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Did we get rid of the chant?

Lot K Tailgaters

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8 minutes ago, Flushing Roots said:

1). Team sucks - no one wants to chant when we're down 30-0 at half time.

2). We don't have a stand alone leader to do the chant.  The two guys at opposite ends of the stadium just confuse matters.

These two challenges are not mutually exclusive either.

If we were competitive and had one colorful, vein popping guy to lead it again, it could catch on. 

the old stand alone chant leader didn't show up to games late in bad seasons so the same things happened when we had Ed.

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19 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

SAR I with all due respect and no offense to any season ticket holder but the fans have not spoken and thats the problem they sit silent many there to pass time. Ever since Fireman Ed retired the ill fated attempt to keep the chant going has been piss poor. The stadium would rather pulverize our ear drums with rap music/rock music or play advertisements than get the crowd involved with the game. 

The stadium is dead the atmosphere isn't the same as it once was regardless of your opinion the fans arent the same. Fans sit and stare into cell phones instead of standing and cheering on 3rd down. They pay little or no attention and show  more emotion when the t-shirt shooters come out. 

The chant needs to return Fireman Ed needs to return if you want an opera type atmosphere go there we need the 12th man back we need something to cheer about. 

The new guy isn't the answer we need the Jets to initiate the chant on the big screens. 

Im going to contact the Jets and lobby they bring back the chant others should too. 

Again, your perception of MetLife based on this Sunday's exhibition game against the Bills is not a barometer worth mentioning.

Last season when we turned things around and were on a 5 game winning streak the stadium was electric, place was going nuts, it was fantastic.  But you weren't there.  I even offered you my seats and you turned them down.

The fans are the same, in fact it's the most diehard fans of all that put up with waiting lists and then PSL relocation and PSL fees, it's offensive for you to go down this path time and time again and it needs to stop.  It didn't take great wealth to get seats either, as little as $7 a game with no price increases since 2008.

You have the best of the old Giants Stadium crowd sitting there in MetLife.  Same fans.  And, if anything, with the invention of Stubhub you have an even greater opportunity for older fans (fixed income) and younger fans (college budgets) to flood the stadium and they do.  Again, these are the same fans you are seemingly so fond of from the Giants Stadium era.

Cellphones are a fact of life.  Limited attention spans impact every team in every city, it's no different anywhere else, it's not like Steelers fans don't use cellphones and P atriot fans aren't on Snapchat.  It is also a fact of life that young fans in their teens and 20's don't look at NFL players as role models or warriors, they look at them as peers with big bank accounts, they don't relate the same way we did as kids.  The NFL has a problem here, not the Jets.

The chant never impacted a football game, ever.  The chant was a celebration after a touchdown, it didn't intimidate anyone, it didn't bring the fans closer together.  77,000 Jets fans spelling "Jets" is no different than 77,000 Jets fans shouting "yeah!".  What's going on here is you have an agenda to be anti-Woody, anti-MetLife, and anti-PSL and whining about a chant you can't hear on TV is a really weak argument.



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8 minutes ago, nyjunc said:

I may get bashed by some folks but whenever the team sucks the chant goes away at least that is how it happened in the olden days(pre Metlife).  I would expect it to be back for opening day next year but late in bad years it disappears.

100% spot on.

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23 minutes ago, Flushing Roots said:

1). Team sucks - no one wants to chant when we're down 30-0 at half time.

2). We don't have a stand alone leader to do the chant.  The two guys at opposite ends of the stadium just confuse matters.

These two challenges are not mutually exclusive either.

If we were competitive and had one colorful, vein popping guy to lead it again, it could catch on. 

The Jets were very competitive and one of the elite AFC teams in MetLife Stadium in 2010 and 2011 and the chant was all but done then too.  The fans didn't want to do it anymore.  The fad was ending.

Fireman Ed knew this, he saw the writing on the wall those seasons, we talked about the chant dying in forums too.  And then he made his famous split with the organization on the night of our humiliating loss to New England in 2012 and, my opinion, that's what actually killed the chant for good.  Because the chant was synonymous with Ed and because he stormed off like that in a very public manner it soured a lot of fans towards him and the chant went along too.

As far as it catching on again, that will only happen if the Jets themselves decide it should.  They are very heavy handed with the PA situation, allowing time for a chant means 30 seconds of dead air that they can't sell to Toyo Tires or Tostito's.  It sounds unholy, but if you really want the chant back the Jets need to find a corporate sponsor and put it up on the big screens.


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16 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Given how much B.S. loud yammering comes from the PA in a modern NFL Stadium, one might think the Jets themselves would foster/lead the JETS chant.

In other stadiums with chants (of a sort) they PA system of major loudness +2 leads the various chants.  

It figures the Jets cannot even get this small thing right.

Fans are sheep, and they'll chant if led, frankly.  Th team would just need to program in the chant to it's littany of existing yapping.

We are on the same page here.  If the Jets got a chant sponsor and created the Mavis Discount Tire Jets Chant and put it up on the 4 screens after every TD and before every ensuing kickoff the chant would return to its former self.


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7 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

SAR I im not going to debate this issue with you any further,you are 1 fan 1 opinion you own 4 PSL's 4 seats there are 82,496 other fans in the building. 

Bring back the chant, many agree.

No, I'm not one fan with one opinion.  Myself, along with several others in this thread, are loyal season ticket holders and have attended over 50 actual games in MetLife Stadium and know what's going on and it's no stretch of the imagination to say that as a whole the stadium doesn't care very much about the chant.  82,496 people vote with their voices and they aren't chanting.  They are high-fiving.  They are texting their friends excitedly.  They are posting Snaps of the celebration.  They are on Instagram showing the excitement in the crowd.  They are on Facebook Live with realtime highlights.  They are celebrating; it's just a different type of celebration and one you can't relate to.

Again, I must ask, as someone who attends 1 game every 2 years why this matters so much to you since you aren't there to participate and it's never played on TV or the radio.


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For the record, I abhor our "and that is a Jets.....first down!".  It's awful.
Part of the reason the chant died is because the PA announcer at MetLife Stadium is under orders to fill every second of downtime with commercials, song votes, helmet races, PC Richards whistles, Jets calendar ads, garbage can tosses, death metal music, you name it.  The constant bombardment to our senses is actually tiresome, it really drains the energy from the crowd when the only time you can have a quick conversation with the guy next to you is during the game because the TV timeouts are such an assault on the ears.  And then you have the incessant crowd begging.  You've got the scoreboard asking us to make noise, player videos asking us to get up, you have announcers asking us to applaud soldiers and police officers, we are constantly being asked to do things and having some bozo with a license plate around his neck ask us to do a spelling bee, well, we don't want to.

You left out the dances of the flight crew, the annoying tee shirt firing weaponry and the new and improved manually wound up siren.
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8 minutes ago, SAR I said:

No, I'm not one fan with one opinion.  Myself, along with several others in this thead, are loyal season ticket holders and have attended over 50 actual games in MetLife Stadium and know what's going on and it's no stretch of the imagination to say that as a whole the stadium doesn't care very much about the chant.  82,496 people vote with their voices and they aren't chanting.  They are high-fiving.  They are texting their friends excitedly.  They are posting Snaps of the celebration.  They are on Instagram showing the excitement in the crowd.  They are on Facebook Live with realtime highlights.  They are celebrating; it's just a different type of celebration and one you can't relate to.

Again, I must ask, as someone who attends 1 game every 2 years why this matters so much to you since you aren't there to participate and it's never played on TV or the radio.


The fact that I attend 1 or all the games  a year isn't the issue here, your opinion is just that your opinion. 

i have attended way more NY Jets games in my life than you ever have home and away this doesn't matter its not a pissing match. 

You chose the PSL market I didn't and if I did I would be at every game I wouldnt sell out and only attend when convenient, you want to continue your ill fated attempt at mocking me I can continue also. 

Fans are boring you are boring and it shows with the way most not all the fans aren't part of the game and action on the field unless they stand a chance for a free .99 cent t-shirt. 

I can pick and choose when I want to attend you cant you are committed yet you fail on committing. 

The chant should return and if you don't like it dont participate its that easy but telling us the chant is dead because people are more mature, more educated and more sane is a crock of bullsh*t. 

The chant was one of the best in the NFL. 

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Just now, SAR I said:

.....it's never played on TV or the radio.


Just a small correction, the chant is often heard on the TV Broadcast.  And honestly, I get a little excited, even at home, when I hear it.

I have no embarassmenet being an out-of-towner fan who is a chant fanboi.  I wish I could be there every Sunday to take part or damn well lead the chant if I could.

But we don;t all have the means (or desire) to live in New York just for football.  Keep that in mind.

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25 minutes ago, JetFanWithNOPSL2017 said:

You left out the dances of the flight crew, the annoying tee shirt firing weaponry and the new and improved manually wound up siren.

I hate all of it.  I long for the good ol' days of quiet TV timeouts where you had a few minutes to talk to the person next to you and relax your voice and your muscles before the cheering started again.

The Jets exhaust us during TV timeouts, the only time we get a little quiet is during gameplay.  It's a big problem, been talking about it for years.


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23 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Just a small correction, the chant is often heard on the TV Broadcast.  And honestly, I get a little excited, even at home, when I hear it.

I have no embarassmenet being an out-of-towner fan who is a chant fanboi.  I wish I could be there every Sunday to take part or damn well lead the chant if I could.

But we don;t all have the means (or desire) to live in New York just for football.  Keep that in mind.

As a fan who lived in New Hampshire for 14 years I know full well the challenge of long distance fans, I'd never direct any criticism at those living elsewhere.

It's the fans (or in this instance, particular fan) who live in the NY area, complain about the fans in the stands, and then don't show up who need to check their rationale and priorities.  I'm a big Yankee fans, I don't attend games, you don't see me in Yankee forums ripping Yankee season ticket holders for being too quiet or no-showing on occasion.  That would be hypocritical.


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5 minutes ago, SAR I said:

I hate all of it.  I long for the good ol' days of quiet TV timeouts where you had a few minutes to talk to the person next to you and relax your voice and your muscles before the cheering started again.

The Jets exhaust us during TV timeouts, the only time we get a little quiet is during gameplay.  It's a big problem, been talking about it for years.


Quiet time at a football game? 


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11 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

Quiet time at a football game? 


Here's what used to happen at Giants Stadium:

Actual Gameplay = Stadium PA quiet, fans making noise.
TV Timeouts = Stadium PA quiet, fans talk to each other, only one 30 second commercial or helmet race in 5 minutes.

Here's what currently happens at MetLife Stadium:

Actual Gameplay = Stadium PA scripts the action, "third down!" "Jet up!" "Make noise"
TV Timeouts = Stadium PA non-stop blaring noises, commercials, metal music, sponsored events for 5 solid minutes.

Fans in the stadium are bombarded with noise during every change of down and every TV timeout.  The only time we can actually turn to the person sitting 12" away from our mouths and be heard is when we are actually playing on the field.  It's a dynamic that further takes fans focus away from the game, you ask me its far worse than cellphones.  The Jets are actually encouraging conversation at the wrong time.  And by the 4th quarter, after 3 hours of non-stop sensory overload to the eyes and ears, fans are exhausted, being asked to make noise for the defense for the 100th time after no scores to cheer for on offense, it's a really bad scene.


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The Helmet flags guy and the guy in the green body suit with the license plate try, but some corporate A hole keeps playing music, even when they are on the video boards.  It is really annoying having to listen to crappy music and IMO is destrying the game day experience.  Those two never get the changes to properly execute the chant.  

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having been a season ticket holder for decades starting going as kid in the early shea days-I would say the chant was something most fans liked and so did the players. I think many of the fans started to resent fireman Ed when he started getting perks out of it and I think (my opinion) he acted like he was the face of the franchise for the fans and it got the best of him.

having said that, I think it  is worse now with the garbage they are trying to use as a replacement-the clown keep telling us it is third down and a first down is beyond annoying as are the cheap t shirt launching guys




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1 minute ago, kmnj said:

having been a season ticket holder for decades starting going as kid in the early shea days-I would say the chant was something most fans liked and so did the players. I think many of the fans started to resent fireman Ed when he started getting perks out of it and I think (my opinion) he acted like he was the face of the franchise for the fans and it got the best of him.

having said that, I think it  is worse now with the garbage they are trying to use as a replacement-the clown keep telling us it is third down and a first down is beyond annoying as are the cheap t shirt launching guys




Exactly the Jets seem to be a bush league organization based on all of the above. 

God Forbid they give out t-shirts instead they launch them so grown ass men can fight like barbarians for them. 

I miss the old days and the J-E-T-S chant 


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3 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

Exactly the Jets seem to be a bush league organization based on all of the above. 

God Forbid they give out t-shirts instead they launch them so grown ass men can fight like barbarians for them. 

I miss the old days and the J-E-T-S chant 


the t shirt thing is an embarrassment -the nets used to do that back in the day and the knicks do it too

also for the love of god I am at the game I dont need to be told what down it is or that they got a first down

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1 hour ago, joewilly12 said:

Quiet time at a football game? 


I actually agree with SAR on this one. There's information overload at the games now, where they try to bombard you with entertainment at every stoppage of play. Its way over the top.

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4 minutes ago, 56mehl56 said:

I actually agree with SAR on this one. There's information overload at the games now, where they try to bombard you with entertainment at every stoppage of play. Its way over the top.

I agree with the nonsense its overload of advertisements, music and that PA announcer Joe Nolan screaming his lungs out, the J-E-T-S chant was part of the game. 

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The fact that SAR himself has countered his own argument here, and that he completely overlooked it, is Hilarious. 


The smarter, younger fans didn't kill it, the Jets did, because they took such a beating on PSLs, they have to fill every second if PA and screen time with Ads to generate more revenue for Woody. Meanwhile, the PSLs, which ran out your long time fans....Cops, Firemen, Tradesmen, etc who would rather see one game a year for the same price it used to cost for STs for a year, and have priorities other than the Jets (kids college, retirement, vacation etc)...have been replaced by corporate milquetoasts and millennials as expounded upon earlier.


So no. None of it was organic, it had nothing to do it Ed Anzalone (SAR, show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.....), and it had nothing to do with smarter fans "really watching the game". We moved to a new stadium completely unsuited to the NFL Football FAN experience, a giant AC unit with gastropubs. 



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1 hour ago, SAR I said:

Here's what used to happen at Giants Stadium:

Actual Gameplay = Stadium PA quiet, fans making noise.
TV Timeouts = Stadium PA quiet, fans talk to each other, only one 30 second commercial or helmet race in 5 minutes.

Here's what currently happens at MetLife Stadium:

Actual Gameplay = Stadium PA scripts the action, "third down!" "Jet up!" "Make noise"
TV Timeouts = Stadium PA non-stop blaring noises, commercials, metal music, sponsored events for 5 solid minutes.

Fans in the stadium are bombarded with noise during every change of down and every TV timeout.  The only time we can actually turn to the person sitting 12" away from our mouths and be heard is when we are actually playing on the field.  It's a dynamic that further takes fans focus away from the game, you ask me its far worse than cellphones.  The Jets are actually encouraging conversation at the wrong time.  And by the 4th quarter, after 3 hours of non-stop sensory overload to the eyes and ears, fans are exhausted, being asked to make noise for the defense for the 100th time after no scores to cheer for on offense, it's a really bad scene.


The Jets send out those questionnaires to STHs about the game day experience all the time.

I'm with you that I'd like a little more quiet when play stops but what the Jets are doing must be a result of their research.

We have to conclude that most fans like all the noise.

If this is true it says a lot about the demographics of current STHs.

It must be a much younger crowd than you or me.

I don't know many 50+ fans that like an ear job during every time out.

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14 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

The fact that SAR himself has countered his own argument here, and that he completely overlooked it, is Hilarious. 


The smarter, younger fans didn't kill it, the Jets did, because they took such a beating on PSLs, they have to fill every second if PA and screen time with Ads to generate more revenue for Woody. Meanwhile, the PSLs, which ran out your long time fans....Cops, Firemen, Tradesmen, etc who would rather see one game a year for the same price it used to cost for STs for a year, and have priorities other than the Jets (kids college, retirement, vacation etc)...have been replaced by corporate milquetoasts and millennials as expounded upon earlier.


So no. None of it was organic, it had nothing to do it Ed Anzalone (SAR, show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.....), and it had nothing to do with smarter fans "really watching the game". We moved to a new stadium completely unsuited to the NFL Football FAN experience, a giant AC unit with gastropubs. 



Agree great post! 

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Does anyone know that "333rrrrrrdddd ddddoooowwwwwnnnn......and 1!" guy?  Does he post here?  I need to know his backstory.  Is he someone with a radio voice who saw an ad and went for it?  Did the Jets post a position for this?  Or did he proactively propose and sell this service?

Or is it more than that - was he inspired to great achievements as a youth when some maniac made a loud elongated call describing something obvious?  Like he was up at the plate with 2 outs in the ninth, 1 guy on and down by 1 run, and someone in the stands shouted "iiiitttttt iiisssss bboootttttoommmmm offff the 9thhhhhhhhhhhh.....with 2 down!"  And then he hit dramatic walk off home run?

If it is something like what I just described, then, and only then, does this make sense.

Thank you for listening.

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15 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

The fact that SAR himself has countered his own argument here, and that he completely overlooked it, is Hilarious. 

The smarter, younger fans didn't kill it, the Jets did, because they took such a beating on PSLs, they have to fill every second if PA and screen time with Ads to generate more revenue for Woody. Meanwhile, the PSLs, which ran out your long time fans....Cops, Firemen, Tradesmen, etc who would rather see one game a year for the same price it used to cost for STs for a year, and have priorities other than the Jets (kids college, retirement, vacation etc)...have been replaced by corporate milquetoasts and millennials as expounded upon earlier.

Be advised that I got scolded yesterday for name calling and labeling people.


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2 minutes ago, Cornfed said:

Does anyone know that "333rrrrrrdddd ddddoooowwwwwnnnn......and 1!" guy?  Does he post here?  I need to know his backstory.  Is he someone with a radio voice who saw an ad and went for it?  Did the Jets post a position for this?

Or is it more than that - was he inspired to great achievements as a youth when some maniac made a loud elongated call describing something obvious?  Like he was up at the plate with 2 outs in the ninth, 1 guy on and down by 1 run, and someone in the stands shouted "iiiitttttt iiisssss bboootttttoommmmm offff the 9thhhhhhhhhhhh.....with 2 down!"  And then he hit dramatic walk off home run?

If it is something like what I just described, then, and only then, does this make sense.

Thank you for listening.

Joe Nolan used to do the traffic report on channel 7 he also screams and yells at Rutgers games as the PA guy. 

Image result for joe nolan

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Just now, joewilly12 said:

Joe Nolan used to do the traffic report on channel 7 he also screams and yells at Rutgers games. 

Image result for joe nolan

Ah.  Thank you.  It seems I've lost touch with yet another part of pop culture.  I haven't seen Eye Witness News or been at an RU game in at least 10 years.  I thought it was only Justin Bieber and Drake and the like who I don't understand.  Adding Joe Nolan to my list.

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18 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

The fact that SAR himself has countered his own argument here, and that he completely overlooked it, is Hilarious. 

The smarter, younger fans didn't kill it, the Jets did, because they took such a beating on PSLs, they have to fill every second if PA and screen time with Ads to generate more revenue for Woody. Meanwhile, the PSLs, which ran out your long time fans....Cops, Firemen, Tradesmen, etc who would rather see one game a year for the same price it used to cost for STs for a year, and have priorities other than the Jets (kids college, retirement, vacation etc)...have been replaced by corporate milquetoasts and millennials as expounded upon earlier.

So no. None of it was organic, it had nothing to do it Ed Anzalone (SAR, show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.....), and it had nothing to do with smarter fans "really watching the game". We moved to a new stadium completely unsuited to the NFL Football FAN experience, a giant AC unit with gastropubs. 

Sentimental hogwash.

As people got older and left the stadium and were replaced by newer and younger people, the chant started to lose momentum.  This went back to 2007 in Giants Stadium and became very evident in 2010, 2011, and 2012 when the team was competing for playoff berths, had a likeable head coach, and the place was full of rabid Jets fans.  It was fading.

When Ed had his rage quit and spoke out against the franchise at the very moment we needed him the most it was the straw that broke the camel's back.  You think 'chant' you think 'Fireman Ed'.

So, in fact, if you want to disregard the "slow organic death" theory and want to drop your "corporate milquetoast" mythology, you are left with this sobering irony:  Twas Fireman Ed who killed the chant.  Your hero takes the blame.



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18 minutes ago, Flushing Roots said:

The Jets send out those questionnaires to STHs about the game day experience all the time.

I'm with you that I'd like a little more quiet when play stops but what the Jets are doing must be a result of their research.

We have to conclude that most fans like all the noise.

If this is true it says a lot about the demographics of current STHs.

It must be a much younger crowd than you or me.

I don't know many 50+ fans that like an ear job during every time out.

While the Jets certainly want to pay attention to their paying customers, fact is that the noise during all the TV timeouts and between every blessed play is a big money maker, it's not negotiable.  Every interruption is sponsored.  Toyo Tires, Waste Management, Tostito's, PC Richards, Canon.  The fact that I can rattle off these sponsors unfortunately proves the point of their effectiveness.

And this Joe Nolan guy is a disaster.  And the Jets are trying to make a celebrity out of him, it's just awful.  We make fun of him up in the mezzanine, so annoying.

As for the t-shirt cannons, my kids love it, it's the only thing they'll put their phones down for.  It's not for adults, it's for the little ones.  All the other NY sports teams do it too, it's not a bush league Jets thing by any stretch.


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2 minutes ago, SAR I said:

Sentimental hogwash.

As people got older and left the stadium and were replaced by newer and younger people, the chant started to lose momentum.  This went back to 2007 in Giants Stadium and became very evident in 2010, 2011, and 2012 when the team was competing for playoff berths, had a likeable head coach, and the place was full of rabid Jets fans.  It was fading.

When Ed had his rage quit and spoke out against the franchise at the very moment we needed him the most it was the straw that broke the camel's back.  You think 'chant' you think 'Fireman Ed'.

So, in fact, if you want to disregard the "slow organic death" theory and want to drop your "corporate milquetoast" mythology, you are left with this sobering irony:  Twas Fireman Ed who killed the chant.  Your hero takes the blame.




The fair weather fans in the seats and the increase in opposing teams fans along with the Jets organization killed the chant. 

Fireman Ed was harassed by idiotic fans over the teams performance. 

Ed is a good guy dedicated fireman who put his life on the line he didnt deserve the backlash because the team stunk. 

SAR I you act as if you are 75 years old do you also drink a boost and take Geritol before going to the game, you go there to cheer on your team not have quiet time. 


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2 minutes ago, SAR I said:

As for the t-shirt cannons, my kids love it, it's the only thing they'll put their phones down for.  It's not for adults, it's for the little ones.  All the other NY sports teams do it too, it's not a bush league Jets thing by any stretch.

So you're kids are on their phones all game too. 

Its bush league grown men wrestling for a dime store t-shirt,please. 

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