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The Jacksonville Dilemna @ #2


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Heh, I did notice the misspelling of "dilemma" but everyone hates the so-called "spelling police".



I think that is one of those unofficial alternative spellings.  It doesn't actually bother me the way rediculous does.  People type that as a joke so much that others think it is correct.

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I think that is one of those unofficial alternative spellings.  It doesn't actually bother me the way rediculous does.  People type that as a joke so much that others think it is correct.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The dilemna of spelling dilemma

My brain just broke. Apparently, there are millions of people across the English-speaking world who have been taught by school teachers and text books to spell dilemma with a silent N.

See the comments such as:

I grew up in Los Angeles, started kindergarten in 1962. I, too, was taught to spell it dilemna. My understanding was that the spelling was later changed. It’s hard to believe that we all were merely being taught to spell a word incorrectly. It had to have been in textbooks all over the country.


I know that I learned the MN spelling at some point in school, because I have always used the mnemonic (please don’t tell me I’ve been spelling THAT incorrectly, too) trick of pronouncing it silently as “dil-em-na” whenever I write it, so that I am (was) sure to remember the important silent-N.

And this was before the coming of the amazing misinformation delivery system known as Teh Interwebs.

Googlefight shows there is a small but significant minority who have been taught to insert a silent-N into dilemma: 346,000 hits compared to 32,300,000 hits.

Posted by Vlad the Impala

at 8/16/2007 03:18:00 pm

Labels: language

Anonymous said...

Oh mercy me! I was just typing a YouTube video description and I mentioned "The Neil Young Dilemna" and the stoo pedd spell check underlined DILEMNA.

So being the very modern fifty one year old college graduate and corporate businessman (person) that I am, I right clicked on the dopey underlined word only to find that the hideous spell check thingamabob thinks the word is properly spelled DILEMMA!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of that, I find out that those of us who learned it as dilem N A have been toting around all these heavy mental images in order to spell it correctly when the whole world thinks we're nutz.

That's it, I'm just going to go on merrily spelling everything anyway I want from now on. I'll protest.

Mon Oct 05, 10:23:00 am 2009

Anonymous said...

it was very embarrassing in class while teaching I wrote the spelling of the word dilemna and later on in the same chapter found it to be dilemma.It was very difficult to accept that all my life I had been taught the wrong spelling.

Fri Nov 13, 02:00:00 am 2009

Anonymous said...

I am 61 and just found out I am one of MANY people who write "dilemna" instead of "dilemma"......there is that crazy red spellcheck marker again...lol. I was very proud of my spelling in elementary school and competed in bees. This feels like a bad joke. I have googled dilemna and found that people from many different backgrounds were taught this spelling........most peculiar, Mama.

Sun Nov 29, 07:51:00 pm 2009

Anonymous said...

I am 63 and today just learned of the other spelling. I think it should be reported in the paper when the accepted spelling of word is changed. However, read the web and you see "dilemna"all over. We are not that small a minority.

Fri Jan 22, 05:16:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

You're not alone. I'm 47 and was taught dilemna. Went to school in Ireland, and have been reading that people all over the English speaking world were taught the mn spelling.

Thinking this must be a case of a spelling being Americanised, I looked up both the Oxford and Cambridge English Dictionaries (the British versions, not the American) and the spelling is given as dilemma, no alternative.

That said, as a school kid we all had standard dictionaries we were required to use, and I am positive dilemna was in it, because I still remember our teacher making us look it up, along with the spellings of other words that had a silent n.


Sun Jan 24, 11:01:00 pm 2010

Daniel said...

I don't think I'm going to have a dilemna over this. I have lived long enough to not care. If the spelling police decide to come after me I will just remember that its because they have nothing better to do. I will continue to buck the system, especially when there is no real reason for a rule, and no penalty which I find unbearable. Considering that the english language has exceptions to every spelling rule, as long as the word cant be easily confused with another, I don't see a problem.

Fri Jan 29, 02:14:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

OK - I too learned to spell this word as "dilemna". I Googled it today just to be sure, and was horrified to find that somewhere along the line, the spelling was changed. "Dilemma" just can't be right!

Sun Feb 21, 04:35:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I am 32 and learnt "dilemna" - both at UK school and from Irish parents. So we can narrow down the spelling change to some time after the mid-eighties ;-)

Mon Feb 22, 12:17:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I am 41 and was also taught dilemna in the NJ school system. I never questioned it even after reading Omnivore's Dilemma...until just five minutes ago when I decided to google it to see if I had spelled it correctly.

Thu Mar 11, 11:33:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I am a 54 year old solicitor and have just been red-lined for the spelling of dilemna. I too was taught that the correct spelling included the silent "n". I have decided that I will continue to spell it this way. We will change it back. Join the revolt!

Thu Apr 08, 06:46:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

You're all crazy! It is spelled with 2 M's and always has been.

I was grammar school and college educated and have never ever seen it spelled any other way than d i l e m m a

On checking the Oxford English Dictionary, it only contains one way of spelling it

Fri Apr 09, 07:38:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

Not very nice indeed! We are not all nuts... So many people from different countries, in various age categories did not share the same English teacher! I was taught Dilmna. My colleague, here at the Library, was taught the same spelling, and she is younger than me still. A patron old enough to be my mother was taught this as well. We do not share the same schooling, or cultural backgrounds. There has been a change in the accepted spelling somewhere along the line. I am going to take a guess at the 1980's. Regardless, if "double-double" in accepted in the dictionary now...why not!

Sat Apr 10, 05:03:00 am 2010

Scarlet Gypsy said...

I've been doing a google search for information about this, and came across your blog.

I'm 18 years old, and have been taught to spell it as dilemna all my life. When I sound it out to make sure I'm spelling it right, I always say dil-em-na. What's interesting is that I attended grade school in two different places - British Columbia and Ontario (Canada). It wasn't until I noticed firefox correcting it that I decided to double check.

I'm dumbfounded, as I've always been told by my teachers to spell it with an MN instead of MM. The double M just looks odd to me.

Sat Apr 10, 02:59:00 pm 2010

Rebecca said...

I'm 23 and have always spelled it dilemna, so if it changed in the 80s my teachers did not get the memo. I've always considered myself to be very good at spelling, so finding out about the dilemna dilemma is just odd.

Sat Apr 17, 11:21:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I'm 20, started school in Canada, then the US...wasn't till I came to France that I learned I was spelling it wrong...I, too, pronounce it di-lem-na in my head to 'remember' the spelling...so I think I must have learned it that way...I'm going to ask my brothers and my parents and see how they would spell it...

Fri Apr 23, 08:25:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

The reason it is widely accepted to use the double M intead of MN is because the masses are incapable of complex concepts like silent letters. Most of these letters are not silent, but are representative of subtle(soon to be suttle?) pronunciations that have fallen into disuse. Is it better to keep things simple? It is for the simple.

Fri Apr 30, 11:22:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

I am only 17 and from Australia and have always thought that it was 'dilemna'. It was only today that I googled it when the predictive text on my phone spelled it with a double m, not 'mn'. I find this very strange as my whole life I have been spelling it out in my head the wrong way. Evidently, the spelling has been changed relatively recently and therefore that is why there is this confusion.

Mon May 10, 09:00:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

I only today learned of the other spelling (dilemma). To me, it has and always will be dilemna.

Thu May 20, 12:14:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I am 34 and from Ireland - I was also taught to spell the word as DILEMNA and have been obsessive about getting right all my life. It was only recently that I got flagged by the dreaded spell checker on an email at work that I realised there was even an alternative. I am going to check an old 1960s Oxford dictionary that we have at home to see what way it was spelt in those days...

Wed Jun 02, 07:09:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

Curious argument. I don't remember specifically being taught dilemna, but I use the mnemonic di-lem-na to remember the spelling as well. However, I am also aware that the word dilemma (the correct spelling) comes from two lemmas (premises or assumptions). So, dilemna never would have made sense, unless at some point the spelling of lemma changed as well.

Mon Jun 21, 03:51:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

Firefox just checked my spelling of "dilemna" and I laughed at the suggestion it offered. Surely there couldn't be two M's. I assumed it must be one of those things were the americanized version is spelled differently, like in the words "favourite" or "modelling." Then google broke my brain trying to figure it out. I am a 26 year old Canadian, with a Master's degree from Oxford and I have never before seen the word spelled with two M's. My whole world is spinning right now. ;)

Sat Jul 03, 02:54:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

"Dilemma" comes from Greek, and first appeared in English as "dilemma" in 1523. The Greek word "lemma" means "proposition" and a "dilemma" is "two propositions." The spelling "dilemna" came from some error, somewhere.

Wed Jul 21, 01:30:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I am so surprised to know that this discussion is apparently worldwide, and now I am wondering which of my English teachers taught us to spell it with a silent n. Because like the other posters here, I always used the mnemonic device of splling it out as di-lem-na in my head to remember it right. Wow, I wonder if this is a worldwide experiment of some sort..

Sun Jul 25, 10:11:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

I too was taught dilemna, it was hammered into us as kids and I have always been proud of my spelling prowess. Indeed I am the person people come to for correct spellings.

Sat Aug 07, 10:06:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I do think if the speeling has been changed then it needs to be changed back, I am joining the revolt dilemna it is!

Sat Aug 21, 06:33:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

Just realised I spelt spelling as speeling in that last messge, how unfortunate

Sat Aug 21, 06:34:00 am 2010

Tony said...

I just found this article after looking up "dilemma or dilemna".

I grew up in rural North Carolina and was taught that the correct spelling of the word was 'dilemna'.

I only bothered to look it up tonight because Microsoft Word was telling me that it was incorrect.


Tue Aug 31, 12:50:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

I also learned it as 'dilemna', and there you go, like it or not. The argument that 'dilemma' must be correct because it is derived from 'lemma' sounds good until you remember that many english words exhibit far greater changes in spelling (from the word they were derived from), than 'dilemna' from 'lemma'. There are other words that have been changed as well, to suit the simpleminded no doubt... 'orthopaedic' being one of them.

Wed Sep 01, 01:43:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

I'm a 26 yr old native Californian, and for maybe a couple of years now have spelled it with 2 Ms, only because I'd been corrected as such; I swear I learned to spell it with the N but had given up on it. I'm willing to accept it's a double M, especially with some people even offering up proof, assuming they're not liars, of its roots and first appearances in the English language and so forth. I wish someone would just apologize for teaching it with an N and making us feel crazy or stupid!

Tue Sep 28, 11:50:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

Add another one in the 'dilemna' camp! I have no idea where I got the spelling from originally, but after calling my mother I confirmed she always thought it had a silent N as well.

My mother was born in the 1950's and emigrated from England to Australia when young, while I was raised in the late 80's-early 90's. My best friend, on the other hand, is the same age and backrgound as me and always spelled it "corectly". It's definitely a mystery.

Sat Oct 02, 08:18:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm only 19 but until today I knew the word was dilemna. I lived in New Zealand for 2 years but mostly have lived in the United States. Ha even as I write this there is a red line under the word. I guess there will be a "dilemma" in my mind every time I spell the word now.

Tue Oct 05, 03:34:00 pm 2010

Anonymous said...

Add me to the dilemna dilemma!

Fri Oct 15, 03:56:00 am 2010

beezdotcom said...

I'm only half-joking when I suggest that perhaps this is evidence of a barely perceptible collision of parallel universes. So MANY people (including myself) have such vivid memories of specifically using mnemonics to remember the 'n' - and yet I freely admit that I can find NO texts that purport to show that as even an ALTERNATIVE correct spelling at any time in history (which tends to invalidate the argument of some folks that it merely fell out of use due to laziness).

Parallel universes...we haz them.

Tue Nov 09, 05:48:00 am 2010

Anonymous said...

I am joining the revolt to change the spelling back to dilemna! I believe that the correct pronunciation used to include the "n" sound. People got lazy tongues somewhere along the line, and that's why it sounds like dilemma today. I'll also continue to pronounce February correctly- pronouncing it with the second "r". Our rallying call should be, "We will not succumb to a lazy tongue!"

Tue Dec 14, 04:55:00 pm 2010

misterbarryman said...

Are you kidding me. Dilemna, for those of you who have not busied yourselves reading the Apokrypha of Greek mythology, was the Goddess of indecision. She was in love with two Gods, Presbitos and Valikodos, and died chaste and heartbroken without ever making up her mind. To use the other ridiculous spelling would be a sacrilege and an eternal rebuke for the life she so seriously wasted.

Thu Dec 16, 04:30:00 pm 2010

Helen said...

I just wrote an email using 'dilemna' and it was red underlined. I did spell check only to read the 'dilemma' spelling. I was horrified! When in the world did the spelling change? And who has the authority to change a perfectly good spelling to an awful one that doesn't even look as sophisticated as the 'incorrect' one? I'm not happy with this. How many other words have been changed. I'm 60 years old, was always a good student and prided myself on my spelling and vocabulary. Oh woe is me!!

Fri Dec 17, 09:17:00 am 2010

Scarlet said...

MisterBarryMan, I sincerely hope that your post was completely sarcastic and I just missed it. It sounds like it is, considering you mention the "Apocrypha of Greek Mythology"... Since one of the meanings of Apocrypha is "of questionable authenticity".

In any case, joke or not, I find your post extremely offensive, and sacrilegious.

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You have to hope either the titans at 2 or Skins at 5 take Mariota because 1) it means either White or Cooper will probably fall to us at 6 and 2) we won't go through the agony of having to watch Mariota try to run a conventional offense in the windy meadowlands the next 3 years.

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#6, late rounder this year and next year's first (25th overall) for #2. Make. It. Happen. Tanny.

gtfo of here. I'm not sitting through another 3 year experiment on a QB who's no where ready to start, and will week 1 by virtue of his draft spot. We've done that song and dance now with our last 2 QBs. Take Grayson or someone later and develop them for a couple years. **** chasing the white buffalo when he clearly isn't there. 

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gtfo of here. I'm not sitting through another 3 year experiment on a QB who's no where ready to start, and will week 1 by virtue of his draft spot. We've done that song and dance now with our last 2 QBs. Take Grayson or someone later and develop them for a couple years. **** chasing the white buffalo when he clearly isn't there. 

All Mariota needs is to sit on the bench for 5 years and he'll be a franchise qb.  Guaranteed 100% lock.

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gtfo of here. I'm not sitting through another 3 year experiment on a QB who's no where ready to start, and will week 1 by virtue of his draft spot. We've done that song and dance now with our last 2 QBs. Take Grayson or someone later and develop them for a couple years. **** chasing the white buffalo when he clearly isn't there.

Yeah, get your franchise QB on the cheap that always works out.

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gtfo of here. I'm not sitting through another 3 year experiment on a QB who's no where ready to start, and will week 1 by virtue of his draft spot. We've done that song and dance now with our last 2 QBs. Take Grayson or someone later and develop them for a couple years. **** chasing the white buffalo when he clearly isn't there.

What a great idea!?!?! Everyone knows how well it worked out developing Kellen Clemens, McElroy, Foley, Boyd, Ainge, Bollinger, Jeff Blake, etc...

Franchise QBs are found in the 1st round. Period. The handful of exceptions are just fortunate flukes.

Trade up and take Marcus Mariota. If it doesn't work, try again in 4 years.

If you have any hope of seeing a Lombardi trophy in our lifetime, assuming you arent old enough to have seen the Jets first one, a franchise QB is the only way it happens.

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What a great idea!?!?! Everyone knows how well developing Kellen Clemens, McElroy, Foley, Boyd, Ainge, Bollinger, Jeff Blake, etc... all worked out so well.

Franchise QBs are found in the 1st round. Period. The handful of exceptions are just fortunate flukes.

Trade up and take Marcus Mariota. If it doesn't work, try again in 4 years.

Wake up Johnny.

Blain Gabbert, Christian Ponder, Jake Locker, Robert Griffin, Johnny Football, Weeden, Manuel, Tannehill. Sanchez, Freeman, tebow, J Russell, Quinn.


luck, Stafford, Newton Ryan. And Flacco

(Note 3 of those were #1 picks. What do the others have in common, not number one)

You don't have to be a mathlete to figure out that first round QBs are as risky as anything. They're over drafted, and under developed. And Marcus fcking Mariota couldn't be a better candidate to fit that profile if he tried.

Heeeeellll no.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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#6, late rounder this year and next year's first (25th overall) for #2. Make. It. Happen. Tanny.

Actually if that was all it cost I would be for it.  We have two 7th round picks so we would still have our 2nd, 3rd, 4th and a 7th rounder.  Not bad....

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The Jets just sent 5, count em 5 guys to work Mariota out.  If they are looking to trade up (not saying they are) that is because he must have really impressed them.  If the price is what was described it is a hell of a lot better than what the Redskins had to give up.  They really got fleeced to just move up 4 spots.  I don't see that happening to MacCags.

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The Jets just sent 5, count em 5 guys to work Mariota out.  If they are looking to trade up (not saying they are) that is because he must have really impressed them.  If the price is what was described it is a hell of a lot better than what the Redskins had to give up.  They really got fleeced to just move up 4 spots.  I don't see that happening to MacCags.


5 guys, wow... what do you expect, a cheerleading squad? If you're sending people to work somebody out like a first round QB, you're gonna send the imperial troops.


Look, they're doing their due diligence. Even if they think "Yea, we probably not going to go in that direction", you have to do your homework to be sure. If he's there at 6, and you didn't come to a very firm assessment, you're going to make stupid knee jerk decisions.


They're definitely gonna trade up for him. 

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Wake up Johnny.

Blain Gabbert, Christian Ponder, Jake Locker, Robert Griffin, Johnny Football, Weeden, Manuel, Tannehill. Sanchez, Freeman, tebow, J Russell, Quinn.


luck, Stafford, Newton Ryan. And Flacco

(Note 3 of those were #1 picks. What do the others have in common, not number one)

You don't have to be a mathlete to figure out that first round QBs are as risky as anything. They're over drafted, and under developed. And Marcus fcking Mariota couldn't be a better candidate to fit that profile if he tried.

Heeeeellll no.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Add Peyton (#1), Eli (#1), Ben, Rodgers, Rivers... and Brees was like the first pick in the 2nd.

If you are going to try to make a point, picking and choosing which facts to use is really pathetic.

And yes, QBs are risky...but no more risky than any other position. But a much, much higher payoff if you hit.

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Add Peyton (#1), Eli (#1), Ben, Rodgers, Rivers... and Brees was like the first pick in the 2nd.

If you are going to try to make a point, picking and choosing which facts to use is really pathetic.

And yes, QBs are risky...but no more risky than any other position. But a much, much higher payoff if you hit.


What are you, challenged?  If it wasn't painfully obvious, My list of all the QBs taken over the last 7 years - not 50. What are you dropping Manning bombs for? You know exactly the point I'm making and it's a damn good one. 

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Titans would be idiots if they take Mariota. TEN has nobody to keep Mariota on the bench. The best scenario for Mariota is to sit on a bench behind a solid vet for 3 years. Even then I don't think he'll ever be that great. The kid is a typical 2nd/3rd round grade that happens to be in a horrid class this year. Mariota isn't better just because his competition sucks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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You have to hope either the titans at 2 or Skins at 5 take Mariota because 1) it means either White or Cooper will probably fall to us at 6 and 2) we won't go through the agony of having to watch Mariota try to run a conventional offense in the windy meadowlands the next 3 years.

Just curious, how would you describe Mariota's arm strength? Average? Above average? Can he make all the NFL throws?

Just asking cause I haven't watched much of him, so wondering if he would have issues throwing in a windy climate/stadium?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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Titans would be idiots if they take Mariota. TEN has nobody to keep Mariota on the bench. The best scenario for Mariota is to sit on a bench behind a solid vet for 3 years. Even then I don't think he'll ever be that great. The kid is a typical 2nd/3rd round grade that happens to be in a horrid class this year. Mariota isn't better just because his competition sucks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mettenberger is Tennessee's starter.  He got hurt after taking over last season.  That's his problem..  injuries.  They still don't know if mettenberger is the guy for the future, but for the time being, he is theior guy.  Draft Mariota to sit behind Mettenberger.  If Mettenberger pans out, then you have the ablity to trade one of them.  If not, You have Mariota to take over in 2016.

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That’s not the sort of franchise-destroying swap that would be required for a team like Philadelphia to move up and grab the second pick. The flip side is that the Jets don’t really have to make that move to have a decent shot at grabbing Mariota. If the Titans feel like Mariota is a franchise quarterback, they’ll take him at no. 2. If they try to trade the pick to the Jets, Gang Green will know they don’t have to worry about Tennessee coming between them and Mariota. The Jets can safely assume the Jaguars and Raiders would pass on Mariota, which would leave Washington or a team trading up as their only concern. In lieu of sending a 2016 first-rounder to the Titans to move up to no. 2, the Jets might prefer waiting and sending a fourth-rounder to McCloughan to move up from no. 6 to no. 5 if Mariota’s on the board.

Nice novel there. A lot of good points made, but you lost it when you suggest Washington will take a fourth rounder to move down one spot. They will get MUCH BETTER offers from Cleveland, St. Louis and perhaps Philadelphia for Mariota. It is not simply the pick, but the PLAYER you have to evaluate when making a move and the Jets would be better off trading with Oakland or Jacksonville if Mariota is the guy they want. Otherwise employ patience and he may land right in their laps. 

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Mettenberger is Tennessee's starter.  He got hurt after taking over last season.  That's his problem..  injuries.  They still don't know if mettenberger is the guy for the future, but for the time being, he is theior guy.  Draft Mariota to sit behind Mettenberger.  If Mettenberger pans out, then you have the ablity to trade one of them.  If not, You have Mariota to take over in 2016.

I like this rumor the Titans had offered a 1st pick to the Rams for Bradford but instead the Rams did the Trade with the Eagles to get Foles and picks.. However the Eagles are going to trade Bradford and picks to Tennessee for the 2nd pick to take Mariota.. Round 1 on the 30th should be crazy..

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Nice novel there. A lot of good points made, but you lost it when you suggest Washington will take a fourth rounder to move down one spot. They will get MUCH BETTER offers from Cleveland, St. Louis and perhaps Philadelphia for Mariota. It is not simply the pick, but the PLAYER you have to evaluate when making a move and the Jets would be better off trading with Oakland or Jacksonville if Mariota is the guy they want. Otherwise employ patience and he may land right in their laps. 


Nice novel there. A lot of good points made, but you lost it when you suggest Washington will take a fourth rounder to move down one spot. They will get MUCH BETTER offers from Cleveland, St. Louis and perhaps Philadelphia for Mariota. It is not simply the pick, but the PLAYER you have to evaluate when making a move and the Jets would be better off trading with Oakland or Jacksonville if Mariota is the guy they want. Otherwise employ patience and he may land right in their laps. 

Yeah you may be right, however, would Washington prefer a 3rd to move down 1 spot and pick 1 of the following top 5 players(Cooper, Beasley or White) or pick @10 or 12 get a 2nd round pick from those two teams but maybe miss out on the top tier talent? Tough call.

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