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Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Jet Fans

Jetcane Redux

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Why put them through it? You know it's cruel and it will be a life of torment.

There are other ways for your babies to develop character. This ain't it.

This team? Gotta blow the whole thing up.

Sparano is a puke as an OC.

Sanchez coughs up the ball a couple of times and looks weak and pouty.

There is no number one back.

There has been an utter failure to assemble the right blend of talent and coaching.

Jeez, things are so bad, even Mr. Westhoff's STs are unreliable.

Yesterday was a disgusting display and I still feel like puking.

While the D kept them in the game for the first half, it has been my contention that the front seven is way overrated (and that includes Harris!).

So, and overrated D, a puke of an O, and unspecial special teams.

But keep that PSL money coming in!


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My kids will have to be tough... They need to experience pain to know ...."truly" know how to be grateful for a win.

My kids will not be front runners.

Plus, I hate front runners.

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You think?

Like I've said, you could get a new QB, new RB, new defense, hire, fire, trade, draft forever and it won't change a damn thing.....because it starts at the top. I know we all loved HardKnocks, but you can't tell me those two dufuses (or dufi ?) Tannebum and Woody Allen weren't downright embarrassing to watch. Just the Revis/Diner situation alone. I just don't see a player dragging John Elway into the waffle house off I-10, but anyway just look at them, walking around in flip flops, can't even catch a football. Rex telling us the Tannebum "knows more about football than people give him credit for" What?? A f---in GM? And Woody saying things like, " Yeah, I've been in this business over 10 years now, so I'm starting to learn not to.........." Wow! Ten years, Mr. Lombardi? And he means it's been ten years since he learned about football. Not to mention, he paid about 300 million too much for the damn team. lol (He must have learned the value of money wiping his ass with 100s growing up)

And it must be that same financial prowess that landed him in his current mess that has him laying 9 million bucks UNDER the cap! I almost pissed myself when I heard that. 9 million under the ****in cap and he has the highest priced tix in the league?? Seriously?

So, you have these two nerds, who would sooner attend a polo match than a ballgame, running the show. That Tebow move alone would get another GM laughed out of town, that's why NOT ONE TEAM had any interest in him (for football reasons). JAX clearly need any help they can get putting people in the seats, so that was a no-brainer. Woody doesn't give a sh*t, he just say a marketing gem.

IT IS perfectly clear to anyone with a brain that Rex Ryan and Tony two-times had NO PLAN whatsoever for Tebow!! They never did, but they had to hand us a pile of crap about how excited they are to have him............blah blah blah

That's when I lost my respect for him and I will bet my dick that's when half of the team lost theirs too. Rex Ryan isn't "one of them" like a Harbaugh or.anyone else that actually had to work for something in life. He's another daddy's boy just like Woody.......riding his dad's coattails. He gave a good line of sh*t at first, but now it's clear to them who he really is. Now he's let the media tell him how to do his job, so he's trying to be tough...but still cool....but still kinda tough....that doesn't gain anyone's respect. He tries to do stupid sh*t to get them behind him again.....like telling them to sleep to noon. smh That's working out real well seeing as we've lost three starters who were never even touched!! WTF? That alone is enough to get the whole conditioning staff canned.

And I have to agree with the title of the post. In fact, we had a similar discussion at my house yesterday........before I threw everyone out. lol I know it's a grim picture. The only silver lining is that Rex's term is almost up, so we can expect a nice shot of false hope here soon. Of course, I have a great fear we may be in for three years of Tony Sporano.........Help us, God.

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Also, am I the only one that watches the games with a fifth of Jack, a bottle of Aspirin, and box of Kleenex to wipe away the tears?

I watch with a flog a curling iron a ball gag and some rope. I confuse pain and pleasure so watching the Jets is almost a religious experience

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49er fan on the board here. Not to crow, but to thank you. A few Jets fans came over to the 49ers Webzone, and I swear, were the classiest people I ever ran into. They even showed up after the game to thank us for the conversation and congratulate us on the win. Now, that's class. I figure that I had to return that gesture.

I've read quite a few threads, including the Gameday thread. I can tell. You're hurting and understandably so. I just wanted to know that I've walked a mile or two in your shoes. I know exactly how you feel. There are times when you feel like you're wandering through Purgatory and you've lost your way home. What happened to that magic formula that made you one of the top teams in the league? Where did it go? More importantly, how do you get it back? When do you get it back?

Anyone who watched Joe Montana in his prime and the championship years knows this pain. We've been down for a very long time. We've managed to cycle through our share of head coaches, and only proceeded to get worse. Hey, this is the Niner Empire man! What are we doing at 4-12? Lose to the RAMS? Are you kidding me? Get shut out at home? The 49ers?

Well, we went through that and more. We wandered in Purgatory. I began to seriously wonder if the team would ever win again. I got a lot of backyard landscaping done during those down years, because most 49er games were over by halftime. Why sit and watch the torture when you can hear it outside on the radio instead while hacking back the dead artichoke bush growth?

My message to you is this Jets fans: Keep the Faith. Keep that faith. Stick with your team through thick and thin. You will be rewarded. It may not be this year. It may not be next year -- but I can assure you of this much: Your personal deliverance is coming. I can't tell you when it will arrive -- and who knows -- it might be this year! You're 2-2! Season's young! Lots can happen.

Just keep the faith, fans. Your day will arrive -- sooner than you think.

Take care,


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49er fan on the board here. Not to crow, but to thank you. A few Jets fans came over to the 49ers Webzone, and I swear, were the classiest people I ever ran into. They even showed up after the game to thank us for the conversation and congratulate us on the win. Now, that's class. I figure that I had to return that gesture.

I've read quite a few threads, including the Gameday thread. I can tell. You're hurting and understandably so. I just wanted to know that I've walked a mile or two in your shoes. I know exactly how you feel. There are times when you feel like you're wandering through Purgatory and you've lost your way home. What happened to that magic formula that made you one of the top teams in the league? Where did it go? More importantly, how do you get it back? When do you get it back?

Anyone who watched Joe Montana in his prime and the championship years knows this pain. We've been down for a very long time. We've managed to cycle through our share of head coaches, and only proceeded to get worse. Hey, this is the Niner Empire man! What are we doing at 4-12? Lose to the RAMS? Are you kidding me? Get shut out at home? The 49ers?

Well, we went through that and more. We wandered in Purgatory. I began to seriously wonder if the team would ever win again. I got a lot of backyard landscaping done during those down years, because most 49er games were over by halftime. Why sit and watch the torture when you can hear it outside on the radio instead while hacking back the dead artichoke bush growth?

My message to you is this Jets fans: Keep the Faith. Keep that faith. Stick with your team through thick and thin. You will be rewarded. It may not be this year. It may not be next year -- but I can assure you of this much: Your personal deliverance is coming. I can't tell you when it will arrive -- and who knows -- it might be this year! You're 2-2! Season's young! Lots can happen.

Just keep the faith, fans. Your day will arrive -- sooner than you think.

Take care,


you sir are awesome.

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Well, we went through that and more. We wandered in Purgatory. I began to seriously wonder if the team would ever win again. I got a lot of backyard landscaping done during those down years, because most 49er games were over by halftime. Why sit and watch the torture when you can hear it outside on the radio instead while hacking back the dead artichoke bush growth?

My message to you is this Jets fans: Keep the Faith. Keep that faith. Stick with your team through thick and thin. You will be rewarded. It may not be this year. It may not be next year -- but I can assure you of this much: Your personal deliverance is coming. I can't tell you when it will arrive -- and who knows -- it might be this year! You're 2-2! Season's young! Lots can happen.

Just keep the faith, fans. Your day will arrive -- sooner than you think.

Take care,


Seriously??? Are you sh!tting me??? YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS??? For F#CKS sake dude! We havent SNIFFED a Super Bowl APPEARANCE since 1969. You have NO CLUE what this is like. Your God Damn team has won 5 F#CKING Super Bowls. I'd murder a nun for just ONE!

Nice of you to stop by and say nice things.... but when you've been in an abusive sports relationship for 39 years no kind words will sooth the pain and suffering i feel every day.

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Seriously??? Are you sh!tting me??? YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS??? For F#CKS sake dude! We havent SNIFFED a Super Bowl APPEARANCE since 1969. You have NO CLUE what this is like. Your God Damn team has won 5 F#CKING Super Bowls. I'd murder a nun for just ONE!

Nice of you to stop by and say nice things.... but when you've been in an abusive sports relationship for 39 years no kind words will sooth the pain and suffering i feel every day.

Beat me to it.

He got to watch the greatest QB of all time, the greatest WR of all time, the greatest safety of all time, and a bunch of other HOF'ers and all time greats in their prime create a dynasty and he comes here and tells us he knows our pain.

**** that guy and his nice words.

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Why put them through it? You know it's cruel and it will be a life of torment.

There are other ways for your babies to develop character. This ain't it.

This team? Gotta blow the whole thing up.

Sparano is a puke as an OC.

Sanchez coughs up the ball a couple of times and looks weak and pouty.

There is no number one back.

There has been an utter failure to assemble the right blend of talent and coaching.

Jeez, things are so bad, even Mr. Westhoff's STs are unreliable.

Yesterday was a disgusting display and I still feel like puking.

While the D kept them in the game for the first half, it has been my contention that the front seven is way overrated (and that includes Harris!).

So, and overrated D, a puke of an O, and unspecial special teams.

But keep that PSL money coming in!


If its so bad for you then leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out...

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49er fan on the board here. Not to crow, but to thank you. A few Jets fans came over to the 49ers Webzone, and I swear, were the classiest people I ever ran into. They even showed up after the game to thank us for the conversation and congratulate us on the win. Now, that's class. I figure that I had to return that gesture.

I've read quite a few threads, including the Gameday thread. I can tell. You're hurting and understandably so. I just wanted to know that I've walked a mile or two in your shoes. I know exactly how you feel. There are times when you feel like you're wandering through Purgatory and you've lost your way home. What happened to that magic formula that made you one of the top teams in the league? Where did it go? More importantly, how do you get it back? When do you get it back?

Anyone who watched Joe Montana in his prime and the championship years knows this pain. We've been down for a very long time. We've managed to cycle through our share of head coaches, and only proceeded to get worse. Hey, this is the Niner Empire man! What are we doing at 4-12? Lose to the RAMS? Are you kidding me? Get shut out at home? The 49ers?

Well, we went through that and more. We wandered in Purgatory. I began to seriously wonder if the team would ever win again. I got a lot of backyard landscaping done during those down years, because most 49er games were over by halftime. Why sit and watch the torture when you can hear it outside on the radio instead while hacking back the dead artichoke bush growth?

My message to you is this Jets fans: Keep the Faith. Keep that faith. Stick with your team through thick and thin. You will be rewarded. It may not be this year. It may not be next year -- but I can assure you of this much: Your personal deliverance is coming. I can't tell you when it will arrive -- and who knows -- it might be this year! You're 2-2! Season's young! Lots can happen.

Just keep the faith, fans. Your day will arrive -- sooner than you think.

Take care,


Dude, sorry to disagree with you, but you don't have a clue about being a Jets fan ok. And to be honest, I hope to see your team somewhere down the road so we can then proceed to give back to you exactly what you gave gave to us.

Have a nice day!

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