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Sanchez is a frustrating guy to root for


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You stated that they were going to be out of the playoffs, so you're basically writing them out. Needless to say though, if our offense starts playing like crap like usual, and the Rams start to get an offense going, I expect us to be speaking about Schotty.

Im not at all surprised that you would expect that. Not surprised at all.

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Apparently Sanchez thought Holmes was open on every play. Sane old story with him--no ability to work through his progressions and, because he doesn't know where his third, fourth read is on the field, he tries to finesse it into a guy who's covered. There's a real dysfunction there.

Blame me for this one. After the first quarter, I commented how Sanchez looked like he'd actually been going through his reads through the first 1 and 1/4 games. Classic Mush.

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Who do you blame for the dropsies. Or the fact that the JETS defenders finger prints were all over Big Ben's jersey and yet we could not bring him down.

Sanchez was the last person to blame for today's loss!

He also looked rattled after that hit. I don't blame him. All in all, it was a team loss, not just Sanchez. One thing is for sure, this game will come up in Revis' contract talks...

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Dude, what lost that game, besides cromartie and missing every f--ing open sack (I thought we didnt have to blitz every down now...why didnt we see Coles/Wilk/Ellis out there together after last week?.)..anyway what lost that game, besides Holmes and Hill catching like tannebaum...was THREE Wildcats! Once was nice, twice we got lucky......the third time we ripped the game out of sanchez' hands. So, yeah, Ryan B Tebowing, the jets are tough to root for. Tebow is tough to watch play QB in the NFL.....The whole team sucked, but #6 is at the bottom of the list......but good to have you aboard, RbT

In a not so round a bout way, the Tebow thing just cost us its first game.

What is this... I don't even.

Tebow kickstarted the offense on that drive.

Sanchez had 37% completion rate on the day.

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How did he play bad today. Dropped balls and back to back hot routes on a blitz neither Cumberland nor Holmes picked up in the first half. That's like 10 incompletions rigt there. Can we trade Holmes please????

This is the this.

Holmes, Kerly, Cumby and an invisible Hill... the WR corps let us down.

We were rolling in the first quarter, and then floundered when Greene left the game. Which makes no sense to me really. Great team lose their average players and plug in the fresh body and don't skip a beat. Our offense complete shut down when we lost Greene and his 3 yards and an awkward collision?

Looked more like a case of the Steelers out-coached us on every level, and the Steelers players out-TOUGHED us on every play. Reality is, our offense is soft. Rex can sell ground-and-pound all he wants, but our offense goes into it's shell just like the Pats when teams come in and out-physical us.

Mundy, their backup safety, and Clark man-handled us all day.

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And I would be shocked if you would sound like an actual Jet fan instead of simply a Tim Tebow lover.

But there are different levels off fandom, I guess I'll have to simply understand.

Two levels specifically. There are kids, who are perfectly excusable in idolizing athletes. And then there are grown men, and in that case it's just creepy as all hell.

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You know what is weird. When the Jets were down 10, I actually had all the confidence in the world the Sanchez could engineer a TD drive. It didnt happen, but for some reason I didnt have my typical, this game is over attitude once we fell down 10.

I wasn't thrilled, and while I'm not sure I can say I was confident in a comeback, I still felt ok for a while up until that Kerley muff. At that moment I completely lost faith that this team had a chance.

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You're a Sanchez lover. Nuff said.

Am I? Really? Stating that Sanchez has performed mediocre but shows promise is a lover? I thought that was the truth. Stating that the front office needs to put talent around him in order to develop that potential is a lover? I thought that was a fact.

No bro, your entire existence here has been pro tebow and anti sanchez. Dont take my word for it, go back just a couple weeks and read the comments from you as well as the ones sent your way based on those comments of yours. I read them lol.

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Am I? Really? Stating that Sanchez has performed mediocre but shows promise is a lover? I thought that was the truth. Stating that the front office needs to put talent around him in order to develop that potential is a lover? I thought that was a fact.

No bro, your entire existence here has been pro tebow and anti sanchez. Dont take my word for it, go back just a couple weeks and read the comments from you as well as the ones sent your way based on those comments of yours. I read them lol.

I have yet to see you state that Sanchez plays mediocre, so this is a first. Remember, the first step to rehab is to admit you were wrong. :biggrin:

BTW, you constantly blame the team for Sanchez's shortcomings so yes, you are a Sanchize lover.

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