanian Tomlinson. I said that they replaced Burress with Stephen Hill (hey, not bad, huh?) and Tomlinson with Tebow (hasn't show much yet, but no doubt he'll contribute.)

And I said that even if there was a slight downgrade offensively, consider what they did on the other side of the ball: they have had safety problems for years - so they brought in two decent safeties to start in Bell and Landry and fortified them with a rook or two. Good. They have had problems with the pass rush, so they brought in Quinton Coples and Wilkerson is now in his 2nd year. OK. The defense IMO is better than ever.

I've just been surprised that none of the experts have really retracted their comments about the Jets.

I'm glad that Adam Schein and Bob Wischusen have been voices of reason. If you all get a chance, there's a podcast episode with Bob Wischusen, I don't know where you can find it... but it's really good, he breaks down all the hate the media has been giving the Jets and really embarrasses those media figures for looking like idiots.

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all i heard last week is how bad the jets are and how buffalo was gonna tear them up.well, that didnt happen

all i am hearing this week so far is not so much that the jets had a good game as much as how bad the bills played. then i am hearing that there is no way the steelers go 0-2 in their home opener.nobody has the jets beating pitt. we all knew the jets were going to beat the bills{maybe not to the extent that they did} and i am not comparing the bills to pitt, but i dont feel bad going to play pitt. i think its 50/50 the jets win. is everybody underestimating the jets or am i looking to much into what the jets did on sunday? expecting a win,preparring for a loss

I think your right, most are under-estimating the Jets. We are now the team that everyone hates which is good. Because when we win the experts look stupid.

When we beat up on Pitt this sunday, the Experts will say how bad Pitt is and not how good the Jets are....

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First, the Steelers are better than the Bills. Even this version of the Steelers, especially at home, is better than the Bills.

However, it's almost as if there's a case of collective amnesia. Before week 1, many, MANY experts are saying: the Bills are a wildcard team, the Jets will finish 8-8 at best. The Jets utterly pulverize the Bills, to the point where 48-28 is not truly representative of the whooping they handed down, and what is said? All of the sudden it's, "the Bills suck, the Jets are better than the Bills but they still suck, too."

I just heard Colin Cowherd's take which was, to paraphrase, the Bills have lost 8 of their past 9, so how can you be surprised? Others have pointed out that the Bills had lost 5 straight against the Jets coming into this game. Is this the Twilight Zone? No, seriously, is it? Because that's the kind of stuff I've been saying for the past 2 weeks and I kept getting the same thing back, "The Bills will be much better this year."

I don't understand how you can say: team A is above average, team B is below average and then, after team B beats the living snot out of team A, change it to team A is the worst team in the league and team B is somewhat mediocre. How does that work? When one team beats another soundly, the team that gets beaten goes way down in the rankings and the team that beat them soundly rises to mediocrity? Right...

And then we have to hear - let go of the hype, the Jets aren't going to the Superbowl. No one said that. Let go of the hype, the Jets offense isn't nearly as good as it looked vs. the Bills. No one said it was.

No, what I (and others) have been saying over and over is that the defense is dominant (little disagreement there) and that the offense, while mediocre, isn't nearly as bad as people have been leading you to believe. For example, to repeat my questions from before week 1: how did the Jets get worse this season? Because we keep being told that they're worse. WHY? They lost an old and nearly washed up Burress and an old and nearly washed up Ladanian Tomlinson. I said that they replaced Burress with Stephen Hill (hey, not bad, huh?) and Tomlinson with Tebow (hasn't show much yet, but no doubt he'll contribute.)

And I said that even if there was a slight downgrade offensively, consider what they did on the other side of the ball: they have had safety problems for years - so they brought in two decent safeties to start in Bell and Landry and fortified them with a rook or two. Good. They have had problems with the pass rush, so they brought in Quinton Coples and Wilkerson is now in his 2nd year. OK. The defense IMO is better than ever.

I've just been surprised that none of the experts have really retracted their comments about the Jets.

I'm glad that Adam Schein and Bob Wischusen have been voices of reason. If you all get a chance, there's a podcast episode with Bob Wischusen, I don't know where you can find it... but it's really good, he breaks down all the hate the media has been giving the Jets and really embarrasses those media figures for looking like idiots.

Exactly....no matter what we do, we are a hated bunch and everything is down played. Until, we beat the likes of Pitt, and then the 49ners and then the Pats no one is going to say we are a good football team. I will tell you this and I said this back in March, we are a very good team. we were 8-8 last year and we were off. I think we are going to roll and then watch out. Pitt is next.

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