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Where is Spermy?


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Cool, this is the part where you show us all how smart you are by calling others dummies. Right on Cue. Even if you arent the smartest guy in the room, you are the smartest guy in the room. I LOVE you intigrity!!


I never claim to be the smartest guy here. The only people that harp on this seem to be the insecure people that are over-sensitive to things being over their heads.

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You going to be okay? You've gone well past the point of pathetic here... seems like you might need a shoulder to cry on, or a tampon, or something.

men don't cry on tampons we cry because of them
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oh, yeah, I know........ I am sure it was sport..... I read the draft threads, where you basically waxed Idzik for a month.


nice usage of the word "sport". 


it's always a battle between between sport, guy, ace, shooter, pal, bro.   I usually go "guy" or "ace" myself but I do appreciate a good sport reference.

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You know, that guy who is God's gift to football, the one who basically told us that the only problem with the Jets was Sanchez, and now that we are rid of his sucktitude that we would be football royalty?


The guy who basically told JetNation how smart he was, and told everyone how dumb they were if they did not agree with his greatness?


The one who told us how Idzik and Rex were the best, and were destined for greatness, but were being held back by Sanchez?


Where is he? Did he get a job working for an NFL team because of his superior football knowledge over the rest of us?


Did he take his puppy dog, Bleedin Green with him?


I didn't read this whole thread, just read the first post.  There are better ways to go about this.

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