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POTW - 10.3.2012

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Being a Jets fan is never easy. It never has been and unfortunately, it most likely never will be. You routinely ask yourself just what the hell you're doing here and why you even continue to care. You say you give up. but deep down you really haven't. You say you've seen enough, but know next week you'll be right back in your seat, or in front of your TV ready to watch the next game.

The fact is, beyond the losses, disasters, & heartbreaks that we've experienced, deep down the game is just a game. It's not life or death. Win, loss - doesn't matter. What matters is what brought you to the Jets in the first place, It's that original, special moment in time where your Dad, Mom, Uncle or some other loved one shared their love for the New York Jets. It's that special spark as a kid, watching a game with your Dad, too oblivious to the outside noise of Jets misery because all you saw was that special moment, that special connection with that loved one with let's face it, most likely your Dad. Sports, and in our case the Jets, was the first special moment where you sort of connected with your old man on a common theme, a common hobby. We all remember watching football with that special someone as a kid. For those fortunate enough, we all remember that first Jets game your Dad took you to and just how special it was. Didn't matter if the Jets lost 65-0, you went to a Jets game, wearing Jets colors, with your own Dad and for four quarters, you and him had a bond which will never be forgotten and never be broken.

And it never changes, ever. We get upset, we want to quit, but for those with kids like me, or those who will have kids one day, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because the only thought in your head is the day that child is finally old enough to take to his or her first game. You're just as "miserable" as your Dad was from being fan, but just like you back in the day, your kid doesn't know it and you sure as hell aren't going to tell him. You're going to share that moment with him and it will burn in your brain, never to be lost. When your kid is 40 and married and you're in the old-fart's home, you're not going to even care than you never saw a Jets Super Bowl, because the fact is, that first game with your kid was your Super Bowl, and no trophy or televised celebration will ever top that.

This post embodies that to a tee.

Congratulations Section 333, this week's winner.

Sunday is a special day, or a sad day there are 2 ways to look at it. Sunday will be the day when my 1st born will go to his 1st Jets game.

I remember mine, I was about his age. It is a exiting moment for me, but I can not help but think of how unfair I am being to him, as I officially set the stage for what will most likely be a disappointing future. I guess it hasnt been all bad, but it sure hasnt been all good either.

Its been a rough 23 years for me, and most of you. And now my 8 year old will soon know all the joys, and agonizing pain of being a Jets fan.

As I plan the menu for his 1st tailgate I cant help but think, should I just show mercy and make him a Giants fan? There will be no turning back after this weekend. I have made my decision and he will endure what we all have. All I can say is that at least we have the Yankees.

All that said, I like this matchup, and think we have a very good chance to win this game. The boy wont remember the result either way, but my only regret is that he wont be able to see #24 run out of the tunnel. Hopefully he will see that next year. But I certainly have my doubts about that.

There is 1 thing I am sure I will not be hearing, and that is " Hey dad, who is #23, he sure is good. (Yes I did have to take that shot)

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Congrats Section 333

I had no issue with this thread of his, I thought it was great. It was his pissing and moaning about a neg rep, that's what prompted the need to bring him on down to monkey town.

So... in your face... you dumb ****ing a$$hole.

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Is Pac a good poster? If he is, you may not ban him.

Please cut back on the amount of bananas that we are giving the ape each day. Maybe that will help.

I'm a pretty crappy poster but once I get going can spam it up.. helps your overall #'s.

I didn't chase off CTM... He's in retail (Walmart Greeter) and he said he's in his busy season. True story. Plus he's a slug. Smells a lot better without him around.

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I'm a pretty crappy poster but once I get going can spam it up.. helps your overall #'s.

I didn't chase off CTM... He's in retail (Walmart Greeter) and he said he's in his busy season. True story. Plus he's a slug. Smells a lot better without him around.

As soon as I'm done eating your history pal.

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I just saw this. Wow this is fantastic. I am honored. Thanks G.O.B. and thanks for the congrats LBS and JIF. Much appreciated.

for your prize you get to clean the mod's meeting room after monthly initiations ..fyi, wear latex gloves.

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I just saw this. Wow this is fantastic. I am honored. Thanks G.O.B. and thanks for the congrats LBS and JIF. Much appreciated.

You should be honored, great post. ACS should also be called on you for child abuse in having your son's first game be a 34-0 disaster.

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