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Jets Decline to Commit to Geno as Starter

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Do we really have that many 60+ year olds on here who remember watching Tarkenton in his prime? Because I've been seeing this comparison on the internet a lot and it's surprising considering the majority of people mentioning it weren't born for another 15-20 years after he stopped rushing for 300+ yards a season.  Not to mention the average offensive lineman was only 250 lbs in the 60s, so sure, Tarkenton's 190 lbs running around is a bit different than if someone his size were doing it today.

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Crappy play, pothead and distributor of peen pictures already?  I would not commit to Geno either.  Maybe we have a GM who will not entertain all the clowns, potheads and goofballs.  It would be a refreshing change.


Potheads? What are you, a PTA chariman from the 1960s?? Newsflash, if our GM were to cut everyone who smoked pot, we'd barely be able to fill a team...same goes for the majority of front offices and owners. 

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Do we really have that many 60+ year olds on here who remember watching Tarkenton in his prime? Because I've been seeing this comparison on the internet a lot and it's surprising considering the majority of people mentioning it weren't born for another 15-20 years after he stopped rushing for 300+ yards a season.  Not to mention the average offensive lineman was only 250 lbs in the 60s, so sure, Tarkenton's 190 lbs running around is a bit different than if someone his size were doing it today.

Do we really have that many insolent preppy kids who live off their parents here and think they know it all ? I reckon we do.   

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Potheads? What are you, a PTA chariman from the 1960s?? Newsflash, if our GM were to cut everyone who smoked pot, we'd barely be able to fill a team...same goes for the majority of front offices and owners. 


Perhaps.  Does not mean that any team has to invest starting NFL QB money in a player that cannot complete passes to the correct team and cannot deal with reality without the assistance of chemicals and ho's?  The guy is a rookie and is already flying babes in for road games?  Do the Jets room players 3 to a room, and are Geno's room mates Cromartie and Holmes?  Newsflash:  not if I were holding the purse strings.  Maybe Geno and Holmes can catch on with the Broncos after the Jets cut them.  Easier access to the cannabis demon there.

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Todd McShay of ESPN tonight stated Manziel has more upside that Geno Smith. I don't know anything about college football and perhaps Mr. McShay is a dumbass but that is his job. Only drawbacks were Manziel's size and possbily getting knocked around. Basically Russell Wilson with less maturity and more arm. The concerns about him not having a big arm and being a knucklehead are now no longer concerns. He will not be there when the Jets pick 18,; he may not get past the Texans at 1.

BroadgayJoe12's mother has more upside than Geno Sux Smith. 

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Potheads? What are you, a PTA chariman from the 1960s?? Newsflash, if our GM were to cut everyone who smoked pot, we'd barely be able to fill a team...same goes for the majority of front offices and owners. 

Oh, come on. There's a pot user then there's a pothead. You know the difference. He's a numbskull.


I like him as a QB, though. LOL.

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I left this video less impressed with Manziel than ever.


1.  Mike Evans just dominates his match-ups.  This game should be his highlight reel.

2.  Manziel throws off his back foot like every single time.

3.  The signature play with that huge scramble is an INT more often than it's not.  

4.  When he's not throwing off his back foot, he overthrows the ball.

5.  He is much better at backyard ball than he is standing in and being a QB.

6.  Throws two picks, including a pick six which was a bad decision

7.  The late game TDs in the redzone are the only time he looks like real QB.

8.  With that, his best work comes when they are down 3 and 2 scores late.  Prevent?


Must get Evans

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Manziel is the real deal. He reminds me of a cross breed of Tarkenton/Flutie.  He knows how to take a hit and how to avoid a hit.  He is a great leader and makes others around him better.  UNLIKE Geno SUX Smith who just makes everyone around him WORSE.  We went 8-8 and were very very lucky to do so.  5 of those 8 wins could have easily been losses.  We didn't blow anyone out or really dominate anyone.  Smith really didn't do much in those victories.  It was primarily defense that won those games. In fact, Smith damn near almost cost of most of wins.  He really didn't show any progress either.  The playbook had to be totally stripped to rudimentary plays since the scrub cant read a defense if his life depended on it.  In fact, he only started making some mild progress when he started running out of the pocket because Marty told him to use his legs since he doesn't know how to use his arm or brain.  And to top it off, when he does run, he totally exposes himself to being injured.  He is going to get rocked one day really badly.  Manziel, on the other hand, is a master of the scramble.  He will drive a defense batty an exhaust them.  NY was made for Manziel and Manziel was made for NY.   Trade our #1 #2 #4 and  draft this Aggie.  The draft is deep in WR's....we can draft a WR in round 3 and sign a WR free agent.

That would give us more than enough wr's to work with......Nelson, Kerley, a COUPLE free agent like Maclin AND Britt, & a draft pick wr in Round 3 like ROBINSON, BECKHAM, Richardson MONCRIEF.....

POST of the YEAR.


You my friend have it exactly right. The dude is a freak. What you said about the scrambling, using your feet is so right on. With some players like Flutie/Tarkenton and now Manziel, scrambling comes natural, they just do it, where other QB's sometimes scramble but its not "instinctive" like those guys, and not what they are really comfortable doing.


As I said in another post, I havent seen a QB who could throw on the run like Johnny Jet can in a long time. I agree completely with Trading Up like you said to get this kid. He will drive defensive Coordinators crazy who right now to gameplan for the Jets is to simply field 11 healthy bodies.


Chance of a lifetime for the JETS, dont blow it.


Cheers to you. Have a cold one on me.

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POST of the YEAR.


You my friend have it exactly right. The dude is a freak. What you said about the scrambling, using your feet is so right on. With some players like Flutie/Tarkenton and now Manziel, scrambling comes natural, they just do it, where other QB's sometimes scramble but its not "instinctive" like those guys, and not what they are really comfortable doing.


As I said in another post, I havent seen a QB who could throw on the run like Johnny Jet can in a long time. I agree completely with Trading Up like you said to get this kid. He will drive defensive Coordinators crazy who right now to gameplan for the Jets is to simply field 11 healthy bodies.


Chance of a lifetime for the JETS, dont blow it.


Cheers to you. Have a cold one on me.



That's all fine and good, but excitement doesn't = championship.  The only QB's that win Super Bowl titles are those that are either pure pocket passers, or guys who CAN run but choose to throw first and use their feet only when they have to.


People can say that Manziel will succeed despite his lack of size because of the success guys like Brees and Wilson have.  Well Brees and Wilson are smart and for the most part play in such a way as to avoid contact.  Manziel throws caution to the wind, and when he starts taking hits from NFL D-Linemen, durability issues will surface.

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Manziel is the real deal. He reminds me of a cross breed of Tarkenton/Flutie.  He knows how to take a hit and how to avoid a hit.  He is a great leader and makes others around him better.

How many Super Bowls did Tarkenton and Flutie win again?

UNLIKE Geno SUX Smith who just makes everyone around him WORSE.  We went 8-8 and were very very lucky to do so.  5 of those 8 wins could have easily been losses.  We didn't blow anyone out or really dominate anyone.  Smith really didn't do much in those victories.  It was primarily defense that won those games. In fact, Smith damn near almost cost of most of wins.  He really didn't show any progress either.  The playbook had to be totally stripped to rudimentary plays since the scrub cant read a defense if his life depended on it.  In fact, he only started making some mild progress when he started running out of the pocket because Marty told him to use his legs since he doesn't know how to use his arm or brain.  And to top it off, when he does run, he totally exposes himself to being injured.  He is going to get rocked one day really badly.  Manziel, on the other hand, is a master of the scramble.  He will drive a defense batty an exhaust them.  NY was made for Manziel and Manziel was made for NY.   Trade our #1 #2 #4 and  draft this Aggie.  The draft is deep in WR's....we can draft a WR in round 3 and sign a WR free agent.

That would give us more than enough wr's to work with......Nelson, Kerley, a COUPLE free agent like Maclin AND Britt, & a draft pick wr in Round 3 like ROBINSON, BECKHAM, Richardson MONCRIEF.....

I'm interested to see where Manziel winds up being drafted, and what kind of career he goes on to have. Opinions are all over the map with this kid. I don't see your dream coming true, though. Jets have too many needs, and Johnny Football just has too many questions.

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It is the preponderance of evidence.  When you suck on the field and are an irresponsible thug turd off it, time to move on.  IMO, of course.  Sign Schaub and draft the kid from Central Florida.  When you have more pending kids than completions, the handwriting is on the wall, no?

Look, if you were 22 and silly hot women were throwing themselves at you, you might do some very silly things. Many of us old farts are today pretty happy there wasn't an internet nor smart phones when we were 22. Back then you had to call the girl from  aland line to her land line and hope she was home(crazy?). People smoked everywhere. Many people drove drunk and did crazy amounts of drugs. And it didn't work out for everyone.


 Smith and Manziel  may be a dumbasses, but also they are probably not that different ftom most silly 22 year olds. I'm not seeing either Smith nor Manziel are bad evil guys, merely a little dumb about technology. Little hard to be 22 and have everyone not only looking at you but recording your actions. Showing your junk thoguh is really stupid, unless he was promised "a lock". Then?

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POST of the YEAR.


You my friend have it exactly right. The dude is a freak. What you said about the scrambling, using your feet is so right on. With some players like Flutie/Tarkenton and now Manziel, scrambling comes natural, they just do it, where other QB's sometimes scramble but its not "instinctive" like those guys, and not what they are really comfortable doing.


As I said in another post, I havent seen a QB who could throw on the run like Johnny Jet can in a long time. I agree completely with Trading Up like you said to get this kid. He will drive defensive Coordinators crazy who right now to gameplan for the Jets is to simply field 11 healthy bodies.


Chance of a lifetime for the JETS, dont blow it.


Cheers to you. Have a cold one on me.

The Tarkenton comparison is apt; as the play took forever as he scrambled around, they guy made broken plays. Problem is front 7 guys at that time were not as fast nor as in shape nor as big as they are today. Wilson is the more valid comparsion. Manziel may not be as smart as Wilson about the ball, but he may be more mobile and have a bigger arm.

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If you're going to give up a #1, #2, and #4 for Manziel, what would have given for Andrew Luck?


I am not a scout, although I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.


That said, I think he is going to be great.


IF Idzik's scouts think he is going to be great, a 1,2 and 4 is really nothing to give up to get a true franchise QB.


Luck's package would have started with RGIII's and add in probably another 1st and 2nd, but it was probably never even on the table anyway. A prospect like Luck is probably untradeable.

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The Tarkenton comparison is apt; as the play took forever as he scrambled around, they guy made broken plays. Problem is front 7 guys at that time were not as fast nor as in shape nor as big as they are today. Wilson is the more valid comparsion. Manziel may not be as smart as Wilson about the ball, but he may be more mobile and have a bigger arm.


Wilson also has a thicker frame than Manziel and his smarts are very important.  If you're going to be a short, mobile QB, you have to be a superb game manager and be able to avoid taking big hits.

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The Tarkenton comparison is apt; as the play took forever as he scrambled around, they guy made broken plays. Problem is front 7 guys at that time were not as fast nor as in shape nor as big as they are today. Wilson is the more valid comparsion. Manziel may not be as smart as Wilson about the ball, but he may be more mobile and have a bigger arm.

I agree 100%. Definitely a better scrambler, and their is no question about his arm strength. The only somewhat valid argument I have heard is durability when he inevitably gets blasted in the NFL. OK, I'll listen to that but when has Jay Cutler, Aaron Rodgers, EJ Manuel etc. played a full season? Sorry, they ALL get injured, and if thats his only concern, then dude is cant miss FRANCHISE guy.


I trade up in a heartbeat to get him.

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I agree 100%. Definitely a better scrambler, and their is no question about his arm strength. The only somewhat valid argument I have heard is durability when he inevitably gets blasted in the NFL. OK, I'll listen to that but when has Jay Cutler, Aaron Rodgers, EJ Manuel etc. played a full season? Sorry, they ALL get injured, and if thats his only concern, then dude is cant miss FRANCHISE guy.


I trade up in a heartbeat to get him.



We know you'd trade up in a heartbeat to get him.  Too bad you don't have any picks left after trading for Gordon. 

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The Texans have to top pick and are in Texas, and are dumping Schaub. Would bet a serious sum Maziel off last night's latest incredible game is not getting past them.


Manziel is a big question mark based upon character and possibly intensity. He comes from wealth and while he may want the exposure, and glamour of an NFL QB may not have the driving desire. He has shown character flaws and that brings up the question of stability. Additionally his great running ability could cause injury problems plus the fact that Bridgewater is generally considered the better prospect.



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I am not a scout, although I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.


That said, I think he is going to be great.


IF Idzik's scouts think he is going to be great, a 1,2 and 4 is really nothing to give up to get a true franchise QB.


Classic funny stuff!  Impecable timing. 

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Do we really have that many insolent preppy kids who live off their parents here and think they know it all ? I reckon we do.   


I posed my question because one of my biggest annoyances on sports boards is people perpetuating a thought that they heard and then it become taken as gospel within the next handful of months. This Tarkenton talk didn't become big until about a year ago during the bowl games and now it's all anyone can mention, which is interesting, because the majority of people making that comparison have never seen him play. I take it from your snarky, childish response that you have seen him play, fair enough. Kudos for you being a Jets' fan for that many years. However, doesn't it worry you that Fran did this 30+ years ago when players were almost quite literally half the size that they are now? Do you really see Johnny standing up to that style of play?

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So you're saying that you never posted as SowellTrain?

Never, I figured it was a joke I made about it being me during the draft cause I hated the Sanchez pick then that was brought up during one of your private Mod circle jerks. I don't mind it cause I can be way more irritating when you put that face on my posts. Unfortunately, I would never attend a Jets function sober so the draft is out

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I posed my question because one of my biggest annoyances on sports boards is people perpetuating a thought that they heard and then it become taken as gospel within the next handful of months. This Tarkenton talk didn't become big until about a year ago during the bowl games and now it's all anyone can mention, which is interesting, because the majority of people making that comparison have never seen him play. I take it from your snarky, childish response that you have seen him play, fair enough. Kudos for you being a Jets' fan for that many years. However, doesn't it worry you that Fran did this 30+ years ago when players were almost quite literally half the size that they are now? Do you really see Johnny standing up to that style of play?

Unfortunately (I'm old), I saw Sir Francis play also, and I was not a big fan of his, not because I disliked him or anything like that but I was just so in MAN LOVE with JoeWillie, and all my buddies were big Giant fans.


He was absolutely fun to watch thoug, as he would scramble around like a crazed  jack rabbit, and most famous for going completely from one side of the field to the other and then back again, and then heaving it about 50 yards (as that was his max, not much arm strength), but the dude never got injured.


Johnny Jet (I'm calling him that until he is drafted by someone else), is a faster, stronger, more ability to cut quicker that Fran, and obviously has a much better arm. Yes the players are faster, stronger now but its all relative as the QB's are also stronger and in better shape.


Fran, like some of the guys chasing him werent exactly the model of chiseled steroid induced crazies we have running around today, so I would say its all relative. Ijust think Johnny is special and would thrive in this atmosphere and dare I say under this head coach.

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