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D dept. - coples & devito... ~ ~ ~


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Meanwhile Chandler Jones has a sack and 2 forced fumbles already, and is on the field for about 90% of their defenses snaps. Hooray for the Jets drafting projects!!!

I don't expect many sacks against guys like Fitz or Big Ben, do you? Fitz is quick on his feet and releases the ball fast, that's their style in Buffalo. Of course that too has its weakness, as that translated into turnovers. Big Ben is tough as nails to bring down. So in neither game would I expect many sacks.

But either way, it's been 2 games. Coples showed it in pre-season, let's see what he does now. Sure if you contribute a ton in the first couple games (like Stephen Hill, who you haven't mentioned) then it looks good but you have to give 'em some time either way.

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I don't expect many sacks against guys like Fitz or Big Ben, do you? Fitz is quick on his feet and releases the ball fast, that's their style in Buffalo. Of course that too has its weakness, as that translated into turnovers. Big Ben is tough as nails to bring down. So in neither game would I expect many sacks.

But either way, it's been 2 games. Coples showed it in pre-season, let's see what he does now. Sure if you contribute a ton in the first couple games (like Stephen Hill, who you haven't mentioned) then it looks good but you have to give 'em some time either way.

Is Stephen Hill one of the first round pass rushers the Jets were rumored to have been interested in with the Coples pick?

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OK, sounds good. Let's just avoid discussing the topics that don't allow you to frame the team/FO/Rex the way you want to frame it/them.

I was discussing our first round pick. The pass rusher. Comparing him to one of the other pass rushers that we didn't end up with, considering Coples spent most of Sunday on the sideline. Rex is the defensive genius, so I think isolating the defensive draft picks is relevant for discussion - and not agenda-driven. Hill plays WR. He was selected in the 2nd round, and makes absolutely no sense to discuss in the context of comparing how 2 teams have improved their pass rush thus far.

I mean... this is a thread about Coples and Devito sharing time. Not Hill.

Oh, but ****... excuse me for discussing something ON TOPIC.

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