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Jason Garrett available?


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If he is truly available I would grab Garrett in a heartbeat. 


The Cowboys have remade their team and is the only team to beat Seattle in Seattle in years. He's an offensive mind that totally remade themselves this year. He's aggressive and would be a great hire. 


We will find out if he's really available in the next few days. 

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With the season Dallas just had why would Jones let him go now?

He has no contract. He is a Free Agent and there is no Franchise tag for Coaches. 


On his end: One bad season in Dallas and you could be fired. A fresh start and a solid 4 year deal somewhere must be certainly appealing. 

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If he is truly available I would grab Garrett in a heartbeat. 


The Cowboys have remade their team and is the only team to beat Seattle in Seattle in years. He's an offensive mind that totally remade themselves this year. He's aggressive and would be a great hire. 


We will find out if he's really available in the next few days. 

In his 5th year his 1st winning record with a Pro Bowl QB,W/R and RB and has 1 playoff win..??? If he's that great why would he be available??

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If he is truly available I would grab Garrett in a heartbeat. 


The Cowboys have remade their team and is the only team to beat Seattle in Seattle in years. He's an offensive mind that totally remade themselves this year. He's aggressive and would be a great hire. 


We will find out if he's really available in the next few days. 


Holy BOMBFUKS you can't be serious. 

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Looks like thats about a 90 percent "Emphatic No" lol. Perhaps I am just wayy too obsessed with getting an offensive mind here. I guess its just a really bad year for offensive guys.

1. Jason Garrett is not an "offensive mind". He's meh.

2. You can't force things. Kubiak is the best offensive mind possibly available, but he still likely isn't the best future HC for us. Peter Peinciple may apply to him.

We're looking for CEO's. Guys we feel can handle the tasks of running an entire football operation. Garrett ain't that.

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