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The JETS have some nerve


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Did they not see the same game I watched on Sunday? They just sent me an online survey asking questions about the half time shows and the performers of the National Anthem. Don't get me wrong I am as American as the next guy. I drive a Cadillac I ride a Harley-Davidson my women has blond hair, blue eyes(with big boobies). I pay my taxes and I vote but does it really matter who sings the National Anthem when the team just laid an egg on offense and got run all over on defense??? Don't you think your questions should be more like how pissed off are you at Sundays performence? How likely are you to not purchase season tickets next season? What can we do to earn your future buisness??? WTF?? That surely tells me that Woody has no concern at all about the product on the field and just wants to put great entertainers on display to cover up the fact that his team sucks! Thanks for letting me vent and go F**k yourself Mr. Johnson.

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Feel better Duane? Was good seeing you Sunday, even if the game did suck..

Frank, hows the wrist|?

Al sorry to miss everyone past weekend- wearing a wrist support has to heal on its own according to the doc

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I got the same email. I answered the the questions one by one, the whole time thinking to myself, are they really asking me about halftime shows and parking lot attendants after I just laid down a mint to see an absolute garbage performance? As I answered the questions I thought wait till they ask me about the team performance, I will really let them have it. Then it dawned on me the same way as it did to you. They can't give a flying f&*k about the product on the field. I will enjoy the tailgate on Monday, and the product on the field will be 1st class, foster schaub and johnson will ensure that.

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Damn, I didn't know youz guys was birdwatchers too!

I just love t!ts!


Tit (bird)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The t!ts, chickadees, and titmice constitute Paridae, a large family of small passerine birds which occur in the northern hemisphere and Africa. Most were formerly classified in the genus Parus.

These birds are called either "chickadees" (onomatopoeic, derived from their distinctive "chick-a dee dee dee" alarm call) or "titmice" in North America, and just "t!ts" in the rest of the English-speaking world. The name titmouse is recorded from the 14th century, composed of the Old English name for the bird, mase (Proto-Germanic *maison, German Meise) and tit, denoting something small. The spelling was influenced by mouse in the 16th century. Emigrants to New Zealand presumably identified some of the superficially similar birds of the genus Petroica of the family Petroicidae, the Australian robins, as members of the tit family, giving them the title Tomtit although, in fact, they are not related.

These birds are mainly small stocky woodland species with short stout bills. Some have crests. They range in length from 10 to 22 centimetres. They are adaptable birds, with a mixed diet including seeds and insects.[1] Many species will live around human habitation and come readily to bird feeders for nuts or seed, and learn to take other foods. In Britain, Great t!ts and Blue t!ts famously learned to break open the foil caps sealing bottles of milk that had been delivered to homes to get at the cream floating on top.

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Did they not see the same game I watched on Sunday? They just sent me an online survey asking questions about the half time shows and the performers of the National Anthem. Don't get me wrong I am as American as the next guy. I drive a Cadillac I ride a Harley-Davidson my women has blond hair, blue eyes(with big boobies). I pay my taxes and I vote but does it really matter who sings the National Anthem when the team just laid an egg on offense and got run all over on defense??? Don't you think your questions should be more like how pissed off are you at Sundays performence? How likely are you to not purchase season tickets next season? What can we do to earn your future buisness??? WTF?? That surely tells me that Woody has no concern at all about the product on the field and just wants to put great entertainers on display to cover up the fact that his team sucks! Thanks for letting me vent and go F**k yourself Mr. Johnson.

This post was brought to you by the man responsible for no more midnight tailgating.

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