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Would making the playoffs be bad for this team/organization?


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Would either of those coaches really leave their current situation for the Jets?  Saban isn't young anymore and his only NFL HC experience wasn't good.  I think Urban Meyer loves the college atmosphere plus he's just about to start playing BCS games w/ Ohio State.

Good question, and I lean more toward Meyer, although I go back and forth on Saban. The "failed in the NFL" falacy has been completely disproven by Pete Carroll, and if Saban wins his 3rd national championship in a row, then really what else does he have to prove. If he did come to the Jets, then maybe if we still needed a QB that he could draft his won QB AJ McCarron.


Meyer to me just seems like the type to maybe give the NFL a try. He's one that I could see trying it and if doesnt work, return to college ala Spurrier.


David Shaw of Stanford was an interesting suggestion also. The fact that Idzik came from a franchise that put a college coach in charge and it worked out wonderfully makes me think that he may look that way again. We shall see.

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the giant log jam for that last playoff spot got me thinking. With a loss by other teams here and there and lets say a string of lucky wins with a strong defense shouldering a lackluster offense prone to self destruction, we happen to be the recipients of that last spot. Could that actually end up hurting us by making us believe the team is better than they actually are? 


It would only hurt us in the sense that we would drop down the draft order.


As far as believing they are better than they really are, I'm not too worried. This team will be much better next season than it is now. With Sanchez and Holmes cut, the Jets will have an enormous amount of room under the salary cap and they'll get their pick of free agents. The only decent/good players we're set to lose are Austin Howard and Willie Colon, both of which could be brought back for less than the money Holmes alone would make if he was still around.

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Good question, and I lean more toward Meyer, although I go back and forth on Saban. The "failed in the NFL" falacy has been completely disproven by Pete Carroll, and if Saban wins his 3rd national championship in a row, then really what else does he have to prove. If he did come to the Jets, then maybe if we still needed a QB that he could draft his won QB AJ McCarron.

Meyer to me just seems like the type to maybe give the NFL a try. He's one that I could see trying it and if doesnt work, return to college ala Spurrier.

David Shaw of Stanford was an interesting suggestion also. The fact that Idzik came from a franchise that put a college coach in charge and it worked out wonderfully makes me think that he may look that way again. We shall see.

Saban is going to get $6 mil per from Texas if he wants it. Meyer gets a $4 mil base from Ohio State. You're not getting either of those guys.

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Saban is going to get $6 mil per from Texas if he wants it. Meyer gets a $4 mil base from Ohio State. You're not getting either of those guys.

So knowing that our owner is "scrooge" Johnson and would never pay a REAL coach like Saban or Meyer, then I should start scouring the names of some D-III coaches, or FBC division coaches who would fit right into Woodys pay scale. Great, I will check to see my local high school coach would like the Jets job where he may BARELY get a raise.

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So knowing that our owner is "scrooge" Johnson and would never pay a REAL coach like Saban or Meyer, then I should start scouring the names of some D-III coaches, or FBC division coaches who would fit right into Woodys pay scale. Great, I will check to see my local high school coach would like the Jets job where he may BARELY get a raise.


If he goes the NFL assistant route, those guys go for $2-$3 mil per.

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Jets won't  make playoffs with this line and corners and safeties, if we do there is something

wrong with the NFL and I'll stop watching because the level of play, lets get serious, our

secondary is horror show and I can't watch this team, Cro regularly gives up huge plays but

only with the game on the line, Milner needs a few more games, and our best defenders our

usually on the bench, our offensive line looks like a sears discount version that doesn't hold

up well against any top performers, the only good thing is that we need seven or eight players

this off season to come in and start and make a huge difference, so I think we are better off

not going to the playoffs, and setting up for a better draft.

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The draft will take care of itself. The idea has to be winning football games. Which is why this slavish devotion to watching Geno Smith take a torch to that is beyond disgusting. This franchise has swum through 40+ years,of sheet and learned nothing from the experience except the exact wrong lessons.We're worried about the tender ego of the baby QB? We refuse to throw the ball out of fear? We won;t yank him because....I have no freaking idea. And 5 years with this dinosaur buffoon as the HC he has learned less than nothing.

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Haven't read but the original premise of this thread is one of the most absurd things I've heard on a message board.

Tell that to INDY fans who absolutely loved being 1-15 for ONE YEAR, and then drafting the second most prepared QB coming out of college, oh yeah, 2nd to their previous #1 drafted QB. They suffered ONE year, we have suffered 45 years. Hmmmm.

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Tell that to INDY fans who absolutely loved being 1-15 for ONE YEAR, and then drafting the second most prepared QB coming out of college, oh yeah, 2nd to their previous #1 drafted QB. They suffered ONE year, we have suffered 45 years. Hmmmm.

Andrew luck isn't going back into the draft. And its going to take him about 4 years to get as many playoff wins as Sanchez had in his first.

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I believe his point is "How many 6'0 Drew Brees" QB's have played in this league? Very, very few.  


Height seems to have more to do with it than you'd like to give credit for. Then again, you gave it no credit at all lol. 


I like Aaron Murray, though alot more before tearing his ACL. As 6' QBs go he is very interesting. 

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Over the past 20 or so years Breeze, Rodgers, Steve Young, all won championships and are

under 6 3" - might be forgetting someone, and I think the Seahawks might win with Wilson,

Breeze is under 6'0 so that was a surprise to see him get a championship, his arm strength

isn't great, and he got the last 3 weeks of the season off to rest, joe montana is also under

6'3', at 6 2 1/2, before breeze there was a 20 year or so stretch where the championship

winning qb was 6 -4 or taller, but the trend ended with Breeze.

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Tell that to INDY fans who absolutely loved being 1-15 for ONE YEAR, and then drafting the second most prepared QB coming out of college, oh yeah, 2nd to their previous #1 drafted QB. They suffered ONE year, we have suffered 45 years. Hmmmm.



 It is sad when you see other organizations pick the right guys.   The 49ers had Montana then Young,  even Garcia had a couple good seasons, and then they stunk for awhile until the last few seasons. And now they have Kapernick who has showed promise.     The Packers had Favre and now Rodgers.   The Pats had Bledsoe(while he wasn't great or a HOFer, he still did enough to take a team to a super bowl and was good enough that teams wanted him to start) and then Brady.     The Colts had Manning and now Luck.     hell the Seahawks had Hassleback for years who put up decent numbers for that team and made a super bowl run and now Wilson.   Eagles had Mcnabb for years, Cunningham a long time ago,  and now it looks like Nick Foles is the real deal.   Hell they had Vick for a minute.     The Falcons had Vick and now Ryan.    The Chargers had Brees and then Rivers.  


 Not all of these QBs are HOFers or even close, but somehow a lot of teams have starting QBs.   QBs who can win a 34-31 game.   The Jets see to have picked crap QBs for years.   Or they get unlucky and wind up with a smart QB who can't throw or ever stay healthy.    In all honesty over the past 20 years or so, only Vinny was any good and he wasn't exactly young.  And he got injured.     


 You look at the Browns and how horrible they are at picking QBs.  Same with the Jags.   Same with the Bucs.   And so on.  The Jets aren't as bad as the Browns, but they aren't far off when it comes to making good decisions on QBs.    

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So knowing that our owner is "scrooge" Johnson and would never pay a REAL coach like Saban or Meyer, then I should start scouring the names of some D-III coaches, or FBC division coaches who would fit right into Woodys pay scale. Great, I will check to see my local high school coach would like the Jets job where he may BARELY get a raise.



My son's last youth football coach is available. Guy is excellent. Plus his wife cuts the little post game orange wedges like no other. 

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To answer the question..  Maybe.  Kinda depends on how we make the playoffs.  If we got on some crazy miracle run and all of a suddwn got great QB play, great lineplay and stopped the pass?  Why not?  But if we only sneak in because all the other teams looking in sucked worse then us then no.  Seems pretty reasonable we wil bedrafting a QB and every spot closer we are is going to help.  Yet in my heart love to see the Jets make a run at it but I also realize it's probably not for the long term good of the team.   


Personally I think we end up with the QB from Alabama because he will probably be available when we pick.

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 It is sad when you see other organizations pick the right guys.   The 49ers had Montana then Young,  even Garcia had a couple good seasons, and then they stunk for awhile until the last few seasons. And now they have Kapernick who has showed promise.     The Packers had Favre and now Rodgers.   The Pats had Bledsoe(while he wasn't great or a HOFer, he still did enough to take a team to a super bowl and was good enough that teams wanted him to start) and then Brady.     The Colts had Manning and now Luck.     hell the Seahawks had Hassleback for years who put up decent numbers for that team and made a super bowl run and now Wilson.   Eagles had Mcnabb for years, Cunningham a long time ago,  and now it looks like Nick Foles is the real deal.   Hell they had Vick for a minute.     The Falcons had Vick and now Ryan.    The Chargers had Brees and then Rivers.  


 Not all of these QBs are HOFers or even close, but somehow a lot of teams have starting QBs.   QBs who can win a 34-31 game.   The Jets see to have picked crap QBs for years.   Or they get unlucky and wind up with a smart QB who can't throw or ever stay healthy.    In all honesty over the past 20 years or so, only Vinny was any good and he wasn't exactly young.  And he got injured.     


 You look at the Browns and how horrible they are at picking QBs.  Same with the Jags.   Same with the Bucs.   And so on.  The Jets aren't as bad as the Browns, but they aren't far off when it comes to making good decisions on QBs.    

Great post. And really this tells it all, you have to have a QB, period in todays NFL. The JETS have either struck out or they have a coaching staff unable to develop one. In our case, I think a combination of both.


Solution: KEEP TRYING, on both accounts. Draft another one, dont give up because until we find one, we just cant get beyond mediocre. Its that simple. I think our current GM understands that and will keep trying. Lets hope so.

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To answer the question..  Maybe.  Kinda depends on how we make the playoffs.  If we got on some crazy miracle run and all of a suddwn got great QB play, great lineplay and stopped the pass?  Why not?  But if we only sneak in because all the other teams looking in sucked worse then us then no.  Seems pretty reasonable we wil bedrafting a QB and every spot closer we are is going to help.  Yet in my heart love to see the Jets make a run at it but I also realize it's probably not for the long term good of the team.   


Personally I think we end up with the QB from Alabama because he will probably be available when we pick.


First in regards to the other post. As far as I'm concerned, your sons youth coach is HIRED. And to this post, I would certainly NOT be dissappointed with AJ McCarron. Some have said he is a systems QB and maybe he is but wasnt GENO a systems QB at WV?  And the system they run at WV seems like it would prepare a QB less, than certainly the pro-style system they run at Alabama.


Not to hurt your feelings but if we could get McCarrons coach to join him with the Jets, then I think we have a dream scenario, but then your sons coach would have to be assistant. Sorry.

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Actually the JOKE is our current leadership. I would take Saban in a heartbeat but his asking price is way to high for our BILLIONAIRE owner.

wait how good did it go his first time around???  no thank you, the O is our problem no talent. he would stay for 3 years then run back to what ever school will pay him the best 

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wait how good did it go his first time around???  no thank you, the O is our problem no talent. he would stay for 3 years then run back to what ever school will pay him the best 

I dont totally disagree with you but it did not work too well for Carroll the first time around but now he is a god in Seattle. Iknow Saban's reputation, but I also know he is a great football mind, and with the right situation in the NFL, I think he would make an excellent coach. Is the Jet situation the right one for him? I dont know. I guess thats why Idzik gets paid the big bucks, to figure these things out.

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I believe his point is "How many 6'0 Drew Brees" QB's have played in this league? Very, very few.  


Height seems to have more to do with it than you'd like to give credit for. Then again, you gave it no credit at all lol. 

Just because very few good QBs have been under 6'0" doesn't mean that there's some correlation between height and the ability to play QB.

If a QB can make read and make good throws, I don't care if he's 4'11".

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First in regards to the other post. As far as I'm concerned, your sons youth coach is HIRED. And to this post, I would certainly NOT be dissappointed with AJ McCarron. Some have said he is a systems QB and maybe he is but wasnt GENO a systems QB at WV?  And the system they run at WV seems like it would prepare a QB less, than certainly the pro-style system they run at Alabama.


Not to hurt your feelings but if we could get McCarrons coach to join him with the Jets, then I think we have a dream scenario, but then your sons coach would have to be assistant. Sorry.



Funny nough the son we are talking about would love to have Sabin.  Might be uncomfortable because he is still Facebook friends with the ex head coach.

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Just because very few good QBs have been under 6'0" doesn't mean that there's some correlation between height and the ability to play QB.

If a QB can make read and make good throws, I don't care if he's 4'11".

Actually, that's pretty close to the definition of a correlation.

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Haha yeah right Playoffs are you kidding me. Im a longtime Jets fan and I just want this team to lose so that there's a change at head coach for next season because I have had enough of Fatso Rex Ryans false predictions & delusions. I don't care anymore that it would be 3 seasons consecutive without playoffs atleast it would promote change in this organization. Idzik needs a new head coach that knows both sides of the football on offense and defense. This team is not going anywhere near postseason any jet fan with common knowledge of the history of the jets and the past few weeks should know they are far away from playoffs. Fire Rex Ryan

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