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Undercover cops dress as "Away team" fans....


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I thought this was interesting...



Seahawks to use undercover cops dressed as 49ers fans to police crowd


Unruly fan behavior will be policed by the police dressed like Kaepernick.



September 12, 2013 at 10:00am EDT
(USA TODAY Sports Images)

The Seattle Seahawks announced Wednesday that undercover cops dressed as San Francisco 49ers fans will patrol CenturyLink Field to deal with unruly fans during Sunday night’s seismic NFC West matchup.

The police will be wearing 49ers jerseys and are tasked with upholding the Seahawks’s Fan Code of Conduct, which aims to create an environment that is free from things including:

• Behavior that is unruly, disruptive or illegal in nature

• Intoxication or other signs of alcohol or substance impairment that results in irresponsible behavior

• Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures

• Interference with the progress of the game (including throwing objects onto the field)

• Verbal or physical harassment of opposing team fans or staff members

Fans who are found breaking the code will be kicked out of the stadium and forced to take a four-hour online course if they want to return in the future. The fans will be responsible for the cost of the $75 course.

Though it initially sounds underhanded and I’m sure there will be many a conversation in the back of a tailgating van where two guys talk about how this is — cough, cough — entrapment, man, this is an idea that’s long overdue. The atmosphere at games has been steadily devolving over recent years. It’s nearly impossible to attend a game without seeing a rowdy drunk or hearing profanity-laden suggestions about what the opposing quarterback can do to himself. With traffic, prices and HDTVs, there’s less reason to go to games than ever. Cleaning up the stadium from the few fans who ruin the experience could help shift the overall tenor of games. It’s like the NFL’s broken window theory.

That being said, I’ve heard anecdotally that Seattle is one of the nicer gameday experiences in the NFL, so maybe this initiative would be better in places that actually need it, like Oakland or Philadelphia or anywhere else.


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The Seattle Seahawks announced Wednesday that undercover cops dressed as San Francisco 49ers fans will patrol CenturyLink Field to deal with unruly fans during Sunday night’s seismic NFC West matchup.



Just making these announcements can go a long way into curbing some of the away-team hazing I've seen at games. 

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I used to go to the Jets game in Buffalo every year and stopped going because how bad there fans are.  Last time my wife had to be escorted out so nothing happened to her.  I will never go again unless they clean it up. 

Now don't get me wrong, I have no issue with taunting and messing with someone in away team gear. 

I just dont like when it becomes a situation where people are in physical danger going to a game.

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Cheap alternative: take a fake badge, and some zip ties.  When opposing fans get lippy, wave the badge, "escourt" them to a common area, and zip tie them to a hand rail. 



Lets see


5 years for impersonating a police officer.  10 for unlawful restraint, and  if the feds want to get involved, as they seem to be doing more and more where they don't belong, 20 for kidnapping.


Sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.



I know your just kidding :)

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Lets see


5 years for impersonating a police officer.  10 for unlawful restraint, and  if the feds want to get involved, as they seem to be doing more and more where they don't belong, 20 for kidnapping.


Sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.



I know your just kidding :)


No way man, I'd be a hero.  


They'd give me a free hot-dog, and some face time on the JumboTron. 

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In soccer in England, if away fans mixed with home fans, they would get beaten to a pulp.

If cops dressed as away fans the'd get it also.

It's seems like antagonising passionate home fans, like entrapment I don't like it.



Only because in England the cops don't carry guns. 

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It's seems like antagonising passionate home fans, like entrapment I don't like it.


1) Visiting fans have as much a right to be there as anyone else.


2) If you start a fight with someone because they happened to be wearing a different color than you, no, that isn't entrapment.  That is you being a belligerent drunk.

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I will never go to another NFL game in my life. Even the fellow home fans have become drunken, belligerent assholes.

Give me my house and my 55" HDTV any day of the week.


the NFL will have to deal with this over the next 5 years.  the in home experience is getting ridiculously sweet, and the game day experience is getting ridiculously awful

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